Daniel Craig, the man in ‘the Dragon Tattoo,’ had a scare on the set

Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
edited January 2012 in Actors Posts: 13,369
It turns out that Bond can be a little more than shaken. He can actually be suffocated.

Just ask Daniel Craig, who had to wrap his mind around dying for his art while making “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.”

There’s a scene where his journalist character Blomkvist tangles with a killer. Craig is cuffed and strung from a ceiling. His entire face, including nose and mouth, is wrapped up in thick Saran Wrap.

“The first night that we did the hoisting, the stunt coordinator came in and said, ‘Daniel needs to hold this little metal thing in his hand, so if he does begin to lose consciousness, he can cut the plastic wrap away from his mouth,’” director David Fincher says.

“It turns out acting like you’re suffocating is not very different from actually suffocating. So, it was going to be hard to see, which is why he needed the little metal thing.”

Craig was roped and wrapped.

“There was even a code word if I was in trouble!” says Craig.

Adds Fincher, “Yeah, the code word was, ‘Unnnnhhh!’ ”

The director was at the monitor when he heard a strange “ting, ting, ting.”

“Everyone rushed in because apparently, I had passed out,” Craig says. “We did wrap for the night. On the production report was, ‘Let Daniel go 15 minutes early due to unconsciousness.’ ”

Says Craig, “Just another day of working with David Fincher.”

The actor was determined to play the grizzled journalist from the best-selling “Dragon Tattoo” book by Stieg Larsson.

Landing the role meant doing love scenes with Rooney Mara, 26, who plays the haunted hacker Lisbeth Salander. They felt right to Craig, 43, despite their age difference.

“These two shouldn’t have a relationship,” he says. “They should have never even met in life. They come from completely different social classes. Salander never trusts anyone because so few people in her life are straight with her.

“I tell her in the film, ‘Forget that. You’re great.’ It just appeals to her on every level.”

He says doing love scenes is never comfortable. “Intimate scenes are a dry, bizarre thing,” he admits. “There are people standing around while you pretend to make love. I’m thinking, ‘I don’t make those kind of movies!’ ”

He had to get a bit out of shape to do the role of a journalist.

“I was stick-thin after ‘Cowboys and Aliens.’ The character in ‘Tattoo’ had to be as real as possible,” he says. “It was easy for me to get into it. It was lots of pizza and red wine.”

Craig now is in Bond training for the next 007 outing, “Skyfall,” coming in November.

“It’s a great script with Sam Mendes directing. He’s a huge Bond fan like me. We’ve been working on it quietly for two years,” Craig says. “We’ve been taking all the favorite bits of our favorite Bond movies and putting them together so we can reintroduce them in this movie.”

He doesn’t rule out a “Tattoo” sequel either. “I’d love to stay involved,” Craig says.

Craig is a newlywed with actress Rachel Weisz. That topic is strictly off limits, but he’s happy to discuss his career motto.

“The less you think about what other people think in this industry, the more original you can be. You can’t think, ‘Will other people like it or not?’ You just get on with it.”


Two years working on the script and some well loved moments making a new, fresh, return in Skyfall sound great.


  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    This proves Craig is only human. ;-)

    Good find, Sam!
  • SharkShark Banned
    Posts: 348
    It also proves that John Doe was based on David Fincher.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Nice little, or rather heavy, story there - but worth sharing I thought! And a little bit on Skyfall, what more could you want?
  • Posts: 1,894
    You've got to admire the dedication. Kind of reminds me of something Joss Whedon said on the DVD commentary for SERENITY: "Using CGI to simulate a man smacking his face against plexiglass can be a very expensive process. Fortunately, Nathan Fillion is willing to do it for free."
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Dedicated actor -exactly. Bravo, Daniel! Have not seen the film yet (I am in Japan ...) but I will. I read all 3 books.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Suppose this is one factor, that draws directors to him...
  • Posts: 12,553
    got to admire the dedication and desire to do everything himself!
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Daniel Craig is about to do an interview on France 2 about 'Dragon Tattoo' in a few minutes... maybe he'll mention SF...
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    No big news from Craig, just that filming will re-start this Saturday (didn't film during the christmas holidays break).
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Nice to know when production resumes though, thanks @DaltonCraig007. The 7th it is!
  • Posts: 12,553
    Nice one DC for letting us know when filming resumes.
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