Online gaming is ruining video games

edited January 2012 in 007 Gaming Posts: 12,837
I hate playing games online. Well, not always. I like playing co-op games online, like saints row 3, but I hate playing games like call of duty online. I go online and I don't have fun, even though thats the point of a game. I played modern warfare 2 online afew times and I hated it. Thousands of people seemed to have devoted their lives to finding the best sniping spots, the best glitches, and getting the best rank.

Split screen is ALOT better than online. Split screen you can sit back, have afew beers with your mates, and play the game against eachother, enjoying yourselves (I have happy memories of playing goldeneye on the n64 like this). Online the only ammount of conversation I get is from some 10 year old in another country threatening to kill my family because I'm not using a sniper rifle.

It seems that video game companies are starting to ignore split screen, and they're devoting multiplayer to online modes, I hate this. Games need more split screen action. Comment if you agree/disagree.


  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    I agree. I don't play online... at all. So you can imagine my frustration at how many games have online trophies and how few have only offline trophies.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    MW2 has cheaters and noobs everywhere. I never played it, but i see that in some videos, you can see these guys making sh#t everywhere there.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I enjoy online games every now and then but agree online trophies are a right pain because you need to put in a ridiculous amount of time to get them. Also as has been said, these games aren't really fun because you'll always lose to those people who play them night a day.

    DLC trophies are just as bad as the online ones. Not all of us want, or can even afford, to buy this extra content, therefore making even more trophies unavailable to the player.
  • Posts: 105
    I sort of agree. Currently i'm playing Battlefield 3 and I always play online...BUT only when i have friends online who are playing in the same game and we go into party chat. This to me is just an evolution of the split-screen of old (same as yourself I dont know how many hours I lost to GoldenEye64). But I do agree that 95% of the other people who play online as you've described are destroying it for others.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    This isn't exactly anything new. COD has caused the first-person shooter to fall away from making an exciting single-player with equally good multiplayer to a "put together in a few hours" single-player and multiplayer that doesn't change year-to-year. World of Warcraft is eating up peoples' lives (and wallets) all the while they run around shout "Yeah, I'm a level bagillion-and-a-tenth Mage Dude!", throw fire at other people, and constantly lose the ability to speak real words simply because "AFK" (Away From Keyboard) is easier.

    Online needs to go away for a while, not even a long time, so that we can see a resurgence of what made games from the old console generations good again.
  • Posts: 1,407
    People, you can't blame COD on everything that is wrong in the world of games. They may not do anything revolutionary (anymore) but it gives fans exactly what they want. The games are fun and addicting and although there are many better games out there, it does not give people the right to hate it and blame it on everything that's wrong in the world. If you're not a fan, don't play it. Activision isn't perfect, in fact they are jerks, but the actual people who make the COD games put their heart into it for 2 years of their life and it shows.

    As for online gaming in general, I agree and disagree with it "ruining" gaming. I would like longer campaigns but most development goes into online multiplayer so that's one really big complaint I have. But then you have the games like Crysis 2 and Resistance who make great long campaigns AND great multiplayer. So there are exceptions. As long as there is a good single player to go along with a good multiplayer, I'm fine.

    Split screen should make a comeback and so far the only games I know that does it well are COD, Halo, Goldeneye, and Gears of War. (If I missed others, let me know). My friends and I buy and play those games so we can play split screen, and that's it. And COD and Halo are great for going split screen online. It's something I wish Goldeneye had. Best of both worlds right there, and a ton of fun

    Online gaming doesn't need to die, because it's a lot of fun and it's what tons of people love and want in a game. But lets just focus on singleplayer AS WELL as multiplayer. That's the solution.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I don't just blame COD. COD was a catalyst, but not the only one to blame. For one, everybody who have copied COD (which is almost everyone, now) is also to blame.
  • I don't just blame COD. COD was a catalyst, but not the only one to blame. For one, everybody who have copied COD (which is almost everyone, now) is also to blame.

    Agreed. The sad thing is the whole gaming community has been brainwashed into thinking FPS are the way to go - when so many other games are not that repetitive in the first place having better challenges, higher playbility and in the end, more fun
  • Posts: 192
    I would like to bring up another aspect of single player vs. multiplayer: atmosphere and realism. I have played e.g. QoS and Goldeneye for Wii single player and online multiplayer as well. And I got to realise that the behaviour of your enemies is much more realistic in single player.
    This might sound odd, because should real people in multiplayer mode not be behaving more realistic than NPCs? But the contrary is the case: in multiplayer you are most successfull with movements that no one would ever perform in a real life gun fight and that actually look rather silly - you know what I'm talking about: all the hectic running back and forth, ducking, jumping etc. NPCs in single player mode on the other hand behave as you would expect them to: taking cover, aiming thoroughly and moving cautiously.
    So when playing games like Goldeneye or QoS in single player, you can get the feeling of being in an 007 movie. (Not even to mention the story aspect). When playing multiplayer it's a competition and it's fun as well but it's not atmospheric.
    Or can you imagine Bond in the upcoming Skyfall fighting the villain in the final scene while jumping up and down and running sideways all the time? :-?
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    my top 3 games of all time..

    Fallout 3
    The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
    Red Dead Redemption


    Because they have amazing stories.... multiplayer is a great way to extend the playability of most games - but if a game has an amazing story, you'll want to play through it again and again - like watching a movie
  • @haserot been a while since I played a zelda game but I remember oricarna of time being great

    my top 3 games are: assasins creed 2, uncharted 3, and assasins creed revelations. Because of the story. But I also like games like nightfire because of the split screen fun.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited January 2012 Posts: 4,399
    the Assassins Creed saga is rocketing up my personal favorites list... i thought the first was alright - i didn't make it all the way through the game... but i loved AC2, and I am currently working my way through AC:BH before i get AC:R

    games like Assassins Creed, Red Dead Redemption, Fallout, Elder Scrolls.. i love - the open worldness is amazing, but the stories are even better.
  • HASEROT wrote:
    the Assassins Creed saga is rocketing up my personal favorites list... i thought the first was alright - i didn't make it all the way through the game... but i loved AC2, and I am currently working my way through AC:BH before i get AC:R

    Yeah the assasins creed games are my faves, because they have 1- great story, 2- great action set pieces, and 3- climbing and free running, and exploring
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    The Metal Gear series also has a great story.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited January 2012 Posts: 13,369
    HASEROT wrote:
    the Assassins Creed saga is rocketing up my personal favorites list... i thought the first was alright - i didn't make it all the way through the game... but i loved AC2, and I am currently working my way through AC:BH before i get AC:R

    Yeah the assasins creed games are my faves, because they have 1- great story, 2- great action set pieces, and 3- climbing and free running, and exploring

    I've just finished the latest game and can't wait to see where we're taken next.
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 9,913
    Alpha protocol and Splinter Cell conviction have incredibly compelling stories and are much better spy games then anything EA or Activision has put out. And I liked Bloodstone!

    I haven't played Deus Ex Human revolution but i hear the stealth play on that game is even better then the other 2 games I mentioned.

    Yet I'll buy Skyfall the video game why because it's bond. Shame alpha protocol will never get a sequel but I'm sure another company will try and build a "generic spy" spy game to cash in on Bond game success and hopefully it will be as good as Protocol.

    So what does this have to do with onlinegame play


    Alpha was all single player

    And SC: Conviction could be played as co op or as online co op but didn't need to be played online (i'd recommend finding a good buddy with splinter cell because with my luck I always find some idiot who has no idea how to play but when i play with my brother Bam done and done right)

    Shame Hopefully splinter cell Retirbution (or splinter cell Broken Arrow whatever it is called) will carry on the tradition...

    I mean look at the Arkham Games super fun super replayable NO ONLINE CRAP!

    If activision sat down and wrote a great single player story half the people complaining and calling them craptivision would turn around and praise the new bond game. will they ever do it no but C'est la vie.
  • Posts: 1,407
    So the argument that "online gaming is ruining video games" is entirely not true because of these fantastic games everybody has just mentioned.

    There will always be great single player games. And just because online multiplayer is popular does not make it the devil.

    My favorite games from this year
    Crysis 2- single player+MP
    LA Noire- SP
    Batman Arkham City- SP
    Goldeneye Reloaded- SP+MP
    Uncharted 3- SP+MP
    Modern Warfare 3- SP+MP
    Saints Row 3-SP

    There are room for both kinds of games in this world.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,518
    I prefer SP games overall. Never been very fanatic about the online thing. So yeah I hope they'll keep putting out these SP games.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Risico007 wrote:
    If activision sat down and wrote a great single player story half the people complaining and calling them craptivision would turn around and praise the new bond game. will they ever do it no but C'est la vie.

    All the people calling them "craptivision" about their single-player would stop, yes, but then the COD people, the online people would start calling them "craptivision" because their focus would no longer be online, even if it was for one single game.
  • Posts: 9,913
    meh c'est la vie Splinter Cell conviction sold better then both bond games i believe

    Do they want profit or to make a few 12 year old happy
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I like online play but I do miss the days of going over to a friends house, or he to mine, and actually playing a game in the same room. Some games still try to keep this tradition alive, such as the Halo series and GE: Reloaded, but I still can't seem to get my friends in the same room to play a game. They have now been sucked into the online gaming world. :(
    At this point I'm done with shooters online; the only games I like playing online is co-op and racing games, like SSX (can't wait for this one to come out at the end of next month)!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I don't think multiplayer is ruining games/gaming. Heck no. When you go online alone you can get frustrated and angry at a bunch of noobs or cheats, but when you are partied up with your friends it is great, and really fun.

    My top 3 PS3 games:

    Uncharted 2
    GTA IV
    Red Dead Redemption
  • Posts: 127
    If I am buying a shooter game it has to have online or I won't buy it. I am a noob to online play with Goldeneye Wii being my first ever. The experience was so good that online is a must for me.

    The Call of Duty franchise is a real bad example to use because there are so many issues with that series. I have MW3 and have played COD4 and BOPS and it's all the same.

    I would agree that Split Screen needs to be a option on all shooter games because what are you going to do when the server is shut down for said game and you want to play it? Or if you want friends to chill out and hit up some split screen and it isn't an option. Goldeneye Reloaded is awesome in split screen just like the original.
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