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Ok? Well, I'm sorry if I offended you I guess...
I get what you mean. I do think FYEO fumbles the character stuff somewhat, but the Dalton films have that feel to them.
Yes, but films had just become much more elaborate between 1977 to 1995. Remember that this was the era of the True Lies and Die Hard 3.
Thanks for the timeline! I always forget that the MGM purchase of UA didn’t happen until post FYEO.
Oh gotcha! I don’t remember where I saw that info but nonetheless happy to be corrected!
Yes but TND was more expensive and it shows.
This is why I think TND is really Dalton's ideal third film and not GoldenEye.
Yeah, I Know but it is the third film that one could expect if you see the actor's previous ones.
Going from the Bond 17 script from 1990 that's the sort of direction they likely would have gone in. In fact I think the villain in that one is pretty much an early version of Elliot Carver, and much of its story went into TND eventually.
It's interesting to see the Bond films slowly edging towards that, from Roger being a bit serious in FYEO, to Dalton's Bond making a fairly serious mistake in LTK by jeopardising Pam's Heller deal, to Brosnan's Bond having a few moments of drama, right up to Bond becoming more of a human character by CR.
I was watching DAD last night (don't ask!) and thinking, the first half or so with the torture, and Bond going after Zao with the help of the Chinese is all quite a good spy plot which is given quite a light treatment in the film- I was actually imagining Craig in that portion of the film and I thought it would work pretty well with a more dramatic, serious touch.
Die Another Day has so much promise. I wish they had explored the relationship between General Moon and Bond, but alas they never went anywhere near it.