Rate The Last Movie You Saw In Theaters



  • edited January 2014 Posts: 4,622
    Wolf of Wall Street and American Hustle. Both new 2013 releases.

    I give wolf 3/5 stars. I preferred Hustle. I'll give it 4/5 stars.
    Both are contempoary period pieces. Hustle is pure '70s. Wolf seems to settle in the '80s and '90s for the most part.

    Both films have major Bond homages, detailed elsewhere.
    I really like Hustle. Wolf drags a bit, and almost overdoes the bohemian indulgences. It's almost too much. I says almost though, as Scorcese does know what he is doing.
    Both films are similar in tone. We the audience find ourselves not liking the federal authorities making life difficult for our outrageously indulgent, but very wayward lead protagonists.
    Both films, after indulging in much excess, especially Wolf, ultimately get rather smart as they finish up, lending for engaging post-film discussion.

    I really liked the female lead in Wolf, Margot Robbie. She's an exciting new face on the screen. She's the star of Wolf IMO.

  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Lone Survivor 9/10

    A fantastic war film that's based on a true story. This is in my top five war films. I feel like I may see it again while it's still in theaters. The only reason I didn't give it a perfect 10 was because I heard Hollywood had to go all Hollywood on this movie and add a fight scene at the end of the film that didn't actually happen. They just added it for a big climatic ending. Otherwise it's a great film!
  • Posts: 9,922
    Iron Man 3 I will try and see Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit though
  • @QsAssistant that's funny, I saw that too and wasn't blown away. I liked it but I'd take Zero Dark Thirty over it any day.
  • Posts: 2,408
    12 Years a Slave

    I don't know why people on here aren't talking about this masterpiece of a film. 100/100. I beg you all to see it before it finishes its' run.
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 12,837
    I don't know why people on here aren't talking about this masterpiece of a film.

    Well a big part of the forum is British and it's only just come out over here so that might be why there isn't much discussion about it. I'm going to see it tomorrow :)
  • Posts: 1,407
    Wolf of Wall Street- 10/10
    Another classic from the best director in the business. The most enjoyable 3 hours of my life in a movie theatre.

    American Hustle- 8/10
    Very entertaining. Great acting and very funny at times.

    Saving Mr. Banks- 10/10
    Mary Poppins has always been a big part of my life. The film as well as the musical, which I've seen multiple times when it was in Chicago. This film is "practically perfect in every way". Emma Thompson give the performance of her life and Hank's Disney is also very enjoyable. Collin Farrel also gives his best performance in a story that made me tear up multiple times. My favorite film of the year.

    That being said, I am seeing 12 Years a Slave today. We shall see how that goes.
  • SuperheroSithSuperheroSith SE London
    Posts: 578
    12 Years A Slave 10/10

    Wolf Of Wall Street 10/10
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 4,622
    47 Ronin. 2/5 stars. A good B movie and not much more. This is not A-list fare.
    No complaints, except that it didn't warrant a 3d surcharge, expecially considering the 3d effects were nil.
    It beats IMO Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader as worst 3d presentation ever. Original Thor gets honorable mention.
    Way too many films being shown in 3d without any added 3d value.

    Lone Survivor is up next for me. Wahlberg says this is most important film project he's ever been associated with, and he did Boogie Nights and Apes remake. :-/

  • 12 Years A Slave- 10/10
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    12 Years a Slave 2013

    As a fan of McQueen since his incredible debut Hunger, I've waited each of his subsequent films with baited breath, Shame didn't disappoint and 12 Years isn't going to buck that trend.

    To think what this could have been in the hands of Spielberg, (yes I know he's a genius) but Amistad show's you how the beard handles Slave dramas. To be honest any number of U.S directors could have turned this into mawkishly over sentimental and manipulative Oscar bait.

    It's take a Brit to make what is being regarded by many as the greatest Slave drama theatrically ever to produce a no holds barred and truly powerful and utterly emotional piece of cinema.

    Chiwetel Ejiofor central performance is astonishing, newcomer Lupita Nyong'o's Patsey is heartbreaking and McQueen's De Niro the incredible Michael Fassbender gives us another electrifying reading to add to his C.V

    If any thing can be said against it, it's the appearance of a certain A list megastar playing a thoroughly nice guy that for a moment lifts you out of the film. I can see Mr Pitt wanting to join the McQueen & Fassbender show but wouldn't a production credit have been enough? It's a rare blip on an exceptional film that should retain it's power for many years to come.

    * * * * *
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 4,622
    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. 4/5 stars. Chris Pine, Keira Knightley Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh. Directed by Branagh.

    Worth seeing. We have a new spy series to rival Bond and Bourne. I Like the way they did the origins. ie didn't dwell. Pine has promise for a good run in this action/espionage series.
    Reminds me most actually, of the Mission Impossible movies, but Ryan himself bears similarities to Bond, even though the two are quite different.
    They are similar in that they are both patriots, operating above board, who can be counted on to execute missions on behalf of country.
    Hunt and Bourne on the other hand, seem to be forever mired in internal conspiracies and agency duplicity, spending as much time off reservation as on. In Bourne's case, always off reservation.
  • LicencedToKilt69007LicencedToKilt69007 Belgium, Wallonia
    Posts: 523
    The Hobbit : The Desolation Of Smaug.


    While the previous Peter Jackson serie, well-known as LOTR was surprising and well acted and directed ; this new serie about Bilbo and the others is just too predictable and acted in a way that it's "common" (except for Evangeline Lilly who had a charismatic character) for most of them. Visually, it's a great blockbuster with superb scenery and full of special effects. Worth seeing in 3D glasses ; still a correct entertainment.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    timmer wrote:
    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. 4/5 stars. Chris Pine, Keira Knightley Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh. Directed by Branagh.

    Worth seeing. We have a new spy series to rival Bond and Bourne. I Like the way they did the origins. ie didn't dwell. Pine has promise for a good run in this action/espionage series.
    Reminds me most actually, of the Mission Impossible movies, but Ryan himself bears similarities to Bond, even though the two are quite different.
    They are similar in that they are both patriots, operating above board, who can be counted on to execute missions on behalf of country.
    Hunt and Bourne on the other hand, seem to be forever mired in internal conspiracies and agency duplicity, spending as much time off reservation as on. In Bourne's case, always off reservation.

    I haven't seen it myself but I'm glad to hear you liked it! From what I've heard it hasn't been doing well in theaters and the character, Jack Ryan, isn't like how he is in the books. I still plan on seeing it though, it looks just like my kind of a film. I hope they continue to make more with Pine in the role of Ryan; it would be nice to see someone play the role more than once (like Harrison Ford) or twice.

  • edited January 2014 Posts: 4,622
    I haven't seen it myself but I'm glad to hear you liked it! From what I've heard it hasn't been doing well in theaters and the character, Jack Ryan, isn't like how he is in the books. I still plan on seeing it though, it looks just like my kind of a film. I hope they continue to make more with Pine in the role of Ryan; it would be nice to see someone play the role more than once (like Harrison Ford) or twice.
    I haven't read any of the books, so I can't relate there. My Jack Ryan frame of reference is Harrison Ford. ;)
    I liked it because I like the spy genre, both lower key and more action-oriented.
    Jack Ryan leans more towards action, but there is enough espionage and spycraft too. Again, it's a nice cross blend of Bond, Bourne and Mission Impossible I think, and a decent addition to the genre.

    Latest: Lone Survivor 4/5 stars. Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Eric Bana. Directed by Peter Berg.
    I share your enthusiasm for this film @QsAssistant.
    Not everyone's cup of tea, this film, in that it may be too intense and too real. Maybe the best film depiction of a combat firefight in history.
    Based on the true story of the battle these four Seal ops had to engage, once they were discovered in-country. The fighting is intense. You feel like you are there.
    Although these guys were terribly outnumbered and battling long odds despite their formidable combat skills, they sure took down a whole lot of enemy Taliban before it was all over.
    I felt real good upon leaving theatre, about the efforts of the brave men and women who fight in these foreign theatres on our behalf.
    Good movie, but again very intense, not your typical war film.

  • edited March 2014 Posts: 5,767
    Jack Ryan - Shadow Recruit
    Doesn´t re-invent the wheel, but is a rock-solid espionage-thriller with excellent construction. I´d say the most credit goes to director Branagh, who built the whole thing up expertly, and he knows how to portrait himself as a villain.
    Also nice: The Russian villain being portrayed before sadly poetic backgrounds, while the Americans always act before glossy hi-def background.
    And the film does a very decent job being a cold-war thriller almost 25 years after the cold war ended.
    One tiny negative point is the action: The way most of the action scenes were shot or edited didn´t hurt the film much, but didn´t make too much sense either.
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 4,622
    Recent cinema viewings include

    Noah, Russel Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins (basically playing Odin again) Ray Winstone- entertaining big budget disaster film. plods a bit- quite a bit actually, but satisfactorily resolves itself in the end. I liked it but I won't rave. Its a bit of an odd mix. On the one hand, it trys to echo the epic Charlton Heston biblical films of yesteryear but in really it's got more in common with more recent fare such as Transformers and Lord of the Rings. 4/5 stars

    Divergent , Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ashley Judd, Kate Winslet and Maggie Q from Nikita - not bad for this genre which can be real lame, but I watch anyway as I like fantasy/escapist fare.
    Liked it better than the two Hunger Games yawnfests. Also way better than Mortal Instruments or The Host. 3/5 stars

    Son of God- good solid New testament storytelling from Mark Burnett. Extrapolated from his Bible mini-series. Well crafted. 5/5

    Non-Stop Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Michelle Dockery (looking real good)- smart little airplane thriller. Liam Neeson cashing in further on his Taken persona. Well done. Its a real whodunnit. Nicely resolved. Some serious tension too. 4/5 stars.

    Next up will be the new Captain America next week.

    wanted to see Veronica Mars but it was out of cinemas witin a week and change it seems. Guess the tv fans watched it and no-one else.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Captain America: The Winter Soldier 10/10

    Saw this last night and was extremely happy when I left the theater. If you enjoy spy/thriller and superhero movies then this is probably the closest you'll ever get to them being the one and the same. CA:TWS is by far my favorite superhero movie! I plan on seeing it at least once, if not twice, more in theaters (and I never do that)!

    1) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    2) The Avengers
    3) Batman Begins
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 3,566
    Just saw Captain America: the Winter Soldier yesterday, and I agree with you entirely, @QsAssistant. First rate superhero/spy action-adventure thriller. Enjoyed it tremendously.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Happy to see that the Russo brothers will do the next Captain America film as well.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I'm happy to hear that they are doing the next one as well. I heard a rumor that after Avengers: Age of Ultron Chris Evens won't be Captain America anymore. I hope that's false because it's hard to image anyone else playing him and because Cap 3 will probably be The Winter Soldier part 2. I would like to see him at least do Captain America 3 and Avengers 3.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    That must be a false rumour? The end of Cap 2 leads directly to Cap 3.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Being a lover of the NFL, I had to go see "Draft Day" with Kevin Costner. I enjoyed it though I have some reservations about Jennifer Garner, aka Mrs. Ben Affleck. She hasn't shined in anything since that crazy TV series, "Alias".
    Rest of the film is pretty good. Frank Langella as the owner, Ellen Burstyn, Dennis Leary as the coach...really quite an enjoyable ride.
    I was put off by the fact that my senior discount was wiped out by the RPX experience (had to pay an extra $4). It wasn't really necessary.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @OHMSS69, have you seen 'Dallas Buyers Club'? I thought Garner was excellent in that. She didn't shine like Leto and McConaughey did, but she was still amazing.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Captain America: The Winter Soldier. hmm, another super hero outing from Marvel. Have to say wasn't blown away by it, very predictable, there were no surprises and the plot 'twists' could be seen a mile off. Scarlett did look rather nice though. Had to see the 3D version as the 2D was playing while I was still at work. Not a fan of 3D and a lot of the frenetic action was too much early on, needed to settle in a bit first. Not terrible but not brilliant either.
  • Posts: 6,396
    ^ So much for the 100% record of great reviews. ;-)
  • Posts: 9,922
    Winter solider it might be in my top 5 films of all time it's tough but it might be there
  • Posts: 5,767

    1 / 5

    As Schwarzenegger´s performances seem to get somewhat better over the years (at least in Escape Plan and Sabotage), David Ayer loses it more and more. While End of Watch featured a fascinating variety of camera perspectives and still managed to draw the audience inside the picture, merely tethering off in towards the depressing end, Sabotage not even manages to draw the audience into the film properly. It´s too much of a mess to make sense on any level. What seems at first glance to be a thrilling look over the shoulders of a team of professionals turns out to be a much too violent catastrophe, in which the way it´s shot, the story arc, and the violence, while each on its own perhaps not a bad idea, sabotage each other vehemently.
  • How many French readers are there here ? 2, 5, 10, 50 ? Anyway, I saw the latest comedy "Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au bon dieu ?", and it actually lives up to the hype. One of the best in recent years IMO. Don't miss the opportunity to see it in a crowded theater if you like comedies...

    Interestingly, another comedy based on stereotypes, is crushing the Spanish box office these days. "Ocho Apellidos Vascos" did in its 4th week almost twice more than Noah and Rio2 combined, that were both in their 1st week. Incredible. I didn't see it.

  • edited April 2014 Posts: 4,622
    Captain American: The Winter Soldier 5/5 stars. One of the best of the recent crop of superhero films. IMO ranks up there with Nolan's best work with Dark Knight. So good, I felt compelled to see it twice in two days.
    It really works on several levels. It's smart but not overly heavy. Lots of good action, girls, colour, humour, adventure, intrigue. Very well done.

    Draft Day: Got to give this one 5/5 as well. Very engaging sports film. I was dreading seeing this. I thought it might be a bit of a big bore, but was pleasantly surprised. Who would have thought the NFL draft could be so interesting. Mind you, I don't think it really is, and I do say that as a football fan. I think the filmmakers sexed it up, but so what - made for a great little sports film.
    The movie is more about intrigue and plotting and scheming and character. There really aren't many actual football scenes. This treatment worked very well I think.
    Dennis Leary as grump coach steals the show. Very well paced. It keeps moving along and keeps you interested. The Costner/Garner love angle was tad lame, but wasn't pervasive. It doesn't get in the way of the broader more engaging narrative, although some might the romance a big plus. Actually it did help drive some funny bits.
    I read Garner considers the movie to be as much a love story as anything else, but that's her take on her character I guess.
    The wheeling and dealing, and shenanigans surrounding the draft carry the film I think. The love angle is sidebar, even easily ignored if you want it that way.

    Transcendence: Sci-fi yawner with Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall. I usually like anything that Nolan is associated with but not this drudgery. I am giving it a 1/5 because I was bored stiff from start to finish, and worse, I didn't care what happened. Not one character could I relate to, with the possible exception of the Paul Bettany character.
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