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With that deeper connection, Max would likely take part in the assault on the mountaintop monastery. And play a key role in how the ATAC device is prevented from falling into the hands of the Soviet Union. Naturally extending into the final scene, where events provide Max with a special ladybird friend, maybe a Scarlet macaw.
A natural for a spinoff film or tv series expanding the Bondiverse back in the early 80s.
Anyway, Max. Max Max Max.
General Gogol would call the parrot a genius, move him to Moscow and give him a million bucks in hard crackers. The whole thought of this happening in real life is nuts, it shakes me to macaw. It would be a real birden to live with.
Let's move on to the another scenario, let's go back to 1964! Goldfinger:
Like what I've said in my original post in this thread, Bond is no doubt, a determined man, but most of the nerve-wracking situations have been handled by luck (of course, Bond is the man of luck), the one example here is in Goldfinger, when Bond was struggling to disable the bomb (almost counting in near second before giving anyone that Kiss Kiss Bang Bang literal explosion), there’s a man who came to stop the bomb at 007 seconds! (Really? Done that in a Roger Moore Eyebrow Raised fashion) what a luck that he was saved by the bell (no, not, Mrs. Bell, sorry, not by any chance), but looking through the lens of reality, let's discuss this:
What if the man (forgot his name) didn't arrived to stop the bomb?
Just a thought.
I would also like to award @QBranch post of the week for his post.
A fine job Sir.
I found that post fowl...oh wait that is a bird brained thing for me to say. Of course @QBranch delivered a post with eagle eyed accuracy to the question. LOL!
That's an interesting fact, thank you 🙂
Meanwhile since Bond was killed in GF, no one would be there to stop the various mad men from seeing their plots through to the conclusion. Some random thoughts:
I could go on, but suffice it to say without that man stopping the timer at 3 ticks or was in 7 ticks, the history of the world would indeed take some interesting turns!
It was not Japan, it was China.
* And Tracy would've died of drowning instead, or she could've been alive if Draco's men arrived in time.
* Kananga's cult would still continue in killing several British agents that were being sent in New Orleans (San Monique) and Felix Leiter would've likely to finish the case.
Okay, let's take a New Year and move on to 1965 with 'Thunderball', Bond, as we all know, have multiple encounters with danger, sometimes, he was saved by a woman's bacon (same thing with Tracy), or in some case, a man (think of that Atomic Specialist), but in Thunderball, it's more of a case of luck, again, luck!
This was when Bond was done doing a surveillance in Largo's Disco Volante, it's a tense scene that Bond couldn't possibly got out of it alive, if not for.....Fiona Volpe who suddenly came out of nowhere and drove Bond away from it all, could we safely say she's connected to it?
What if Bond hadn’t encountered Fiona Volpe while escaping from Largo’s men in Disco Volante that night?
To be fair, in Scaramanga's case it would actually mean that the world has several completely clean energy generation plants, perhaps saving our planet from pollution and global warming :D
This is an interesting take, @mtm to be honest, despite of the many problems of TMWTGG, Scaramanga and his plot are definitely the most interesting things in the film.
Is it the only villain plot with a Pros?
Well, the thing is, Bond had already got away from Largo's men before making it ashore. There's no way of telling if Largo had contacted Fiona or his men to search along that road. He might've walked the whole way back to his hotel safely, had Fiona not came along.
I forgot Bond was wearing tiny white shorts 😂 Wouldn’t have stood a chance.
I haven’t seen TB in a while so I could be off, but I guess it’s unclear whether Volpe’s following Bond or not (maybe Largo had told her to keep an eye on him). She seems like she’s trying to unnerve him by driving fast. Not quite sure how that resulted in the situation we get (if she really knew who Bond was she’d have killed him then and there). Perhaps it’s not meant to make much sense…