007 Monthly Meet Up Group in Los Angeles

toliveandletdieinlatoliveandletdieinla Los Angeles
in News Posts: 2
For all 007 lovers in the Los Angeles area and beyond, "To Live and Let Die in L.A." has commenced its ongoing mission of social meetups, events, cocktail hours, and all manner of James Bond related fun!

To get in on the the mailing list and to learn more about upcoming events, contact us at one of the places below. Spread the word!

Gmail: [email protected]

Instagram: @toliveandletdieinla

Facebook: To Live and Let Die in LA-Los Angeles


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,139
    Anything the week of 8 December?

    I'll be in the area. And more available/mobile the end of week.

  • toliveandletdieinlatoliveandletdieinla Los Angeles
    Posts: 2
    We have a holiday pub/trivia night planned at the Cat and Fiddle on Monday, the 9th. Even if you can't make it please give me an email address so I can add you to our list. You can write me privately on our gmail if you like. Thanks!
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