Would you pay to see a movie trailer?

edited December 2011 in General Movies & TV Posts: 54
We often see comments on the Net about people who say they will see a trailer (recently Batman or the Hobbit) and leave before the film (Holmes, Tintin...) starts.

I have never actually seen anyone walk out after a trailer. Is this a real thing, or is it just something they claim on message boards?

And why would anyone do that anyway? I think it's a waste of money. The trailers will most likely be online a few days later.


  • I'd pay around £1 to see a trailer if it was a film I was looking forward to. But I wouldn't pay full price to see a film then walk out after the trailer, thats just stupid.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited December 2011 Posts: 15,732
    I have paid to see garbage like 'Da Vinci Code' to see the CR teaser, and 'Hancock' for the QOS teaser... I didn't walk out after these 2 Bond teasers but with hindsight I think I should have !! 8->
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,399
    i think it's just a thing to say... like "i can't wait to see this trailer, i would pay just to see that." ... kind of like the "i would giving anything for ... " line..

    i'm sure, there are people who have done this, but it's got to be less than 1% .... because if I want to see a film's trailer, i'll just go online - and it's usually up on the net before it's in theaters anyway - if not then they are released at the same exact time...

    i'm with you though - if people do do this, it's a waste of money... chances are they go back and ask for their money back..... which personally, i have never done - to each their own, but i've never asked for my money back, no matter how awful the film was... because the way i see it, it was my choice to see the movie - the only 2 films i ever came close to walking out on were Undercover Brother and Meet The Spartans.... I personally wanted to see Rambo - but the friend I went with convinced me to go see Meet The Spartans instead.... biggest waste of $8 i ever spent..... i distinctly remember not laughing once through that entire mess, and being livid afterwards...... but hey, in the end, it was my choice to see it.
  • Posts: 5,745
    I with DC. I'll go and see a movie I'm not drastically interested in to see a trailer. But Mission Impossible definitely delivered after the TDKR trailer.
  • Posts: 3,285
    Why would you even go to a theatre if the only purpose is to watch a certain trailer? Just use YouTube!
  • Posts: 1,856
    Only if it means the SF trailer.... NOW!!!!
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited December 2011 Posts: 15,732
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I with DC. I'll go and see a movie I'm not drastically interested in to see a trailer. But Mission Impossible definitely delivered after the TDKR trailer.

    Although if a Bond trailer was attached to Twilight or some rubbish like that, you can pay me 1 million dollars and I won't sit through such nonsense !!

  • Posts: 1,856
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I with DC. I'll go and see a movie I'm not drastically interested in to see a trailer. But Mission Impossible definitely delivered after the TDKR trailer.

    Although if a Bond trailer was attached to Twilight or some rubbish like that, you can pay me 1 million dollars and I won't sit through such nonsense !!

    Good Point, REALLY Good Point.

  • Posts: 12,553
    i use to be a manager in a cinema a number of years ago and believe it or not? i did witness this for myself!

    if i remember rightly it was for the Phantom Menace The first Star Wars prequel! I still to this day never really understand why people do it? Like someone already said? It would be online almost immediately days after! Bizarre?!!! lol
  • I'm sure a lot of people just fall asleep after the trailer...but then you're basically paying 10 bucks for a bed LOL
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I paid $7 to go see the Star Wars Episode I trailer and left before Wing Commander started, but who can really blame me?
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 54
    I paid $7 to go see the Star Wars Episode I trailer and left before Wing Commander started, but who can really blame me?
    Can't blame you. The trailer was better than the film (Episode I). Though in 1999, I didn't feel that way. :p
  • Posts: 4,622
    I have paid to see garbage like 'Da Vinci Code' to see the CR teaser, and 'Hancock' for the QOS teaser... I didn't walk out after these 2 Bond teasers but with hindsight I think I should have !! 8->
    I can relate here as both those films were awful :-& ( saw both on dvd and even then I nearly walked out) but I would never pay cash for a film just to see a trailer. As someone mentioned, the trailers all turn up on line.

  • Posts: 1,894
    Yes, I would pay to see a film trailer. Largely because I would have paid to see the film following it.
  • Posts: 278
    timmer wrote:
    I have paid to see garbage like 'Da Vinci Code' to see the CR teaser, and 'Hancock' for the QOS teaser... I didn't walk out after these 2 Bond teasers but with hindsight I think I should have !! 8->
    I can relate here as both those films were awful :-& ( saw both on dvd and even then I nearly walked out) but I would never pay cash for a film just to see a trailer. As someone mentioned, the trailers all turn up on line.

    I've seen some complete dross (mostly before www) over the years just because the Bond trailer, but I remember 1 gem.
    Christmas 1988 I went to see a little known film starring the star of Moonlighting just because it had the trailer for LTK was on with it.
    The result was one of the (if not THE) best unexpected cinema experiences I've ever witnessed.
    Of course I'm talking about Die Hard................For those who live on the moon.

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    dchantry wrote:
    timmer wrote:
    I have paid to see garbage like 'Da Vinci Code' to see the CR teaser, and 'Hancock' for the QOS teaser... I didn't walk out after these 2 Bond teasers but with hindsight I think I should have !! 8->
    I can relate here as both those films were awful :-& ( saw both on dvd and even then I nearly walked out) but I would never pay cash for a film just to see a trailer. As someone mentioned, the trailers all turn up on line.

    I've seen some complete dross (mostly before www) over the years just because the Bond trailer, but I remember 1 gem.
    Christmas 1988 I went to see a little known film starring the star of Moonlighting just because it had the trailer for LTK was on with it.
    The result was one of the (if not THE) best unexpected cinema experiences I've ever witnessed.
    Of course I'm talking about Die Hard................For those who live on the moon.

    Your story should have started out: "The year was 1988...".
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 4,622
    Yes, I would pay to see a film trailer. Largely because I would have paid to see the film following it.

    no no, the point of the question, was would you pay your money because it was the trailer you wanted to see, rather than the film that happened to follow. Whether one stays to watch the film is immaterial. In this scenario being raised, you plunk down your cash because its the trailer you want to see so bad.
    Your answer actually says no, because you are insinuating that's it's the movie that follows that caused you to pay.
    No is the common answer. Only die-hard trailer fanatics are going to answer yes to this question and there are a few of those. See two posts above.
    My answer is still NO. I will not chose a movie based on what trailers I might catch before hand. Not even the new Bond trailer, but I can see why some fans might pick the movie based on a trailer viewing opp, providing the movie itself was something worth watching, which often would be the case, as the trailers target films that also target the trailer's film audience.
  • Posts: 278
    timmer wrote:
    Only die-hard trailer fanatics are going to answer yes to this question and there are a few of those.

    Not sure what that means as watching Die Hard was the added bonus I had for specifically going to see the trailer :) I'm no Die Hard fanatic, I just loved seeing something in the cinema that was so unexpected and blew my socks off. Pity it never seems to happen any more.

    Actually I never actually answered, but mine is also No, in this day and age of internet and trailers online I'd never pay any cash to see a trailer.

    Actually with twin daughters aged 2, chance would be a nice thing :)
  • Posts: 4,622
    The web does really kill the whole notion of getting to cinema just to see a trailer. We can play them full screen on our computers. :D
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    No, dchantry, he didn't mean "Die Hard" fanatics, he meant "die-hard" fanatics, as in people who are totally into something, not people who are obsessed with Die Hard (a damn good movie).
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