The brand new guess the character



  • Incorrect I'm afraid @JWESTBROOK
  • Posts: 5,634
    It's strange, when you are the one in command of a specific question, and you know who it is of course, you take an almost cruel delight in seeing people struggle and take wrong turns and down blind alleys etc, but when it's the other way round and you're on the guessing front it's quite frustrating, I can only imagine Mr SBRM is having a degree of fun with this, know how you feel though, it's fun - up until someone gets it that is

    I was thinking Holly Goodhead just now, just an idea, it was worth a try

  • It's strange, when you are the one in command of a specific question, and you know who it is of course, you take an almost cruel delight in seeing people struggle and take wrong turns and down blind alleys etc, but when it's the other way round and you're on the guessing front it's quite frustrating, I can only imagine Mr SBRM is having a degree of fun with this, know how you feel though, it's fun - up until someone gets it that is

    I was thinking Holly Goodhead just now, just an idea, it was worth a try

    It's interesting reading people's answers and going through the clues to see how they got to there answer. I take no I sit under my volcano stroking my white cat ;).

    As for Holly Goodhead, I'm afraid that's also incorrect
  • Posts: 501
    It might be craizy but, what was the name of the ice-skater in For Your Eyes Only? was it Bibi?
  • Bibi is also incorrect I'm afraid
  • Can't believe no-one has got this yet...thought a couple of clues would have made someone's mind click! As such, feel it's time for a remind of the clues so far

    1) I can lay claim to the series title of 'great survivor'
    2) I have varied emotions
    3) I presume the thoughts and feelings of someone else
    4) I'm scared of the consequences of events
    5) As such, nothing is ever black and white with me
    6) At some point in my life, I've had the same thing said to me as General Pushkin has...but in very different circumstances
    7) I have a wide circle of friends, including the great and the good and the evil and bad
    8) I assume it's Bond...with disastrous and embarrassing consequences

    One final clue should just about do it...

    9) I know something...but I won't say it to just anyone
  • w2bondw2bond is indeed a very rare breed
    Posts: 2,252
    Tiffany Case?
  • It isn't Tiffany Case I'm afraid
  • Posts: 299
    Is it Jaws?
  • It's not Jaws I'm afriad.
  • Posts: 5,634
    I've been thinking about this and my guess is as good as anyone else's

    I've two characters in mind, not allowed two attempts by game rules, so -

    I'll try my initial thought and say Rosie Carver, I was just putting some clues together

    Won't be at all surprised if incorrect
  • I've been waiting for your next guess @Baltimore_007 with intrigue

    Rosie Carver is an interesting guess. But sadly, it is also incorrect/

    What was the other character you had in mind?
  • Posts: 5,634
    You haven't really though have you :P

    Second attempt was Corrine Dufour from Moonraker

    don't say it, I'm only about 10 per cent confident on that one
  • It's sadly incorrect I am afraid.

    I'm surprised with this one. Ok, there are some clues that are cryptic. But some are obvious and you'll kick yourself once you know the answer. The character I am thinking of isn't obscure or anything like that I can assure you and I have checked all my clues and they are all correct.

    I could give one final clue? But that really would be game up for my go?
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    Valentin Dimitrivich Zukovsky?
  • Nice guess @PrinceKamalKhan. But Zukovsky is also incorrect I'm afraid
  • Posts: 5,634
    If you could maybe disclose the gender of this here character that would be a great help, but your decision of course

    I know how much fun you must be having, before I had participants at a total loss with what I had in mind, and now you can experience the pleasures etc

    You've been very clever with this, and if I were you I'd keep people struggling for a bit longer, it's not often anyone gets to sit in the 'guess the character seat', so enjoy yourself a little etc
  • Ok, I'll make it clue number 10

    10) I am a male

    Go over the clues, some are more obvious than others.
  • Posts: 5,634
    This could well be the best round of Guess the character I've seen on these pages

    Ten damn clues and still no nearer to an answer..

    It's merely stabs in the dark or vague flashbacks

    I'll try Kronsteen from FRWL, probably not but what the hell, I seriously don't know this as anyone else for sure

  • Haha really? Wow...I really didn't think it would be this hard.

    Ten clues and there's an emergency one left to give but that's only if people are really stumped.

    Kronsteen is good...but sadly, it isn't him
  • Posts: 5,634
    Tell you what, do us a favor and tell us what decade the character is from you refer to, that could be a big help and won't give much away, really struggling now despite all the clues provided, that's up to you though, you can keep it as you are by all means

    Last attempt on this for tonight, Doctor No. Probably been mentioned before but worth a try if not
  • Dr. No is also incorrect I am afraid.

    Telling you that would compromise an earlier clue that I have gave I'm afraid.

    I tell you what, I will give two final clues away to encourage you to have one final guess tonight.

    11) I am an ally of Bond

    12) My role in the series is not exclusive to me
  • Posts: 501
    I knowI must be wrong, but, Tracy's father?
  • Posts: 165
    Can't make all of the clues fit but I'll go for Tanner?
  • Both good guesses but both sadly incorrect
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
    008? Bill Timothy?
  • A good guess but it's not 008 I'm afraid
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,304
    General Gogol?
  • Q?
  • Both are, again, good guesses but both are incorrect.
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