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I had never heard of that one, but looking at the synopsis on IMDb, I may consider watching it.
Glad that Im Westen nichts Neues received four Oscars, one of the best new films I’ve seen in many years.
I was thinking the same thing. Too often the actors especially come off as embarrassing narcissists, but I don't feel that was the case with this year's winners.
Fifteen years ago Brendan Fraser and Michelle Yeoh were starring in the mediocre THE MUMMY: TOMB OF THE DRAGON EMPEROR. Now they're this year's Best Actor and Actress. That's pretty wild.
Yep, everyone can grow as artists, as well as people. All in all, fair winners for all. I’m slightly sad that The Batman didn’t win anything, let alone be nominated for Best Cinematography and Music.
@j_w_pepper , it's a film I think every teacher ought to see.
However, I suppose that the Academy was afraid that awarding yet another Asian-heritage actor might be seen as caused by an overdose of political correctness, which would possibly lead to a devaluation of Yeoh's and Quan's Oscars in the eyes of parts of the public. Anyway, I don't have a problem with Jamie Lee being the winner.
JLC's win was probably more sentimental than fear of voting for too many Asians. I hated the film, but for me SH was the film's best performance.
And who doesn't love Ke Huy Quan from The Temple of Doom and The Goonies? That was the comeback story of the year.
1. One Bond girl presenting the Best Actress Oscar to another Bond girl
2. Ke Huy Quan sharing the stage with Harrison Ford during the Best Picture win (what a journey for Mr. Quan!)
Personally I thought it was phenomenal, both the film and the score. But to each his/her own of course :)
Nice latino vibe here.
Didn't know Ryan Gosling could sing. That would be my favourite this year.
Nice song.
I don't think this one has a chance to win.
Okay, this is Billie Eilish, and that Bond fan would like to see her win a second Oscar. But of the two songs nominated for Barbie, I still think the one with the better chances is Ryan Gosling's.
And now, on to the discussion. Keep it civil, folks !
Second movie i Whas looking forward the moost making mess of Bluray release and then later change title, Mi7. 3th movie: Transformers 7.
Best promotion of 2023 movie: Oppenheimer
2. Mario Movie
3. Barbie
Best at Dutch Boxoffice: Oppenheimer ($22,233,207)
2. Barbie ($21,733,606)
3. Mario Movie ($20,018,566)
Very close to last three Bond movies.
Biggest Suprise at Dutch Boxoffice: Wonka. So far $15,103,471
2. Killers of the Flower Moon ( $3,650,706). Shame this will possible not get Bluray (or dvd) release.
3. The Little Mermaid. It makes $6,004,439 (More then Fast X), but with negatief talking i expect it wil flop and even promotion was better then i have seen in years from Disney and that footage that i have seen looks very good.
4. Barbie. The trailers look bad.
5. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Not consider it as flop, but i expect more then the $2,313,449. Inspecialy after Bumble Bee bring back some people.
Worse choose in making Bluray: Universal with the Fabelmans. Not believing in movie because there not release movie by them selfs but Dutch studio with as result it be biggest movie flop at Dutch Boxoffice (under 550.000) and Bluray /DVD with no extra's (whyle we stil should be thankful that there be Bluray). Whyle it is Steven Spielberg and movie by him and about him.
2. Paramount: Mi7. No bonus disc and making difrent first disc removing isolated score whyle there are discs with Dutch subs. We can't blame boxoffice because movie did it better then Fallout. Should we blame Boxoffice numbers of Transformers 7 and Babylon. Or are there thinking we going to release 2 Disc or even better edition around release of Mi8. With title change we mabey should be thankfull afterwards and give them option to make release with more extra's.
3. Paramount: Babylon. No bonus disc.
Best movie news of 2023: Sony making a litle return in releasing movies on Bluray (Dvd, 4K) again after 2 years. Iam saying little, because the deal there making works only for some part of titles. There is stil a problems with titles where should use Vs, Uk, German or French discs for Dutch subs. This problem turn in simalar misleading as Disney die with some tv series or half misleading (what Disney did a lot too and Warner & Paramount sometimes doing too.).
I personally thought Killers of the Flower Moon deserves best adapted screenplay (I think it wasn’t even nominated which was a way of clearing the decks for Oppenheimer (one was clearly a better script than the other IMO)), it also has the better direction, and it was also the far superior best picture (IMO).
I love Emma Stone, but Lily Gladstone was marvellous. Everything about her performance was so subtle, but extremely powerful. She was a true gem in a film that boasted heavy hitters.
Downey Jr was by far the best thing in Oppenheimer and deserves the trophy for best supporting.
I will think it’s a robbery if KOTFM doesn’t win at least actress, costume (rich and gorgeous), production design (eye popping), I wish editing too, but that likely won’t happen…
I think it deserves best original score, best supporting actor (Downey Jr) and maybe best cinematography, but I would stop there. For the other categories it's rumored to win, I think Poor Things was the best film, KOTFM should win best direction and I think Bradley Cooper should win best actor for his performance in Maestro.
Wow ! Awesome 👏🏻! Didn’t see that one coming at all!
.... but did Godzilla actually show up to accept this trophy?! :))
All kidding aside, I'm over the moon about this win. So much so that I'm going to blast the Godzilla Theme in a few minutes!
WOW. That is somewhat of a surprise. I was sure that Gladstone would win. I don't recall Killers of the Flower Moon winning anything.
I was hoping Emma would win, not seen KOTFM.