Is the moaning really necessary?



  • Certain posters like showing negativity down our throats every single post. It's fine to have topics discussing negative aspects of the series you don't like but it becomes borderline obsessive when people can't make a single post without having to mention how much [insert bond actor/movie here] sucks. More then a few threads have become derailed due to people just coming in and being "well. this topic is nice and all..but did you know that [insert actor here] sucks really badly and I hate him? do know that right? RIGHT? just checking..cuz yknow..I need you to know this every time I post"

    At the end of the day though, this is the internet. And the internet exists for people to bitch and moan about stuff they don't like. Discussions often lead to negativity because that's what people are most passionate about. I've learned to ignore discussions I don't agree with since they end up going round n round in circles anyway. Everybody has an opinion and everybody wants to share that opinion. It's best to not let yourself get too influenced by negativity towards things you like.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Germanlady wrote:
    So you consider the force and back of the same ole as "best posts?" Okayyy...
    This is NOT about being critical - this is about being OVERLY critical and about REPEATS.

    I think the Germanlady doth protest too much.
    You've just given a perfect example of being hoist by your own petard seeing as you must have made the same point about 10 times already.

    In fairness I agree with you about SF - details are very sketchy at this time so let's have optimism that the quality cast that has been assembled will deliver and that DC is right in his assessment that it is a cracking script.

    It's just that since DAD people are less inclined to have blind faith that EON know what they are doing.
    It's a bit like the England football team who have let me down so many times I now go in Euro 2012 expecting abject disaster - but then being German I guess this isn't a problem for you.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601

    I think the Germanlady doth protest too much.
    You've just given a perfect example of being hoist by your own petard seeing as you must have made the same point about 10 times already.

    In fairness I agree with you about SF - details are very sketchy at this time so let's have optimism that the quality cast that has been assembled will deliver and that DC is right in his assessment that it is a cracking script.

    It's just that since DAD people are less inclined to have blind faith that EON know what they are doing.
    It's a bit like the England football team who have let me down so many times I now go in Euro 2012 expecting abject disaster - but then being German I guess this isn't a problem for you.

    Of course, I repeat myself here, as this is the topic. But I am not going to throw it into every other thread. ;)
  • Posts: 297
    Certain posters like showing negativity down our throats every single post. It's fine to have topics discussing negative aspects of the series you don't like but it becomes borderline obsessive when people can't make a single post without having to mention how much [insert bond actor/movie here] sucks. More then a few threads have become derailed due to people just coming in and being "well. this topic is nice and all..but did you know that [insert actor here] sucks really badly and I hate him? do know that right? RIGHT? just checking..cuz yknow..I need you to know this every time I post"

    At the end of the day though, this is the internet. And the internet exists for people to bitch and moan about stuff they don't like. Discussions often lead to negativity because that's what people are most passionate about. I've learned to ignore discussions I don't agree with since they end up going round n round in circles anyway. Everybody has an opinion and everybody wants to share that opinion. It's best to not let yourself get too influenced by negativity towards things you like.


    In general I'm more a friend of the books than films. But the films are great fun in their own right so I can enjoy them for what they are, a nice couple of hours of fun. For some of us that pastime has become quite important and today we live in times where we feel we can influence the weal and woe of our favourite secret agent if we just scream loud enough. Sounds funny or insane, does it? But I'm only half jokin there, we really hope Eon will listen if we just keep bitchin. This is not just negativity, this is concern. And a bit of frustrated impotency. But I feel we can't help ourselves there.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 6,601
    I hear you, but they have a finished script, which they won't change, because of some complaints. I am sure, they heard it all after QOS and if they were smart, they listened back then.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    edited February 2012 Posts: 6,538
    Germanlady wrote:
    So you consider the force and back of the same ole as "best posts?" Okayyy...
    This is NOT about being critical - this is about being OVERLY critical and about REPEATS.

    I agree with you. I think there should be "I love Brosnan," "I hate Brosnan," "I love Craig," and "I hate Craig" threads so some people can vent there and other people can avoid those threads entirely.

    It's one thing to start a thread about Craig's facial hair and wondering if it's going to be a classic look ("Bond should be in a tux, so how can there be the scruff?") but then it devolved into "I never liked Craig because he's blond" which is an endless argument.

  • Posts: 12,553
    Can i just say Germanlady, you must have read my mind! I am tired of logging on to see more and more negative threads about Craig or Bond in general!

    Its a fansite first and foremost! Interesting thoughts and views are always welcome and i for one love a healthy debate. But? I think some people need to take a moment and ask themselves whether they are a fan or not? The thread you mentioned is a casing point!
  • Posts: 5,745
    I've also gotten moaners on my Discussion on random topics. They seem not to understand that most Bond threads have done and been created, and me being bored and interested in my fellow humans, are interested in their interests.

    PEOPLE: Thats why there's the 'general discussion' thread genre.

    I like to find new movies, hear the best parts of other movies, and get opinions on other films in the world.

    Also, The Super Bowl, The World Cup, and The Olympics are all major international sporting events, why the hate when I make a discussion to talk about them? Sheesh.
  • Posts: 6,601
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I've also gotten moaners on my Discussion on random topics. They seem not to understand that most Bond threads have done and been created, and me being bored and interested in my fellow humans, are interested in their interests.

    PEOPLE: Thats why there's the 'general discussion' thread genre.

    I like to find new movies, hear the best parts of other movies, and get opinions on other films in the world.

    Also, The Super Bowl, The World Cup, and The Olympics are all major international sporting events, why the hate when I make a discussion to talk about them? Sheesh.

    Sorry, but what are you actually saying in context to this thread? Seriously, I don't understand..

  • Posts: 5,745
    Im saying the same people who moan on in repetitive threads attack people (like me) who create unique threads because they're not Bond related.

    Like I said, most Bond related discussions have already been created in some form, but these people complain when I talk about something else.

    What I meant was the same people who start these redundant threads complain when I create off-topic threads. Its annoying.
  • Posts: 6,601
    So basically we have people, who complain for the sake of it, those, who do have arguments and those, who give things a bright side rather then being quick with condemning everything. Quite a bunch, eh?
  • Posts: 12,553
    That's a healthy democracy i suppose?! ;)
  • Posts: 6,601
    Do you notice, that this doesn't go up anymore, even when people post? Nice way to shut up a discussion without making a fuss.
  • Posts: 12,553
    yep! i have noticed too! ;))
  • Posts: 6,601
    I think, this is rather respectless.
  • Posts: 12,553
    i can understand that but i'm afraid that we will just have to humour and put up with it for now, unless it gets out of hand and offensive!
  • Posts: 6,601
    Yup. Thanks Rogue.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    This thread is fine to continue as it was, as long as we keep away from any unnecessary arguments.
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,375
    Some people on the forum simply use it for self-publication, and there's no better way than to do this with some claims that outrage as many other as possible (e.g. "In my opinion CR was utter crap").
    The best strategy is to just ignore these posers..., sorry... posters when they get on your nerves. There are a few users here whose posts I simply do not read and all is fine for me.
    As for SF, I am not having my anticipation spoiled by reading the forums. I know Mendes older films and thus I know what to expect. I've heard Thomas Newman's soundtracks and they are a welcome change. I love the secrecy over the plot and characters and am happy that there are no production videos (look what that did for QoS, it all looked more promising than the final product). So for me, I am glad for the existence of the forum and its contributors. And I do not take everything too serious, after all, it's just a movie, and if it turns out not to be good, I can always put DN, FRWL, OHMSS, or CR in the DVD player and wait for the next one.
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