Bond Games you would have liked to have been a movie



  • 002002
    Posts: 581
    EA Vs Activison:

    * Made 1 Fantastic Game- Everything or nothing
    * Made 2 Great games -Nightfire and TWINE
    * Made 3 Average To Mediocre Games- Agent Under Fire, FRWL and Goldeneye Rogue Agent
    * Gave Brosnan a decent fairwell Bond (that Babs and MGW couldnt give)
    * Got Sean Connery back as Bond for FRWL
    * Made the awesome Funhouse and Golden Gate Bridge Multiplayer levels from GE:RA
    * Didnt use any Call of Dutyeqsue gameplay/engine
    * Nudity in a Bond Game (Agent Under Fire)
    * Multiplayer villians like Treveylan, Zorin and Necros in a Bond Game Multiplayer (TWINE)

    * Denied Rare and Microsoft to allow a port of the original Goldeneye 64 game to XBLA and Wii
    * Defecated on the good name of Goldeneye by making a "reimaging" with Craig
    * Goldeneye Wii/Reloaded- an insult to Goldeneye and Bond Fans
    * Replacing Sean Bean with an ugly annoying git in Goldeneye Wii
    * Incomplete games with full of bugs and glitches
    * Ruining 6 Bond Films with a terrible tie-in (007 Legends)
    * Making Holly Goodhead look like Jinx and making Jinx even more annoying (007 Legends)
    * Lying to Nintendo for making Goldeneye Wii a Nintendo Wii Exclusive (serves Nintendo right for forcing activison to cease and desist the GEXBLA port)
    * Making all the bond games COD clones with Bond Skins
  • Ingenious, @002.
  • mdo007mdo007 Katy, Texas
    Posts: 259
    I think you might want to blame Nintendo for that, I found and read an article why the N64 classic can't get a HD port.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Well @002, EA didn't copy COD during their tenure simply because COD wasn't as popular then. If they were to get the rights back, they'd be making COD clones just like everybody else is. Plus, Activision owns COD, so it kind of makes sense for them to be replicating their main successful franchise.
  • mdo007mdo007 Katy, Texas
    Posts: 259
    Well @002, EA didn't copy COD during their tenure simply because COD wasn't as popular then. If they were to get the rights back, they'd be making COD clones just like everybody else is. Plus, Activision owns COD, so it kind of makes sense for them to be replicating their main successful franchise.

    Exactly, no matter who make a 007 Game expect a COD clone (EA will just make Bond game play like Battlefield or Medal of honor) and people would still complain no matter if the Bond game used Frostbite engine.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Agent Under Fire (It would most likely be as bad as Die Another Day, BUT! I'd love to hear the music from the game arranged by an orchestra...Forbidden Depths...Dangerous Pursuit...Streets Of Bucharest!!!!)

    Nightfire (For obvious reasons.)

    Everything or Nothing (Pierce Brosnan and Willem Effing Dafoe!!!)
  • jka12002jka12002 Banned
    Posts: 188
    Bit of an oldie but i always thought with a few changes and tweaks, James Bond The Duel would have been good as a side story/non cannon Bond film. Jaws was the lead villian in the game and several past villians returned as well. Oddjob,Baron Samedi and Mayday.
  • Posts: 414
    For a second, I thought the title of this thread was "Bond movies you would have liked to have been a game." Of course, that's another subject all together.

    I'd have to say EON is the most movie-like of the original-storyline games. Especially when Willem Dafoe has all the makings of a great Bond villain, and Heidi Klum and Shannon Elizabeth make great Bond girls. The game's Pierce's real sendoff. Forget Die Another Day. And EON's all the better because it's interactive.
  • samainsysamainsy Suspended
    Posts: 199
  • Posts: 107
    Goldeneye:Reloaded would be a better movie than Goldeneye I thought.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Chang wrote:
    Goldeneye:Reloaded would be a better movie than Goldeneye I thought.

    Getting pissed off at banks doesn't seem as good a motivation as getting revenge for your parents' deaths from fifty years before.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited July 2014 Posts: 41,106
    I could only see it being done in something like DAD - and I'm sure it wouldn't have the same feel as it did in the game - but in EON, Bond uses a motorcycle from Q Branch to chase down Jaws, who is fleeing in an armored (I believe) eighteen-wheeler. Bond's motorcycle is outfitted with flamethrowers that spray outward from either side, and you're supposed to get close enough to burn the tires to slow him down and eventually stop him. I think that would be fun to watch. Cheesy, but fun.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Best level in the game, that. Long before I owned the game I had a demo disc, it had that mission, and the one where you're running down the face of the dam.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    The EA Trilogy.

    Agent Under Fire



    Everything or Nothing
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Eh, NightFire was just a modern remake of Moonraker.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Best level in the game, that. Long before I owned the game I had a demo disc, it had that mission, and the one where you're running down the face of the dam.

    I remember going to Target or Wal-Mart before the game was out and playing that demo mission over and over again. It was so fun.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Much as I love EON, no other level compares to that one. Just the speed and the bike and everything, only Blood Stone's driving levels have felt anywhere close to that good.
  • GrizzlorGrizzlor NJ, USA
    Posts: 7
    Everything Or Nothing was better than quite a few Bond films. Should have been a Brosnan film, instead of Die Another Day (ugh what trash).
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Probably Agent Under Fire or Nightfire, as I can't think of the others for they are too overly fantasized. While there would be people who would say Everything Or Nothing would have been a good movie, I think it would have been disastrous as a film. Too action, too science fiction, too fast-paced. The plot wouldn't be relevant for a movie, if you catch my drift. But then again, I can't think of a Bond game that could be turned to movie, because they merely have the flavour for it.
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