WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
edited April 2012 in General Discussion Posts: 784
Any fans? Best band?

To me there is nothing better than classic rock. I grew up listening and will always continue to do so. But many years band stood above all the others, cranking out awesome lyrics and music. This band consited of 3 people and we know them as RUSH. Kicking it old school since the 70's...RUSH is back in what will go down as an epic album!

They just announced their 2012 Tour dates on the website:

I am so excited to hear about their new album coming out this year called Clockwork are a few of thier singles:

RUSH - "Headlong Flight" - Official Lyric Video(Apr 19, 2012 )

Rush- Caravan

Rush - BU2B

Wow I can barely type this without shaking in excitement. I can't wait to go to my first RUSH concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Right here, man. I commented on your initial Activity post earlier this morning, and every subsequent time I've been on the forums today, I have been in a place where I can't listen to the song. Rush is definitely in my list of top three bands, and I am extremely addicted to their music. Favorite song?

    Mine: Closer To The Heart, Spirit of Radio, or Subdivisions.
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    To pick my favorite songs is incredibly hard...but I will go with: Freewill, Closer To The Heart, Spirit Of The Radio ( such tremendous lyrics), Working Man, Limelight, Tom there is to many to list.

    I have Freewill as my ringtone.....This is another song with power lyrics.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    I love Limelight and Tom Sawyer as well, along with The Temples of Syrinx. Very great songs. I'm hoping to give the new singles a listen tonight, but what is your opinion on them? Are they amazing?
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    I think they are awesome songs. Your taking a band that has been cranking since the 70's, and its like they haven't missed a beat. This new album will be a little more heavy rock, which I thinks suits them. What other bands are cranking out this kind of high quality music today? Van Halen tried, but failed.
  • Posts: 9,913
    love rush but more of a yes fan. Funny enough I suggested both Rush and Yes for bond theme... no one said Bo Rush Vs Adele hmmm yeah I'd Take Rush for bond any day!
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    edited April 2012 Posts: 2,629
    Another Rush fan here. First saw them during their Moving Pictures tour 30 years ago. Amazing how they can still go nearly 40 years later.

    Kerim's Top 10 Rush Songs

    1. Limelight
    2. 2112
    3. Tom Sawyer
    4. Natural Science
    5. Nobody's Hero
    6. YYZ
    7. Freewill
    8. Dreamline
    9. Working Man
    10. Subdivisions

    Edit: Thanks for posting those Willard. Loved the Headlong Flight video. I loved how the video showed footage of Rush in concert to coincide with the songs reflective theme.
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 300
    Rush is one of my favorite bands! It's the band I can always listen to regardless of what mood I'm in. It's hard for me to pick a favorite, they have A LOT of great songs.

    These are my top 5:
    1. Subdivisions
    2. Time Stand Still
    3. The Pass
    4. Tom Sawyer
    5. Limelight

    And for those who have never seen Fanboys, every Rush fan must watch this clip! ;)

  • Posts: 5,767
    As a bass player one cannot avoid feeling massive enthusiasm whenever Geddy Lee is playing! He´s one of the most amazing players on the planet, both musically and technically! And I enjoyed the gag with the washing machines he had some years ago ;-) .
    Well, the whole band is an extaordinary phenomenon.
    I had a bad live experience though some five years ago: I bought a ticket in advance for a show in the Munich Olympiahalle, only to learn when I got there that it was cancelled. Apparently the Europeans are a bit lazy when it comes to appreciating good music. I find no other explanation for Rush´s relatively minor support from over here. In both North and South America I get the impression they are huge. And well deservedly so! It´s a shame they don´t play more often in Germany.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    <b>Moved to General Discussion</b>

    Good for you WW! :) Seeing one of your all-time favorite bands live is quite something.
  • Posts: 4,762
    YYYYEEESSS!!! I'm crazy about Rush, they're incredibly outstanding! My favorite song by them is by far "The Trees".
  • Posts: 12,837
    How did I miss this thread???

    I love Rush, one of my favourite bands, classic rock. My favourite Rush song is probably Tom Sawyer.
  • Posts: 268
    The biggest question of all is if Clockwork Angels will be the best album of 2012 or just the second best? (and if so, what godly beings will be the ones who make a better one?)
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 12,837
    obin_gam wrote:
    The biggest question of all is if Clockwork Angels will be the best album of 2012 or just the second best? (and if so, what godly beings will be the ones who make a better one?)

    Look at the current music industry, tons of crap, generic, talentless, singers and bands. So there won't be much competition. I'll be really suprised if Clockwork Angels doesn't turn out the best album of 2012.
  • Posts: 4,762
    obin_gam wrote:
    The biggest question of all is if Clockwork Angels will be the best album of 2012 or just the second best? (and if so, what godly beings will be the ones who make a better one?)

    Look at the current music industry, tons of crap, generic, talentless, singers and bands. So there won't be much competition. I'll be really suprised if Clockwork Angels doesn't turn out the best album of 2012.

    I agree with you 100%, today's music industry has gone far down the toilet! Where are the good songs anymore? Anyone who enjoys today's music needs to listen to a full album of Rush and they'll be blown away!

    If I had to pick my five favorite Rush songs, I'd choose these:

    1. The Trees (from Hemispheres, 1979)
    2. Limelight (from Moving Pictures, 1981)
    3. YYZ (from Moving Pictures, 1981)
    4. Working Man (from Rush, 1974)
    5. Freewill (from Permanent Waves, 1980)
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    I also agree about today's music..unreal
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Very nice to finally hear those new Rush songs, and I agree, it's definitely a bit different from their older stuff, but still extremely enjoyable! I want to try and see them in Philadelphia when they play in September.
  • Posts: 1,082
    boldfinger wrote:
    As a bass player one cannot avoid feeling massive enthusiasm whenever Geddy Lee is playing! He´s one of the most amazing players on the planet, both musically and technically!

    What do you think of this bassplayer?

  • Posts: 4,622
    I've got all their studio and live albums. They are not even one of my favourite bands, ( my favourites are blues based Brit rock) but there is a consistency about them, that I like. I just have to check out everything they do and I am never dissapointed. I've seen them live three times. They are simply a very creative, good solid heavy rock-band. Farewell to Kings I think is their best album. It's a classic of 70's melodic hard-rock. Rush manages to blend hard-rock with both prog-rock and rock n' roll. Like most good bands, they can blend diffent styles with their own core sound.
  • My favorite RUSH record will always be 2112. The 2112 suite is rock genius and was the greatest concept/story piece until Queensryche blew the world away with "Operation: Mindcrime".. 2nd side is great as well. Saw my first Rush show during the Farewell to Kings tour at the Tower Theater just outside of Philly. Tom Petty was on his first national tour and opened, and we all but booed him off the stage, it was a total musical mismatch for a Rush fan. I've seen them live close to 20 times. Other than that "Police phase" of theirs following Signals in which their music was boring and trite, I've always been a big fan.
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 4,622
    Other than that "Police phase" of theirs following Signals in which their music was boring and trite, I've always been a big fan.
    They were a little lame at that point. Many of the 70's rock bands, especially heavy prog-type bands didn't handle the transition to the 80's that smoothly.
    2112 was their breakthrough album. Great album, but I thought it was a tad unpolished- that they sounded a bit like Zep/Yes wannabees. But with A Farewell To Kings, I thought they had managed to blend the heavy and art-rock styles perfectly, creating their own unique sound.

  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    timmer wrote:
    Other than that "Police phase" of theirs following Signals in which their music was boring and trite, I've always been a big fan.
    They were a little lame at that point. Many of the 70's rock bands, especially heavy prog-type bands didn't handle the transition to the 80's that smoothly.
    2112 was their breakthrough album. Great album, but I thought it was a tad unpolished- that they sounded a bit like Zep/Yes wannabees. But with A Farewell To Kings, I thought they had managed to blend the heavy and art-rock styles perfectly, creating their own unique sound.

    Which has stood the test of time to this very day.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Kerim's Top 10 Rush Albums

    1. Moving Pictures
    2. 2112
    3. A Farewell to Kings
    4. Fly By Night
    5. Permanent Waves
    6. Presto
    7. Signals
    8. Debut Album
    9. Vapor Trails
    10. Counterparts
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    Just ordered tickets to the Rush show in Buffalo NY, in October. Reserved seating on the Floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Posts: 4,622
    top 10 Rush albums
    1. Farewell To Kings
    2. 2112
    3. Hemispheres
    4. Moving Pictures
    5. Permanent Waves
    6. Counterparts
    7. Vapor Trails
    8. Test for Echo
    9. Snakes and Arrows
    10. Roll The Bones

    I'm not including Feedback and I haven't heard the new one yet. I like the late 70's, and newer post 80's stuff best.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Just ordered tickets to the Rush show in Buffalo NY, in October. Reserved seating on the Floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd join you if I were closer. One of my good friends from high school casually told me that he went to a Rush concert over Spring Break a few years ago, and I don't recall receiving an invite of any sort. I was pretty livid, as he knows I'm as crazy about Rush as he is.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Creasy47 wrote:
    Just ordered tickets to the Rush show in Buffalo NY, in October. Reserved seating on the Floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd join you if I were closer. One of my good friends from high school casually told me that he went to a Rush concert over Spring Break a few years ago, and I don't recall receiving an invite of any sort. I was pretty livid, as he knows I'm as crazy about Rush as he is.

    Yeah, one of my friends got tickets to a Rush concert as a Christmas gift and saw them during their last year April show, and boy was I jealous!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    I really want to go see them in Philadelphia in September, but I really don't know if I can work out the possibility of a job for the summer, so I may not have the cash. I really hope I could manage some, though.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I really want to go see them in Philadelphia in September, but I really don't know if I can work out the possibility of a job for the summer, so I may not have the cash. I really hope I could manage some, though.

    For Rush, I think it'd be worth it! Haha, that might motivate even harder work knowing that such a grand prize was coming your way!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @00Beast, indeed! They've been one of my favorite bands for years, and if I can find a job somehow for the summer, I'll definitely be holding off on blowing all of the cash I earn to buy myself a ticket.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Creasy47 wrote:
    @00Beast, indeed! They've been one of my favorite bands for years, and if I can find a job somehow for the summer, I'll definitely be holding off on blowing all of the cash I earn to buy myself a ticket.

    Just wondering, would you happen to be fans of Foreigner and Styx?
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