The ROGER MOORE Appreciation thread - Discuss His Life, His Career, His Bond Films



  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Sark wrote: »
    When it's loveable old Roger Moore everyone leaps to his defence.

    When it's Clarkson everyone's frothing at the mouth to get him sacked.

    Just saying.

    It turns out that being a kind gentlemen to nearly everyone has its advantages over being generally a dick. Who knew.

    Quite. In the kangaroo court of Twitter's tedious weekly racism witch hunt it seems its merely how much goodwill you have in the bank that determines guilt rather than anything even approaching empirical evidence.

    Clarkson - a loud mouthed prick: Guilty
    Rog - A well loved national treasure: Not guilty.
    Farage - anti immigration, little Englander: Guilty
    Cumberbatch - Well we all love Sherlock don't we?: Not guilty

  • SarkSark Guangdong, PRC
    Posts: 1,138
    Sark wrote: »
    When it's loveable old Roger Moore everyone leaps to his defence.

    When it's Clarkson everyone's frothing at the mouth to get him sacked.

    Just saying.

    It turns out that being a kind gentlemen to nearly everyone has its advantages over being generally a dick. Who knew.

    Quite. In the kangaroo court of Twitter's tedious weekly racism witch hunt it seems its merely how much goodwill you have in the bank that determines guilt rather than anything even approaching empirical evidence.

    Clarkson - a loud mouthed prick: Guilty
    Rog - A well loved national treasure: Not guilty.
    Farage - anti immigration, little Englander: Guilty
    Cumberbatch - Well we all love Sherlock don't we?: Not guilty

    The point is that you get the benefit of the doubt when you're a generally nice person who generally only says nice things about other people. When you have a long history of going out of your way to offend people you don't get the benefit of the doubt. I'm mystified that anyone would think there's something wrong with that.
  • For some, context is not an evidence. That's how one can think one is very clever, and yet be fooled very easily : they don't understand life is not mathematics.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,401
    The term "racist" has become so broadly used that It's beginning to become a pale echo of it's true meaning. Thinking that James Bond should be played by a white englishman is not "racist" or xenophobic; it's a preferance. Others are free to have their own preferences without being called names or branded as haters,
  • Posts: 7,653
    SaintMark wrote: »
    When it's loveable old Roger Moore everyone leaps to his defence.

    When it's Clarkson everyone's frothing at the mouth to get him sacked.

    Just saying.

    "Comparaison n'est pas raison"

    The comparison is dumb on so many levels I do not know where to begin.

    Feel free to tell me what Roger meant by 'English-English' then and tell me why it's different to Clarkson's 'slope' comment?

    You are nitpicking in this argument, if you do not know the difference between Roger Moore and Jeremy Clarkson any argument is rather wasted.

    If you want an argument about taking comments out of their story the comparison is still chosen badly as Clarkson has managed his whole career to be controversial in his statements so in that sense he was high profile & successful enough to be targeted by certain media that are owned by folks that would gladly pay for his services would he enter their services. But mostly Clarkson is a dick that is admittedly funny even if his opinions would fall under not Politically correct which always was a relieve in this day and age.

    Roger Moore's track record is well known and describing racism towards him is basically admitting that that you are some what biased in being a dick yourself.
    I myself prefer my 007 English and of the Caucasian persuasion not because of racist thinking but it is the originals character description. I have no problem with a 007 like character that is coloured but James Bond he is not.
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 2,081
    jerome007 wrote: »
    He's been asked a question and answered it as best he could and with honesty. Sad thing about this is if Idris did get the role Roger would be the first one who'd offer support (as he's done with the other Bonds) but then people would think he was doing it to cover his a***. I wouldn't have wanted RM playing Shaft or Blade for obvious reasons. I hope this "non-story" blows over quickly and sanity prevails. :)

    Yes. Yes, I'm sure of it, and yes of course they would. Me neither. And me too (though sadly that rarely happens).
    SJK91 wrote: »
    Just caught up on this "controversy" the media have seemed to create concerning Moore's comments on Elba.

    For God's sake, really.

    I know... There was just a piece on CNN about Bond backtracking, blah blah. I didn't bother to un-mute my tv, just rolled my eyes at the tv set.
    dinovelvet wrote: »
    Yeah its just the latest "Racist celebrity of the week" shaming. Benedict Cumberbatch said the word "colored" and he was instantly called out, Sean Penn joked about Inarritu's green card at the Oscars, obviously he's a total racist too, all that volunteer work he did in Haiti should have been a dead giveaway, now Roger is the villain of the week. Don't worry, it'll be someone else in a few days.

    Yeah. I knew immediately Mr Penn would get shit for saying that. It's always someone famous being made a villain all the bloody time, and I'm sick of the whole thing. No doubt it'll be someone else in a few days, but also, once someone gets labelled something nasty, some of it tends to stick, and it can even get worse over time when people forget what actually happened (if they knew in the first place), and what remains for some is just "oh, he's a racist, isn't he..."

    Calling people racists over anything is one of the popular things nowadays. Both famous and non-famous people. Somewhat relevant to this particular case: late last year a certain casting choice caused a lot of talk along those lines as well (I don't know if that talk is still going on). A black actor was cast in a role of a fictional character who is white (I wouldn't know, I don't even remember the character's name now), and people who didn't like the casting choice were called racists. Some people argued that they just wanted the source material to be respected, and others argued that heck, never mind about that, they just didn't like the actor in question. But according to some they were all obviously racists, why else would you have an opinion like that. I find it all totally ridiculous.
    Politically correct assholes. I'm no fan of roger Moore, but I despise the people who are so quick to call other people racists or bigots. Who are they to judge?

    One wonders about that. I can only assume there are plenty of people who like to feel morally superior and are confident that they have all the correct information needed to pass judgement.
    For some, context is not an evidence. That's how one can think one is very clever, and yet be fooled very easily : they don't understand life is not mathematics.

    Oh yes. Context is everything. Without understanding - or even having - context how the hell can one really evaluate things and make sense of them. Of course, some people think context doesn't matter, which makes them pretty stupid.
    talos7 wrote: »
    The term "racist" has become so broadly used that It's beginning to become a pale echo of it's true meaning. Thinking that James Bond should be played by a white englishman is not "racist" or xenophobic; it's a preferance. Others are free to have their own preferences without being called names or branded as haters,


  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Sark wrote: »
    Sark wrote: »
    When it's loveable old Roger Moore everyone leaps to his defence.

    When it's Clarkson everyone's frothing at the mouth to get him sacked.

    Just saying.

    It turns out that being a kind gentlemen to nearly everyone has its advantages over being generally a dick. Who knew.

    Quite. In the kangaroo court of Twitter's tedious weekly racism witch hunt it seems its merely how much goodwill you have in the bank that determines guilt rather than anything even approaching empirical evidence.

    Clarkson - a loud mouthed prick: Guilty
    Rog - A well loved national treasure: Not guilty.
    Farage - anti immigration, little Englander: Guilty
    Cumberbatch - Well we all love Sherlock don't we?: Not guilty

    The point is that you get the benefit of the doubt when you're a generally nice person who generally only says nice things about other people. When you have a long history of going out of your way to offend people you don't get the benefit of the doubt. I'm mystified that anyone would think there's something wrong with that.

    I'm mystified that apparently the key determiner of guilt these days is apparently how nice a bloke you are.

    Clarkson probably not the best example I grant you as he courts it on purpose but last week Farage made some comment about getting rid of current racism laws because UKIP were colour blind. He meant it as a good thing - that UKIP didn't differentiate - but naturally the headline was 'Farage is a Nazi'.

    And the amount of people I have seen on here quoting Roger's laudable charitable work with children as some kind of cast iron defence as if it automatically exonerates him. This is utterly irrelevant in a court of law I'm afraid.

    Just in case some people are too stupid to comprehend, I'm not saying I think Roger is a racist, of course he's not (there - you see even I am guilty of letting his niceness cloud my judgement rather than relying on any facts), I'm pointing out that we walk a very dangerous path when we start ignoring the basic principles of law and just let mob rule decide if someone is guilty or not based on what a nice bloke they are or how much money they raise for charity. If we go by those criteria I'm pretty sure there was another well loved knight of the realm who raised millions for charity who now lies in an unmarked grave to stop the rabid public from stringing his corpse up. Not everyone who works for charity is Mother Teresa I'm afraid.
    SaintMark wrote: »

    I have no problem with a 007 like character that is coloured but James Bond he is not.

    I'm afraid unless you issue a full apology forthwith @SaintMark over your use of that term I'll be forced to report you to the police:

    That's the beauty of living in a country ruled by McCarthyism - I don't need to have taken any offence myself; I just need to presume that someone else might have and that's enough for the police to take it seriously. I did tell them what a nice bloke you are generally though so I'm sure you'll get off, although you might want to do a fun run for MENCAP in the mean time to bolster your defence.
  • SarkSark Guangdong, PRC
    Posts: 1,138
    this isn't a court of law in case you haven't noticed. This is the court of public opinion.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    If Moore was a racist, why would he hide it? He is 87 and knighted, he has no need to pretend he is anything he is not.
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 2,015
    I'm pointing out that we walk a very dangerous path when we start ignoring the basic principles of law
    Do you really think the law is a mathematical process that works like mathematics, with elementary processes working without context ? If so, you must feel you live in a world full of double standards then :)
    That's the beauty of living in a country ruled by McCarthyism
    For instance, here it means your whole opinion is a satire, and not something to take seriously : the power of context :)
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 1,661
    Moore may not be a racist but he made Gold during the apartheid era -
    There was considerable controversy regarding the film being made in South Africa under the apartheid regime.

    By English English I presume Roger Moore meant Idris Elba's heritage is African and thereby, by default, he nor any other British black actor cannot play James Bond - a character of northern hemisphere, Anglo Saxon heritage.

    Ian Fleming would never countenance a black actor playing James Bond. Fleming was a snob and somewhat racist. James Bond was a reflection of Fleming's imagination so James Bond was never meant to be anything other than a white man defending the (white) British Empire. This reason alone is good enough to leave James Bond white. Idris Elba may think that's unfair but life is like that, unfair!

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Bless his white heart.
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 372
    fanbond123 wrote: »
    Ian Fleming would never countenance a black actor playing James Bond. Fleming was a snob and somewhat racist. James Bond was a reflection of Fleming's imagination so James Bond was never meant to be anything other than a white man defending the (white) British Empire. This reason alone is good enough to leave James Bond white. Idris Elba may think that's unfair but life is like that, unfair!

    Ian Fleming also wrote his novels in the 1950s, and was very much a product of his time. To say the character of Bond was written by a racist and so things should stay like is simply anachronistic.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    If I said why not cast a black actor as Superman I would be told 'Don't be silly, Superman is white - just check out the comics'. Hmm..

    So if I were BB and asked if a black actor would be cast after Craig leaves, I would say 'Good question. Do you think a black actor should have been cast as Napoleon Solo in the new UNCLE film? I do. Should a black actor be cast as Indiana Jones next time? I do. Where do you think the problem lies, and is it really up to Eon to put right this gross injustice to black actors?'
    I don't suppose she will say that though.
  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia
    Posts: 3,375
    Can someone please post the quote where he mentions Elba? I still don't see anything in the Yahoo article :(
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited March 2015 Posts: 23,883
    Can someone please post the quote where he mentions Elba? I still don't see anything in the Yahoo article :(

    That's the point - he didn't even mention Elba. It was completely taken out of context and inferred from his English-English comment that he would not support Elba as Bond. This apparently, is his direct quote:

    “A few years ago, I said that Cuba Gooding Jnr would make an excellent Bond, but it was a joke!” He reportedly continued, “Although James may have been played by a Scot, a Welshman and an Irishman, I think he should be ‘English-English’. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting idea, but unrealistic.”

    The inference is a stretch, because he could have been suggesting that an American (Gooding) should ideally not play Bond.
  • Posts: 12,555
    Roger Moore is not a racist! FULL STOP! That's all!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Yaphet Kotto has chimed in with his opinion on the 'Black Bond' furore, claiming he reckons Bond should remain White.

    While I'm not averse in principle, it's quite refreshing to hear, and also aligns with several of our black members here, I believe. I've always found it slightly disingenuous when the press project Black people as all feeling exactly the same way on so called 'race' issues, implying that they can't endorse anything 'white'.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    edited April 2015 Posts: 8,696
    'should have kept eating more curry!' is about all I can think of from the Moore era that could even be considered questionable. Compare that to Connery's tenure which includes countless politically incorrect and racially insensitive moments. I hate when a story is made of nothing.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Surely Yaphet Kotto is a racist. He must be a closet white.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,696
    Surely Yaphet Kotto is a racist. He must be a closet white.

    I think the term is 'uncle tom'.

  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    A gold mine of entertainment I had ordered on the web has been delivered to my address: the DVD's of...

    'North Sea Hijack', 'Shout at the Devil', 'Man who Haunted Himself', 'Escape to Athena', 'Sea Wolves', 'Wild Geese' and 'Gold'.

    I think it's safe to say I am in for loads of pure epic fun with Sir Rog! :-c
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Some cracking stuff there DC. Outside of the Bonds you have about everything worth having from Rog's 70s output
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    NicNac wrote: »
    Some cracking stuff there DC. Outside of the Bonds you have about everything worth having from Rog's 70s output

    I've only seen North Sea Hijack and some bits of Wild Geese, so I am very excited to watch them all!

  • Posts: 7,653
    A gold mine of entertainment I had ordered on the web has been delivered to my address: the DVD's of...

    'North Sea Hijack', 'Shout at the Devil', 'Man who Haunted Himself', 'Escape to Athena', 'Sea Wolves', 'Wild Geese' and 'Gold'.

    I think it's safe to say I am in for loads of pure epic fun with Sir Rog! :-c

    I have sen them all, Shout at the Devil is a brilliant movie, the man who ... shows that Roger Moore is a formidable actor.

    great stuff.

  • Posts: 1,068
    A gold mine of entertainment I had ordered on the web has been delivered to my address: the DVD's of...

    'North Sea Hijack', 'Shout at the Devil', 'Man who Haunted Himself', 'Escape to Athena', 'Sea Wolves', 'Wild Geese' and 'Gold'.

    I think it's safe to say I am in for loads of pure epic fun with Sir Rog! :-c

    Now there's some great watching there! Always loved the premise of The Man Who Haunted Himself and simply haven't watched Escape to Athena enough do you've hot me heading for Amazon and ebay...
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Sir Roger made some great movies. =D>
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,401
    Look at who's photo was used for an article on weight loss and alcohol.
  • dominicgreenedominicgreene The Eternal QOS Defender
    Posts: 1,756
    Mmmyyyyyyyyyyyy nameisBond.

    James Bond.
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