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I concur, only 26th for me. I like the actress, but she wasn't dealt a very good hand, scriptwise.
by Rosamund Pike
in Die Another Day
Coming in second as far as the Brosnan era is concerned, Ms Frost seems to be one of the better-liked characters of that era.
Almost everyone ranked her between 13th and 23rd, so lots of middle section ratings with little dislike but also not enough top spots to end up higher.
She obtained one top 10 with a single 10th spot, while she was put in the bottom 5 twice, both of those were 28th places.
In total Miranda Frost collected 73 points.
The movie’s only saving grace as far as I’m concerned.
The always terrific Rosamund Pike could have been a great main villain in a film worthy of her talents, but even with the subpar material she was given, managed to steal every scene she was in.
Her acting is good. Her character is okay but there isn't a stand out scene which you should have for being more than a mediocre baddie. I like her part at the fencing game and the moment where she is revealed as a henchwoman/double agent. Oh, and her delivery of the "big bang theory" line is well done and always amusing.
However, the script doesn't give her enough to do. Remove Mr Kil(l?) and some CGI and give more screen time to non-CGI Frost!
I think she’s fantastic, a real femme fatale. Sexy and dangerous.
Having said that, we are getting into that area where I don't think there are too many 'weaker' henchmen left, so I'm afraid I could only put her at #18 myself, even though I think she's excellent.
PRIMO aka 'Cyclops'
by Dali Benssalah
in No Time to Die
The best henchman of the Craig era, at least according to this contest, Primo received one 4th, one 9th and one 10th place.
At the other end of the spectrum there were two bottom 5's, of which one 27th place was his lowest finish.
Primo's total point tally was 73, the same as Frost's, though with one top 5 more he eventually ended up one place higher.
Serviceable. Take away the gimmicky prosthetic eye and we’re left with a generic Die Hard goon.
I'm also a NTTD fan and also ranked him only at 24. I like him in the PTS but his other scenes aren't memorable enough (well, his death is at least eye opening). I don't like that he has two similar brief fights with identical endings. But the bionic eye is a "plus" for me.
Same here. I appreciate the effort, but in the end it's only an A for trying.
Personally, I think that slimy ever-smiling oppprtunist Ash makes a better secondary baddie.