Hunting for whisky in the Bond novels! Help?

edited May 2012 in Literary 007 Posts: 1
Hi everyone,

I'm researching for a project and am trying to track down which Bond
novel(s) feature the whisky Talisker. I know it features in some of the
films but it's the books I'm after.

I've asked on another 007 forum and they said to try here as you're
all more knowledgable on all things Bond!

I'd really appreciate any help.

Thanks! :)


  • doubleonothingdoubleonothing Los Angeles
    Posts: 864

    It looks like Talisker is never specifically mentioned by Fleming in any of his Bond novels. However, Bond does drink whisky far more than his trademark vodka Martini - although he seems to favour bourbon.

    As far as I can tell, Bond drinks a Scotch and soda 21 times in total and a straight Scotch17 times, but it is never disclosed what he drinks.

    As a big fan of Talisker, let's just pretend it's that. ;)
  • oo7oo7
    edited August 2012 Posts: 1,068
    I think bond took to taking burbon and branch water in DAF. Do in rome as the romans do type thing.

    I assume you have a motive driven towards linking Talisker with 007 to market the whiskey.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    I'd be happy to see Talisker and Bond join forces, it's my favourite Whisky. Alas, he never drinks it in the novels unfortunately.
  • doubleonothingdoubleonothing Los Angeles
    Posts: 864
    If Bond were to drink Scotch, I doubt he'd go for an over-the-counter bottle. Something a little more discerning, I think. If it had to be Talisker (and why not) he could go for the Tactical 20yr Old Malt Cask. Very nice.
  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893
    He drinks a 20yr MaCallan in Skyfall, not sure if referenced in the books.

    Here's all the drinks he imbibes in the movies:
  • Posts: 2,483
    I'm pretty certain Bond drinks Jack Daniel's a time or two in the novels, but that's the only brand of whisky I recall him imbibing.
  • Posts: 2,483
    Chew on this:

    Casino Royale

    Breakfast at Hotel Splendide: half a pint of iced orange juice, three scrambled eggs and bacon, a double portion of coffee without sugar.

    At the Splendide after the failed assassination attempt on Bond: pate de fois gras, cold langouste, thick, hot toast.

    Dinner at the Splendide with Vesper: caviar, small underdone tournedos with Bernaise sauce, artichoke hearts, an avocado pear with French dressing for dessert and Taittinger Brut Blanc de Blanc '43.

    Veuve Clicquot, scrambled eggs and bacon in Le Roi Galant after defeating Le Chiffre at the tables.

    At L'Auberge du Fruit Defendu Bond and Vesper have pate', French bread with yellow butter in ice chips, broiled lobster, champagne, coffee and brandy.


    Live and Let Die


    Lunch in a plush room on the 20th story of an office building in Manhattan as described by Leiter: "Soft shelled crabs with tartare sauce, flat beef hamburgers, medium rare, from the charcoal grill, French fried potatoes, broccoli, mixed salad with Thousand Island dressing, ice cream with melted butterscotch, and as good a liebfraumilch as you can get in America. Okay?"

    Breakfast at the St. Regis hotel in New York: a large orange juice, three eggs slightly scrambled, with bacon, a double portion of cafe espresso with cream, toast and marmalade.

    Dinner with Felix at Ma' Frazier's in Harlem: little neck clams, fried chicken Maryland with bacon and sweet corn.

    Breakfast at the St. Regis before boarding the Silver Phantom for Florida with Solitaire: large pineapple juice, Cornflakes and cream, shirred eggs with bacon, double portion of caffe espresso, toast and marmalade.

    Lunch with Solitaire on the Silver Phantom: Old Fashioneds made with Old Graddad, chicken sandwiches, decaffeinated Sanka.

    After rejecting a couple of fancifully-described items on the Silver Phantom menu as "eyewash," Bond orders for himself and Solitaire a simple meal of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, a salad, and domestic Camembert which Bond regards as "one of the most pleasant surprises on American menus."

    At a sleazy dive in Jacksonville with Solitaire: "orange juice, coffee, scrambled eggs, twice."

    Bond and Leiter dining at the Everglades "oldster" resort in St. Petersburg after the kidnapping of Solitaire: "What it came down to was tomato juice, boiled fish with a white sauce, a strip of frozen turkey with a dab of cranberry, and a wedge of lemon curd surmounted by a whorl of stiff cream substitute."

    Prior to his battle with the Robber, Bond has the "largest steak he's ever seen" (rare), with fries, a quarter pint of Old Grand-dad, and draughts of very strong coffee at a "dark and friendly" place called Pete's.

    In the motel cafeteria near the Tampa airport Bond has a "delicious three decker Western sandwich and coffee."

    Bond's first breakfast in Jamaica consisted of "paw paw [papaya] with a slice of green lime, a dish piled with red bananas, purple star apples, and tangerines, scrambled eggs and bacon, Blue Mountain coffee...Jamaican marmalade...and guava jelly."

    The meal to be prepared for Bond and Solitaire on their first night of "passionate leave" by Jamaica's finest chef working under Quarrel's gimlet eye: black crabs, roast suckling pig, avocado pear salad, guavas and coconut cream, and Commander Strangway's private stash of the "best Champagne in Jamaica."




    At the Secret Service canteen: grilled sole, a large mixed salad with Bond's own mustard-laced dressing, brie and toast, a half carafe of white Bordeaux, two cups of black coffee.

    At Blades with M: smoked salmon, lamb cutlets, peas and new potatoes, asparagus with Hollandaise, a slice of pineapple, pre-war Wolfschmidt vodka from Riga, and a '46 Dom Perignon.

    At the Cafe Royal in Dover, Bond has scrambled eggs, bacon and "plenty of coffee."

    At the Granville Hotel following Bond and Brand's near death under the Dover cliffs: three brandies-and-sodas, fried soles, Welsh rarebits and coffee.


    Diamonds Are Forever


    At Scott's, near MI6 headquarters, Bond and Chief-of-Staff Bill Tanner have dressed crab and a pint of Black Velvet.

    At Shannon airport en route to the US: steak, champagne, and a goblet of hot coffee laced with Irish whisky and a half inch of cream.

    At Sardi's in New York with Felix: smoked salmon, brizzola, half an avocado with French dressing and espresso.

    At 21 in New York with Tiffany: caviar, cutlets, Clicquot Rose', asparagus with mousseline sauce, liqueurs, coffee.

    At Voisin in New York by himself: vodka martinis, eggs Benedict and strawberries.

    At the Chicken-in-a-Basket diner along the Taconic Parkway en route to Saratoga with Leiter: scrambled eggs, sausages, buttered rye toast and iced coffee.

    At the Pavillion restaurant in Saratoga, Bond and Leiter have vodka martinis, broiled lobster, bourbon and branch water.

    At the restaurant in the Tiara Hotel in Las Vegas, Bond has a dozen cherrystone clams, a steak, and vodka martinis--of course.


    From Russia with Love


    Breakfast prepared by May: two large cups of strong, black coffee with no sugar; one egg boiled three and one third minutes; two thick slices of wholewheat toast with a thick pat of yellow Jersey butter; Tiptree "Little Scarlet" strawberry jam; Cooper's Vintage Oxford marmalade; Norwegian Heather Honey.

    Breakfast at the Krystal Palas in Istanbul: yogurt, peeled green figs, "jet black" Turkish coffee.

    Lunch with Darko Kerim at the Misir Carsisi restaurant in Istanbul: raki, sardines en papillote, doner kebab and a rich, earthy Burgundy called Kavaklidere.

    At the Gypsy camp Bond has raki, a garlicky meat stew, and loaves of bread.

    At Stefan Trempo's flat in Belgrade following the murder of Darko Kerim: slivovic, peaches and smoked ham.

    Breakfast aboard the Orient Express with Tatiana in Solvenia: fried eggs, hard brown bread and coffee heavy with chicory.

    Dinner aboard the Orient Express with Tatiana: Americanos, Chianti Broglio, tagliatelle verdi and "an escalope."


    Doctor No


    At the Joy Boat with Quarrel: broiled lobster and steak with "native vegetables."

    Breakfast in Julius No's "mink-lined prison": pineapple juice, scrambled eggs on toast, rashers of bacon, a grilled kidney, English pork sausage, two kinds of hot toast, rolls, marmalade, honey, strawberry jam, coffee and fresh cream.

    Dinner with Dr. No: caviar, grilled lamb cutlets, salad and angels on horseback.

    Dinner prepared by Honey Ryder: broiled lobster, fruit, bread and butter and homemade mayonnaise.




    With Junius DuPont at Bill's on the Beach: cracked stone crabs with melted butter, racks of thick toast, Pommery pink champagne 1950, coffee. Bond describes this as the most delicious meal of his life.

    Lunch at the Flordiana: traditional shrimp cocktail, snapper with tartar sauce, roast prime ribs of beef au jus, and pineapple surprise.

    Lunch in Ramsgate: vodka and tonic with two excellent ham sandwiches, lots of mustard.

    Dinner in Auric's manor in Reculver: a bottle of '53 Piesporter Goldtropschen with curried shrimp; a '47 Mouton Rothschild with roast duckling; cheese souffle and coffee.

    At the Hotel de la Gare in Orleans: two oeufs cocotte a la creme, a large sole meuniere, camambert, a "well iced" pint of Rose d'Anjou, coffee and Hennessey Three Star.

    On a roadside verge with Tilly Masterton: Lyon sausage, bread, butter and a half liter of Macon.

    At the brasserie Bavaria in Coppet, Switzerland: enzian, choucroute, half a carafe of Fondant, gruyere, pumpernickel and coffee.




    Spaghetti Bolognese at Lucien's in Brighton

    After having taken the cure at Shrublands, Bond falls off the health wagon once SPECTRE's plot becomes known to him. And he returns to Bond food. To May: "Be an angel and make me your kind of scrambled eggs--four eggs. Four rashers of that American hickory-smoked bacon if we've got any left, hot buttered toast--your kind, not whole-meal--and a big pot of coffee, double strength. And bring in the drink tray."

    Bond has a dreadful meal at the Royal Bahamian Hotel in Nassau: Native Seafood Cocktail Supreme, and Disjointed Home Farm Chicken, Saute' au Cresson.

    Before meeting Domino to tell her about her brother's death and Largo's plot, Bond downs a club sandwich and a double bourbon and soda in the Royal Bahamian.

    Aboard the USS Manta nuclear sub: poached eggs, rye toast and coffee.


    The Spy Who Loved Me


    In the cafe of the Dreamy Pines Motor Court, Vivienne Michel fixes Bond scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee.


    On Her Majesty's Secret Service


    At an auberge south of Orleans: pate' maison, poularde a la creme, and "instant" Pouille-Fousse'.

    At a modest restaurant in Royale-les-Eaux, one of Bond's favorite in France: turbot poche, sauce mousseline, half a roast partridge, half a bottle of Mouton Rothschild '53, a glass of ten-year-old Calvados and three cups of coffee. **whew!**

    Prior to his venture to Piz Gloria, Bond has two double vodka and tonics with Angostura, scrambled eggs fines herbes prepared by May, and then two more vodka and tonics before repairing to bed.

    With Blofeld's Angels of Death, Bond has Poulet Gloria. Fleming describes it as a spatchcocked chicken with a mustard cream sauce.

    Oeufs Gloria and a green salad. OG consists of chopped hard boiled eggs with a cream and cheese sauce laced with English mustard.

    Stil in Club Gloria: pate maison, oeufs Gloria and the cheese plate.

    Scrambled eggs and coffee in Zurich Central Airport as Bond proposes to Tracy.

    Christmas dinner with M: Marsala, Infuriator, plum pudding, turkey, coffee.

    At some unknown spot in London, Bond has two ham sandwiches with "stacks of mustard," and a half pint of Harper's bourbon on the rocks.

    In Strasbourg Bond has foie gras and a half bottle of Champagne.

    With Draco's men on the outskirts of Strasbourg, Bond has a foot of Strasbourg garlic sausage, a hunk of bread and "a passable Riquewihr."

    Bond's "last" bachelor bash with ex-Luftwaffe cab driver at Munich's Franziskaner Keller: "mounds of Weisswurst and four steins of beer."


    You Only Live Twice


    Aboard a train in Japan: raw octopus and rice

    At a restaurant in Japan: raw lobster, rice, raw quails' eggs in sauce and sliced seaweed.

    In another Japanese restaurant: Kobe steak, a saucer of blood.

    At the Miyako Hotel in Kyoto, Bond has a double portion of eggs Benedict and a pint of Jack Daniel's.

    On the ship called the Murasaki Maru, Bond and Tanaka have ham omelets and sake'.

    In the town of Beppu, Bond and Tanaka have a feast of fugu and sake'.

    A breakfast of tofu and rice on the Ama island of Kuro.

    Lunch with Kissy, featuring rice, fish and seaweed.

    Breakfast of rice and tofu with an egg beaten into it.

    Beef sukiyaki (with the addition of toad sweat and powdered lizard), rice and tea with Kissy and family.


    The Man with the Golden Gun


    At the Thunderbird Hotel in Jamaica: eggs Benedict and Walker's Deluxe Bourbon.

    With Scaramanga's collection of hoods: shrimp cocktail, steak, fruit salad.


    The Short Stories



    Dinner in Rome with Kristatos: Italian rolls and butter, the house chianti, tagliatelli verdi with Genoese sauce [pesto], and coffee.

    Lunch with Colombo: Bolognese sausage, whisky, rolls, olives, provelone cheese.

    Breakfast with Colombo and his crew: fried eggs, bacon, toast, sweet coffee laced with rum.

    "The Hildebrand Rarity"

    Lunch with Fidele Barbey on Chagrin Island in the Seychelles: chicken salad and cold beer.

    Dinner with Fidele and the Krests: caviar from Hammacher Schlemmer with "all the trimmings" and pink champagne.

    "The Living Daylights"

    In the executioner's apartment in Berlin: a "vast dish" of bacon and scrambled eggs, buttered toast and black coffee laced liberally with whisky.

    At a restaurant near the Grunewald, Bond has a double portion of matjes herring smothered in cream and onion rings, and two "Molle mit Korn" (boilermakers).

    "007 in New York"

    At the Edwardian Room Bond has a dry martini, smoked salmon and Scrambled Eggs James Bond.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    007InVT wrote:
    He drinks a 20yr MaCallan in Skyfall, not sure if referenced in the books.

    Here's all the drinks he imbibes in the movies:
    Look again if you will the whiskey in Skyfall is 50 years old dating from 1962.
  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    edited May 2013 Posts: 893
    @Perilagu_Khan Sounds like an ordinary day for me!

    Thanks for compiling this!
  • Posts: 6,079
    Speaking of which, I think I solved the mystery of the "Brizzola". The authors of the book "Bon Appétit, Mr. Bond" said that they could not find it, but that's because they didn't search for its real name. In fact, it's "Bresaloa", and it's a kind of pastrami.

    And about whisky, Suntory is mentioned in YOLT. But can we really call it whisky ?
  • Seven_Point_Six_FiveSeven_Point_Six_Five Southern California
    Posts: 1,257
    Mrcoggins wrote:
    007InVT wrote:
    He drinks a 20yr MaCallan in Skyfall, not sure if referenced in the books.

    Here's all the drinks he imbibes in the movies:
    Look again if you will the whiskey in Skyfall is 50 years old dating from 1962.

    I believe he is also drinking Macallan at the bar on the beach and in M's flat. I'm not sure which year though.
  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893
    From 'A View To A Kill':

    "One cannot seriously drink in French cafes. Out of doors on a pavement in the sun is no place for vodka or whiskey or gin...and a bottle of indifferent champagne is a bad foundation for the night."

    "For the soda he always stipulated Perrier, for in his opinion expensive soda water was the cheapest way to improve a poor drink"
  • edited May 2013 Posts: 4,622
    007InVT wrote:
    @Perilagu_Khan Sounds like an ordinary day for me!

    Thanks for compiling this!
    Yes, great list Khan, of Bond's book-by-book eating and drinking regimen. Very helpful resource, that I know to have been studiously compiled by your learned self.
    @modsAdmin. Just a suggestion, but I think the list might benefit from being archived somewhere on the main site. ie lifted from the discussion boards to the main page, articles listings.

    ==And yes having ploughed through the books recently, as @double0nothing points out, I did also note that Bond drinks a hell of a lot of whiskey, moreso than his trademark martinis, but he does indeed imbibe numerous vodka martinis as well, not to mention champagne, another Bond staple.

  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893
    I drink a hell of a lot of whiskey too. Being a Bond fan does not help matters!
  • I thought he drank pinch bottle Haig and Haig with Felix or DuPont at some point. Isn't that Scotch?
    I guess it didn't happen.
  • Posts: 2,483
    Thanks, Timmer.

    And Cameron, it's entirely possible Bond drank Haig and Haig. Certainly rings a bell. That list I posted focused only on Bond's meals. The presence of drinks is incidental. In other words, if Bond merely had a drink, I didn't include it in the list.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,591
    Thanks, Timmer.

    And Cameron, it's entirely possible Bond drank Haig and Haig. Certainly rings a bell. That list I posted focused only on Bond's meals. The presence of drinks is incidental. In other words, if Bond merely had a drink, I didn't include it in the list.

    For me it rings a bell as well. And I think in AVTAK, when he's picked up, he's drinking Warsteiner beer.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    This video is quite helpful in some ways to this topic:

  • Posts: 6,079
    According to "Bon Appétit, Mr. Bond", whisky (including Bourbon) is the drink 007 drinks the most in the novels: 42 glasses, vs. only 23 glasses of champagne.
  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893

    Nice find.
  • edited May 2013 Posts: 53
    In LALD Leiter and Bond both have Haig and Haig Pinchbottle with soda at Sugar Ray's and then "scotch and soda" at the Savoy Ballroom and the Yeah Man.
  • Bond also has Haig and Haig on the rocks in his hotel room in NYC and with soda with Leiter in Florida in LALD.
  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893

    You missed this one from 'Diamonds Are Forever'

    On the Queen Elizabeth, Bond and Tiffany have a 1/4 bottle of Bollinger, fish containing four small slices of steak on toast canapés and a small bowl of Bearnaise sauce.
  • Posts: 2,483
    "fish containing four small slices of steak on toast canapés"


    But at any rate, I don't remember this. Perhaps it wasn't in my edition. I'll check it out this evening.
  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893
    I might have mis-typed the fish part. It does sound odd I grant you, but Bond did eat and drink odd things.
  • Posts: 2,483
    I'll definitely have to check that out!
  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893
    It's when they're on the QE ship towards the end of the book.
  • Posts: 2,483
  • Posts: 2,483
    007InVT wrote:
    I might have mis-typed the fish part. It does sound odd I grant you, but Bond did eat and drink odd things.

    Well, you were close. Here's what I found:

    quarter bottle of Bollinger, four small slivers of steak on toast canapes, and a small bowl of sauce Bearnaise

    I certainly missed it, alright!

  • 007InVT007InVT Classified
    Posts: 893
    Sounds like a square meal to me!
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