Bond on Bond by Sir Rog

TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
edited May 2012 in Merchandise Posts: 9,117

Whilst I'm overjoyed to see some original merchandise and I think this book sounds interesting and should be a very entertaining read I cant help but be outraged by the cover.

Shirley Eaton and Richard Kiel apparently more worthy of cover space thn Laz and Dalton. Absolute joke. The cover is even nicely divided up so that you can have Rog in the prominent pose (seeing as he wrote it its fair enough) and then theres 5 spaces left - one for every Bond - but someone decides that a shot of Jill and jaws takes precedence.

Also its states 'Roger Moore' as the author but how much of it will be ghost written? Call me cynical and much as I love Roger but at his age I just cant see it being all his own work.


  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Agreed - I too was miffed by the omission of Lazenby and Dalton - two of the best Bonds! Will I buy this? Don't know - I have oodles of Bond related books, this would have to be very special to warrant purchase!
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    I'm sure it'll be worth it. Not too fussed Laz and Dalton aren't on the cover. We know they're decent.
  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    The book is not out for ages so the cover may not be final.
  • Posts: 4,813
    That's the same pic of Rog that had the lightsaber 'shopped in, on the parody board!
    As for the book, if it's supposed to be like his last biography, only strictly about Bond, then count me in!
  • Posts: 65
    Also its states 'Roger Moore' as the author but how much of it will be ghost written? Call me cynical and much as I love Roger but at his age I just cant see it being all his own work.
    Roger is also the author of note on his autobiography, but look inside and one Gareth Owen also gets credit, I wouldn't be surprised if it'll be the same with this one.
  • Posts: 65
    RC7 wrote:
    I'm sure it'll be worth it. Not too fussed Laz and Dalton aren't on the cover. We know they're decent.

    It's got to be worth it, I'll have to get an extra copy just to show of my contributions.
  • Roger is also the author of note on his autobiography, but look inside and one Gareth Owen also gets credit, I wouldn't be surprised if it'll be the same with this one.

    I think Gareth Owen is his PA. RM probably dictated or simply verbally reminisced, and Gareth typed it up.
  • doubleonothingdoubleonothing Los Angeles
    Posts: 864
    Also its states 'Roger Moore' as the author but how much of it will be ghost written? Call me cynical and much as I love Roger but at his age I just cant see it being all his own work.

    Really? No? I'll admit that he is clocking on a bit, but he seems to be very lucid and has remarkable recall for his age. I would imagine that he doesn't type it all up necessarily, but I would suggest that he probably dictates it. It's quite likely to be his own words with some simple arrangement for narrative and structural purposes.

    I'm going to go and see him speak in Bath later in the year and I'll see whether or not he has someone speak for him or whether or not he can manage it on his own.

    As to the cover, I agree that it looks like it's been constructed by a lab rat with a rudimentary knowledge of photoshop and a hatred of James Bond, but this sort of thing fails to surprise me anymore.
  • Are we forgetting Sir Roger's The James Bond Diary? He can write beautifully and tell marvelous stories.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Received my tickets for his Evening with Sir Roger Moore yesterday! Well chuffed! \m/ :-bd
  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Received my tickets for his Evening with Sir Roger Moore yesterday! Well chuffed! \m/ :-bd
    Me too, got them through today, very excited! :-)

  • RogueAgent wrote:
    Received my tickets for his Evening with Sir Roger Moore yesterday! Well chuffed! \m/ :-bd
    Me too, got them through today, very excited! :-)

    I got mine through the post today as well!!! Very excited!!!! I'm watching him at the Mayflower, Southampton.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I am angry about it too, but you have to realize that as sad as it is, the publishers are making it for the people and not the fans in the scope of things. Shirley's iconic golden corpse and Jaws are noticeable easily, while some may not know of George and sadly Tim. And to those doubting Roger wrote it at his age, he is only 84, and wrote a book to be published in 2008 as well.
  • Posts: 12,553
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Received my tickets for his Evening with Sir Roger Moore yesterday! Well chuffed! \m/ :-bd
    Me too, got them through today, very excited! :-)

    I got mine through the post today as well!!! Very excited!!!! I'm watching him at the Mayflower, Southampton.

    I am seeing him at the Forum Theatre in Malvern! Roll on the 7th of October!!!! \:D/
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    So, at this event does he go through his life story, answer questions, and then do a signing?
  • Posts: 12,553
    Certainly hope so! Wanna get a book signed and hopefully a photo on the phone incase there is an issue with flash photography?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Well, whatever the case, I wish all going on here to have a splendid evening.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Well, whatever the case, I wish all going on here to have a splendid evening.

    Very kind of you! Will post how the evening goes?!
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Anyone seeing him in Kingston?
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 4,622
    Also its states 'Roger Moore' as the author but how much of it will be ghost written? Call me cynical and much as I love Roger but at his age I just cant see it being all his own work.

    Really? No? I'll admit that he is clocking on a bit, but he seems to be very lucid and has remarkable recall for his age. I would imagine that he doesn't type it all up necessarily, but I would suggest that he probably dictates it. It's quite likely to be his own words with some simple arrangement for narrative and structural purposes.
    Sure he'll dictate it and others will do the actual writing but I'm sure he'll also proof the content, as it is his book.
    I'm not really looking forward to it though, as I already read his auto-bio, which was entertaining as hell, but it does make this effort seem like somewhat of a repeat exercise. "Seem" however being the operative word. He could very well have a more fully developed perspective on the whole Bond phenomena, that he didn't share in his auto-bio.
    Maybe Shirley Eaton will get more play this time around. He barely mentioned her in his auto-bio, but if you read her bio, Golden Girl, she goes on-and-on about Rog -- about what fast friends they were. Her book is full of anecdotes about she and her hubby hanging out with Rog and his wife.

  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512

  • Posts: 12,553
    RC7 wrote:


    Wow! How did you manage that?
  • Are we forgetting Sir Roger's The James Bond Diary? He can write beautifully and tell marvelous stories.

    My memory is not as it once was, but didn't Donald Zec have a hand in that one (although not credited in the book).
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    RC7 wrote:

    Consider myself jealous.

  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    edited September 2012 Posts: 987
    I picked up a copy of this book from Waterstones two days ago even though I don't think it's meant to be published yet. I kind of like the cover, it's very reminiscent of the 80's style Bond reference books. The photo's inside are great, especially the close ups of many of the Bond gadgets. The book from the tone and the many anecdotes is clearly written by Roger Moore, though having read his recent biography and DVD commentaries I can't help but feel the more hardened Bond fan will find nothing new here. My other irks about this book are the way Roger constantly refers to James as Jim (to me that just shows a disrespect to Fleming and the source material), also as Roger has often professed he hasn't watched the Bond films made after his tenure finished in 1985 so is he really the best judge to write such an overview book of the whole legacy, I suppose the rather scant mention on the later films has been added by Gareth Owen. Also there are a fair few inaccuracies throughout the text ( Fleming's TMWTGG novel being partly set in Iran for example).
    Having said all this, Roger's prose is always worth reading and despite it's drawbacks this still makes a pleasant and humorous couple of hours reading.
  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    I saw this book in waterstones today. I was surprised by the format. I had no idea that it was a big hardcover and was full of photos. I had imagined it was just "words". Might order this one.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 369
    Moore says in the book that the most watch watched movie on TV is TMWTGG that aired on the 25th Dec 1980, but wiki says that LALD is the record holder and aired on 20th Jan 1981. Who is wrong Moore or wiki?

    I got a signed copy for £25 and HMV have them for £14 (non signed)
  • Be interested to see what people think of this book. It isn't out on Kindle until later this week.
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