Corgi Gold Ingot - British Airways Promotion

I've just discovered another Corgi 'Gold Ingot' model that collectors might be interested in. It is the winner’s prize from the British Airways 'Licensed to thrill’ promotion 2003, which featured in their in-flight 'Shopping the World' duty-free brochure.

The item is presently being sold at auction. See Vectis Specialist Diecast Auction - Wednesday 8 May 2024, Lot 20 or use this link:

After studying the photographs this item is not one of the original Corgi 'Gold Ingot' promotion models as it isn’t numbered and the ingot doesn’t have the C.O.A fold-down flap or the the wording 'golden opportunity' embossed on the side.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,139
    This is an interesting item @ambassador, considering the auction and still other numbered originals.


    And it makes me wonder if there is something inside the gold bar magnet souvenir (3/4 inch x 1-3/4 inch) I purchased last month in the gift shop at the General George Patton Museum of Leadership, Fort Knox, Kentucky.


  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,883
    Interesting item, I hadn't come across it before I think. It's unusual to see British Airways promoting anything not DAD, isn't it? I mean, BA has popped up here and there over the decades and book-ended Brosnan films, but the majority of promo gifts/collectables released were tied in with DAD. Maybe there's just more for me to discover from BA. It's great to see them covering the Connery era.
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