Bond standards vs. Regular standards

M16_CartM16_Cart Craig fanboy?
edited November 2021 in Bond Movies Posts: 541
When judging Bond films, it seems like there are 2 standards. Bond standards vs. the standards people would have for a film in general.

Bond standards may include the checklist (gadgets, lair, villain, henchman, bond girl, one-liners, etc). And also, what it does for the franchise. Does it bring it into a new direction? Does it breathe life into the franchise?

Goldeneye is a perfect example this From critics and audience scores on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, it's rated as a good film (i.e. 7-8/10). But by Bond fans, it's a 9/10 or 10/10. It was revolutionary for the franchise. But from the perspective of the movie industry overall, it's a decent action movie, but it mostly follows the formula of spy films and it doesn't do anything super high IQ or game-changing. The exact same points could be made for The Spy Who Loved Me.

Are there counter-examples of films which are better as films-in-general than as Bond films? (LTK and QOS come to mind maybe?)


  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Posts: 4,572
    Spider-Man (All time favorite, rewatched a lot..)
    Jumanji (All time favorite, rewatched a lot..)
    Mrs Doubtfire (All time favorite, rewatched a lot..)

    The World Is Not Enough
    Mission Impossible 2 (black sheape, all time favorite, rewatched a lot..)
    Harry Potter 2 (black sheape, all time favorite, rewatched a lot..)

    Die Another Day
    Mission Impossible 2 (whant to be...)
    Spy Game (whant to be...)
    Tomb Raider 2 (Cinematography, cold)
    TDK ''Rises'' (over hyped)

    No Time To Die
    Mission Impossible 2 (plot, want to be...)
    X-men First Class (other then English)

    TDK ''Rises'' (want to be... cold, slow movie, 24 subject, over hyped)
    The Departed (not confirmd, possible uncredit John Logan project)
    Taken 2 (Turkey)
    The international (Turkey)
    X-men First Class (other then English, subtil in hints)
    Harry Potter 5 (Ralph Fienes, job take over, subtil in hints)

    Sahara (P&W uncredit project)
    The Italian Job (P&W uncredit project)
    The international

    The end of the movie: The Dark Knight ''Rises'' (24 subject)
    North by North West
    The Mummy
    X-men First Class (other then English, subtil in hints)
  • I judge franchises like Bond, Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, etc completely different than I do normal films. I usually don't even include them in my favorite movie lists because it's so difficult for me to differentiate.
  • slide_99slide_99 USA
    Posts: 761
    The only one I'd say that works better as a regular movie than a Bond movie is Skyfall.
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