Rate The Last Movie You Saw In Theaters



  • Posts: 774
    The Campaign.

    Was honestly disappointed. Just not that funny, and the jokes that were funny were only mildly funny at best. 6/10, hoping there's an uncut version for the DVD release.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    The Bourne Legacy not a bad way to while away a couple of hours. Taking place at the same time as events in The Bourne Supremacy this has a slightly different feel to it, some great action set pieces, the lovely Rachel Wiesz and Moby's awesome end title song. Not as good as the previous ones, but still a lot better than some action films.
  • Posts: 1,548
    The Dark Knight Rises. Amazing film. Seen it twice. Hardy or Bale get my vote for next Bond.
  • edited August 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Bourne legacy


    Good, not as good as the other films.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    The Amazing Spider-Man 9/10

    Loved this movie and it was way better then the last three. So glad they rebooted this series. Garfield is better than Tobey by far!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    The Bourne Legacy:

    Good, no fantastic, and doesn't stack up to Matt's films.
  • Posts: 4
    Batman and Spiderman, I would hate to think that this is the last time I see any Batman movies, Spiderman, It was done the way the comic book was written, Nothing against Toby and the first three but this one rocked and can't wait to get the 3D version.
  • The Bourne Legacy - 8/10

    Does it have Jason Bourne? No. But do we really need to give a damn?

    The name Bourne doesn't imply for Jason Bourne exclusively: it's a government project. So the whines of not having Matt Damon doesn't make sense as an excuse for bashing this film. It's pretty much like Metal Gear Solid 2: instead of Solid Snake we got a androgynous ninja who doesn't have even the half of the testosterone required to be the star of MGS, but in the end we still had an MGS game, didn't we? Same case in here.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    herk wrote:
    Batman and Spiderman, I would hate to think that this is the last time I see any Batman movies, Spiderman, It was done the way the comic book was written, Nothing against Toby and the first three but this one rocked and can't wait to get the 3D version.
    From what I heard the new Spiderman was a horrid representation of the comics.
  • Posts: 7,653
    herk wrote:
    Batman and Spiderman, I would hate to think that this is the last time I see any Batman movies, Spiderman, It was done the way the comic book was written, Nothing against Toby and the first three but this one rocked and can't wait to get the 3D version.
    From what I heard the new Spiderman was a horrid representation of the comics.

    Well this person told you different!

    Time to check it out for yourselves. ;)

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    'The Bourne Legacy'

    I was pretty disappointed with it. The camera work was shaky at times, the action wasn't all that great, the CGI was laughable at points, and man, what an incredibly abrupt, random ending. I feel like so much was cut from it, and it made me (and many others) question why it ended the way it did.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote:
    'The Bourne Legacy'

    I was pretty disappointed with it. The camera work was shaky at times, the action wasn't all that great, the CGI was laughable at points, and man, what an incredibly abrupt, random ending. I feel like so much was cut from it, and it made me (and many others) question why it ended the way it did.

    Yeah, I thought it was sloppy that with just half an hour left they
    put in a super-spy for Cross to fight off and then ended it fast. And damn was the chase at the end overlong. There were so many scenes that went on longer than they should have.
  • The Expendables 2


    It was out a couple of days early here in The Netherlands, so I went to see it with a female friend of mine. I wasn't sure if she'd like it, 'cause she usually falls asleep whenever action comes along (really, she slept through all the action parts of Desperado, and only woke up for the other scenes)

    I really loved it. It's a bit like a Roger Moore James Bond film. You could see EX1 as a Pierce Brosnan Bond film: it took itself pretty serious, but had some fun along the way. This one just from the get-go refuses to take itself serious, and that amounts to alot of fun.

    Especially the roles played by Willis, Schwarzenegger and Norris are just fun. They don't really serve any other purpose to the story then to show up and kill a sh*tload of people, quoting their own and eachothers movies as they go along. It's a blast to watch them have fun.

    The main team is pretty good as well, with some interesting character moments. Jet Li (literally) drops out after the movies opening, and that young dude from 'Hunger Games' doesn't hang around for too long either.

    Just turn of your brain, and enjoy the mindless action and funny dialogue, and it's a great run. Take it serious, and you'll be in constant 'Wtf?' mode!

    By the way: for those of you who where wondering: my female friend liked it a lot as well, especially for the humour (she didn't get most of the movie-references though, had to fill her in on those later), so this movie is save to bring girlfriends, wifes, dates to.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, I agree. It bothers me that:
    they threw in the super-spy as some big plot point, yet totally ignore Norton and the rest of them towards the end, just to set up another. And the super-spy's death was terrible! Horrendous CGI, I really wanted a good fist fight.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Glad you enjoyed it @BondWillReturn. It's out in the UK tommorow, and I'm going on Friday. Can't wait to see it. I loved the first one but I did think it took itself too seriously for what it was. This one seems like what I wanted from the first one: Just a bunch of action heroes from the past 20-30 years blowing stuff up and having fun.
    Jet Li (literally) drops out after the movies opening

    Noooooooo :(
    and that young dude from 'Hunger Games' doesn't hang around for too long either.

    Yeeeessss!!!! <:-P No idea why they decided to cast him, he's not really an action star and seemed really out of place in the trailer.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote:
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, I agree. It bothers me that:
    they threw in the super-spy as some big plot point, yet totally ignore Norton and the rest of them towards the end, just to set up another. And the super-spy's death was terrible! Horrendous CGI, I really wanted a good fist fight.

    My review of it is in The Last Movie You Watched thread, so see if you agree with some of my points.
  • Posts: 612
    I'm catching an early screening of the Expendables 2 tomorrow. I'll keep you posted, spoiler free.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    The Bourne Legacy 7.5/10

    Good film but I was a little disappointed.

    The bad:
    It's the longest one in the series yet I feel it wasn't really that long. It also seemed to end rather quickly. The hand-to-hand fight scenes were edited really badly. The plot was probably the weakest of the series (it seemed more like it was setting up more films).

    The good:
    I like Aaron Cross (Renner). I felt it never stole from other movies. It takes place during the Bourne Supremacy and the Bourne Ultimatum (which I thought was cool). No more shaky camera. Plot was easy to follow.

    My Bourne listing:
    1) Bourne Idenity
    2) Bourne Ultimatum
    3) Bourne Legacy
    4) Bourne Supremacy
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 7,653
    The Expendables 2 (4/5) - It is the best comedy of the year with great OTT actionscenes and the best actionstars of old doing something very entertaining with the audience. They roared with laughter and the stars seem to enjoy their outing. For me almost together with The Avengers the best action movie of the year. Fun and excitement.
    Easily better than its original part 1.
  • Posts: 2,498
    The Amazing Spiderman.

    Has some cool effects. Starts interesting.It hooked me.I like how they didn't made Peter some crybabe and someone that is bullied every day.I also like the character of Emma Stone and how it wasn't generic.
    But after the first interesting half an hour it gets really boring as a usual superhero movie (at least that is how i feel about super hero movies especially those Marvel movies before The Avengers and not counting Iron Man 2 which was pretty good).That scene when Spidey was at the bridge was just amazing.Really awesome.But after that it became boring again... And the end was pretty good. If those boring scenes weren't tha boring this would've been really great movie.
    I heard that Spiderman dies in this movie..maybe I heard wrong and it's about Spiderman 3 which I haven' watched yet but going into The Amazing Spiderman I expected the death of SpiderMan at the end.It didn't happened and i was kinda disappointed cause of that.Also I still don't know how Spidey didn't lose his power from that anti-venom or what ever it was and the doctor did lose his power.Now that I think of it the end reminds me of Avengers where Scarlett saves the day and in this movie Stone saves the day.
    Overall ok movie.It has boring scenes and some really amazing scenes. 7/10 could've been a better but still I'm surprised by the movie.
  • TRSTN1TRSTN1 Tokio,North Dakota U.S.A
    Posts: 11
    The Expendables 8/10
  • Posts: 612
    The Expendables 2, 8/10. MUCH better than the first, although it came with it's problems.
  • The Bourne Legacy 6/10
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    edited August 2012 Posts: 11,139
    The Bourne Legacy - 8/10

    Does it have Jason Bourne? No. But do we really need to give a damn?

    The name Bourne doesn't imply for Jason Bourne exclusively: it's a government project. So the whines of not having Matt Damon doesn't make sense as an excuse for bashing this film. It's pretty much like Metal Gear Solid 2: instead of Solid Snake we got a androgynous ninja who doesn't have even the half of the testosterone required to be the star of MGS, but in the end we still had an MGS game, didn't we? Same case in here.

    I disagree vehemently. First of all the name Bourne is identified as the character Damon portrayed and brought life to which the audience have acknowledged and invested interest in.

    As for MGS2, you forget that solid snake may not have been a playable character throughout the whole game but he was still playable in the tanker/prologue chapter and still had a bug enough and involving presense through out the game because unlike Bourne in Legacy, Snake was in MGS2. furthermore MGS2, is by far the most ambitious game of the series from a technical and narrative standpoint, that introduced themes, concepts, ideologies, metaphorical stances and philosophies in such a unique and challenging way that many gamers couldn't even grasp what the he'll was going on and that IMO was because Kojima overestimated the cognitive capacity of many gamers at the time. Raiden was never a problem. If anything he was used as a tool to elevate the significance of the world and characters around him and this is where BL failed. The 2 cannot be compared because MGS2 is/was a success and is a great/magnificent game and a more than worthy sequel to MGS. BL didn't really achieve anything other than introduce the audience to another black ops project that the a division of the US government were trying to yet again cover their own butts over.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Total Recall 9/10

    I'm a fan of the original but I liked this one better. I may have liked it so much because I've heard mixed reviews and that gave me low expectations.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Total Recall 9/10

    I'm a fan of the original but I liked this one better. I may have liked it so much because I've heard mixed reviews and that gave me low expectations.

    My thoughts exactly. My girlfriend and I spontaneously saw it and I just had no expectations, and loved it. I wish I could do this with more films, because I always seem to love them when I go in expecting nothing.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    @Creasy47 Too true. Half of the time, if not more than, when I think a movie looks stupid I usually end up liking or loving it. For instance The Last Samurai; when I first saw the trailer for it I rolled my eyes and thought it was dumb to have a white man starring in a movie with that title. It's now my favorite movie.

    Anyway, the last movie I saw in theaters...

    The Dark Knight Rises 9.5/10

    I heard it wasn't as good as The Dark Knight. I couldn't disagree more. I thought it was a great film and can't wait to own it on blu-ray. I love TDK but I think it's overrated. It was just too slow at parts for me but I will say it had the best villian. TDKR had the best action and the best ending of the trilogy.

    My Batman listing

    1) Batman Begins 10/10 (Best story/origins and character development)
    2) The Dark Knight Rises 9.5/10 (Best action and ending)
    3) The Dark Knight 9/10 (Best villian)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @QsAssistant, you and I both. I'm looking forward to a release date close to Christmas, so I can watch the trilogy, all in a row, on blu-ray. Going to be so much fun.
  • Posts: 5,767
    The Expendables 2.
    I´m tempted to give 11/10. I don´t know if I was depressive before or something, but I have never seen a film that offers such a big polarity between braindead and totally entertaining. The enormous cast is used to much good effect, and the villain department was lifted to a whole new dimension, thanks to Belgium´s finest. I found him even better than Ledger´s Joker. He was so pure evil, I´m voting for Van Damme as villain in one of the next Bond films. If he will have his sunglasses on and off.
    All in all, a big leap from the first one. I find it hard to imagine how they´re going to cram even more star faces into it and still make it work, but thinking about that Connery talk, the imagination of him appearing at one place or the other is seductive.
  • edited August 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Expendables 2: Objectively it's about a 7 or 8 but in my heart it was 10/10. It's not a cinematic masterpiece, it won't win any awards or change the face of cinema, but it's a bunch of badasses blowing stuff up and it's just so entertaining, a great action film that doesn't take itself too seriously. The 1st one was a bit of a let down but this is just awesome. I want a 3rd film soon!

    Total Recall: 5/10. It's not bad, it's just pretty average imo and the original puts it to shame, even if the special effects were better this time.
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