The action scenes in TWINE



  • w2bondw2bond is indeed a very rare breed
    Posts: 2,254
    Apart from the PTS, the action sequences are very dull visually and choreographically. The only memorable bit is the end of the caviar scene "the insurance company is NEVER going to believe this."
  • Posts: 15,474
    w2bond wrote:
    Apart from the PTS, the action sequences are very dull visually and choreographically. The only memorable bit is the end of the caviar scene "the insurance company is NEVER going to believe this."

    Am I the only one who does not like the PTS all that much, at least the boat chace, which was overlong? I might have enjoyed it more had it not been in the PTS. I loved the bit in Spain though.
  • Posts: 8
    Watched this last night and agree the action is very good along with Brosnan's coolest Bond showing, in particular his opening in Bilbao and in the casino. These 2 areas of the film make it easily my favourite Brosnan. A better ending and would put it in my top 7/8.

    There's just so many things I like about the film, that I very rarely realise that some of the dialogue isn't quite up to scratch.

    With the cast I'd put Elektra as one of the top villains and top girls in general, Zukovsky as a great informant turned ally.

    The PTS is also the best in the series for me. The way he races past westminster then suddenly tower bridge is in view always get me (as someone who knows the Thames very well). I'm imagining that scene shot again today with the way that route has changed, it would be even more spectacular.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,580
    Yes, I think that TWINE does add in a lot of action scenes to the drama scenes - making it a rather odd amalgam for a James Bond film perhaps. That said, it's Brosnan's best Bond outside of GoldenEye.
  • Posts: 15,474
    I am still wondering what's so great about the PTS. And I like TWINE!
  • Posts: 28
    Always loved the PTS but I always loved the chopper sequence at the caviar factory. It was pure Bond and Brosnan at his best
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    Ludovico wrote:
    I am still wondering what's so great about the PTS. And I like TWINE!

    Well, it makes great use of the London location, which is a good start already considering Bond is a British icon. But asides from that, the stunts are good - with the Q Boat flipping over the Speeder being the pick of the bunch - and Maria Grazia Cucinotta proving herself an excellent foil to Bond, even with his gadgets.

    It could have been edited a bit tighter in some parts and the underwater collar fixing should have been left out but overall, it's a fabulous sequence.
  • Ludovico wrote:
    Well, it amazes me they thought the bank fight was enough. I loved it, but it's not a pts, never could be, it's too small scale. You could redo it; have it set somewhere else with Bond falling not to the street but on top of another building, then a footchase across the rooftops set against an amazing backdrop of the city. Broaden it out a bit.

    Why would a PTS have to be big, always a hot chase or whatever? Can't it be sober and small, like in CR? Big chases get repetitive.

    It can, in theory, but CR was a bit of a one-off, being in black and white and introducing not just a new Bond but a reboot. Brozzer's third film demanded something bigger, in common with most actor's third movie eg Craig's in SF.
  • Posts: 15,474
    Why did it demanded something bigger? Wasn't the fight in Spain enough? With the missing scene with Renard, that would have made things ominous enough. I do like some of the PTS, but it is overlong.
  • I agree that pts is overlong, but honestly, if you compare the pts of TWINE as you would have it with those of GE and TND, it would leave many cinemagoers feeling shortchanged.
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