Bond audio commentaries

Is there a website or blog available that has all the commentaries in audio from the Bond films?
I have the DVD Special Edition set and Bond 50, but neither will play well on my PC.
One because the first is in PAL and I live in the states, and second #BOND50 is blu ray which won't play on my PC.

So near, and yet... so far.


  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
    A lot of them are on already on YouTube I think. Either that or think about upgrading to a Blu-ray player.
  • I have a blu ray player. I like to make cd's of the audio commentaries, so I can play and listen whilst driving.Just my thing. Will check out youtube after your suggestion.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
    macdrummer wrote: »
    I have a blu ray player. I like to make cd's of the audio commentaries, so I can play and listen whilst driving.Just my thing. Will check out youtube after your suggestion.

    Apologies but I actually misread your post initially and thought you meant the Making of documentaries. I know that they are on YouTube but I'm not sure about the audio commentaries. That is a good idea of yours though.
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