Holiday you say? Any thoughts, photos or stories to share?

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited March 2011 in General Discussion Posts: 24,515
This is basically the sister thread of <a href="">this</a>. Informing us about you going out for a while or coming back is one thing. This is the place where you can chat about what your plans are or, in case you've just returned, what you've done, seen and experienced. Nice photos and more are more than welcome. Amuse us with your tales! B-)


  • edited May 2011 Posts: 139
    Finally back home after nearly 3 weeks away (Disney World for two, and then a mini break in the north of England...)

    Tired, house is a mess, and back to the grindstone soon.....

    So here's a holiday album I like to call 'GONE MOONRAKIN!'

    All packed and ready:


    Chillin at Gatwicks V-lounge:


    Safely at Disney, time for a rest....:


    Keepin the British End Up by the pool:


    A day out in Epcot:


    Ready for the long plane ride home:

  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I love the MR novel in each of these pics! Lovely. :)
  • Cheers sir!

    When it's holiday time, accept no substitutes- MR is your perfect travel companion!

    Did do more (Magic Kingdom etc) but were spoiled by smear on the tiny lens (stupid iPhone...)
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    :-)) Love your pictures The_Preacher711, I'm being dragged along to Florida for a family holiday in August so you'll have to let me know if you visited anything Bond related that I can make a pilgrimage to. Anyway it's really nice to have you back with us mate, I've missed you in the literary discussions. :)
  • Thanks Saunders. Look forward to reading your latest reviews in Literary (Done a Devil May Care one yet?)

    If you get as far as Miami, pop in to the Fontainebleau Hotel from Goldfinger (wiki or Google can give you directions if needed- I was lazy and took a cab) Was 5 years or so since I saw it, but still looked the same as in the movie.

    What's your Florida plan? Disney? Unniversal? All the tourist traps?

  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    I've left it all to the wife to plan, but I've been told we have to do Disney lots, Universal, some space rocket type place, I think it's called the Epcot center (I know it dosen't have a Moonraker shuttle so a visit will be pointless) and some sort of sea place with fish and dolphins and other things I'm not interested in!
    Though the Fontainebleau Hotel sounds like an amazing idea, I'm also wondering how far away the Florida Keys are? It would be great to walk in Tim's footsteps and jump off Hemingway's balcony.
  • If you're doing the whole Disney affair, then the Keys will be out of range for a one day trip- unless you can wangle a Miami stop over, hit the Fontainbleu and then do the Keys....

    Epcots a park in Disney (my fav one), Kennedy's the Space Centre you're thinking of...... as for Dolphins- that'll be Seaworld. Was dragged to that again this trip... you have my sympathy....

    Here's another one for you: while in Disney got to the 'Hollywood Studios' park. As soon as you clear the ticket barriers there is a movie collectables shop on you left.... they had some good signed Bond merch in there this time..... sadly out of my price league, but worth a look.
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    Every thing's going to be out of my price league by the time I've paid for this damn holiday, and to think my suggestion to my wife that instead of Disney we could of done two weeks camping at Amberley Chalk Pits in Sussex ( actual location of Zorins 'Main strike' mine used in AVTAK) was turned down flat! :)
  • Yep, I hear you about the cost. To stay at a mid level Disney Resort for 2weeks, plus a Seaworld trip, swim with Manatees experience, airboat ride and a ton of spending money- left me with nothing spare from the black market sale of my kidney.....
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited May 2011 Posts: 1,347
    Okay, so two days ago I returned from the most awesome trip ever: 24 days in the United States! Started off in New York from April 30th to May 6th, then Chicago 6th-12th, New Orleans 12th-18th and finally San Francisco 18th-24th. Doing this on my own has been such a wonderful and good experience. I've seen so many things, done so many things, met so many great people and just enjoyed life to the fullest for three and a half weeks!

    Here are a few photos from my stay, but there are hundreds more on my Facebook if anyone wants to see (I think my profile is open).

    With me in them:
    Top of the rock

    Times Square by night

    In Greenwich village with two nice Australian girls (I spent a lot of time with the one who took the photo :) )

    Over in Brooklyn

    Willis Tower Chicago


    Golden Gate :)

    On the cable car!

    Me with wonderful group of people in New Orleans, night out on Bourbon Street

    New York:
    British Airways Boeing 747 that would take me from London to NY. Nice bird

    Royal Plaza Hotel

    Enjoying a beer and Yankees vs. Toronto, my first baseball game ever!


    Chrysler Building by night

    Empire State

    View from Brooklyn by night

    Top of the rock: Empire by night

    Tallest building in the USA, Willis Tower (former Sears)

    So many amazing buildings in this city, and beautiful along the river

    Took a boat cruise, tall building is John Hancock Center

    Up in the lounge of the aforementioned building

    Skyledge up in Willis Tower, nice stuff :)

    From Navy Pier

    Sue, world's biggest and best preserved T-Rex!

    Famous bean, nice on sunny days

    New Orleans:


    Steamboat on Mississippi :)

    Awesome music everywhere, here a streetband on Frenchmen Street

    Many nice houses in NO

    Lafayette Cemetery

    Hung out with Tulane Uni. students in a park alongside the river

    Swamp tour :)

    "This is the part I like best.. Feeding time!"


    San Francisco:


    Lombard Street

    Classic cable car, Alcatraz in background :)

    Palace of fine arts, so beautiful

    Wave action

    The Rock!

    I recommend the night tour


    Took a trip a bit north with a Californian girl I met in New Orleans, here is Bodega Bay, famous from Hitchcock's The Birds :)

    Beer testing at a local brewery in her town ;)

    Walk the bridge


    I guess you can see I had a good time! :)

  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Damn good stuff Disco!
    Might I say, that's an outstanding cap you're wearing! Glad you had decent seats for the game, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll take a look at the FB stuff a bit later, but this really made me wanna go back myself!
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Much respect Disco. Great photos my friend
  • Posts: 140
    Off to Crete, in two weeks, for a 4 weeks archaeology related break. Should be roasted by day 2!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Wow, Disco. That is great stuff. Love those photos, friend. Great to have you back!
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Disco... what an amazing trip! The ones with you in them almost seem photoshopped because you went so many places in such little time. Well done on a great vacation. Would love to hear the stories of all the girls too. :P
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Would love to hear the stories of all the girls too. :P
    I bet you would ;)
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Great pix Preacher and Disco.
  • Posts: 5,745
    Just going to bump this to avoid all the 'Happy Holiday' pop up threads.

    Happy Holidays, I have something special coming your way ;)
  • Disturbing the peaceful sleep of this old thread to briefly mention I’ve been away for a short trip to the Netherlands. For our stay in Amsterdam, it turned out my wife had unwittingly booked us a room within immediate walking distance of the shooting locations of Diamonds are Forever, which of course demanded slight adjustments to our schedule to allow for some Bond related activities. Regrettably, public decorum – not to mention the said wife – likewise demanded stopping short of laying a wreath in the Amstel in remembrance of Mrs. Whistler or public self-smooching, but we did get a nice stroll across the skinny bridge Magere Brug taking in the beautiful surroundings as well as having a look at the house that served as the exterior of Tiffany Case’s flat. The latter looked remarkably like it did 43 years ago, save for some rather un-Bondian graffiti. As an aside, standing outside the building I had the curious sensation of being watched. A closer look revealed two white, rather similarly looking cats quietly observing us from the basement window. Make of that what you will.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    But did you visit Red Light District and the "coffee" shops? Amsterdam is great!
  • Well, we certainly found time for such excursions as well. Merely browsing though, mind you. Absorbing the atmosphere. Strolling to get a feel of the area with no further intentions. No ulterior motives than a nice summer night walking tour. Just catching a breath of the local air. Taking in the views. No transactions in mind. As you can tell, for the obvious reasons I’m trying to avoid the term “Window shopping” here.

    But I agree, certainly a city rich with character aplenty. Though the Red Light District and the Coffee shop culture are intriguing in themselves – not to mention the somewhat bizarre juxtaposition of sightseeing groups being shuffled around the Red Light alleys – I was more fascinated of how these aspects of the city seemingly without effort co-exist with its more traditional cultural offerings, picturesque canals, wild traffic, rich history and indeed everyday life. Definitely worth a visit and I hope to return for a longer stay some day.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I was only browsing through as well, mind you. Holland is one of my fav countries. At least it used to be.
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