Last Bonds

echoecho 007 in New York
edited February 2012 in Bond Movies Posts: 6,538
Inspired by the AVTAK thread:

While each actor's first Bond film is generally strong, why is it that their last ones are often weak? Have any of the films (other than NSNA) actually dealt with Bond aging?

DAF seemed to have fun with the character--"My God, you just killed James Bond!"--and Connery played it as if he were enjoying his swan song. AVTAK had Bond acting almost fatherly, tucking Stacey into bed. Lazenby and Dalton's tenures were cut short, so their films never had a chance to reflect on their time as Bond. And I'm not sure what to make of DAD.


  • Posts: 401
    I wouldn't say that every Bond actor's first film is "strong". LALD was just awful, and I hated CR as well.
  • Posts: 562
    Well, DN is my favourite of the Connery films, LALD my favourite of Moore's, and GE my favourite of Brosnan's. So yes, I'd agree that, for the most part, the first film from each actor is a 'strong' film.

    However, I still quite enjoyed DAF and might actually rank it higher than YOLT. AVTAK and DAD usually rank in my bottom five. LTK goes against the argument, though. I almost always rank LTK in my top five to ten.
  • The immense effort to launch a new Bond actor probably explains the strong first films. I'm not saying that the Bond Team don't make an effort on every film, but the spotlight is that bit more intense on the first.

    Take LALD as an example. The sheer audacity shines through. A boat chase? Why, we'll set a new world record! No long-term life for the series after Connery? Watch Moore skip over the crocodiles, and get back to us on that. There is a reason why the general movie-going audience remembers this film... Goldeneye provided a similar shot-in-the-arm to the series.

    Their last films have, in my opinion, been a disappointment, although every Bond film has its moments, of course. In general, Diamonds Are Forever was just tacky (NSNA doesn't count to me), AVTAK tired, LTK grim, unglamorous, and lacking any sort of twinkle (even Dalton seems to have been disappointed by this film), and with DAD, no elaboration is necessary.

    I think when the Bond films lose their audacity and their ambition, then the product suffers.

    I still love them all, though...
  • Posts: 501
    I really think that AVTAK is better than MR... Not best of Moore's but still quite good. The only two drawbacks it has are Moore's age and May Day.
  • 002002
    Posts: 581
    i always felt that the bond films that the actors leave are perhaps not the best:

    Connery-Dimanonds are Forever & Never Say Never Agian: he was rather bored in the role and didnt seem to have much enthusiasm. he had a bit more enthusasium for Never Say Never Agian but some scenes he just seemed bored riggid- like the scene with Roman Aktison.

    Moore- A View To A Kill the same with Connery he just seemed very bored- he had his swansong with octopussy and i could tell he didnt enjoy AVTAK- i mean being with girls nearly 40 years longer seemed a bit well icky and well the less said about Grace Jones the better.

    Dalton- unfairly his tentured ended with a very 80's cliched american action film, he gave a good peformance but was cut down due to legal biddings in which he couldnt make bond 17 (Property of a Lady as it was in the first draft)

    Brosnan- i feel the most saddest for Brosnan to bow out of one of the worst bond films of all time (Second to Qantum of Solace ofcourse) but he was unfourtunately giving his best peformance as Bond but he was saddled with an annoying catwoman, a pantomine smug villian, a linear storyline and an invisible car (Basically Moonraker for The 21st Century) i would have loved to have seen Brosnan do a would have been a more decatdent way to go...
  • DAF - 6/10
    AVTAK - 4/10
    LTK - 7/10
    DAD - 4/10
  • I dunno, I though OHMSS was a strong final film for Laz :-/
  • Posts: 2,341
    0iker0 wrote:
    I really think that AVTAK is better than MR... Not best of Moore's but still quite good. The only two drawbacks it has are Moore's age and May Day.

    I agree except for the part about May Day. she was a campy and interesting henchwoman. She was not as bad as Jaws in MR, a film that which sucked royally (except for the PTS)

    Moore hit his stride with TSWLM and maybe he should have quit after OP. It would have been a great swansong for him. Heck DAF sucked and so did DAD. Moore's final film is in keeping with other Bonds as going out stinking up the screen.

    I have to agree with the post that said DAD should have been another FYEO and Brosnan an immensly popular Bond at the time could have gone out on top. Hindsight is 20/20...
  • Pierce absolutely should have done another one in 2004. And a serious FYEO style one at that! Imagine if Roger's last movie was MoonRaker!
  • Posts: 2,341
    I understand that Moore wanted to quit after MR. He was in his early 50's and decided he'd had enough. I'm glad he stuck around for FYEO and OP.

  • He was pretty close in age with Pierce during MR and DAD respectively (maybe a difference of one or two years)
    Could you imagine if Pierce hung around as long as Roger??
  • Dr_Metz wrote:
    I wouldn't say that every Bond actor's first film is "strong". LALD was just awful, and I hated CR as well.

    You hated CR?! SACRILEGE!
  • Posts: 501
    OHMSS69 wrote:
    I understand that Moore wanted to quit after MR. He was in his early 50's and decided he'd had enough. I'm glad he stuck around for FYEO and OP.
    True, I can't imagine the Clown dressed scene in OP without Moore, even less with a Bond as dark as Dalton's...

    @OHMSS69 I agree with the PTS of MR, was the best bit of the film with the parachute thing, and it was all right, just all right, untill Jaws fell in love...
    The problem I have with May Day is that I see her as "Jaws 2, now he is a woman". Think about it, superstrong, fell in love with a man, and finnally helped Bond... Maybe it's just me but...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    It's true for me that the first film is (so far) better than the last film in each actor's tenure, with perhaps the exception of Dalton's:

    DN >> DAF
    TLD = LTK
    GE >>>>> DAD
    CR >>> QOS
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,538
    I'm still wondering what people think of the weirdly domesticated, older and wiser (?) Bond we glimpse in AVTAK: cooking quiche for Stacey, tucking her into bed...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I like it! While I have no interest in the young Bond, I enjoy learning a thing or two about the post-007 or nearly post-007 Bond. I want to know, just in a few lines, what happens when Bond retires.

    Of course Bond will never retire. ;-)
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,538
    DarthDimi wrote:
    I like it! While I have no interest in the young Bond, I enjoy learning a thing or two about the post-007 or nearly post-007 Bond. I want to know, just in a few lines, what happens when Bond retires.

    Of course Bond will never retire. ;-)

    Since the filmmakers apparently want us to believe that most if not all the actors are playing the same character (via the references to Tracy for Lazenby, Moore, Dalton, and arguably, Brosnan), maybe they can't deal with aging because then how to explain the fact that Bond repeatedly gets older, then younger again?

    You could argue that the missions/movies take place in a different order but the contemporary references in each make this problematic.

  • With that problem you just have to keep in mind that each movie takes place in the present-- and don't complicate it further.
    Just know in the back of your head that no matter what movie you're looking at, James Bond is 35-40 years old
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,538
    Moore was a youthful man but there's no way he's playing 40 in AVTAK!
  • You're right- I shouldn't have said 35-40-- but you all know what I'm trying to say right? :)~
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,538
    Yes, I understand your point. Bond is supposed to be interchangeable, and eternally the same age, more or less.

    What I liked about NSNA--one of the few things--is that it addressed Connery's age. But that was a one-off film. Maybe that's impossible in EON's series.
  • LTK is my favourite bond film of all time so I wouldn't say all the bonds have weak last ones. But I prefer TSWLM, TMWTGG and moonraker over LALD. and I prefer thunderball, NSNA goldfinger, YOLT and FRWL over dr no. So the 1st isn't always strongest either imo.
  • DarthDimi wrote:
    I like it! While I have no interest in the young Bond, I enjoy learning a thing or two about the post-007 or nearly post-007 Bond. I want to know, just in a few lines, what happens when Bond retires.

    Of course Bond will never retire. ;-)

    I came up with the idea a month or 2 ago of a one off starring dalton, set now. He would've messed up or almost messed up during the PTS, so he wants to retire. But an old girlfriend is kidnapped by some evil villian and bond is forced to do one last mission. And in the end bond gets married and retires. Then afterwards get a young actor and carry on as normal.
  • If we can take the authors original issue and look at it from there-

    Connery 1962-67 / 1971

    Dr No, - a fine worthy start to the franchise, lots to get involved in, a very good Bond film and Connery at his finest

    Diamonds, - overblown, tired, jaded and uninspiring and that's just Connery himself, a major disappointment for the man as he departed from the official series, as with License to Kill ahead of it, it just does not feel like a Bond movie sometimes

    Moore 1973-85

    Live and Let Die - exotic, lively, vibrant and mysterious, yes it's all very dated now, but it's my favorite Bond adventure, a fine start for Mr Moore

    A View to a Kill - poor fare and an overall letdown, it was disappointing if not overall silly and absurd

    Dalton 1987-89

    The Living Daylights - Dalton looked the part, a real spy adventure, a bit dull at times but Dalton added a much needed steel and reality to the part after Moore's departure

    License to Kill - It's not bad, the main issue I have is it simply doesn't have the feel of a Bond film, yes there are certain elements but it strays too far from the path too often, Dalton is still very good though and very much at home as Bond

    Brosnan 1995-2002

    Goldeneye - very good outing, Brosnan looks the part, acts well, very plausible sometimes, lots to get involved in etc

    Die Another Day - do I really need to add anything here?, some may have enjoyed it, but it's simply the worst of the Brosnan lot and even Pierce himself could not have saved this mess

    Craig 2006-08

    Casino Royale - injected some much needed spark and life into James Bond again, lots to get involved with, action, suspense, hard edged reality

    Quantum of Solace - Haven't seen it for years now, but am fully aware that this follow up was a major disappointment, weak characters, awful music, Craig couldn't repeat the success of first time out, all told it's by far the weaker of the two

    Therefore it's blatantly obvious that a Bond actors first appearance is by far better than their last, we can't include Lazenby in this on the basis of one film and Craig still has more to offer but there you are
  • Posts: 4,762
    DAF: A decent Bond outing, with good villains, locations, and a great score to drag it along. One of Connery's lower performances here, and definitely could be catagorized as a weak "last Bond"

    AVTAK: I love it, no matter what anyone says! This is a Bond classic all the way!

    LTK: Purely epic, my #3 Bond movie!!!

    DAD: Too much cheese and fake CGI graphics, not to mention terrible villains. Definitely a weak Last Bond
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    This point has been raised before but I'm hoping from Craig onwards this 'trend' is broken. Craig, for one, wants every film he does to be of a very high quality.
  • Samuel001 wrote:
    This point has been raised before but I'm hoping from Craig onwards this 'trend' is broken. Craig, for one, wants every film he does to be of a very high quality.

    To be fair, I'm betting all the others wanted that too. But the actors don't direct and they don't write scripts. And I wouldn't say any trend exists anyway, LTK is the best bond film ever and AVTAK isn't too bad.
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