edited January 2012 in Skyfall Posts: 1
Is this film or any of its cast actually going to be filming overseas? So far we are seeing a lot of London and places like Ascot racecourse doubling for Shanghai airport. The proposed locations in Turkey , which have been used several times are even doubling for more exotic, far off places. What is going on? Is MGM really out of trouble?


  • Posts: 5,745
    basilisk wrote:
    Is this film or any of its cast actually going to be filming overseas? So far we are seeing a lot of London and places like Ascot racecourse doubling for Shanghai airport. The proposed locations in Turkey , which have been used several times are even doubling for more exotic, far off places. What is going on? Is MGM really out of trouble?

    If you hunt around the forums, you'll see the majority of the crew, including Craig, Eve, and Solange are all heading to Turkey. Also, there have been rumors of Solange and possibly Bardem's henchmen in Shanghai.

    So yes. They will travel.

  • tqbtqb
    Posts: 1,022
    Solange eh?
  • Posts: 97
    I think this story was just the tabloids trying to create a story where there is no story. Movie production is all about creating the impression of having spent ten times more money than you actually do. All you ever need to do, unless you have a main character interacting with a specific landmark, is shoot their scenes somewhere that can pass for where you want it to look like then send a very small crew to shoot the establishing shots, meaning you only need to hire minimal kit and sent the minumum number of crew abroad. The Balkans in FRWL are Scotland (as they are, by the way, in the opening prologue of The Dark Knight Rises!), the Swiss forest in Goldfinger is Black Park in Slough, St Petersburg Airport in GoldenEye is Epsom racecourse, etc, etc. Actors often complain that they don't get to travel on these big movies because all their scenes take place on studio sets and its only the crew who get to go over and shoot the exterior stuff. I wouldn't worry - I'm sure Skyfall is going to look amazing. Btw, I don't know if you've noticed, by in the scene in Casino Royale where Le Chiffre visits Obanno in Uganda, it's dense jungle - HOWEVER, in the distance the trees are actually Iver Heath pine trees! It's Uganda, Buckinghamshire rather than Uganda, East Africa, LOL.
  • Posts: 192
    There is shooting going on in Shanghai - but only second unit, doing some outside shots. First unit with the actors will only be filming in the UK and Turkey.
  • Posts: 2,107
    I've wondered this too. How Craig feels about things and how it will look. All the best scenes are the ones that aren't being shot in a studio, but have extensive shoot on locations, doubling another exotic location or not. But it still beats studio shots with cheap backgrounds. I don't mean to say that Skyfall will look cheap, but I'd just prefer they shot on locations. Like when Moore or Connery were mostly on the locations themselves. Quantum of Solace also looked great, because it was shot on locations (again, doubling or not, they were still playing outside of their own backyard)

    If I were Bond, I'd like to travel too...(meaning a handsome actor playing Bond). But we'll see how all this ties into the story.

    Just hoping it won't be a movie full of Die Another Day-esque Hong Kong type of easy to spot backdrops.
  • Posts: 3,285
    The trend concerns me, too. One of the things I have always found really fascinating about the Bond-movies were all those wonderful exterior on location shots.

    Just watched MI4 and rewatched MI3 the last days. Talk about great and proper use of locations. In MI3 you actually get to see Shanghai and Hunt doing stuff there - running, jumping, chasing on the streets, the harbour, from the top of actual buildings etc. We now know that all they will use Shanghai for in SF are some exterior shots - the rest will be shot in England. So much for Bond "visiting" China!

    Another thing that concerns me, is that we - over two months into shooting - haven't seen a single photo or clapperboard-picture featuring any kind of action what so ever. We know that there will be a huge set-piece featuring trains in Turkey, but that's it? I think that a Bond-movie should have at least three exterior action set-pieces.
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 6,601
    I think, the clapperboards are just there to indicate the locations, not was is going on.

    - train sequence
    -Damien Walters has to be there for some action sequence
    -the supposed final action sequence
    -from an extra: "I didn't do much...just walked down the sidewalk as they filmed a sportscar racing down the street.

    I am sure, I am missing something, so its clear, this is far from being actionpoor.
  • all i've seen so far Bond goes to the baths and rides round a market
  • A few observations/comments:

    1) Quantum of Solace had a reported $230 million budget. If you cut that by $50 million, it'd still be $180 million. If you cut it by $80 million, it'd be $150 million.

    2. Skyfall is taking on higher priced talent (Mendes and Logan behind the camera, Bardem in front of it). It *may* be that there have been tradeoffs.

    3. Listen to the Roger Spottiswoode commentary on the Tomorrow Never Dies DVD, and he talks about how, despite that film's large budget for the time, they had to economize here and there. He mentions how one set doubled for 2 or 3 different interiors. They took a basic set and "dressed" it differently.
  • Posts: 6,601
    craigrules wrote:
    all i've seen so far Bond goes to the baths and rides round a market

    Yes, SEEN, but how much does that tell? Obviously, this time around, there is a lot, we don't SEE.

  • Posts: 3,285
    Yes, there is a lot we don't see, because most scenes so far have been shot at Pinewood, meaning lots of indoor scenes. Luckily most scenes shot in Turkey will presumably be outdoors, which should mean that we will get to SEE more, since most turks carry a smartphone.
  • Posts: 1,548
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    basilisk wrote:
    Is this film or any of its cast actually going to be filming overseas? So far we are seeing a lot of London and places like Ascot racecourse doubling for Shanghai airport. The proposed locations in Turkey , which have been used several times are even doubling for more exotic, far off places. What is going on? Is MGM really out of trouble?
    If you hunt around the forums, you'll see the majority of the crew, including Craig, Eve, and Solange are all heading to Turkey. Also, there have been rumors of Solange and possibly Bardem's henchmen in Shanghai.

    So yes. They will travel.

    Solange? Don't you mean Severine? Solange was the obligatory sacrificial lamb in CR.

  • Posts: 6,601
    Zekidk wrote:
    Yes, there is a lot we don't see, because most scenes so far have been shot at Pinewood, meaning lots of indoor scenes. Luckily most scenes shot in Turkey will presumably be outdoors, which should mean that we will get to SEE more, since most turks carry a smartphone.

    True, but you were complaining, as if the film is already shot.

  • edited January 2012 Posts: 678
    Zekidk wrote:
    So much for Bond "visiting" China!

    Yep. If you watch the initial press conference closely, Sam Mendes says "we will be shooting...." then he pauses and re-phrases it as "Bond's journey takes him to china, Turkey and Scotland."

    This suggests two things to me:

    (1) They already knew back then that they wouldn't be doing any shooting with the main cast in China.

    (2) I suspect that Sam Mendes, probably in collaboration with the producers, had planned carefully how to phrase the mention of the locations, so as to hide the fact that the main shooting is only in UK and Turkey.

    (PS I'm not necessarily complaining, I'm just making those points)
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 3,285
    Germanlady wrote:
    Zekidk wrote:
    Yes, there is a lot we don't see, because most scenes so far have been shot at Pinewood, meaning lots of indoor scenes. Luckily most scenes shot in Turkey will presumably be outdoors, which should mean that we will get to SEE more, since most turks carry a smartphone.

    True, but you were complaining, as if the film is already shot.
    That's called being sceptic. So far they have given me nothing to cheer about! Hope that will change when they begin shooting in Turkey.
  • Posts: 6,601
    I think, a lot of the sceptism comes from those articles and tweets about them cutting down the budget, which we - so far - are not sure, is true. If those didn't happen, we would just take it as it its and not think about it twice. Now every bit is taken as a sign of them making a cheap Bond film (I am exaggerating a bit).
  • Posts: 3,285
    I remember there was an official photo posted on the very first day of shooting CR, showing a bruised up Craig. That picture alone got me all pumped up. All I'm saying is, that I am still waiting for that to happen for me regarding SF.
  • Posts: 3,285
    I remember there was an official photo posted on the very first day the shot CR, showing a bruised up Craig. That picture alone got me all pumped up. All I'm saying is, that I am still waiting for that to happen for me here.
  • will this film inflation adjusted be the cheapest ever Bond?
  • craigrules wrote:
    will this film inflation adjusted be the cheapest ever Bond?

    Not sure, but I'd bet that even considering inflation adjustment, Dr No would still have had a smaller budget.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited January 2012 Posts: 13,369
    craigrules wrote:
    will this film inflation adjusted be the cheapest ever Bond?

    Quite the opposite, it would still be the sixth most expensive of the series. Not counting inflation only the the last three films cost more to be made, so hardly any difference.
  • Posts: 12,553
    I am pumped to know we are getting a Bond film! As for locations? Yes they are nice but they do not guarantee a Bond film that will be loved by all fans let alone Bond fans. Take QOS for instance?

    A good believable story married in with action that befits it is the key?
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 1,661
    IMDB has the budget at a huge 200 million dollars!

    I'm guessing that is not accurate.

    Bond films do get a percentage of the budget from product placement deals, and the Bond franchise has made billions so it's hard to think any Bond film would be stingy with the budget. Perhaps Daniel Craig's 100 million dollars fee demand was a bit too excessive? :D
  • Posts: 5,745
    fanbond123 wrote:
    IMDB has the budget at a huge 200 million dollars!

    Perhaps they were given a check of 200 Million, but urged to save wherever possible.

    Thats most likely why they've cut so many locations and resorted to back-lotting. IMO, if it looks just as good as the real location, just cheaper, why not save a buck or two.

    Perhaps they can persuade Connery and the rest of the old gang to make an appearance with the leftover cash!
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    this nothing new..... why the worry?

    do people believe that every single moment, in each of films spent in a location, that that is where they really where? - or did we forget all those blue screen background inserts.. i'd hedge an educated guess that the vast majority (65%-75%) were filmed at Pinewood or in some studio location..

    moving large film crews from country to country can be expensive.
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