Rate The Last Movie You Saw In Theaters



  • edited May 2014 Posts: 5,767
    Three Days to kill
    Can´t really rate it, because I left early. Kostner is as always amazing to watch, but McG completely lost it. The film just didn´t reach me at all, that´s why I left. I didn´t care what was going to happen.

    Quite the opposite to

    Godzilla 10/10
    Wow! Spielberg in his prime wouldn´t have done better. It doesn´t matter that some of the
    monster design borrows heavily from J.J. Abrams´ films,
    quite the opposite in fact. The human story is expectably thin, but not bad at all.
    It´s like Evans made Monsters again, but did it right this time. And big budget ;-).
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111

    Quite fantastic. I loved the suspense and tense buildups throughout the entire film, and it was full of fantastic CGI, a great storyline, and wonderful acting. Highly recommended.
  • Posts: 112
    AWESOME! My only problem is it doesn't have the fun from the originals. But the audience in my theater was applauding which if you've already seen the movie you know what scenes I'm talking about. Awesome Awesome Awesome! And now with 100% less Matthew Broderick!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @ohfilms1, same, we actually clapped at one scene (you know which one) and as soon as it ended. Fantastic film. I love that it doesn't follow the typical summer blockbuster formula, either.
  • Posts: 5,767
    ohfilms1 wrote:

    My only problem is it doesn't have the fun from the originals.
    In my theater there were a lot of guys laughing here and there. I personally found it much more entertaining not to find it funny.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @boldfinger, you and I both. It:

    Dwelled a lot on the human aspect of the experience, giving a lot of dramatic and tension-filled moments with the Brody family. I loved it. Knowing Gareth Edwards' work with 'Monsters,' I didn't expect there to be a heavy amount of action, but I felt like it could've had just a tiny bit more. Once Godzilla appears on Oahu, he does his infamous yell and then it cuts away, and then the scene with Olsen's character running underground, you see him bite the MUTO, and then it cuts away again, only to show them fighting later on once Ford and the other soldiers parachute into the city. I think it could've shown a bit more fighting with those two scenes.
  • edited May 2014 Posts: 5,767
    Creasy47 wrote:
    @boldfinger, you and I both. It:

    Dwelled a lot on the human aspect of the experience, giving a lot of dramatic and tension-filled moments with the Brody family. I loved it. Knowing Gareth Edwards' work with 'Monsters,' I didn't expect there to be a heavy amount of action, but I felt like it could've had just a tiny bit more. Once Godzilla appears on Oahu, he does his infamous yell and then it cuts away, and then the scene with Olsen's character running underground, you see him bite the MUTO, and then it cuts away again, only to show them fighting later on once Ford and the other soldiers parachute into the city. I think it could've shown a bit more fighting with those two scenes.
    I found it quite perfect the way it was. It pretty much nailed the idea of the human heroes more or less being bystanders, only marginally able to influence the forces of nature. And the way it was cut added to the unreal and bizzarre feeling, which was also enhanced by both Godzilla and the MUTOs showing clearly human or humanoid motions while at the same time looking non-human.
    Just thinking about it makes me want to go watch it again :-).

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    That's what I love about Watanabe's speech, when he speaks about how humans make the mistake of thinking nature is in our control, and that he really is right along: let them fight. Intervening will do nothing but result in the death of more innocent civilians. I just feel like if they wanted to go with a little bit more action, they could've, but I also appreciate that they teased those sequences.
  • edited May 2014 Posts: 5,767
    Creasy47 wrote:
    That's what I love about Watanabe's speech, when he speaks about how humans make the mistake of thinking nature is in our control, and that he really is right along: let them fight. Intervening will do nothing but result in the death of more innocent civilians. I just feel like if they wanted to go with a little bit more action, they could've, but I also appreciate that they teased those sequences.
    They´ll probably take care of that in the next one ;-). http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=118484

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I read something today about the sequel not being overly-CG, either, which I think was the issue with the one just released, so I'm sure it'll be the same case with the second one. After reading that, I'm guessing the issue with this one isn't that they didn't want to have too much action, they just didn't want too much CGI, I suppose. That's what I took from the article, anyway.
  • edited May 2014 Posts: 4,622
    Amazing Spiderman 2: 5/5 stars.
    This has been a bumper year for superhero movies. Winter Solider and Amazing SM2 I think are two of the best films from the genre of all time.
    anyone who is familiar with the comic book history. Does Gwen Stacey get killed in the comic books too? Is she gone now? Can we get to Mary Jane.

    The 3d in TAS2 was well worth the money. Nice change that was. Usually I find 3d to be a terrible waste of money. Spidey 2 has brought the effects to a top level. Spidey looked real good being Spidey. I think Garfield catches the character very well too.
    This film warrants a second viewing, just as Winter Soldier did.

    Looking forward to Godzilla. I like Watanabe's line, which is also in the trailers, about man thinking it can control nature, when IMO it is so obviously the other way around.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I read something today about the sequel not being overly-CG, either, which I think was the issue with the one just released, so I'm sure it'll be the same case with the second one. After reading that, I'm guessing the issue with this one isn't that they didn't want to have too much action, they just didn't want too much CGI, I suppose. That's what I took from the article, anyway.
    Interesting idea, to want to make a monster movie without much CG in our times.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    timmer wrote:
    Amazing Spiderman 2: 5/5 stars.
    This has been a bumper year for superhero movies. Winter Solider and Amazing SM2 I think are two of the best films from the genre of all time.
    anyone who is familiar with the comic book history. Does Gwen Stacey get killed in the comic books too? Is she gone now? Can we get to Mary Jane.

    The 3d in TAS2 was well worth the money. Nice change that was. Usually I find 3d to be a terrible waste of money. Spidey 2 has brought the effects to a top level. Spidey looked real good being Spidey. I think Garfield catches the character very well too.
    This film warrants a second viewing, just as Winter Soldier did.

    Looking forward to Godzilla. I like Watanabe's line, which is also in the trailers, about man thinking it can control nature, when IMO it is so obviously the other way around.

    Yes to your question in the spoiler tag.
  • edited May 2014 Posts: 4,622
    Yes to your question in the spoiler tag.
    Thanks for that!

    Saw Godzilla 5 out of 5 stars!!!!!
    Loved this film. Love that monster. He saved our planet-ruining asses!!
    The battle with the two other reptile giants was epic!
    One of the great climatic battles in the history of cinema, if I may be so excitable.
    This movie is one of the great fantasy-adventure genre films of all time.

    Godzilla I salute you. :!! We are not worthy!

    2014 IMO has been a banner year for the genre, with Cap's Winter Soldier, Spidey 2, Godzilla, and somehow I sense that the new X-Men will not disappoint.
    Dawn of the Planet Apes looks like it might be real good too!!
    I'm getting one of these for my desk!

  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Loved the first two X Men films, thought the 3rd was dire and Singer should have done it instead of jumping ship and making the awful Superman Returns. So after X3 I gave up on the franchise and haven't seen Origins or Wolverine, and only caught up with First Class when it was recently shown on tv, and quite liked it. And as Bryan Singer is back behind the megaphone I thought I'd give the new one a viewing. And a pretty good effort it is too. Plenty of mutants and some great set pieces especially one hpyer slo-mo effort. Entertaining, not the best, (X2 for me) but well worth a viewing. I saw the 3D version and it was nice to see that Singer made the film with scant regard to 3D, i.e. things weren't 'coming at ya' every ten seconds. Also thumbs up for a damn fine cast.
  • Posts: 9,915
    Godzilla which was by in large amazing I love the mythology about godzilla and I would love for this to be a theme to explore a bit more. Who knew Godzilla could be considered realistic. Absolutely loved it and how Ken Wantanabe comes back in the sequels
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,315
    Finally saw X MEN DOFP.

    I really enjoyed it. I may have a few minor complaints but they certainly didn't ruin the film for me in any way. It's great to have Singer back. All of the performances from the major players are top notch. It was awesome to see Patrick Stewart return. There was a lot of great action with a strong emotional core to go along with it. What more can you ask from one of these summer blockbuster type of films?

    I don't dislike The Last Stand as much as some people (I do have issues with it though) but it's clear how much better it would have been had Singer directed it. This film, in more ways than one, serves as an apology to the fans for his decision to abandon the X MEN all those years ago. As far as I'm concerned, that's a big apology accepted in my book.

    I would recommend it but only if you have seen the previous films. I suppose you could skip The Wolverine but you might be lost if you haven't seen the others.
    I was disappointed by the lack of explanation of how Xavier was still alive. I am guessing that this had to do with the end credit sequence of The Last Stand? The audience shouldn't have to guess.
    Also, how does Logan have his metal claws again?
    I liked the new characters but we barely got to know them. A little more character development would have been appreciated but I suppose that they didn't have time. Perhaps there were too many characters.
    Oh, one last very minor nitpick. RFK Stadium was shown to have a baseball field on it but there was no Major League team playing there at the time.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Wow, just found out that not every film released this year is a Marvel comic-book adaptation!. Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt in a groundhog day scenario with a kick-ass sci-fi premise. Doug 'Bourne Identity' Liman directs a film that has shades of Aliens, Starship Troopers and the aforementioned GD. Some great action sequences, humour and the Cruise blasting through London on a Triumph! What's not to like? Cruise starts off against type as a less than heroic figure but becomes more heroic (and funny) each time he dies. And Emily seems to get more attractive! Nice turn from Bill 'Game over man!) Paxton.
    This was certainly a better use of my time than watching the Britain's Got Talent final on telly
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812

    I saw this a couple of weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. It lived up to my expectations. Looking forward to the confirmed sequel!
  • Posts: 107
    Yes, Godzilla is one of those movies I will want to own on BluRay. Totally awesome and the story and characters weren't overdone like some crappy Michael Bay movie or Independence Day. It's righteous.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Chang wrote:
    Yes, Godzilla is one of those movies I will want to own on BluRay. Totally awesome and the story and characters weren't overdone like some crappy Michael Bay movie or Independence Day. It's righteous.
    It´s so righteous I´m not sure I want that confirmed sequel.

  • Posts: 1,407
    A few reviews.

    Godzilla. Good. Very fun. 8/10

    A Million Ways To Die In The West- As a big fan of Seth, I walked away somewhat disappointed but it's definitely not as bad as the reviews would have you believe. Very funny moments, but not a worthy successor to Ted (which it's not trying to be). 5/10

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2- Better than the first for sure. Although it still doesn't reach the hight of the REAL Spider-Man 2. Also this was sandwiched in-between two amazing comic book films so that probably didn't help. 7/10

    X Men: Days of Future Past- I've now seen this three times and it gets better and better each time. Just an incredible achievement and an amazing return to form for Mr. Bryan Singer. The X Men series was always special to me and it always seemed like it was playing 2nd fiddle to other Marvel franchisees. No more. The X Men are here to stay. 10/10
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited June 2014 Posts: 12,501
    I hope to see Godzilla soon! I have not yet (and here I am ... in the land of Godzilla of all places ...)
    But I wanted to share this tidbit:

    At my preschool where I teach, I walked into the toddler class one morning to see the kids throwing colored fuzzy balls with velcro at a big green fabric thing put up on the wall. It was hard to tell what it was, so I was thinking alligator. I asked the teachers (who speak only a little English) and one said, "Godzilla!" :D I thought oh, this is cool.
    Next time the kids play, I need to try to get a photo of it.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Edge of Tomorrow

    I have to say that Tom Cruise is my favorite actor. I have yet to see a film of his that I hated, granted I haven't see them all. In this one he more or less plays a coward that dies as much as Kenny from South Park. Eventually he learns from all his deaths and becomes a badass. The movie is only 2 hours but because he starts his day over after he dies it felt longer but otherwise it was an awesome movie.
  • edited July 2014 Posts: 4,622
    Transformers: Age of Extinction 5 plus stars, only because I saw it in super-avx, with awesome 3d and DBox rumble seats. All that was missing was IMAX but still got big 3d visual, powerful audio and shaking seat experience.
    Movie of course is 2 hours 45 minutes of destruction, effects, and cheesy acting, but entertaining as hell.
    Good to see the Megan Fox tradition lives on with this franchise.
    19 year-old, Nicola Peltz carries on beautifully as scantily-clad lead babe caught in the middle of all the mayhem. She picks up nicely from underwear model, Rosie Huntington Whitely, who was original successor to Fox in Transformers 3.
    Peltz starts off in short shorts, moving to tight jeans in later action. Wahlberg even cracks an in-joke about her next to nothing attire, early on. :P
    Nicola Peltz Transformers: Age of Extinction
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    X-Men: Days of Future Past
    I kept putting off watching this one and I'm not really sure why. It was one of the best X-Men movies to date! Although I felt it would have be more interesting to actually put Bishop as the lead and the one who goes back in time instead of Wolverine. I like how they are able to do a reboot without actually starting over, much like the new Star Trek movies. Looking forward to X-Men: Apocalypse!

    1) Wolverine
    2) X-Men: Days of Future Past
    3) X-Men: First Class
    4) X-Men
    5) X-Men United
    6) X-Men: The Last Stand
    7) X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  • edited August 2014 Posts: 2,495
    GOTG: Great movie. Really funny. I think that 8.7 on IMDb is too much for it but the humour in it was great.The characters were great.

    But the things I didn't like were how this movie looked like every Marvel movie ever and I think we needed some better action scenes. However with that said this might be one of the most original marvel movies as far as characters and pure fun go.

    8/10 altough I'll have to say it's a little bit overrated. I am definitelly looking forward to GOTG 2 and I really want to see Avengers/GOTG movies in the future

    edit: I almost forgot

    Drax,Rocket and Groot stole the show. Starlord was good and Gamora was just....there...

    I heard the argument that this movie didn't had a good villain and I disagree I think that Ronan is the best Marvel villain in the MCU to date.
  • Posts: 5,767
    The Raid 2 - Berandal

    9 / 10

    I watched it twice, and even though the cinema was crappy and the projection looked as if the projector lamp wouldn´t make it through the film, I still enjoyed it thoroughly.
    A fantastic blend of bad ass gangster story and violent action.
    What the action scenes lack here and there in realism they make more than up for with gorgeous choreography and excellent camera work and editing.
    The characters, even minor ones, all left an impression. I cannot think of even one bland face throughout. Excellent casting and directing.
  • Posts: 2,341
    4 stars out of 5

    Scarlett Johanssen is always fun for me and the movie was interesting. Much better than the earlier Johnny Depp film. I had posted on another blog about the lack of Chinese villians in movies nowadays. Lucy is full of villanious Chinese. (I did note that the early settings are Taiwan and not "Red China". Thus the villains are from Taiwan and not Mainland China. Very interesting.
    The movie was good escapism fun.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I saw 'Guardians of the Galaxy' about a week ago. I loved it. One of those rare films that I thought would be great, and somehow exceeded my expectations. Wasn't as action-packed as I expected, but worked well on the comedy, sets, and acting. Great movie.

    'Sin City: A Dame To Kill For'

    Wonderful film, a rare sequel that I actually enjoyed, and am already looking forward to seeing it again. Some of the storylines were weak (didn't care for Joseph Gordon Levitt's storyline in the slightest), but the others made up for it. I also loved the nods to the first film. Happy that this didn't disappoint.
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