The Dark Knight Rises :: July 2012 (Spoilers)



  • Posts: 12,837
    I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean the film talked about BB more than it talked about TDK. I meant it talked about BB more than TDK talked about BB.

    Tad confusing, but I get you. The trilogy sticks to the rules. The first film sets the stage, the second film does something completely new, and then the third and final film draws from the past and finishes everything off. Nolan checked all the boxes.

    That does seem to be true. Look at the original Indiana Jones films. Temple Of Doom was completely seperate, but in the Last Crusade, they had Sallah and Marcus, and Nazis, things from Raiders.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited July 2012 Posts: 4,559
    Couple of newsmessage in Dutch media, messages are in Dutch.

    Bij de première van The Dark Knight Rises in Duitsland donderdag gelden verscherpte veiligheidsmaatregelen. No Costume's at German premiere Thursday.
    Zo mogen bezoekers bij sommige bioscopen niet verkleed naar binnen. Dit meldde Bild, de grootste Duitse krant. Duitse bioscoopbezitters vrezen voor imitatiegedrag. Daarom komen er extra controles bij de ingangen van de zalen waar The Dark Knight Rises wordt vertoond.

    Christian Bale bezoekt slachtoffers schietpartij / Christian Bale visit victems shooting
    AMSTERDAM - Christian Bale, de hoofdrolspeler in Dark Knight Rises, heeft een bezoek gebracht aan slachtoffers van de schietpartij tijdens de première van deze derde Batman-film in het Amerikaanse Aurora.

    De acteur werd gespot in het Aurora Medical Center waar een deel van de 58 gewonden wordt verzorgd. Een woordvoerder van filmmaatschappij Warner Bros. verklaarde tegenover TMZ dat het bezoek van Bale aan de slachtoffers een persoonlijk initatief was.

    De schietpartij vond plaats tijdens een nachtelijke première van de film. Er vielen twaalf doden.

    Overlevende bevalt van baby / Victem give birth to baby.
    Een Amerikaans echtpaar dat bij de schietpartij in Colorado was, heeft een kind gekregen. De vrouw bleef ongedeerd, haar man raakte zwaargewond.

    Katie Medley was afgelopen zondag uitgerekend. Als laatste uitje voor de bevalling was ze met haar man Caleb naar de première van 'The Dark Knight Rises' in Aurora gegaan. Terwijl ze in de zaal zaten, opende James Holmes het vuur. Daarbij werden 12 mensen gedood. 58 mensen raakten gewond.

    Caleb werd in zijn hoofd geraakt. Door de kogel heeft hij zijn rechteroog verloren en schade aan zijn hersenen opgelopen. Hij ligt in kritieke toestand in het ziekenhuis. Omdat zijn zorgverzekering niet voldoet, heeft de familie een website opgezet om geld in te zamelen.
    Zoontje Hugo

    Katie is vier dagen na het drama bevallen van een jongetje, dat de naam Hugo Jackson Medley heeft gekregen. Moeder en kind maken het goed.

    Nieuwe film Ryan Gosling aangepast & uitgesteld/ New movie Ryan Gosling edit, delayd / Warner Bros voor de rechter / Warner Bros in court.
    Schietscène geschrapt na bloedbad
    AMSTERDAM - De actiefilm Gangster Squad met Ryan Gosling wordt aangepast in verband met het bloedbad in een Amerikaanse bioscoop. De scène moet opnieuw worden opgenomen. Scenarist Will Beal is gevraagd een nieuwe scène te bedenken. De film was zo goed als af en de aanpassing kan dan ook flink in de papieren lopen en het wordt lastig om de drukbezette filmsterren Gosling, Josh Brolin, Sean Penn en Anthony Mackie bijeen te brengen.

    De misdaadfilm Gangster Squad zou in september in de bioscopen draaien, maar waarschijnlijk wordt de première uitgesteld. Gangster Squad speelt zich af in de jaren veertig als twee ambitieuze agenten, Gosling en Brolin, een klopjacht voeren naar een gangster, de rol van Penn. Ook Emma Stone heeft een rol in de film.


    Ondertussen is de eerste rechtszaak wegens de schietpartij aangespannen. Een ooggetuige van het bloedbad houdt Warner Bros verantwoordelijk voor de schietpartij. Hij heeft de filmmaatschappij aangeklaagd, omdat The Dark Knight Rises te gewelddadig zou zijn. Daarnaast heeft de man de bioscoop aangeklaagd en zijn behandelend artsen.

    Warner Bros heeft alle promotieactiviteiten rond The Dark Knight Rises afgezegd na de schietpartij in Aurora waarbij twaalf doden vielen. Ook de reclamespots voor de Batmanfilm zijn van de buis gehaald.

    Dark Knight Rises opent met 161 miljoen / Dark Knight Rises Boxoffice starts with 161 million.
    Box Office USA - De vraag was niet óf The Dark Knight Rises op nummer één zou binnenkomen, maar met welke weekendopbrengst. De teller is uiteindelijk blijven staan op 161 miljoen dollar, het beste openingsweekend ooit voor een 2D-film. Het record is nog altijd voor de 3D-film The Avengers (207 miljoen), gevolgd door de laatste Harry Potter (169 miljoen).

    The Dark Knight Rises haalde zo'n 2 miljoen dollar meer op dan zijn voorganger uit 2008. Er werd vooraf veel gespeculeerd over de vraag of het record van The Avengers zou worden verbroken. Want 3D-films rekenen een hogere ticketprijs en daarnaast zou The Dark Knight Rises een lager aantal vertoningen hebben vanwege zijn lange speelduur.

    Deze geldkwesties bleken uiteindelijk van ondergeschikt belang. Want tragisch genoeg zal het openingsweekend van de Batmanfilm altijd verbonden blijven met de verschrikkelijke schietpartij in Aurora, waarbij twaalf mensen om het leven kwamen. De filmstudio's hadden besloten om de bioscoopcijfers van het afgelopen weekend niet meteen bekend te maken, maar een dag te wachten.

    Door de komst van The Dark Knight Rises zakten de overige films uit de top tien een plaats terug. In de onderste regionen maakte Woody Allens To Rome with Love een rentree. De muziekdocu Katy Perry: Part of Me en de animatiefilm Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted zijn uit de top tien verdwenen.

    A dutch paper showing pictures of the 12 people who died include there names and how old there be as a kind of respect. Sad thing be that on the next page there at a picture of that clown/the shooter.

    Whyle i don't blame Nolan or the writers from material i haven't seen yet, i think it should not be a problem for to write this line over and over again from that other super hero his uncle:
    Remember, with great power. comes great responsibility.

    That scene from that Ryan Gosling movie in the first place should not have been made.
  • Posts: 267
    I loved the film, but personally enjoyed BB and TDK more. The film is so epic in scope that I feel like even with its long run time it needed more time to truly establish all of the new characters in the film with Talia, Bane, Blake, Catwoman, etc and it simply wasn't doable with it already being 2 hrs. 45 minutes long. I would've liked to see more backstory on virtually everyone, but especially Bane.

    This is one of those instances I wish film makers didn't seem to live and die by the trilogy. Overall I feel like they tried to fit so much in that it ended up having a slightly more confusing plot and a few things that really seemed pretty thin (like the way Blake knew that Wayne was Batman for instance).

    Another small issue I had was the tone of the film. I felt the best scenes in TDKR were the ones where the Batman was out on the streets at night. I liked the final sequences, but while the film was dark - it lacked the darker visual tones of the first two movies. Gotham was seen more during the day than it was at night. And for the trilogy as a whole I loved the way that Nolan created the Narrows and Arkham to look in BB, and wish they'd been brought back in this film.

    I really hope that Warner Brothers and DC continue on with this story. Nolan has finished his trilogy, fine, but he set it up perfectly for another film maker to continue on and still have the freedom to make it their own and change the tone of the series if they were to have Blake/Robin take over or for Bruce to come back and for him, Robin and Catwoman to be the recurring characters.

    Just because Nolan is out doesn't mean they have to end it here, Nolan's legacy is safe regardless of what comes next. I just really don't want to see another reboot - and if they do then I just hope they don't do another origin story.
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    Thought the new movie was great...but I think I still enjoy TDK better...The Joker just makes the series for me.
  • edited July 2012 Posts: 268
    The ending, goddamn! Fantastic. Nolan gave us the ending we deserved AND the one we needed.
  • edited July 2012 Posts: 2,599
    "The film is so epic in scope that I feel like even with its long run time it needed more time to truly establish all of the new characters in the film with Talia, Bane, Blake, Catwoman, etc and it simply wasn't doable with it already being 2 hrs. 45 minutes long. I would've liked to see more backstory on virtually everyone, but especially Bane."

    I agree, there should have been more back stories for the characters. I reckon this story should have been extended and split into two parts. The second part could have come out a few months down the track.

    I don't like the thought of Blake being Batman despite whether we'll actually see it or not. I don't remember this part but why was he referred to as Robin? Was it meant as a nickname or something?
  • edited July 2012 Posts: 268
    Bounine wrote:

    I don't like the thought of Blake being Batman despite whether we'll actually see it or not. I don't remember this part but why was he referred to as Robin? Was it meant as a nickname or something?

    It was his real name.

    Blake: You have anything for a John Blake?
    Clerk: No.
    Blake:Hm, well you have anything for my legal name?
    Clerk: Yep, here you go (gives him the package with the coordinates). You should use it, Robin is pretty name.
  • edited July 2012 Posts: 2,782
    obin_gam wrote:
    Bounine wrote:

    I don't like the thought of Blake being Batman despite whether we'll actually see it or not. I don't remember this part but why was he referred to as Robin? Was it meant as a nickname or something?

    It was his real name.

    Blake: You have anything for a John Blake?
    Clerk: No.
    Blake:Hm, well you have anything for my legal name?
    Clerk: Yep, here you go (gives him the package with the coordinates). You should use it, Robin is pretty name.

  • Posts: 2,599

    Oh it was his real name. Must have missed that part. :)
  • Posts: 268
    Dreaming of a future that will never come
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    I warched the movie this night at the premier.

    This movie was truly fantastic! It had the scale, and it had everything from a great movie. It was a long time since i was truly drawn into a movie so emotionally. I couldn't take my eyes from the screen even once. All the cararacters was truly amazing.

    Nolan gave us a fantastic trilogy. This was easily one of the best movies I have ever seen!
  • edited July 2012 Posts: 2,107
    Saw it today, and I must say it was epic from start to the end. In my opinion as good as or even better than TDK. Can't decide yet. One thing is sure ; Nolan knows what he's doing. Emotionally powerful experience. The movie hadn't even ran that long, and I already was close to tears. It was Caine's speech, before leaving the Wayne manor, I believe. Great acting and great emotional speech. There were other moments like this later in the movie.

    The action was epic, and even though Batman was gone for a long time I didn't really care. We had Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Bane (what a powerhouse monster he was, with a creepy voice no less), John Blake and other interesting characters. The thing I felt with TDK and TDKR and less with BB, was that Nolan hadn't just done a Batman film, but sort of a epic crime dramas, that all had traces of realism, even though you could tell you're watching a comic book movie.

    Selina Kyle had a large role, and I loved how they showed her as a thief in the first half an hour of the movie. No supernatural powers caused by a physical trauma. I loved how he gave Robin winks through the movie. Nolan did give us a Robin after all. Not as a character, but I caught on pretty early that he was going to help Batman someway or another and probably would become Batman himself. At the end it was pretty clear to me that he was going to take the mantle of Batman, just like Robin has done in some of the comics. Also, his orphan background was pretty much nod to all the three (main) Robins seen in the comics. He was orphan like Dick, lived in orphanage like Jason, and learned Batman's true identity by putting two and two together, just like Tim.

    And I was pretty sure Miranda would in reality be Talia al Ghul. Immediately when, Cotillard was announced I had this hunch. I was sure when she slept with Bruce, and I saw the scar on her back.

    But yes. It was really really excellent. Long live Wayne! Thank god, he installed that autopilot.
  • Posts: 12,837
    I thought it was better than TDK, apart from villians. Bane was great but nobody can top Ledgers Joker.
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    SharkBait wrote:
    Saw it today, and I must say it was epic from start to the end. In my opinion as good as or even better than TDK. Can't decide yet. One thing is sure ; Nolan knows what he's doing. Emotionally powerful experience. The movie hadn't even ran that long, and I already was close to tears. It was Caine's speech, before leaving the Wayne manor, I believe. Great acting and great emotional speech. There were other moments like this later in the movie.

    The action was epic, and even though Batman was gone for a long time I didn't really care. We had Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Bane (what a powerhouse monster he was, with a creepy voice no less), John Blake and other interesting characters. The thing I felt with TDK and TDKR and less with BB, was that Nolan hadn't just done a Batman film, but sort of a epic crime dramas, that all had traces of realism, even though you could tell you're watching a comic book movie.

    Selina Kyle had a large role, and I loved how they showed her as a thief in the first half an hour of the movie. No supernatural powers caused by a physical trauma. I loved how he gave Robin winks through the movie. Nolan did give us a Robin after all. Not as a character, but I caught on pretty early that he was going to help Batman someway or another and probably would become Batman himself. At the end it was pretty clear to me that he was going to take the mantle of Batman, just like Robin has done in some of the comics. Also, his orphan background was pretty much nod to all the three (main) Robins seen in the comics. He was orphan like Dick, lived in orphanage like Jason, and learned Batman's true identity by putting two and two together, just like Tim.

    And I was pretty sure Miranda would in reality be Talia al Ghul. Immediately when, Cotillard was announced I had this hunch. I was sure when she slept with Bruce, and I saw the scar on her back.

    But yes. It was really really excellent. Long live Wayne! Thank god, he installed that autopilot.

    Amen! I can't agree more! What you said was my feelings too, Caines speech to Bruce before he left was very emotional. So like when he cries in the end and says that he had dissapointed Thomas and Martha Wayne... This movie is going to be remebered for a long time, and if it isn't got one or two oscars. Well then i'm surprised!

    The only thing i couldn't think of was that Cotiallard was going to be Talia, that was a bit of a shock.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    I enjoyed TDKR immensely but I personally wasn't blown away like I was with TDK, I think if you are looking for more of a comic book feel you are going to enjoy it more but personally I preferred the not so OTT predecessor but I'll still say despite BB being a fine film it is the inferior of the 3.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,458
    Liked it, didn't love it. Thought that Hathaway and Gordon-Levitt were the best things by far about the film. Bale's Batman could have died for a truly epic ending to the trilogy. If neither Bale nor Nolan are coming back, why not?

    MIranda/Bane were not unlike Elektra/Renard from TWINE. And as DAD taught us, never trust characters named Miranda!
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,261
    I thought the Miranda twist was done very oddly, and having Bane reduced to nothing but a henchman was a bad idea. It almost felt shoehorned in, as did the Robin reference. Otherwise, a great ending to the trilogy. Nolan obviously figured out how to pace films of such great length better, which was one of my main issues with The Dark Knight.

    I think I'm one of the very small minority who thinks Batman Begins is the best all round film in the trilogy.
  • Posts: 268
    echo wrote:
    Liked it, didn't love it. Thought that Hathaway and Gordon-Levitt were the best things by far about the film. Bale's Batman could have died for a truly epic ending to the trilogy. If neither Bale nor Nolan are coming back, why not?

    MIranda/Bane were not unlike Elektra/Renard from TWINE. And as DAD taught us, never trust characters named Miranda!
    Re Bruces ending. I thought it was a well deserved ending for Bruce. He as Batman sacrificed himself to save Gotham, and Bruce deserved to get a second chance in life.
  • Or did he? Is it a dream Alfred is having. She appears in black the whole movie and then she's in blue at the's a dream i tell you a dream.
  • Posts: 2,107
    I'm pretty sure Batman used the, the autopilot when the bomb went off. It was pretty given when one of Fox assistants said that autopilot for the bat was installed, what 6 months prior. Pretty sure the other bat(wing) also had this autopilot installed by Wayne. He played his cards close to his chest.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Or did he? Is it a dream Alfred is having. She appears in black the whole movie and then she's in blue at the's a dream i tell you a dream.

    Here we go. It's called blending in. They have given up their lives fighting to have a restful existence. Anyone that disregards the blatant evidence of the autopilot being fixed that clearly shows Bruce is alive and it isn't a dream is a fool.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Take what you will from it. Everyone's entitled to their view of the ending. It's classic Nolan.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    RC7 wrote:
    Take what you will from it. Everyone's entitled to their view of the ending. It's classic Nolan.

    No, people just connect it to Inception for no conceivable reason and try to ride the coattails. The evidence is given to you right there in the film! Nolan isn't trying to hid anything. People saying the ending is a dream is like policemen knowing without a shadow of a doubt who their murder suspect is, but they choose another random person with no connection to the crime at hand to take the rap.
  • edited July 2012 Posts: 268
    Sometimes ambiguity is better than finality. And sometimes finality is better than ambiguity.

    This film is a perfect example of the latter.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    obin_gam wrote:
    Sometimes ambiguity is better than finality. And sometimes finality is better than ambiguity.

    This film is a perfect example of the latter.

    How so? The entire trilogy has been leading up to the ultimate finality, the conclusion. Nolan did not make an ambiguous ending at all, and I feel myself becoming thicker in the head just mulling over the notion.
  • Posts: 12,837
    obin_gam wrote:
    Sometimes ambiguity is better than finality. And sometimes finality is better than ambiguity.

    This film is a perfect example of the latter.

    How so? The entire trilogy has been leading up to the ultimate finality, the conclusion. Nolan did not make an ambiguous ending at all, and I feel myself becoming thicker in the head just mulling over the notion.

    I agree with you that he definetly survived, but I wouldn't say the entire trilogy has been leading up to it, because Nolan at first wasn't sure about returning for TDKR.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    obin_gam wrote:
    Sometimes ambiguity is better than finality. And sometimes finality is better than ambiguity.

    This film is a perfect example of the latter.

    How so? The entire trilogy has been leading up to the ultimate finality, the conclusion. Nolan did not make an ambiguous ending at all, and I feel myself becoming thicker in the head just mulling over the notion.

    I agree with you that he definetly survived, but I wouldn't say the entire trilogy has been leading up to it, because Nolan at first wasn't sure about returning for TDKR.

    Nolan said he always saw the story of Bruce in three parts.
  • Posts: 9,904
    Saw it again and it was amazing but 2 very minor problems

    1. The Cia guy in the beginning was a total ham

    2. Alfred goes from always believing in Bruce to being quite a deuche.
  • edited July 2012 Posts: 12,837
    @Risico007 Alfred wasn't being a douche, he knew Bruce wasn't his old self and couldn't take out Bane (which he couldn't at first, Bane broke his back), so he left to try and make Bruce see sense before he went and got himself killed, which he almost did. If anything, Bruce was being a douche by just ignoring Alfred, he wasn't ready at first to become Batman again.
    obin_gam wrote:
    Sometimes ambiguity is better than finality. And sometimes finality is better than ambiguity.

    This film is a perfect example of the latter.

    How so? The entire trilogy has been leading up to the ultimate finality, the conclusion. Nolan did not make an ambiguous ending at all, and I feel myself becoming thicker in the head just mulling over the notion.

    I agree with you that he definetly survived, but I wouldn't say the entire trilogy has been leading up to it, because Nolan at first wasn't sure about returning for TDKR.

    Nolan said he always saw the story of Bruce in three parts.,nrhl
  • obin_gam wrote:
    Sometimes ambiguity is better than finality. And sometimes finality is better than ambiguity.

    This film is a perfect example of the latter.

    How so? The entire trilogy has been leading up to the ultimate finality, the conclusion. Nolan did not make an ambiguous ending at all, and I feel myself becoming thicker in the head just mulling over the notion.

    With thickness comes no responsibility - get used to it.

    So what if people read different things into things so what? It's called having an imagination and not being stuck in the missionary position all the time.

    Like the Robin reveal at the end. Is it Robin or is just a name? Does Nolan make it clear or does he leave it to your imagination and the possibilites it might bring?

    Is Bane Nolan's Darthvader - do we feel sorry for him when he cries? Who knows it's down to you.

    I think the ending we saw was a studio ending to leave it open for a return for either Batman played by the Robin character or for the batman character to be seen in some other future film franchise like the Man of Steel 2 or the gay superman movie Ring of Steel.

    I think Nolan's Batman is dead in both film and reality. Now that's a real Nolan ending....or is it?

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