Bond Games you would have liked to have been a movie



  • Posts: 4,762
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    00Beast wrote:
    @X3MSonicX: Oh yeah, that bomb defuse mission is rather irksome! My friend from church and I played through that one at his house, and because he is very short-tempered, that didn't go over too well, hahahaha. He was ready to break the PS2 any minute! To answer your question, I don't believe so, as far as I'm concerned, you get everyone else from the game except for 007 and Jaws, which is really strange. You even get Baron Samedi and Oddjob, who are not part of the game! I mean I'm fine with that, I always enjoy playing as the classic villains, but if they were going to include them, why not others also, like Nightfire did with 11 classic villains!

    Ahahaha, i feel like him sometimes when i die :P Even tho, i'm already capable of play through any mission on 007. is easy in some of them. I just feel sad with the driving missions because Bond cars always get destroyed :(

    Oh damn. If at least you could unlock Bond, the MP would worth it all.

    In Nightfire i'd like to have Alec Trevelyan in the villains, just as TWINE game made on N64. would be very fun.

    Whoa!! Alec Trevelyan was a playable bot on TWINE? That's awesome! I agree with you, I'd like to see Trevelyan as a bot in Nightfire, because then we'd have the epic duo of him and Xenia Onatopp. We already have the duos of Zorin and May Day, Goldfinger and Oddjob, Scaramanga and Nick Nack, and Elektra and Renard, so why not this one? Also, they should have included Dr. Kananga and either Karl Stromberg or Hugo Drax to be paired with Baron Samedi and Jaws. By the way, which bots are playable on TWINE? I don't have this one on N64, only on the PS1, so unfortunately, no multiplayer.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    What?! Trevelyan was a bot in TWINE?! Granted, I haven't played the game in a long time, but I'm 99.9999999% sure I had no idea Trevelyan was in TWINE.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    Yes, he was a bot in TWINE - Repeating it was the N64 version - and was kinda cool to play with him and Bond on the same team :D
  • Posts: 4,762
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    Yes, he was a bot in TWINE - Repeating it was the N64 version - and was kinda cool to play with him and Bond on the same team :D

    Which bots were playable on the N64 version of TWINE? What villains were in the multiplayer?
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    00Beast wrote:
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    00Beast wrote:
    @X3MSonicX: Oh yeah, that bomb defuse mission is rather irksome! My friend from church and I played through that one at his house, and because he is very short-tempered, that didn't go over too well, hahahaha. He was ready to break the PS2 any minute! To answer your question, I don't believe so, as far as I'm concerned, you get everyone else from the game except for 007 and Jaws, which is really strange. You even get Baron Samedi and Oddjob, who are not part of the game! I mean I'm fine with that, I always enjoy playing as the classic villains, but if they were going to include them, why not others also, like Nightfire did with 11 classic villains!

    Ahahaha, i feel like him sometimes when i die :P Even tho, i'm already capable of play through any mission on 007. is easy in some of them. I just feel sad with the driving missions because Bond cars always get destroyed :(

    Oh damn. If at least you could unlock Bond, the MP would worth it all.

    In Nightfire i'd like to have Alec Trevelyan in the villains, just as TWINE game made on N64. would be very fun.

    Whoa!! Alec Trevelyan was a playable bot on TWINE? That's awesome! I agree with you, I'd like to see Trevelyan as a bot in Nightfire, because then we'd have the epic duo of him and Xenia Onatopp. We already have the duos of Zorin and May Day, Goldfinger and Oddjob, Scaramanga and Nick Nack, and Elektra and Renard, so why not this one? Also, they should have included Dr. Kananga and either Karl Stromberg or Hugo Drax to be paired with Baron Samedi and Jaws. By the way, which bots are playable on TWINE? I don't have this one on N64, only on the PS1, so unfortunately, no multiplayer.

    Well as i remember, all the bots are playable.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    00Beast wrote:
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    Yes, he was a bot in TWINE - Repeating it was the N64 version - and was kinda cool to play with him and Bond on the same team :D

    Which bots were playable on the N64 version of TWINE? What villains were in the multiplayer?

    There was so many i can't remember... As i know there was Elektra, Renard, Trevelyan, and i guess there was Oddjob too.
    I'll enter my N64 emulator later and see ingame which villains were there in total.
  • Posts: 2,097
    Agent Under Fire should have been Brosnans 4th Bond film in 2002 and his 5th film Everything or Nothing in 2004
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I would have to say NF or EON, but probably the former. Man, that would be entertaining. From what I recall, AUF would have been cool, too...
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    AUF wouldn't be so nice as it has that DNA thing. It is just abstract and futuristic. It would be like DAD, filled with special effects.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Yeah, cloning is something that shouldn't come into Bond. It happened in the games and what did we get? Nigel Bloch, the worst Bond game villain in history.
  • Posts: 2,097
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    AUF wouldn't be so nice as it has that DNA thing. It is just abstract and futuristic. It would be like DAD, filled with special effects.

    I dont think it wouldn't be that bad. It be a very entertaining movie I would think. It had great locations Hong Kong, Romania, Switzerland, South China Sea. And a plot that is a little bit more realistic then Die Another Day. I mean come on Il take cloning of the world leaders and replacing them, then a giant laser in space.
  • Posts: 2,097
    Yeah, cloning is something that shouldn't come into Bond. It happened in the games and what did we get? Nigel Bloch, the worst Bond game villain in history.

    Nigel Bloch was more of a henchman. Malprave was the villain and she would have made a great villain in a movie. At leasts thats my opinion.

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    fjdinardo wrote:
    Yeah, cloning is something that shouldn't come into Bond. It happened in the games and what did we get? Nigel Bloch, the worst Bond game villain in history.

    Nigel Bloch was more of a henchman. Malprave was the villain and she would have made a great villain in a movie. At leasts thats my opinion.

    I know Malprave was the real villain, but considering the amount of screentime she doesn't get versus the amount Bloch does, I usually call him the main villain.
  • X3MSonicX wrote:
    AUF wouldn't be so nice as it has that DNA thing. It is just abstract and futuristic. It would be like DAD, filled with special effects.

    But at least it would be much more fun.
  • Agent Under Fire could be a good movie. Just change the world leader clones into either willing or brainwashed people who were turned into doubles with plastic surgery...
  • Nightfire. They'd have to tone down the action, and move the finale from space to Drax's island base, but it could really work well.

    Agreed. The three EA-published Bond games I would love to see to turned into a film are AUF, NF and EON.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    In a close future, we'll have animation and technology enough to make classic movies with the previous Bond actors, actually. As an example, they'd make Connery's voice by computer, and add the plot with animation (Better "Graphics" than Avatar.).
  • X3MSonicX wrote:
    In a close future, we'll have animation and technology enough to make classic movies with the previous Bond actors, actually. As an example, they'd make Connery's voice by computer, and add the plot with animation (Better "Graphics" than Avatar.).
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    JamesBond wrote:
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    In a close future, we'll have animation and technology enough to make classic movies with the previous Bond actors, actually. As an example, they'd make Connery's voice by computer, and add the plot with animation (Better "Graphics" than Avatar.).

    Yes, it'll be. Imagine Connery with the physics from 2005 on FRWL, but without playing, he'll be acting.
    Would be awesome.
  • Now, that would be awesome.
  • mdo007mdo007 Katy, Texas
    Posts: 259
    I would've loved Everything or Nothing or Blood Stone to be a Bond film, The plot in both of the game were unique. I don't want Agent under fire to be a Bond film because the cloning is too futuristic and it would require CGI and I don't CGI overusage like Die Another Day. Also Nightfire is basically Moonraker both the film and novel just mixed up and modernized. There are similarities between Nightfire and Moonraker.

    Raphael Drake=Hugo Drax
    Dominique Paradis=Gala Brand mixed with Corrine Dufour.

    The plot in Nightfire reminds me of Moonraker (both the novel and the movie), because Drake just like Drax wanted to use nuclear weapon (although Drax use the nuke to destroy London, while in Nightfire Drake used the nuke against the world). It's also like the Moonraker movie because it take place in space and just like in the movie, Both Drax and Drake wanted to wipe out humanity using WMD.
  • 1.Agent Under Fire
    3.Everything or Nothing
  • 1.Agent Under Fire
    3.Everything or Nothing
  • At the time of its release I'd have loved to see Agent Under Fire made into a Brosnan Bond film. I'm not sure if it'd work as Craig Bond film... The whole cloning thing is probably a bit too unrealistic for the films these days. Obviously it'd have to be changed a bit, more Bond girls, more Malprave but I thought the core story was perfect for a film.
  • Agreed. But, for example, Hitman franchise still uses the cloning thing. So, I don't think it would be a problem with Bond. I also would like to see AUF (if not a live action movie) a 3D Animated film with an upgraded graphics on the character models and the textures.
  • LicencedToKilt69007LicencedToKilt69007 Belgium, Wallonia
    Posts: 523
    For me , certainly "Everything Or Nohing". Probably "Agent Under Fire" and maybe "NIghtfire". NOT "Bloodstone". For sure.
  • What @LicencedToKilt69007 said!! I agree with him!!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    JamesBond wrote:
    What @LicencedToKilt69007 said!! I agree with him!!

    I thought you liked Blood Stone?
  • 002002
    Posts: 581
    Everything or Nothing would be a good bond movie- i still think of it as a movie anyway
    shame that you cant play it on modern consoles..

    Ah EA how i miss you...i wish that Activison never took the licence...Bond games have suffered so much since 2008
  • Brady, I really loved Bloodstone, but what pisses me off is that the story remained unfinished. Only half of Bruce's script was used. I'm not looking forward to see Bond failed at the end yet again. But, at least in BS, Bond was the BOND we knew before the reboot.

    And also I really miss EA's work on Bond games, they actually had a contract until 2010 but left it four years prior to its expiration date. Activision (or should I say Craptivision?) ruined everything. Their purpose is to make COD games rise above everything. They buy a developer then, they close down the studio, so, they will keep themselves doing that until only Treyass and Infinity Retards will the only developer remaining and COD will be the only franchise that would exist in the shooter genre. That's their purpose which I find impossible to come true. And I think you'll agree with me on this, Brady.
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