0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
edited December 2011 in General Discussion Posts: 28,694
I have been meaning to start this thread for a while now but I wanted to do another playthrough of U3 with the new aiming setting(so much better). I have my review of it below:

I went into U3 feeling uppity. My palms were getting sweaty, my hands shook, and my heart thumped clear out of my chest as I watched Drake and Sully walk the London streets. The opening bar fight was a great start to the game and the new melee mechanics were impressive to my eyes. The got intense as I flew through a glass window and fought a brute in a bathroom. Now I know I'm not the only one who though of Casino Royale's opening when playing that part, right guys?? As Nate and Sully fight their way out of the bar we are shocked when Cutter shoots the two after Marlowe and Talbot corner them in the alley. I was left gasping as we cut to a flashback to Nate's early life and how his partnership with Sully began. I absolutely loved this part of the game. It was a real treat to see both Nate and Sully young again but yet still who they are in the present time to us gamers. The chapters encompasing the flashback can be tedious with all the slow trailing and sneaking but the small arc made up for it with what it gave us in backstory. The shake of hands and the "I think we have a great future ahead of us" gave me goosebumbs. We then find Nate and Sully to have rused Marlowe and that Cutter is an ally. From that point Nate, Sully, Cutter, Chloe, and of course, Elena set off to uncover the truth behind exactly why Francis Drake never reported his findings of his desert voyage to Elizabeth. We get some thrills in the game, and the scale of the action is larger than in U2. You escape a burning chateau, survive a vicious shipyard fight, escape a capsized cruise ship, chase Talbot fiercely in Yemen, fight in and fall out of a plane, survive in a hot desert, chase down caravans on horseback, and fight your way out of Iram as it crumbles behind you. Moments like these make your heart race and make me happy to be a gamer. The experiences I had playing this game were amazing. All the subtle touches like Nate brushing his hands on things he passed in the environment, shuffling over drops in the locations, and so much more. The level of interaction in this game has been amped up as well. I have a dry taste in my mouth for the game reviewer Eurogamer. They gave U3 an 8/10 just because of the moments where the game "takes control" away from the player. I think this is a crock. Yes, there are several moments where the game takes control of Nate away, but it is only due to show us a great cinematic moment. We then get the control back and have to find a way to overcome the newest hazard in Nate's path. And lets look at all the moments where you have full control of Nate in ways you've never seen: Shuffling through crevices, pouncing on enemies from high points, running from rushing waters, directing Elena which way to drive in the path of an airplane, directing your fall out of a burning plane, and much, much more. so Eurogamer, I think you are at fault. Your argument may be valid but you didn't look at the amazing moments that control was in the player's hands, and we, WE had control of Nate's fate. So, now lets look at the overall good, bad, and things that were improved upon and need improving.


*Great character development with Nate and Sully
*Amazing action and thrills at every turn. This game was full of set pieces in situations that have never been playable in a video game before and they are held by me in the highest esteem.
*Interesting relationship between Nate and Elena. We never truly know what happened.
*The new aiming setting is brilliant, responsive, and smooth.
*A soundtrack to marvel at. ND's best soundtrack yet by far. Don't believe me? Listen to "Arachnophobia", "Sink or Swim", "The Empty Quarter", "The Caravan", "Boarding Party", "Drake's Return", "Shootout", and my personal favorite, "Something Better", a moving piece that makes me get goosebumbs every time I listen to it. Well done to all involved.
*Amazing mocap acting and voice acting.
*Great connection to the characters: When I scream as a character is in danger I know that I have connected to a game and its characters. Uncharted does this the best, and I care for Nate, Sully, and Elena like they are my family.
* Character progression: It is interesting to see each character change little by little in the stories from Drake's Fortune to Deception. We are right there with Nate, Sully, and Elena, at the edge of our seat and get to fight with them. What a feeling!
*New gun additions like the Raffica and FAL SS make things interesting. And firing that silenced pistol while wearing a suit sure made me fell like James Bond!!!
*Puzzles that actually require thought and time that are also extremely creative and solidly executed.
*Brilliant environments: Whether you are on a rocking ship tilting on rugged waters or fighting off the heat in the desert U3 delivers a hell of an experience. The levels that ND created for this game blow my mind and should act as blueprints for other developers. They created great set pieces involving a realistically burning chateau, rocking waters, and sand that reacted to your movements. Subtle touches like Nate getting sand in his hair when you roll or his shirt and pants get wet when you move through water mesmerize me like a kid in a toy store.
*Moving ending accompanied with "Something Better", one of the most beautiful tracks I've ever heard in any medium.

I hate to do it U3, but here it goes:

*The aiming in the campaign before the new setting was garbage. It was sluggish, unresponsive, and slow. If your pressed R1 to fire the gun would shoot seconds later instead of at the moment you pressed the button. This applies equally to aiming. When you moved the reticle around to shoot the movement of the reticle was delayed greatly, once again, same as firing the gun.

*Lets admit it: The story just didn't cut it. The moments of backstory were solid but some moments were so uninspired. Like for instance the moment when you are captured in Yemen by Marlowe, Talbot, and Ramses. You find out that Nathan Drake isn't Nate's real name and that his mother killed herself. We are caught off guard, and as I picked my jaw up off the floor I waited for more backstory on that in the later story. But, nothing. Absolutely nothing is spoken of it. I sat wondering. If Nate isn't a descended from Sir Francis then why did he care so much for his voyages and ring? Why did Nate have such a bad upbringing and where is his father at? Why did Nate choose to be a treasure hunter? All these questions and more pound in my head and I only hope that they are answered in U4 or in further games.
*Bad climax: The end boss fight with Talbot is great, better than the Lazarevic battle at the climax of U2, which was its low point. The issue is the climax in U2 and 3 are exactly the same. Nate goes, risking his life, to stop the villain. The villain is defeated and the city crumbles as Nate and company escape. There were so many more possibilities to end the game but it ended up being a rehash of U2. YAWN.

*Characters that didn't need to be there: Pretty self explanatory really. Lets start with Salim. I feel like he was only here to connect to him for saving Nate's life and getting him to Sully. I see the argument behind it, but Salim could've just been a nameless character. There was no need for any development there. Next comes Ramses. He was an interesting and funny guy, sure, but I don't think he meshed well in the story. He was only there to set up the capture of Nate and the entire shipyard/boat set pieces. In retrospect he did have to have a name for those instances and he did offer some hilarious dialogue and interesting interaction with Nate. I guess it isn't really me feeling Ramses wasn't needed as much as it is that I wished he was there more to impress me. His appearance is a mere footnote on the game.

*Some unnecessarily difficult parts: There are certain moments in the game that just feel overwhelming. Parts where you are hammered at with guys fully armored and enemies with PAK-80s, M-32 Hammers, and Dragon snipers. These alone are pretty easy to beat, but when they all come at you at once in one small area it quickly gets old. Over time you get a solid strategy but not after you die over, and over, and over.

*Too many puzzles: Though the puzzles were great (as evidenced above), there were just too many. The chapters up to 9 are filled with puzzles that are too frequent for my taste. Maybe I wanted more action or story, but I was glad to get to Yemen where we got longer breaks in between puzzles after we left the well. I must give ND credit for adding more puzzles in there though. They innovated that from U2.
*Nate and Elena: What is going on?! Okay, this aspect does bug me. I love Elena, that is easy to see. In my opinion even Lara Croft herself couldn't shine her shoes. But seriously, how on-and-off can Nate and Elena be? I remember first watching the trailer and seeing the two hug and getting immensely excited to see a ring on Elena's finger and both parties smiling. Then as I played the game I was disappointed. Elena is barely included and we, the players, have no idea what happened THIS time. As interesting as the relationship between Nate and Elena is I am getting tired of the whole on-again-off again aspect of the two. We are led on at the end of U2 that Nate finally found his love. Chloe was just a good time and Elena was a person he could depend on in times when he needed a helping hand. So he forgets Chloe and walks hand in hand with Elena, all seeming well. Theeeeeen we find out all isn't as it seems. Nate goes on another chase for the truth behind Sir Francis's time in the Rub al Kali and surrounding areas and Elena had had enough of his obsession. I think this aspect is very deep. ND write a brilliant story here. We see Elena take action after Nate cares only for HIS ring, meaning not his engagement ring, but Drake's ring around his neck, symbolizing his obsession for finding the truth behind the mysterious tales of lost cities and treasures that intrude upon his life. We can evidence this addiction Nate has. He never quits his fight for uncovering the truth and beating the baddies. He is like Andre Jackson, who really only felt alive when on the battlefield. Nate HAS to have a chaotic life. It is all he knows and all he has ever known. It is the only way he can function and Elena has to deal with the fact that if she wants him she gets that baggage in tow.

*Lack of screentime: Characters like Cutter, Chloe, Ramses, and Salim are simply given too little time in the game. Cutter bails understandably after a broken leg but Chloe simply complains about Nate's obsession and saying that enough is enough. This annoyed the hell out of me. Okay, lets get this straight: Chloe thinks it is time to bail out now, but last game in U2 she was all raring to go in the face of a war criminal, monsters, and endless forces of henchmen on a mission to stop a man hellbent on becoming immortal if he ate sap. But in U3 Chloe only acted as a driver, and tagged along at Syria amidst mere gunfire and small explosions and now it is all to much for her?! I have heard comments saying "Chloe changed as a person since U2, and that's why she bailed out. She realized the danger ahead of both the mission and of Nate's obsession". Yeah, I can see that, but the presentation on that was weak if that was the underlying cause of her departure. Even then, the last time we see Chloe is in the freaking bus leaving the Syrian castle. Not even her name is spoken. Now that grinds my gears. And you all know as evidenced from above how I feel about Ramses and Salim.

Bonus points, honorable mentions, and closing thoughts:

*Bonus points go to ND. They may have slightly slipped up and made a few crucial errors in this game but by God if they didn't present themselves well. They watch their forums like hawks and actually care about what fans think about their work. They will make changes for things that don't work in both the campaign and multiplayer, as evidenced from the last few patches both the campaign and multiplayer has had. Great example here: When the aiming in the campaign was criticized for sluggishness ND defended the system saying it was just like U2's but tweaked. They even explained the new setting piece by piece and exactly what was changed. That's all great, but the aiming still sucked and made the gunfights a chore. So, ND, being the great people they are didn't just say "okay, deal with it". No. They invited Uncharted fans to their studio to try a new aiming setting akin to U2's aiming. They have a patch released in under two weeks. That, my friends, deserves a round of applause. Kudos to you ND. You work long, work hard, and you put time in to fix issues in your games and listen to your fans. You truly are a rare company, a diamond in a canyon of fake gold. As long as you stay true to your formula you'll be getting my $60 for each video game you release.

*HONORABLE MENTIONS: Honorable mentions go to Nolan North, Emily Rose, Richard Mcgonagle, Claudia Black, and all the great voices added to this game. You all are truly the best of the best, and care about the game first, paycheck second. I look forward to more. Also honorable mention to all of ND for a brilliant job yet again. You have become my favorite gaming company in the land and you darn well deserve it. Buying your games feels like giving money to family.


If there was ever any wonder about how I feel about U3 overall, it is above. I will touch on the multiplayer later but for now the campaign is and always will be the focus as it is the true star. I must say, U3 rocked me. It moved me with its characters, action, and heart wrenching moments. Just watching Nate and Elena, both realizing they NEED each other is truly a marvel. I have rarely seen such moving dialogue in a video game. I LOVE this game, and U1 and 2. They are not just games to me, but art. I get to live the lives of these characters. I hurt when they hurt, I feel anger when they do, I love when they love. It is a truly powerful thing and an experience only Nate and company can give me so intensely. Though time goes on these memories playing this series will be with me forever and I rue the day when it all ends for the series. So, finally in closing. Is U3 better than U2? Maybe not. Is its stories or characters any less powerful? No. Just trying to compare U3 and U2 seems downright idiotic. Both are masterpieces that have innovated so much for the gaming world and I refuse to call one better that the other. That not only disgraces the games individually, but also ND. Thanks, but no thanks. To put it simply. Get yourself a PS3, get the Uncharted series, play them puppies in order, and hang on. Just like U2 before it, U3 is a true masterpiece and a piece of art. I don't just recommend it. I completely and open heartedly deem it a must. Don't look at the cost. I'd buy these games at $200 each. They have given me so much and truly make me happy to play video games. So spend that $60. The great memories you'll have with U3 are more than worth the cost.

Just writing this review over these hours is truly cathartic, and I feel so much better after letting out all my loves and frustrations. I know there is a fanbase at MI6 for Uncharted so I am glad to share my thoughts and learn yours. Feel free now if any brave members read my full review to share your own thoughts, opinions, goods, bads. Lets all join and love together one of the greatest games that has ever been made. Cheers! =D>


  • Forgive my ignorance, but what's this 'new aiming' you refer to? Is there a DLC I missed?
    Because I played through the game back when it was brand new and I kind of agreed about the aiming
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Forgive my ignorance, but what's this 'new aiming' you refer to? Is there a DLC I missed?
    Because I played through the game back when it was brand new and I kind of agreed about the aiming

    Yes, just a short bit ago ND let players come to their studio to test a new aiming setting. A new aiming system for the campaign was included in the 1.02 patch for U3. So, now in the campaign menu under 'Camera Options' you will see 'New Aiming Setting'. Turn that ON and do not alter the vertical or horizontal settings. The aiming is then more like U2 and is responsive to the touch and there is no delay in aiming or firing.

  • Posts: 612
    Man, I love this game.
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 12,837
    I haven't finished uncharted yet because I've been caught up in assasinsn creed revelations (awesome game, might start a thread about that), but I love this game. Sure the gunplay could be better but the new fighting mechanics were awesome (the pub fight was brutal), the dialouge was great (cutter was a cool new character), the backstory being shown was fun (although I don't like the look of young drake, and indiana jones kind of did it in the last crusade). The plane sequence was amazing, and the following bit in the desert was sick too (the only issue I have is that drake is dehydrated and can barely walk, he gets to this village, doesn't drink any water but is suddenly able to fight of an army of baddys??? what happened to him being weak and close to death???)

    One bit I love is when sully goes "I think we have a great future ahead of us", then it cuts too a shot of them lying on the pavement with bullet wounds. I know they weren't really hurt but it was just a funny moment.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I haven't finished uncharted yet because I've been caught up in assasinsn creed revelations (awesome game, might start a thread about that), but I love this game. Sure the gunplay could be better but the new fighting mechanics were awesome (the pub fight was brutal), the dialouge was great (cutter was a cool new character), the backstory being shown was fun (although I don't like the look of young drake, and indiana jones kind of did it in the last crusade). The plane sequence was amazing, and the following bit in the desert was sick too (the only issue I have is that drake is dehydrated and can barely walk, he gets to this village, doesn't drink any water but is suddenly able to fight of an army of baddys??? what happened to him being weak and close to death???)

    One bit I love is when sully goes "I think we have a great future ahead of us", then it cuts too a shot of them lying on the pavement with bullet wounds. I know they weren't really hurt but it was just a funny moment.

    I agree with the whole 'Drake is dying then is suddenly ready to fight off baddies'. One of the many plot holes filling the game my friend. ND worry too much about having fun set pieces than actually being realistic in their story. They dropped the ball compared to the masterpiece that is Uncharted 2.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,040
    Honestly, I was having to much fun playing the game to have picked up on any plotholes. :\"> I loved the game. The only thing I didn't like, was that the weapons shop had been taken out, which is making getting those 'Get X Kills With X Gun' trophies. As for the soundtrack, The Settlement was the track for me. Not the whole track, just the peice that begins when Nate crashes though the door, and the firefight begins.

    As for ranking the games, I can't do it. I love them all the same.
  • Artemis81Artemis81 In Christmas Land
    edited December 2011 Posts: 543
    I thought this game was pretty good. I felt the beginning was a bit slow (then again it could be that I haven't played video games in a while), but after that it picked up. I really enjoyed the shipyard and convoy levels - I like that the environment added another sense of difficulty to the game-play just like the train sequences in U2. Also liked the melee and that you can throw grenades back. I was still disappointed about the final boss battle just like in U2. It just seems too simple, but I guess I'm so used to the challenging boss battles from the God of War series.
    Elena is barely included and we, the players, have no idea what happened THIS time. As interesting as the relationship between Nate and Elena is I am getting tired of the whole on-again-off again aspect of the two. We are led on at the end of U2 that Nate finally found his love. Chloe was just a good time and Elena was a person he could depend on in times when he needed a helping hand. So he forgets Chloe and walks hand in hand with Elena, all seeming well. Theeeeeen we find out all isn't as it seems. Nate goes on another chase for the truth behind Sir Francis's time in the Rub al Kali and surrounding areas and Elena had had enough of his obsession.

    I had a hard time figuring out what had happened between these two. It was not really explained well.

  • I haven't finished uncharted yet because I've been caught up in assasinsn creed revelations (awesome game, might start a thread about that), but I love this game. Sure the gunplay could be better but the new fighting mechanics were awesome (the pub fight was brutal), the dialouge was great (cutter was a cool new character), the backstory being shown was fun (although I don't like the look of young drake, and indiana jones kind of did it in the last crusade). The plane sequence was amazing, and the following bit in the desert was sick too (the only issue I have is that drake is dehydrated and can barely walk, he gets to this village, doesn't drink any water but is suddenly able to fight of an army of baddys??? what happened to him being weak and close to death???)

    One bit I love is when sully goes "I think we have a great future ahead of us", then it cuts too a shot of them lying on the pavement with bullet wounds. I know they weren't really hurt but it was just a funny moment.

    I agree with the whole 'Drake is dying then is suddenly ready to fight off baddies'. One of the many plot holes filling the game my friend. ND worry too much about having fun set pieces than actually being realistic in their story. They dropped the ball compared to the masterpiece that is Uncharted 2.

    I actually think its a little bit better than uncharted 2, sure it has some plot holes, but its still a fun game filled with brilliant moments and death defying action. Uncharted 2 has a better story, but overall, I think uncharted 3 is the better game. Now lets wait and see if they can top it with uncharted 4
  • Artemis81 wrote:
    I thought this game was pretty good. I felt the beginning was a bit slow (then again it could be that I haven't played video games in a while), but after that it picked up. I really enjoyed the shipyard and convoy levels - I like that the environment added another sense of difficulty to the game-play just like the train sequences in U2. Also liked the melee and that you can throw grenades back. I was still disappointed about the final boss battle just like in U2. It just seems too simple, but I guess I'm so used to the challenging boss battles from the God of War series.
    Elena is barely included and we, the players, have no idea what happened THIS time. As interesting as the relationship between Nate and Elena is I am getting tired of the whole on-again-off again aspect of the two. We are led on at the end of U2 that Nate finally found his love. Chloe was just a good time and Elena was a person he could depend on in times when he needed a helping hand. So he forgets Chloe and walks hand in hand with Elena, all seeming well. Theeeeeen we find out all isn't as it seems. Nate goes on another chase for the truth behind Sir Francis's time in the Rub al Kali and surrounding areas and Elena had had enough of his obsession.

    I had a hard time figuring out what had happened between these two. It was not really explained well.

    Yeah, they didn't really tell us alot about what happened.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I don't think U3 beat out U2. There is no way. U2 did many things better and mind you, first, that U3 just did worse at or copy and pasted. U2 had the better story, better characters who actually had a meaning to be around. Even Tenzin was interesting and he was around 5X longer than stupid Salim. U2 had the great set pieces like the derailment, the caravan speeding after you, the building collapsing with YOU inside it, the chase from the helicopter, taking Jeff out of Nepal amidst tanks, the entire train sequence at the train yard ending with the derailment, the great siege battle with Tenzin and the following chase on trucks, and the brilliant sequences throughout Shambalah that were beautiful in architecture and set up. The puzzles were spanned out and not piled on and Zoran was a hell of a lot better than Marlowe and Talbot. The pair didn't even do anything! Marlowe somehow digs dirt up on Drake and Talbot drugs Cutter and Drake. Well wuppdy doo da. There was no sense of desperation for Nate in U3. No consequences for his obsession and nothing to make him regret his choices. In U2 we had Jeff fall, Flynn fall, Elena almost die many times, Schafer fell, and finally Lazarevich. The story had the better dialogue and the action made sense with the story and the characters in U2 were there because they were needed and not to set up some set piece. The only complaint about U2 is the end boss fight, the worst part of the game. Nate, after kill hundreds already, suddenly refuses to kill Lazarevich, even after the guy nearly killed everyone around him! I still don't understand that and Nate is still so quick to kill again in U3. Lazarevich is just a man like all the other hundreds he had killed. Nonetheless, I may be playing U2's story again just to get that feel back, that sense of care and drive that was missing in U3. A true masterpiece and my favorite video game of all time.
  • @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 I see where you're coming from, but I still feel like U3 is slightly better than U2 (but only very slightly), I just enjoyed U3 more, maybe U4 will be better than both. But my favourite game of all time is assasins creed revelations (like uncharted its very cinematic, and the amount of ways to kill people and the amount of things to do is amazing. And there is one really challenging bit where you are in an underground city forced to take on an entire army of enemies secretly. Im going on a rant now so I'll stop :) )
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    hello guys i would love to play uncharted3 online with fellow MI6 users, add me on playstation network my user name is peatolfc
  • wow would you believe I haven't TOUCHED multiplayer yet on that game? Not avoiding it, I just never got around to it. Anyway, here's me:
    sly dakar
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    i haven't been online in ages as well but i've just finished the uncharted fourth labyrinth
    book and ive got the uncharted bug all over again lol.
    thanks mate ill add you when im next online :-bd
  • Posts: 1,407
    I just finished Uncharted 3 last week and I had read reviews that it wasn't as good as Uncharted 2 and so forth, boy were they wrong! This is one of the finest video games i've ever played and it is just paced so perfectly and is so exciting that there's not a lot wrong with it. Fantastic stuff
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    bondbat007 wrote:
    I just finished Uncharted 3 last week and I had read reviews that it wasn't as good as Uncharted 2 and so forth, boy were they wrong! This is one of the finest video games i've ever played and it is just paced so perfectly and is so exciting that there's not a lot wrong with it. Fantastic stuff

    Agreed! listening to the soundtrack as we speak

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited February 2012 Posts: 28,694
    bondbat007 wrote:
    I just finished Uncharted 3 last week and I had read reviews that it wasn't as good as Uncharted 2 and so forth, boy were they wrong! This is one of the finest video games i've ever played and it is just paced so perfectly and is so exciting that there's not a lot wrong with it. Fantastic stuff

    I didn't like it better than U2. U2 was a masterpiece, while U3 was a small exhibit piece that was artistic and innovative and all, but did too much that the masterpiece did and the masterpiece did them better. Namely characterization and story. U3 left too much untouched and at the end of the copy and pasted ending from U2, I was left with disappointment. It is a fine game, but ND left rocks unturned and weren't as innovative in the story and sharing Nate's background. I loved the flashback though, and I hope if there is an U4 we get another. But U2 will always reign supreme.
    DCisared wrote:
    bondbat007 wrote:
    I just finished Uncharted 3 last week and I had read reviews that it wasn't as good as Uncharted 2 and so forth, boy were they wrong! This is one of the finest video games i've ever played and it is just paced so perfectly and is so exciting that there's not a lot wrong with it. Fantastic stuff

    Agreed! listening to the soundtrack as we speak


    The soundtrack is beautiful! Something Better is my favorite. An moving piece that fit the ending perfectly.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    something better is great! they all are! but it has to be bazaar brawl for me, a real feel good track :)>-
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    DCisared wrote:
    something better is great! they all are! but it has to be bazaar brawl for me, a real feel good track :)>-
    I've heard tons of players choose that too. They are all brilliant indeed, and got snubbed at gaming awards. One of the best video game tracks I've heard, and Batman Arkham City has an awesome OST too.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX https://www.behance.net/gallery/86760163/Fa-Posteres-de-007-No-Time-To-Die
    Posts: 2,635
    Unfortunately There's no Uncharted for PC, i would love to play it here.
  • Posts: 1,407
    Batman AC has an amazing soundtrack no doubt. But after I heard the Uncharted 3 one, I can't go back to anything else.

    This one is my favorite personally
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    DCisared wrote:
    something better is great! they all are! but it has to be bazaar brawl for me, a real feel good track :)>-
    I've heard tons of players choose that too. They are all brilliant indeed, and got snubbed at gaming awards. One of the best video game tracks I've heard, and Batman Arkham City has an awesome OST too.

    i haven't played the batman games but heard great things about them, i might have to invest in them in the near future.

    X3MSonicX wrote:
    Unfortunately There's no Uncharted for PC, i would love to play it here.

    get a ps3 mate, then u can play uncharted and also get bond on blu ray its a win/win situation


  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX https://www.behance.net/gallery/86760163/Fa-Posteres-de-007-No-Time-To-Die
    Posts: 2,635
    DCisared wrote:
    get a ps3 mate, then u can play uncharted and also get bond on blu ray its a win/win situation

    I really would get one if i had money enough :'( unfortunately on Brazil the things are so much expensive, a PS3 here stills around 1k - 1,5k dollars.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    do any of you guys have the special edition strategy guide? with it was a cd of special tracks that were only available with the guide and it has the Track " streets of Yemen" . It's the track that Plays over the foot chase with talbot, this is another epic track and probably my top moment in the game.
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    DCisared wrote:
    get a ps3 mate, then u
    can play uncharted and also get bond on blu ray its a win/win situation

    I really would get one if i had money enough :'( unfortunately on Brazil the things are so much expensive, a PS3 here stills around 1k - 1,5k dollars.

    Sorry to hear that mate but if it makes u feel any better I've just spilt Evian all over my laptop :( lol
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX https://www.behance.net/gallery/86760163/Fa-Posteres-de-007-No-Time-To-Die
    edited February 2012 Posts: 2,635
    DCisared wrote:
    Sorry to hear that mate but if it makes u feel any better I've just spilt Evian all over my laptop :( lol


    Nah, i'm costumed with these things already, when they launch PS4, PS3 will be around 600 dollars...
    Also, PS3 games here cost like 50, 100 dollars (100-200 Reals) and that makes it worst.

    But i still have my PS2 with All Bond games - but AUF, TWINE and TND - and that is awesome :)
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    DCisared wrote:
    Sorry to hear that mate but if it makes u feel any better I've just spilt Evian all over my laptop :( lol


    Nah, i'm costumed with these things already, when they launch PS4, PS3 will be around 600 dollars...
    Also, PS3 games here cost like 50, 100 dollars (100-200 Reals) and that makes it worst.

    But i still have my PS2 with All Bond games - but AUF, TWINE and TND - and that is awesome :)

    I can't believe that! The PS3 has been released for about 6 years now and yet it is higher in Brazil than in the United States launch price! Move out of there pal, that's all I have to say.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    That is awesome! AUF was my first game for PS2! I never got to complete it thou as I never had enough time in the day and I didn't have a memory card :( can u believe it lol.
  • X3MSonicX wrote:
    DCisared wrote:
    Sorry to hear that mate but if it makes u feel any better I've just spilt Evian all over my laptop :( lol


    Nah, i'm costumed with these things already, when they launch PS4, PS3 will be around 600 dollars...
    Also, PS3 games here cost like 50, 100 dollars (100-200 Reals) and that makes it worst.

    But i still have my PS2 with All Bond games - but AUF, TWINE and TND - and that is awesome :)

    I can't believe that! The PS3 has been released for about 6 years now and yet it is higher in Brazil than in the United States launch price! Move out of there pal, that's all I have to say.

    Its really that expensive???? wow, I feel bad for you
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Are you ready to give us your thoughts @Samuel001??
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