Glad to see you're all still kickin'!

OctopussyOctopussy Piz Gloria, Schilthorn, Switzerland.
edited May 2012 in General Discussion Posts: 1,081
And glad to see my username wasn't taken either!

The day I woke up and saw that the ol' MI6 Forums met its demise - I died a little inside - because for those of you who know me, will know that I spent an enduring amount of time and effort, particularly towards the latter stage of its life, posting on those boards. I think I had near 10, 000 posts in just over a year - while a fair bit I admit was spam - which would explain my duo bans - I know that the posts that were relevant I put a lot of thought into.

I've known these boards existed for a long time now, but never thought to register. This wasn't attributed to me not having a great time on the previous boards, but because I feel that I don't have the time anymore.

I'm a Sales Executive at a multibillion dollar corporation that owns over 80% market share in its industry. I've got a serious girlfriend (shocking to all those who really know me!) who I could only describe as Mila Kunis' doppleganger. Bottom line - I've got a lot of time - but it's filled.

I'm excited for the new Bond film - despite it's videogamesque name - and am going to try go to the premire screening over here. I thought the trailer looked great. I think the premise is really promising. I'm sure Craig as usual will be killer in the role.

My Bond tastes haven't changed, really.

I don't intent on coming back - but you never say never - I might post here and there. I don't think this layout is great, but having read a couple of posts, apparently I'm not alone.

I'm looking to start a blog on style, fashion, archeticture, cars, girls and Bond. I'll post the link once I've got it up and running.

How's everyone going? Does Lazenby and the others still post here?


  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited May 2012 Posts: 15,732
    glad to see you again @Octopussy !!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Hi OP! Long time no see. Well, most of us have been doing very well on the new forum over the past year. ;-)

    Please repost your words here, friend.
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