Pierce Brosnan signs up for romantic comedy 'Love Punch'

JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
edited February 2012 in Actors Posts: 1,380
Former James Bond star Pierce Brosnan will be starring in a new romantic comedy from British director/screenwriter Joel Hopkins. "Love Punch" will also star English Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson.

The plot sees Thompson and Brosnan as a divorced couple who are forced to reunite after their pension is stolen by an unscrupulous businessman and they join forces to steal it back.

The film is set to begin shooting this summer in the U.K., Paris and the French Riviera.

"Love Punch" will be released in cinemas in 2013.


  • Posts: 1,548
    Yet another rom-com for Pierce. If he isn't careful he may turn into Hugh Grant!
  • Posts: 12,553
    Whether you like him or not? Good luck to him i say. So if he is in Europe over the latter half of the year? Stands to reason that there is a fair chance he will attend the Bond reunion?
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Not the best move I would say. I hope this works out OK. One thing's for certain Craig would never star in such a film!
  • Posts: 11,216
    I suppose its going to star Emma Thompson too - she's a fairly respectable actress.

    Craig starred in fairly standard films - both before and during his time as Bond. What about Cowboys and Aliens?
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Not a romantic comedy though, that was my point. As for Emma Thompson - I want Nanny McThree!
  • Posts: 11,216
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Not the best move I would say. I hope this works out OK. One thing's for certain Craig would never star in such a film!

    Haha perhaps not

  • Posts: 224
    Lucky Pierce, to be able to work with Emma Thompson. I've always liked her. Kenneth Braghnan (sp) should have never let her get away.
  • Posts: 1,407
    Best of luck to Pierce, I hope this works out. But I would love to see him in a film that I would actually go see...rom-coms are not my thing. I haven't seen a film of his since The Matador
  • Posts: 11,216
    He's worked with quite a lot of great actresses recently including Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon and Carey Mulligan
  • Posts: 1,492
    Dont tell me? He's playing a wisecracking charmer/playboy who women find irresistable?

    But also a pensioner.....I wonder if he will get a bus pass?
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    Photos and videos of "Love Punch" filming in Cannes this week, including a vid in which Brooza hit his head leaving a car.


  • Posts: 12,837
    Doesn't sound like my kind of film, but I'll probably see it because it has Brosnan in it.
  • Photos and videos of "Love Punch" filming in Cannes this week, including a vid in which Brooza hit his head leaving a car.



    Do you know where and when they will be filming in Paris? I will be there the weekend of the 23,24 June ....would be fun to maybe take a few pictures of them filming...

  • Posts: 2,341
    Brozza does pretty well in romantic comedies, some spy thrillers. He should be just fine and very funny. He was never much of a Bond IMO
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Did anybody see his latest romcom "I Don't Know How She Does It'? I'm curious as to if it was any good. I've seen almost all of his films, excluding that one and a few others.
  • Posts: 1,492
    When is Brosnan going to do Samuel Beckett? I want to see his thespian talents in Waiting for Godot.

    I'd pay to see it. :-*
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 11,216
    He already demonstrated his thespian talants here. The way he projects his voice is just stunning.

    (Guess which clip I'm going to put up?)




  • edited June 2012 Posts: 12,837
    BAIN123 wrote:
    He already demonstrated his thespian talants here. The way he projects his voice is just stunning.

    (Guess which clip I'm going to put up?)




    =)) Never gets old.
  • Posts: 12,553
    BAIN123 wrote:
    He already demonstrated his thespian talants here. The way he projects his voice is just stunning.

    (Guess which clip I'm going to put up?)




    Jeez that made me laugh! I think i could do with one of those over the top moments! ;))
  • Mamma Mia made more money than casino royale cue PB evil rom com laughter....

    600 million to 500 million
  • Posts: 165
    Mamma Mia made more money than casino royale ......

    And if that doesn't cause you to lose more than a little faith in humanity, then nothing will.
  • Posts: 7,653
    Grinderman wrote:
    Mamma Mia made more money than casino royale ......

    And if that doesn't cause you to lose more than a little faith in humanity, then nothing will.

    You forget that females are a very large group of viewers and they easily preferred Mamma Mia over CR. look at the epic BO of Titanic a very womanfriendly movie and they watched en masse. Or the Twilight series another much mocked series that did not suffer the non-attendences of males.

    The fact women have a different taste does not offer any worries for the human race. In fact I pity the males that fail to grasp that reality.
  • I grasp my reality most nights
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 165
    SaintMark wrote:
    Grinderman wrote:
    Mamma Mia made more money than casino royale ......

    And if that doesn't cause you to lose more than a little faith in humanity, then nothing will.

    You forget that females are a very large group of viewers and they easily preferred Mamma Mia over CR. look at the epic BO of Titanic a very womanfriendly movie and they watched en masse. Or the Twilight series another much mocked series that did not suffer the non-attendences of males.

    The fact women have a different taste does not offer any worries for the human race. In fact I pity the males that fail to grasp that reality.

    My comment had nothing to do with the target demographics of each film (and, frankly, I'm puzzled as to how you would read that kind of misogynistic thinking into what was, ostensibly, a joke). Not only do I do not object to any sort of entertainment targeted to women, but I find the thinking that there’s “female entertainment” and “male entertainment” rather simplistic and a little insulting to both genders. As if women can’t appreciate a good action flick (obviously not true, as proven by the women who participate in sites such as this) and men can’t enjoy a good rom com (one look at my DVD collection proves otherwise).

    My problem with Mama Mia had nothing to do with the gender of the people who went to see it and everything to do with it being yet another piece of overly saccharine, mindless pap dished out by a corporate Hollywood that continues to re-hash relics from another era (in this case, ABBA music) in order to suck the money from the pockets of a generation who are all too eager to indulge the overly developed nostalgia for their adolescence.

  • Posts: 7,653
    Grinderman wrote:
    SaintMark wrote:
    Grinderman wrote:
    Mamma Mia made more money than casino royale ......

    And if that doesn't cause you to lose more than a little faith in humanity, then nothing will.

    You forget that females are a very large group of viewers and they easily preferred Mamma Mia over CR. look at the epic BO of Titanic a very womanfriendly movie and they watched en masse. Or the Twilight series another much mocked series that did not suffer the non-attendences of males.

    The fact women have a different taste does not offer any worries for the human race. In fact I pity the males that fail to grasp that reality.

    My comment had nothing to do with the target demographics of each film (and, frankly, I'm puzzled as to how you would read that kind of misogynistic thinking into what was, ostensibly, a joke). Not only do I do not object to any sort of entertainment targeted to women, but I find the thinking that there’s “female entertainment” and “male entertainment” rather simplistic and a little insulting to both genders. As if women can’t appreciate a good action flick (obviously not true, as proven by the women who participate in sites such as this) and men can’t enjoy a good rom com (one look at my DVD collection proves otherwise).

    My problem with Mama Mia had nothing to do with the gender of the people who went to see it and everything to do with it being yet another piece of overly saccharine, mindless pap dished out by a corporate Hollywood that continues to re-hash relics from another era (in this case, ABBA music) in order to suck the money from the pockets of a generation who are all too eager to indulge the overly developed nostalgia for their adolescence.

    A lot of assumptions on your side about my views on women and their interest or men and romantic movies. And I do not care about your collection of romantic movies they mean very little compared about your remark.

    Also an apperent lack on your side when it comes to Mamma Mia, which was a very succesfull stage musical before it became a very succesfull movie. As a musical it worked pretty good and it was written by those famous Hollywood folks Bjorn and Benny of ABBA.

    looking at the cast "Hollywood" took quite some gamble with some of the actors. While Pierce is a very suave and charming man he is not a very great singer. And Meryll Streep who would have thought she was the right pick.

  • Posts: 1,492
    Grinderman wrote:
    My comment had nothing to do with the target demographics of each film (and, frankly, I'm puzzled as to how you would read that kind of misogynistic thinking into what was, ostensibly, a joke). Not only do I do not object to any sort of entertainment targeted to women, but I find the thinking that there’s “female entertainment” and “male entertainment” rather simplistic and a little insulting to both genders. As if women can’t appreciate a good action flick (obviously not true, as proven by the women who participate in sites such as this) and men can’t enjoy a good rom com (one look at my DVD collection proves otherwise).

    Some people see misogyny in a paper cup.

    I have to say I have been concerned that films seemed to be divided and aimed at different sexes and never the twain shall meet. Twilight for the girlies, Transformers for the boys. Its all so divisive.

    I remember the days when everyone went and saw ET, Indiana Jones or Star Wars regardless of gender. James Bond was popular with mum, dad, big sister, granny, uncle Nobby et al.

    Just make films that everyone wants to see.
  • Posts: 7,653
    actonsteve wrote:
    Grinderman wrote:
    My comment had nothing to do with the target demographics of each film (and, frankly, I'm puzzled as to how you would read that kind of misogynistic thinking into what was, ostensibly, a joke). Not only do I do not object to any sort of entertainment targeted to women, but I find the thinking that there’s “female entertainment” and “male entertainment” rather simplistic and a little insulting to both genders. As if women can’t appreciate a good action flick (obviously not true, as proven by the women who participate in sites such as this) and men can’t enjoy a good rom com (one look at my DVD collection proves otherwise).

    Some people see misogyny in a paper cup.

    I have to say I have been concerned that films seemed to be divided and aimed at different sexes and never the twain shall meet. Twilight for the girlies, Transformers for the boys. Its all so divisive.

    I remember the days when everyone went and saw ET, Indiana Jones or Star Wars regardless of gender. James Bond was popular with mum, dad, big sister, granny, uncle Nobby et al.

    Just make films that everyone wants to see.

    Misogyny has nothing to do with anything. A labeling that has little to do with my explanation on a rather stupid remark. Not everybody fancies a 007 movie.

    I agree with movies aimed at the whole family, but the current course of 007 can hardly be called a nice family-outing. Heck I cannot even get my wife to the current 007 since she dislikes the grittiness of the current Bond.

    Twilight I leave for the lassies of my family, having seen the first two with them on dvd taxed my nerves enough. As do the Transformermovies by the way.

    But movies like Mamma Mia are not really aimed at the male part of our society, and if that is correct is another discussion. I do not mind at all that there are movies aimed at certain groups in our society and neither do I consider it wrong.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited June 2012 Posts: 12,501
    Films are a smorgasbord! A little something for everyone, variety, it takes all kinds, etc. I can't stand this kind, yet it is your favorite. But that is okay. I think the members of this forum are true movie fans. I have been, all of my life. I like many different kinds of films, but some are not to my tastes. So did I like Mama Mia? No, not really. I love Meryl but just seeing her in this bugged me. Ditto Colin Firth. Will I see any Twilight films? Not unless over my dead body (which was makes that impossible, so well, no then...). ;)

    As for Pierce's new flick, it sounds like fun and I will definitely see it. Really looking forward to his November man, too. He is versatile and good and for me, always worth the price of a ticket (even in Japan).
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited June 2012 Posts: 41,105
    Films like 'Mamma Mia,' to me, are aimed at the fans of musicals. Hence the genres of films.

    If you like romance and comedies, you'll probably enjoy romcoms. If you enjoy slasher flicks, you'll more than likely enjoy horror films. I went with my mother to see 'Mamma Mia,' and we both enjoyed ourselves. I'm a male, and I enjoy the occasional musical.

    But, let's not have yet another topic derailed. Seems to be the norm on the forum these days. So, to keep it on topic, I'll question again: did anyone see 'I Don't Know How She Does It' by any chance? I've never been a Sarah Jessica Parker fan, but I am willing to give it a shot because of Brosnan and Kinnear.
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