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I think the negative reception online is at least influencing Amazon’s decisions on how to go about. We know they would have wanted to do multiple spin offs and the reception to that couldn’t have been more negative, so they changed their minds and are only going to focus on the one Bond film for now. I think we’re gonna see them take cautious steps from here on.
At this point I’m much more interested in an Amazon Bond film than anything from IFP for what it’s worth (never touched one of the spin off books due to lack of interest anyway, and the official Bond novels/stories have been pretty hit or miss over the last 10 + years, with some pretty bizarre entries).
It seems like they’re concentrating on the main film at this point, which I think is the right thing to do. I don’t know if they’ll rush after that to make a Moneypenny or Leiter series or play more of a long game with original characters from the new films having their own show (the latter I can see working with the right character. Unfortunately much like the spin off books I wouldn’t specifically watch a Leiter or Moneypenny one).
Quite possible release date announcement at cinemacon as per @P2D prediction.
He also says at the start that the deal happened unannounced.
Perhaps Summer 2027 is realistic. It's rumoured a script is already being written.
It is indeed complete, Amazon updated their original press release:
I believe that was a part of the podcast that the Cuaron rumours came from. Sure, it was an something of an offhand comment, but that's still justifiably a "rumour".
This is another significant peice of news! Bond fans keep winning. :D
Thanks for that!
And I agree with @delfloria that we should enjoy the ride while we can. Why worry about things we can't change? There is a chance that Bond 26 will bring us some excellent scripting, casting, production value, cinematography, music, action - I look forward to all of that!
That's very cool, well spotted. So no reason to think it's not full steam ahead right now then.
I think it’s an exciting new chapter for James Bond. I’ve always trusted EON and Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson to deliver. I have no reason to think that Amazon/MGM under the guidance of Pascal and Heyman cannot take the series forward to.
So pretend to be happy while watching one of my favorite film franchises be exploited to where its value begins to decrease? This is why I’m so indifferent to the news of Heyman and Pascal taking over. I’m happy that some people are excited by the news of course but for me the writing is on the wall. Say what you will about the quality of the recent films (everyone has their opinions) but I trust Broccoli/Wilson 10x more than Amazon. Maybe I am being pessimistic and a bit of a killjoy but the franchise as we know it is over and we can all look forward to more pointless spin-offs like that 007 reality series you mentioned. Another Cinematic IP soon to be exploited to nothing.
I’d say the reason Bond has successfully been able to adapt to changes is precisely because of EON’s/The Broccoli Family’s guidance. That’s not to say every film they made was perfect - but I don’t think anyone else could’ve done that. Do Amazon/MGM have that ability? I doubt it personally.
Things are moving quickly, P2D was on the money.
I agree. I think without EON weathering the tides both creatively and behind the scenes the series wouldn't be around today. It's why I'd say it's not about whether or not this next film is successful (again, it could well be and I hope it is). It's about how the franchise is managed in the long run.
I think Amazon will at some point realise how tricky Bond films can be. I suppose the best way of putting it is while I don't doubt we'll get highs from this new era, it makes the lows (including Bond films which flop outright, which never happened under EON even with its disappointments) much more likely.
I'm fine with them updating Bond's world, but I don't want to see a change in the Bond character itself (himself).
Thanks for reassurance @zebrafish 😌
Ultimately it’ll depend on the director, writers, and to some extent the Bond actor whether they find inspiration for their new Bond tenure in Fleming’s work and what they take from it.
The question is whether they'll look at other books.
Don't know if there are any relevant Infos mentioned there?
If those two have the final day on everything and it makes me wonder why did Barbara leave? If Amazon was gonna let producers control the series anyways?