I for one haven't discounted the possibility, even if there isn't very strong evidence for it yet. The original news rumors had to stem from
somewhere. As crazy as the tabloids are, I have doubts that they would have just conjured this up out of nothing. Seeing how secretive everything has been regarding
Skyfall, it wouldn't surprise me if this secret is being guarded as long as possible. Especially if the revelation of Moneypenny is only to occur at the very end of the film.
For me the biggest indication for me that she could be Moneypenny is the the return of Q. If Moneypenny is not in Skyfall, it will be the first Bond film to feature Q without her, and only the second film to feature one without the other (first being
Live and Let Die).
Harris has made two, seemingly contradictory, quotes about Moneypenny recently:
January 2012 —
“The idea of me being Moneypenny was a good, racy rumour. But Eve is not remotely office-bound. She gets to see plenty of action” (source)
March 2012 —
“There will certainly be some exotic locations, but as Miss Moneypenny I’ll probably get no further than Pinewood Studios!” (source 1) (source 2)
It's interesting to note that in her January statement, she does not in fact deny being Moneypenny. She just says it was a good rumor and that Eve is not office-bound. So what? That doesn't mean she's not Moneypenny, it could just mean that MP isn't office-bound in
Skyfall. Clearly she was trying to avoid confirming or denying anything. The March statement could either be a mistake from her, a mistake by the copyeditor, or an unintentional slip on her part.
(Mods, can you add a poll?)
Yes but you've done in the wrong place my friend. You'll either be shot down by dozens of members or this thread will be closed, all within the next few hours.
I bid you good luck, adieu.
Why is there yet another thread about this?
Eve is not Moneypenny.