Is the moaning really necessary?

edited February 2012 in Skyfall Posts: 6,601
What else is this What defines the screen Bond and where did it all go wrong? (just on eexample of many) then a continuation of what is discussed in other threads under a new title. Do we really need this? I think, those, who are already bitching about the new film just wear down those of us, who want to enjoy the ride and keep looking forward to the movie.
Sure - its a discussion thread with opinions to be expressed - sure enough and rightly so - but if those, who have to hammer down every bit about it, keep opening new threads for that same purpose or point it out in just about every other thread, it get tiring and doesn't help, neither the film nor the community. It seems to the members here the glas is already half empty instead of half full. Pity...


  • edited February 2012 Posts: 11,425
    The glass is not half empty - it's been smashed to smithereens on the floor of disappointment.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Getafix wrote:
    The glass is not half empty - it's been smashed to smithereens on the floor of disappointment.

    This is simply ridiculous and a remark, that is closer to trolldome then reality - by far.

  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    On a calmer note - this is less about basing anybody (Getafix was just an example for opening threads, that really don't add anything usefull.) Its more to maybe make those, who feel the need to trash just about everything to think over their attitude. It takes away the fun to come here IMO.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Sorry, but what do you expect with the thread title?

    Okay, no the moaning is not necessary and everything is perfect. Everyone has been very happy with Brozza and QoS met with resoundingly positive reviews from everyone. The past 7 films have been a huge success.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Germanlady wrote:
    On a calmer note - this is less about basing anybody (Getafix was just an example for opening threads, that really don't add anything usefull.) Its more to maybe make those, who feel the need to trash just about everything to think over their attitude. It takes away the fun to come here IMO.

    My thread about where it all went wrong is actually intended as a serious discussion. You might not have noticed but a lot of posters on the site are more than a little disillusioned with the entire direction of Bond.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    Its about the endless repeats of the same now, everybody has an opinion about above mentioned.That is the point, I am making. I am not a fan of Brosnan or QOS either...
  • Posts: 11,425
    Fair enough, but why not stay clear of those threads?

    E.g. I stay away from anything about computer games.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    Getafix wrote:
    Fair enough, but why not stay clear of those threads?

    E.g. I stay away from anything about computer games.

    You might know, how that is - its there and one participates. Its the whole mood here, that is created IMO but just a few, whose posts spread through the whole board. Its hard to get away from it and its not, that all that many agree...there are some facts like QOS was flawed etc etc, but some are taking all of this ( the new film and what we know about it) to a whole new level of negativity. This doesn't feel right.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    We certainly will try to close any duplicate threads but let us know if you spot something that is duplicated.

    As for negativity, we can never clear the forums of that as long as two people have a difference of opinion. Which is all the time!!
  • Posts: 11,425
    I agree with that!
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601

    Then lets see - how many threads are here, where Brosnan is bashed? How many threads are there for the beard bashing? How many threads have been filled with the fear of a new film, that is too moody? I could go on. It seems, that some threads are only opened and hence feel very duplicate, to bring additional attention to a point, the poster wants to make.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Germanlady wrote:

    Then lets see - how many threads are here, where Brosnan is bashed? How many threads are there for the beard bashing? How many threads have been filled with the fear of a new film, that is too moody? I could go on. It seems, that some threads are only opened and hence feel very duplicate, to bring additional attention to a point, the poster wants to make.

    Why else would someone start a thread? What was the purpose of this thread if not to draw attention to your point? Btw, I think your point is a fair one to make. Negativity and knocking Brozza does become extremely boring after a while. But I just can't resist!
  • Posts: 6,601
    Getafix wrote:
    Germanlady wrote:

    Then lets see - how many threads are here, where Brosnan is bashed? How many threads are there for the beard bashing? How many threads have been filled with the fear of a new film, that is too moody? I could go on. It seems, that some threads are only opened and hence feel very duplicate, to bring additional attention to a point, the poster wants to make.

    Why else would someone start a thread? What was the purpose of this thread if not to draw attention to your point? Btw, I think your point is a fair one to make. Negativity and knocking Brozza does become extremely boring after a while. But I just can't resist!

    I was complasining about opening threads, that point out something, that has been discussed over and over. We all know, how easy it is to paint something negative before it even has become clear, what exactly we are talking a bout (The new film) Its something, you cannot help, it does colour your own feelings, whether you want it or not. Its not about NOT expressing your thoughts, but its about to maybe think twice, before you start bashing something, we know nothing about (again - new film). AQnd again, its human nature, that few being negative make more waves, then many being positive. So - what can we do about that without having to lie about our feelings?
    At least, those who have doubts, could try to not state their thoughts as facts but give it as BIG ? and not give in to EVERY urge to throw it down our throats.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 11,425
    Personally, I'd love it if there were more threads about what it was that made the best Bond films so good and how we can rediscover that essence now. Sadly most of those conversations become overwhelmed by people banging on about how amazing either Brozza was or how incredible DC is now. I happen to feel that post LTK there hasn't been much to cheer about and as a fan that makes me sad. However, as a fan I also live with the hope that things will improve. Infact, I'm quite happy to accept that CR and QoS were actually a big step in the right direction. Equally though, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend everything is hunkydory when I don't think it is.

    As has been mentioned countless times elsewhere, we have been fed this idea that SF is gonna be about 'M's past coming back to haunt her' etc, which sounds a lot like TWINE and is therefore making quite a few people worried.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Getafix wrote:
    Personally, I'd love it if there were more threads about what it was that made the best Bond films so good and how we can rediscover that essence now. Sadly most of those conversations become overwhelmed by people banging on about how amazing either Brozza was or how incredible DC is now. I happen to feel that post LTK there hasn't been much to cheer about and as a fan that makes me sad. However, as a fan I also live with the hope that things will improve. Infact, I'm quite happy to accept that CR and QoS were actually a big step in the right direction. Equally though, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend everything is hunkydory when I don't think it is.

    As has been mentioned countless times elsewhere, we have been fed this idea that SF is gonna be about 'M's past coming back to haunt her' etc, which sounds a lot like TWINE and is therefore making quite a few people worried.

    This, so maybe it would be a good idea to wait until there is a REAL reason to be concerned with being negative. It feels a bit like some people just love to dig deep into their concerns instead of seeing what good there might be and is.

    What we DO have is:
    - A 50th anniversary, that on top of everything else has upped the game for the prods.
    - A great cast and director, that normally can only be gathered if the script is right.
    - The saying goes, its gonna be lighter, which is what people want.

    OK, all of this is ALSO just assumptions and no 100% proof, it will work out like that, but certainly it is MORE proof, then going by what little we got so far.
    On this alone, folks should have some faith.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Germanlady wrote:
    What else is this What defines the screen Bond and where did it all go wrong? (just on eexample of many) then a continuation of what is discussed in other threads under a new title. Do we really need this? I think, those, who are already bitching about the new film just wear down those of us, who want to enjoy the ride and keep looking forward to the movie.
    Sure - its a discussion thread with opinions to be expressed - sure enough and rightly so - but if those, who have to hammer down every bit about it, keep opening new threads for that same purpose or point it out in just about every other thread, it get tiring and doesn't help, neither the film nor the community. It seems to the members here the glas is already half empty instead of half full. Pity...

    Sorry but thats just stupid. So people are not allowed to be worried about the film because of what they've heard about it???? EG- I don't like the sound of skyfalls plot, I like the cast and director, but the plot sounds like something I'll hate. It sounds like M is going to be overinvolved. Its not the law that everybody has to love everything announced. And me and others who are worried about the film want to enjoy it too, why would we want to hate it???
  • Posts: 11,425
    I love the way this thread has become full of moaning from everyone.

    Let's all cheer up and talk about something nice for a change. Like Barbara Bach in a clingy evening gown, or the PTS of Goldfinger.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    Sorry but thats just stupid. So people are not allowed to be worried about the film because of what they've heard about it???? EG- I don't like the sound of skyfalls plot, I like the cast and director, but the plot sounds like something I'll hate. It sounds like M is going to be overinvolved. Its not the law that everybody has to love everything announced. And me and others who are worried about the film want to enjoy it too, why would we want to hate it???

    Of course not, but it feels like the concerns get a bit of overexposure and the good, that people also feel is there, gets killed by that.
    Getafix wrote:
    Let's all cheer up .


  • edited February 2012 Posts: 80
    I understand where GermanLady is coming from as it seems on almost every thread the same people are suffering from cart before the horse syndrome. I could understand the bleating and whitewash if Connery Bond was the finished article when he first appeared in Dr No, but didn’t he acquire the traits and nuances over time. I thought he was rather crass in his first outing. And just for argument sake if Skyfall was Dr No and Craig Bond was to shoot an unarmed man in the back, would you be as forgiving, or pissing on his actions as not very Bond like.

    Connery had the benefit of starting from scratch and is a hybrid of the Fleming Bond so he is not the definitive Bond, he was also groomed into what at the time was considered THE Bond and some of us seem to think his is the one and only possible take of the character.

    If we were to examine all the early Bond films by putting away our sixties mind set, picked them apart as much as we tend to do with the most recent films I’m sure they too would be found wanting as I personally find the seasoned Connery Bond the most inept, we get the obligatory sacrificial lamb crow barred in almost every film now.

    The other thing I don’t understand is the praise harking back to when the films were cutting edge and ahead of their time and we are now treating the newer films with disdain for trying to incorporate these features because they are now being deemed too modern. Wasn’t the Bond of old not using a mobile, driving a kitted out car or used satnav, wasn’t the office decked out with typewriters and faxes THE new technology of the day.

    Some of us are just fed up of the in-balance and continued negativity to everything that is not Connery, his first 3/4 films were great and last 2 mediocre at best and there have been 16 films since which contains more than a few gems.

    The other actors have had the harder task of presenting Bond in a manner that would sustain the character and our interest for the past 50 years. So, instead of acting like prissy snobs, perhaps we could at least acknowledge that all renditions of Bond can be counted as legitimate takes and give credit also to their efforts instead of crapping on the films that came after the 60s.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Blimey, these anti-moaners don't half moan a lot...
  • Posts: 1,548
    Getafix wrote:
    Sorry, but what do you expect with the thread title?

    Okay, no the moaning is not necessary and everything is perfect. Everyone has been very happy with Brozza and QoS met with resoundingly positive reviews from everyone. The past 7 films have been a huge success.

    Brosnan's films went downhill gradually after Goldeneye. He was good but the moment he surfed the iceberg then his days were numbered! Instead of "jumping the shark" or "nuking the fridge" we should refer to films that get ridulous as "surfing the iceberg" moments! Dan Craig IS Bond and he owns the part IMO!

  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    Getafix wrote:
    Blimey, these anti-moaners don't half moan a lot...

    I think, THIS is about WHAT you moan about and meant as a thread to decide, how people want to go on. Do they want to say "I want to like the new film" and at the same time knock down every little plant, before it can grow?..or do people want to act, as if they REALLY want to give the new film a chance until proven otherwise.

    I feel, it has been forgotten, that you can be critical WITHOUT killing the topic for good.
    hisqos wrote:
    it seems on almost every thread the same people are suffering from cart before the horse syndrome.

    Some of us are just fed up of the in-balance and continued negativity to everything that is not Connery, his first 3/4 films were great and last 2 mediocre at best and there have been 16 films since which contains more than a few gems.

    The other actors have had the harder task of presenting Bond in a manner that would sustain the character and our interest for the past 50 years. So, instead of acting like prissy snobs, perhaps we could at least acknowledge that all renditions of Bond can be counted as legitimate takes and give credit also to their efforts instead of crapping on the films that came after the 60s.

  • LeChiffre wrote:
    Brosnan's films went downhill gradually after Goldeneye. He was good but the moment he surfed the iceberg then his days were numbered! Instead of "jumping the shark" or "nuking the fridge" we should refer to films that get ridulous as "surfing the iceberg" moments!

    Brilliant! It was the iceberg that sank Brosnan's reputation!
  • Posts: 6,601
    Could we please just stay on topic? I don't try to be a mod or anything, but would really like to make this a discussionpoint, as we are not even half through filming...
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Yes, as @Germanlady says, stick to the discussion at hand. It's a valid point ansd worthy of a discussion as long as it doesn't end up as a war of words. :)>-
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 11,425
    Isn't this all a bit circular? We have limited info so obviously we speculate - what do you expect us to do? The info we have has caused concern amongst quite a few people so we articulate our concerns. What is the problem with this and how is the debate improved by having an enforced jollity? It's gonna end up like North Korea if we pursue this 'you must be positive' agenda.
  • Getafix wrote:
    Isn't this all a bit circular? We have limited info so obviously we speculate - what do you expect us to do? The info we have has caused concern amongst quite a few people so we articulate our concerns. What is the problem with this and how is the debate improved by having an enforced jollity? It's gonna end up like North Korea if we pursue this 'you must be positive' agenda.

    Agreed. Its just critical discussion, working on the limited basis of the information we have at hand.

    It doesn't make sense: we're not supposed to have any discussions which are negative, but we are allowed to discuss being negative about being negative?
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    Getafix wrote:
    Isn't this all a bit circular? We have limited info so obviously we speculate - what do you expect us to do? The info we have has caused concern amongst quite a few people so we articulate our concerns. What is the problem with this and how is the debate improved by having an enforced jollity? It's gonna end up like North Korea if we pursue this 'you must be positive' agenda.

    There is always two sides to everything. I suppose not being one sided is the way to do it. Plus not invasion every other thread with the same arguments of negativity. Many points have been made, people have - by now - their opinion about them, which is their good right, but forcing the same arguments upon everybody else is not helpful for the atmosphere here, as it either ends in frustration or in fights - fights of words, as NN said.

  • Posts: 11,425
    I don't think the odd dust up is a bad thing. A good argument tends to produce the best posts I reckon.

  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    So you consider the force and back of the same ole as "best posts?" Okayyy...
    This is NOT about being critical - this is about being OVERLY critical and about REPEATS.

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