The action scenes in TWINE



  • tqbtqb
    Posts: 1,022
    I think TWINE was pretty good, they tried making it different by adding more drama. Whether it worked or not is debatable. My biggest issue was Denise Richards. Yeah she comes off as a nuclear scientist.....

    But the boat chase was awesome
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 1,082
    I am watching TWINE now and many scenes make me wonder what they were doing. It´s like the prelude to CR, which in my book is not a compliment...

    The drama is IMO quite terrible, and I pity Brosnan for having to portray Bond in such a wussy manner. The action scenes are pretty good overall. They and some other scenes save the movie, but I rank it as Pierce´s worst. I consider it a sleeping pill compared to both its predecessor and successor.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    edited April 2012 Posts: 8,263
    I love the PTS, the ski chase, and the bunker shootout. But for me, the Caviar Factory scene, while well done, held up the story's progression and I consider it to be excess. M had just been taken and then we have this irrelevant action scene. Another thing, why send the helicopters with the blades in the first place? That's my problem with it, it's just not practical when you can just send a squad of men, that could move in without noise and do the job efficiently. However, because the climax isn't really that explosive, I tend to go easier on the Caviar Factory scene now, merely because it's the last bit of genuine thrills from the film.

    However, all the scenes pale in comparison with Bond blowing away Elektra. Wow, what a great scene, and Brosnan and Marceau were both terrific. "I Never Miss..."
    Brosnan's best moment, along with his introduction in the PTS of Goldeneye. Overall, I like TWINE, but it just fizzles out a bit too much for me at the end. Still miles better than Die Another Day though.
  • Posts: 12,837
    I like TWINE. It's Brosnans 2nd best film.
  • Posts: 1,052
    Well, I've always liked the "I don't know any Doctor jokes" line.
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    edited April 2012 Posts: 987
    While I do think the TWINE PTS was fantastic, I don't think the rest of the action scenes really worked. There seems to of been a conscious effort to add unnecessary new slants to each traditional action scene so we end up with among others, para-hawks in ski scenes, buzz-saws in gunfights and giant nuclear Parker pen refills in punch ups!
    While these classic sequences have been done many times before, you don't need to add ridiculous twists to make them new, interesting and exciting, you just have to approach the filming in a different and original way (The Bourne films action sequences are a textbook example).
    While we are on this subject my two biggest bugbears about the TWINE action scenes are the awfull continuity of the ski/para-hawks scenes with the trees alternating between heavily snow laden and snow less in almost every cut and most frustratingly of all, the Russian submarine sequence with Denise Richards and her white t shirt that despite being heavily waterlogged somehow manages to avoid any signs of transparency!
  • Posts: 4,762
    I watched the first half of TWINE yesterday, and I realized just how much I love this movie, and I'm not even to the second half yet! The PTS is a masterpiece, the scenes at MI6's Scotland castle are very good, especially Bond and M's discussion about Elektra's kidnapping, the casino scenes with Zukovsky are pure classic Bond, Bond's spying around the airfield is awesome, the missile silo shoot-out is thrilling, and I love Bond's confrontation of Elektra in her room. What did I leave out? Oh yes, the ski chase. Sorry, but as much as Iove TWINE, I really don't care for the ski chase. Easily my least favorite action scene of the movie.
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 32
    Everything below is IMO:

    The movie has some dramatic sequences that make it laughable. And some lame lines during those emo sequences. Otherwise it's a good action movie with nice action scenes.

    Brozz made his worst performance, too emotional and dorky. It's so lame when he and Electra try to act dramatically. But he's good with the one-liners.
    The climax is pretty forgettable, but Denise Richards saved the scene with the performance of her assets in wetlook. :P

    Summary: Too emotional, should've been more like a traditional Bond instead of containing these laughable, horrible and face-palm inducing drama scenes.
  • Posts: 1,082
    The problem with TWINE is that it tries to be serious, like CR, but luckily still retains some popcorn sequences. The latter kind of scenes are good, but the potential this movie has is lost among the drama, which I don't like. Another director and a tweaked script would have helped this movie immensely.
  • The action scenes were awesome in The World is Not Enough. The Ski scene is my favourite. (I wish that would come back) I also enjoyed the Caviar Factory scene. That was really cool action scene too.
  • hoppimikehoppimike Kent, UK
    Posts: 290
    I'm about 2/3rds through the movie now (I tend to watch movies in portions lol) and enjoying it. At the moment it sits on around a 7/10 for me, which is higher than I'd rate TND and DAD but way lower than GoldenEye.

    It's not a BAD film at all... but still I'm not captivated by the story, just like with TBD and DAD. Oil and plutonium? I dunno, I guess it's realistic as a storyline but just not that captivating.

    As for the action scenes... pretty good. Sometimes a little sloppy in that there aren't many moments that really capture my attention or impress me, it mostly just trundles along with generally "good" action sequences. The occasional point stands out though.

    Overall yeah erm, 7/10 so far :)
  • Posts: 1,314
    I think the action scenes are the worst in the franchise. Your descriptions of them sound more exciting than the actual visuals.

    The ski chase is dull and ponderous with too many long static camera shots. And the explosions are clearly high flash low power so as not to cause an avalanche. It's so formulaic there is no danger. And I hate the style of skiing from bond. Straight legged bent over. Looked like a beginner snowplough turning.

    The caviar factory is blatantly a set and just seems like a list if stunts to move bond around it.

    The oil pipe is someone sat in a tube.

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,140
    TWINE has some cool OTT set pieces which I find to be quite satisfying. However, the lack of and the poor execution of hand to hand combat brings the action down a smidge.
  • I'd rate the action scenes in TWINE to be the worst of the modern era. It's incredible to me that the PTS of TWINE, which was actually excellent, was shot by the same people who did all of the other action scenes.

    The scenes *sound* good when described, however the execution was terrible. The parahawks sequence should have been a slam dunk; it's incredible how unexciting it is. Add some bad directing and cheesy acting - such as when Bond escapes from the SLOWEST EXPLOSION IN HISTORY in the silo by sliding along on some chains - and everything falls apart. And the less said about the final fight with Renard, the better.

    Considering that we had had the amazing tanker chase in LTK and the brutal, visceral fight between Bond and 006 in GE just a few films before I can't understand how the action team dropped the ball so completely in TWINE. But at least they recovered a couple of films later.
  • I'd rate the action scenes in TWINE to be the worst of the modern era. It's incredible to me that the PTS of TWINE, which was actually excellent, was shot by the same people who did all of the other action scenes.

    The scenes *sound* good when described, however the execution was terrible. The parahawks sequence should have been a slam dunk; it's incredible how unexciting it is. Add some bad directing and cheesy acting - such as when Bond escapes from the SLOWEST EXPLOSION IN HISTORY in the silo by sliding along on some chains - and everything falls apart. And the less said about the final fight with Renard, the better.

    Considering that we had had the amazing tanker chase in LTK and the brutal, visceral fight between Bond and 006 in GE just a few films before I can't understand how the action team dropped the ball so completely in TWINE. But at least they recovered a couple of films later.

    The worst action scenes in the modern era? Have you seen DAD???
  • Posts: 15,474
    I liked TWINE, however am I the only one who thinks the PTS was way overlong and that the boat chase should have happened after the opening credits?
  • hoppimikehoppimike Kent, UK
    Posts: 290
    Just finished it :)

    Not bad at all. Not as captivating or memorable as GoldenEye IMO.. it's a bit predictable and doesn't have the same soul, and I thought the villains were a bit plain. They're not really memorable to me.

    But erm... 7.5/10, maybe 8/10 :)
  • Ludovico wrote:
    I liked TWINE, however am I the only one who thinks the PTS was way overlong and that the boat chase should have happened after the opening credits?

    That was the original plan, but then they realised the pts in the banker' s office wasn't enough, so they shoved in the boat chase as well.

    The action scenes are good in the context of the film, if you like the film that's good. But they don't stand alone very well, they seem a bit naff. Unlike the pts of TSWLM, none of them hold up as clips imo. I like the narrative of the parahawk thing, and the jokes, and the conclusion, but as action it's a bit pedestrian methinks.

  • hoppimikehoppimike Kent, UK
    Posts: 290
    Ludovico wrote:
    I liked TWINE, however am I the only one who thinks the PTS was way overlong and that the boat chase should have happened after the opening credits?

    That was the original plan, but then they realised the pts in the banker' s office wasn't enough, so they shoved in the boat chase as well.

    I liked it actually, it felt a good length as it was one continuous sequence. I suppose it was a bit long, but I didn't notice at all at the time :)
  • doubleoego wrote:
    TWINE has some cool OTT set pieces which I find to be quite satisfying. However, the lack of and the poor execution of hand to hand combat brings the action down a smidge.

    I agree. Great set pieces, not so great hand to hand combat (although I do like the extremely short scrap in the bankers office where Bond takes out all the guards extrememly quickly).
  • They could of had a very brief PTS that year, as Casino Royale did for example, and just feature the Bilbao sequence, but the subsequent chase on the Thames and the Q-boat really fitted in quite magnificently. It's the biggest and longest of all the pre credits sequences for the franchise and always enthralls

    Granted, the ending on the submarine in Istanbul gets a bit tiring and it's easy to lose focus, but for the most part, it's a great ride along the way and Brosnan gives possibly his best performance of his four apperances
  • They could of had a very brief PTS that year, as Casino Royale did for example, and just feature the Bilbao sequence, but the subsequent chase on the Thames and the Q-boat really fitted in quite magnificently. It's the biggest and longest of all the pre credits sequences for the franchise and always enthralls

    Granted, the ending on the submarine in Istanbul gets a bit tiring and it's easy to lose focus, but for the most part, it's a great ride along the way and Brosnan gives possibly his best performance of his four apperances

    I'm curious, why do you say that? In my review of TWINE in the "originals" thread I stated that I actually cringed during the movie and felt embarrassed for Brosnan because of the bad acting. What did he do (or not do) in your opinion that made it his best performance?

  • I think Brosnan gives a good performance but overracts a bit.

    I think his best performance was DAD. He had all the charm from before and he did the serious drama-ey stuff (like the bit with M on the boat) much better than he did in TWINE.
  • Posts: 15,474
    Ludovico wrote:
    I liked TWINE, however am I the only one who thinks the PTS was way overlong and that the boat chase should have happened after the opening credits?

    That was the original plan, but then they realised the pts in the banker' s office wasn't enough, so they shoved in the boat chase as well.

    The action scenes are good in the context of the film, if you like the film that's good. But they don't stand alone very well, they seem a bit naff. Unlike the pts of TSWLM, none of them hold up as clips imo. I like the narrative of the parahawk thing, and the jokes, and the conclusion, but as action it's a bit pedestrian methinks.

    I think the bank fight was enough actually. And they could have added the Renard scene they cut out, it would have given a more interesting dynamic to the movie, with a villain seen early on, ominously watching Bond.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 15,474
    Ludovico wrote:
    I liked TWINE, however am I the only one who thinks the PTS was way overlong and that the boat chase should have happened after the opening credits?

    That was the original plan, but then they realised the pts in the banker' s office wasn't enough, so they shoved in the boat chase as well.

    The action scenes are good in the context of the film, if you like the film that's good. But they don't stand alone very well, they seem a bit naff. Unlike the pts of TSWLM, none of them hold up as clips imo. I like the narrative of the parahawk thing, and the jokes, and the conclusion, but as action it's a bit pedestrian methinks.

    I think the bank fight was enough actually. if they wanted the PTS a bit longer than the bank scene, they could have added the Renard scene they cut out, it would have given a more interesting dynamic to the movie, with a villain seen early on, ominously watching Bond.

  • Well, it amazes me they thought the bank fight was enough. I loved it, but it's not a pts, never could be, it's too small scale. You could redo it; have it set somewhere else with Bond falling not to the street but on top of another building, then a footchase across the rooftops set against an amazing backdrop of the city. Broaden it out a bit.
  • Posts: 15,474
    Well, it amazes me they thought the bank fight was enough. I loved it, but it's not a pts, never could be, it's too small scale. You could redo it; have it set somewhere else with Bond falling not to the street but on top of another building, then a footchase across the rooftops set against an amazing backdrop of the city. Broaden it out a bit.

    Why would a PTS have to be big, always a hot chase or whatever? Can't it be sober and small, like in CR? Big chases get repetitive.
  • Posts: 28
    Just finished watching TWINE. Tell you what the action still holds up. I remember watching this in the cinema in 99 and being blown away, and having not seen this film in donkeys years I was not disappointed!

    The PTS was and still is the very best of the series, I mean it literally keeps you glued for the duration. Dot have a problem with the para hawks, always thought they were amazing and the scenes is swift and very cool.

    And the caviar factory is still my favourite, it's brilliant and when Brozza sweeps across the rope and the theme tune kicks in I was really pumped! Gives me goosebumps every single time!

    This is my favourite Brosnan film and it's certainly got some of the most excellent action sequences of the series.
  • Posts: 5,745
    I, too, love the "parahawk" ski scene. Very creative.. I just don't understand where they took off from.. or how. But makes for something you couldn't take seriously outside of a Bond film.. essentially adding a Bond factor.
  • JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I, too, love the "parahawk" ski scene. Very creative.. I just don't understand where they took off from.. or how. But makes for something you couldn't take seriously outside of a Bond film.. essentially adding a Bond factor. [/quote

    Dropped out of a cargo plane.
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