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You'd be surprised.
...but both David Heyman and Amy Pascal have both worked with Greta Gerwig on Barbie and Little Women respectively.
Nothing in her filmography or anything else suggests she'd be a good fit beyond having a working relationship with the producers. There are other women directors with better pedigree if that's what we want. But you're right, it wouldn't surprise me if they weren't having that thought. She's earned it, too. Just don't think it's a match, personally.
As others have said, I think Alfonso Cuarón would be perfect. Has anyone else watched Disclaimer?
Ok, I don't like her either.
I doubt it'd be Gerwig because of schedule, but I've thought about her before for Bond. She is quite a flexible director with three features in distinct genres while also having a steady hand in big productions.
Yeah I get the feeling she would have thoughts about Bond(!) :D
I haven't, but I'll watch anything with Cate Blanchett.
I'd like to know what Dame Barbara thinks of David Heyman. One imagines there's a lot of mutual respect there as basically being the two producers of the two big British(ish) franchises, but then again does she hold a grudge after he sat on Leavesden studios with his Potter films for years and years, the studio complex she basically created for GoldenEye? :D
It's pretty clear that Amazon originally bought MGM to control Bond, only to realize later (*how* did they not realize this?) that they didn't have creative control, so they had to pay $1 billion more. They must have thought that Broccoli and Wilson would be easy to manipulate.
I mean, the rest of the MGM library is pretty thin. No one's clamoring for a Heaven's Gate remake. They have their Rockys and their Legally Blondes and their Pink Panthers, but all of that pales next to Bond.
To be fair, offering them more projects isn't a bad thing.
I think some of it also was obtaining the prestige of the MGM name, roaring lion and all. Sounds better than Amazon instant video.
Oh yeah, let's get EON back and continue with the people who thought that Blofeld and Bond should be step brothers and decided to kill James Bond.
Still that's just me.
Sorry for being negative.
Why? :-?
Maybe it’s like you refusing to call Bond 25, NTTD.
I think a lot of this will come down to script too and the writers. I can see them wanting to go for something a bit more 'meaty' and put Bond through something substantial and interesting story-wise (leaves a lot of room for what kind of adventure he'll go on in that way).
So you hate Fleming as well as he killed off Bond twice…
And again EON also brought us EVERY OTHER BOND FILM FROM DR. NO TO NO TIME TO DIE surely there must be one of the 25 films you like otherwise why are you here
It's a question which pops into my head quite regularly when reading these forums! :)