Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig (poll added)



  • Posts: 7,653
    002 wrote:
    Brosnan all the way

    Bond isnt suppose to be a thug with blonde hair

    Ah, yes, the only argument an anti Craig fan can make. Laughable.

    Come on, your response lacks something too, Craiglover?

    I prefer Brosnan too, and yes Craig has that thuggishness too but it would not be my major put-off. I like Craigs 007 sometimes, but of all performers he is not my favorite and neither is his era so far.
    When the next 007 comes around we get this song & dance all over again with the next gen of 007's fans.

    So your response of "anti Craig"is rather unnuanced just like the statement, ven if it has some recognisable part in it for me.

  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    Posts: 1,243
    JamesBond wrote:
    Fair enough, my friend. No hard feelings I hope.

    None at all. I think honesty in debate is the only way forward. Look forward to talking with you over time on this forum.

  • edited November 2012 Posts: 669
    Let's see if Michael Fassbender will be approached for the role.
  • Disappointing that Brosnan has got 30% of the votes I was hoping to see something like 3%!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    WaltherPPK wrote:
    Disappointing that Brosnan has got 30% of the votes I was hoping to see something like 3%!
    Well I just voted so Brosnan has another 1%. Sorry.
  • Craig by far...although I do like Brosnan.

    When we got GE back in the day we were ecstatic that we got a Bond film at all - people forget that a lot of us thought that the series was over for good (I realize how strange that must sound now). Myself and my friends were worried about Brosnan in the role; he seemed too lightweight and I worried that he would be replicating Remington Steele rather than playing Bond. There was also the fact that at the press conference announcing his casting Brosnan said that it was time to "peel back the layers" and explore the character of Bond. As a huge Dalton fan that really got my back up; it was sounding like he thought he was the first actor to ever play Bond who had thought to do that.

    When we saw GE I was relieved that Brosnan was much better than I thought he'd be. He was actually believable in the fights and his "strong, silent type" demeanour in some scenes increased his presence (both of these elements I would later put down to Martin Campbell). But there were times were he seemed like he was *playing* Bond instead of being Bond, and that carried over to all his films - although to a lesser degree with every passing film. In fact, as he became more commanding in each film he also became more smug and smarmy - a poor trade-off IMHO.

    But he was certainly charming and the audiences liked him and many thought he "saved" the franchise so I have gratitude for him being in the role. I realize now that he was quite limited as an actor - he always went for the most obvious line readings, and many times he "pushed" too hard because he didn't have the acting chops or conviction to play a scene. People who say he was faulted by the scripts really confuse me - no actor playing Bond had been given as much emotional meat to work with as Brosnan in every one of his films. Rather than thinking what he could have done with "better scripts" I'm curious as to what a better actor could have brought to what we got.

    But again, we had worried that Bond was over so to see that Bond was popular in the 90s - well, a lot of us were happy to take what we got!

    I was concerned by Craig's casting as much as anyone but was really surprised at how much presence he had in the trailer for CR. And when I saw the film Craig had me sold after his first two scenes. Here was a man with presence, a man would could show character through an action scene (!), and a man who gave interesting and unusual line readings that tweaked the meaning of words to make the lines even better. and beyond all that he gave us - and I never would have believed it was possible - a three-dimensional James Bond. As a critic at the time said, for the first time since I saw Connery as Bond as a kid, I watched a Bond film and thought "I want to be that guy!"

    With SF, Craig was even more commanding and even more three-dimensional, and he had a nice way with the humour in the film too. I can't wait to see what an even more relaxed and fun Bond 24 gives us.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    ...although I do like Brosnan.
    You are a gentleman, sir. B-)
  • Craig's badass but Brosnan is just cooler imo.

    How so?

    Brosnan just oozes cool. I think along with Connery he's the Bond with the most charisma. Even little things he did he'd do with a ton of slickness and style.
    When we got GE back in the day we were ecstatic that we got a Bond film at all - people forget that a lot of us thought that the series was over for good (I realize how strange that must sound now). Myself and my friends were worried about Brosnan in the role; he seemed too lightweight and I worried that he would be replicating Remington Steele rather than playing Bond. There was also the fact that at the press conference announcing his casting Brosnan said that it was time to "peel back the layers" and explore the character of Bond. As a huge Dalton fan that really got my back up; it was sounding like he thought he was the first actor to ever play Bond who had thought to do that.

    Didn't Brosnan say he admired what Dalton did and wanted to carry on peeling back the skin?

    I thought the series was over then too and I was pissed off Dalton wasn't coming back but I really liked GE and I thought Brosnan was great. Not as good as Dalton, but then who is? ;)
    007bond762 wrote:
    Pierce brosnan or Daniel Craig.....i think it's a draw.

    For a second there I was shocked because I thought you were @Getafix but then I realised you just had the same avatar.
  • Brosnan just oozes cool. I think along with Connery he's the Bond with the most charisma. Even little things he did he'd do with a ton of slickness and style.
    Wow. I just don't find that to be the case.

  • AliAli
    Posts: 319
    Brosnan is the better Bond. Craig got the better scripts. Had Brosnan been allowed to expand on those little moments of humanity and darkness in each film, I suspect he'd have a far bigger following from fans. I'd rather watch both over Connery and Moore though (yes, I did say that, sorry).
  • Ali wrote:
    Brosnan is the better Bond. Craig got the better scripts. Had Brosnan been allowed to expand on those little moments of humanity and darkness in each film, I suspect he'd have a far bigger following from fans. I'd rather watch both over Connery and Moore though (yes, I did say that, sorry).

    I was agreeing with you till you said that. I think that Pierce is a better Bond than Daniel is, but Daniel got the better movies. However, Sean will always be the best!
  • AliAli
    edited November 2012 Posts: 319
    I just find Sean far too smug. I know the films are a product of the era, but the era just isn't mine. Roger should be "my" Bond but, while I thoroughly enjoy half of his films, the other half were pretty flat. My memory of Connery films is also slightly tainted with the aimless Never Say Never Again. Neither of the original Bonds showed the flawed and dark human side of Bond that the books show so well and that I really feel needs to be present. I've avoided commenting on TD mainly because it's been a good 20 years since I last watched one of his movies. I picked up the BluRay boxset so will get round to them soon enough.
  • Ali wrote:
    Brosnan is the better Bond. Craig got the better scripts. Had Brosnan been allowed to expand on those little moments of humanity and darkness in each film, I suspect he'd have a far bigger following from fans.
    While I agree I think Brosnan was held back by limited scripts, I don't think he plays Fleming's character better than Craig does. While I enjoyed Brosnan in the role, he was never able to make me forget he was just an actor playing the role of a character called James Bond: Craig's performances go far beyond that for me. I completely buy him as an assassin working for the British government.

    Bronsan was just too -- soft, for lack of a better way of putting it, for my tastes for that character.

  • Posts: 1,310
    Pierce Brosnan acts cool. Daniel Craig is cool.

    In my eyes, Daniel Craig is a better Bond than Pierce Brosnan in every single regard.
  • Posts: 161
    Bronson was never cool, he never looked like he could handle himself in a fight yes he looked like a perfect Bond but that doesn't make him a great Bond. Plus Craig is the better actor and has made Bond cool again since Connery first 4 films. Casino royale and Skyfall are enough to put him up there with Connery.
  • AliAli
    Posts: 319
    Then again, Craig doesn't look like he could walk into any top class establishment in the world and blend in as if he belonged there. Brosnan could. And the occasional glimpses of Brosnan's darker Bond, shooting Electra, mourning Paris, being tortured in Korea, while far too brief, did show what could have been. Sadly, the 90's were all about CGI set pieces and less about character. Had Brosnan been able to get free of his Remington Steele contract in '87, I think history would have been very different and we'd have had far better, and grittier films from him. That's not to say I don't like Craig. He's ideal for this era. Far better than watch Pierce try to do the CR intro stunts at 56 years old. That brings back bad memories of watching Roger stumble around in Octopussy and A View To A Kill which had really outgrown him.
  • Posts: 3,346
    Craig v Brozza? There is no comparison whatsoever. Craig has the winning combination of Connery cool and the grittiness of Dalton. Brosnan is a pretty-boy GQ model who looks far more comfortable advertising men's moisturiser than trying to be the tough spy Fleming wrote about.

    Brosnan also has the misfortune of appearing in the 4 worst Bond films in the entire franchise, with an ultimate low peaking with DAD - the worst film ever made.

    Whereas Craig has had the fortune to appear in 2 of the very best films in the entire franchise (no prizes for guessing which 2).

    So this poll is hardly a fair comparison IMO.

  • I don't get the Craig/Connery comparisons. Craig seems to be like his own thing with a bit of Dalton and Lazenby. Brosnan seemed more like Connery to me.
  • Posts: 3,346
    JamesBond wrote:
    Each to his own, then. I'm tired of convincing people that Daniel Craig is in the wrong franchise and role.
    I suggest you forget trying to convince people and go and find another franchise to follow. Clearly Bond is not the right one for you.

    Anyone who thinks Brozza is better than Craig doesn't deserve to call themselves a Bond fan......

  • Posts: 3,346
    I don't get the Craig/Connery comparisons. Craig seems to be like his own thing with a bit of Dalton and Lazenby. Brosnan seemed more like Connery to me.

    Brozza was nothing remotely like Connery.

    Connery looked believable in a fight. He looked like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to mess with, the same way Craig does. Craig also has the Connery swagger walk.

    Brozza looked like the kind of person who would start crying if someone ruffled up his hairsprayed barnet. Brozza's `pain face' is now legendary - and for all the wrong reasons!!
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 11,216
    JamesBond wrote:
    Each to his own, then. I'm tired of convincing people that Daniel Craig is in the wrong franchise and role.
    I suggest you forget trying to convince people and go and find another franchise to follow. Clearly Bond is not the right one for you.

    Anyone who thinks Brozza is better than Craig doesn't deserve to call themselves a Bond fan......


    Personally as I've got older I've come to prefer Craig (better actor and a rougher edge to him) but that's a rather harsh statement don't you think?

    This is the thing that gets me. It seems that those who can't stand Brosnan have a hostility towards him because he's still a popular Bond. DEAL WITH IT!!

    For a lot of people (me included) Brosnan made them into Bond fans. Why shouldn't some people still like him?

    True Brosnan looked a bit too GQ-ish at times and has a soft voice but you could also say Craig looks like a pouting working class builder who walks like the T-1000 and mumbles his dialogue. They all have their strengths and their weaknesses. I for one think both Brosnan and Craig had some very good moments in the role.

    This sort of pole I hate because it seems to unleash the venom amongst fans.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Brosnan had some good fights. The one against Alec his best one. Brosnan had a natural charisma like Connery had and they both seemed really cool.
    Craig also has the Connery swagger walk.

    Does he? If he does I've never noticed.
    Anyone who thinks Brozza is better than Craig doesn't deserve to call themselves a Bond fan......

    Don't be a knob.
  • Posts: 3,346
    Brosnan had some good fights .
    Did he? I never noticed....

  • Brosnan had some good fights .
    Did he? I never noticed....

    The one at the end of Goldeneye was really cool I thought. And fair enough this isn't really a fight but when he took out the goons in the bankers office in TWINE, I thought he seemed tough then. His fight against Zao in the clinic wasn't bad either.
  • Posts: 3,346
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Personally I prefer Craig (better actor and a rougher edge to him) but that's a rather harsh statement don't you think?

    This is the thing that gets me. It seems that those who can't stand Brosnan have a hostility towards him because he's still a popular Bond. DEAL WITH IT!!

    Nothing to deal with. Brozza is now history, no longer an issue to worry about. As far as I'm concerned, he isn't even part of the franchise. I completely disregard any of the 4 movies he was in as official Bond films. They are outcasts, the same as NSNA and CR 1967.

    The series ends after LTK then starts again with CR as far as I'm concerned.
  • Posts: 3,346
    Brosnan had some good fights .
    Did he? I never noticed....

    The one at the end of Goldeneye was really cool I thought. And fair enough this isn't really a fight but when he took out the goons in the bankers office in TWINE, I thought he seemed tough then. His fight against Zao in the clinic wasn't bad either.
    Shocking, positively shocking.....

  • Nothing to deal with. Brozza is now history, no longer an issue to worry about. As far as I'm concerned, he isn't even part of the franchise. I completely disregard any of the 4 movies he was in as official Bond films. They are outcasts, the same as NSNA and CR 1967.

    The series ends after LTK then starts again with CR as far as I'm concerned.

    Wait, but you said he was in the worst Bond films ever? If they're not part of the franchise/series, then how can they be the worst ones? ;)
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 11,216
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Personally I prefer Craig (better actor and a rougher edge to him) but that's a rather harsh statement don't you think?

    This is the thing that gets me. It seems that those who can't stand Brosnan have a hostility towards him because he's still a popular Bond. DEAL WITH IT!!

    Nothing to deal with. Brozza is now history, no longer an issue to worry about. As far as I'm concerned, he isn't even part of the franchise. I completely disregard any of the 4 movies he was in as official Bond films. They are outcasts, the same as NSNA and CR 1967.

    The series ends after LTK then starts again with CR as far as I'm concerned.

    Well then stop bitching about it and let other people comment. YOU don't like him but a lot of people do.

    I for one think TND, TWINE and DAD have some good moments but are average at best (even Brosnan seems to have forgotten them) however GE remains one of my favourites only recently pushed out my top 5 by SF.
  • Whereas Craig has had the fortune to appear in 3 of the very best films in the entire franchise.

    Fixed. :)

  • Brosnan had some good fights. The one against Alec his best one.
    I very much agree with this.

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