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Mike from Neighbours?
Aged like sour milk.
Or aged like 1000 bottles of baby oil...
Lol. Very apt.
Who does Kanye West vote for now that Hitler's dead?
Supposedly was a serious contender at some point.
According to his daughter, Lew Grade described McGoohan as "moving like a panther," forceful & decisive, which is something I think Dana Broccoli said of Connery.
Either turned it down it or expressed disinterest, for moral reasons, as I understand it. But probably would have quickly fallen out with the producers ....
Definitely had the cool factor.
Very charismatic.
And visually communicated immense intelligence.
But also ahead of his time, idiosyncratic and potentially too intense for the period. And not so much of a ladies' man.
But time-travel forty years and I could easily imagine him in some niche variation of Craig-Bond, defiant, paranoid & persecuted ... and not a little bit mad.
He would have been a good villain.