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The MI6 Community is unofficial and in no way associated or linked with EON Productions, MGM, Sony Pictures, Activision or Ian Fleming Publications. Any views expressed on this website are of the individual members and do not necessarily reflect those of the Community owners. Any video or images displayed in topics on MI6 Community are embedded by users from third party sites and as such MI6 Community and its owners take no responsibility for this material.
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Is that who it is? Wow, I wouldn't have recognized her if you hadn't have said that. Can't believe I didn't already see that!
You see? She is so beautiful she completely disable your brains, every time you saw it.
And the congregation said "AAAAMMMEEEENNNN!!!"
And since I love photoshop, why not show off my art for a change.
(I'm about to sound like a huge nerd, so brace your selves....)
My name, 'Master Dahark' comes from waaaaay back in Middle School. I was big into Star Wars before the prequels came out and this was a character I had created (took place after Return of the Jedi); I wrote my own stories, drew my own comics, the works! In school, whenever I wasn't too busy taking notes, 99% of the time I was drawing him.
Whenever I had to create an email or username for a forum, I would always get irritated because the name I wanted was taken, so I just kept coming back to Master Dahark. That's why he never died!
It's slightly how I am; I would probably alter mine if I could, but it's stuck for a year now and I'm used to it, so I think in the end, I would just keep it as it is.
If you wanna know more, give me a shout sometime. :)
<center>'Murdock..... I'm coming to get YOU."
Tell us about your character!
A name so nice
GoldenEye mentioned it twice! 8->
Well, I always call him the Poor man's James Bond meets Death Wish.
Set in Seattle in 2043. Bruce Murdock is a loner/vigilante. Crime in the future has skyrocketed and politics is corrupt. A SPECTRE like orginization notices Bruce and hires him to be an Assassin. Bruce and a team of 4 others hired by this no-name organization. In the first story. 1 out of 8, His first contract is the man who murdered his father when Bruce was a young boy.
My avatar image represents the 3rd story in the series which is pretty much Chris Nolan meets Moonraker lol.
As for me, @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 is a tad longer than I had hoped. When I first came on this site I didn't really know how many members we had, and assumed a wide range of Bond related names got take, so I just have my name, Brady, the first letter of my last name following it, and Bondfanatic for obvious reasons, all encased in 007.
I once pushed a man off a roof who claimed to be enslaving me, and his name was also Dimitri...
Tell me, where were you July 18, 2007 at 4:02PM?
My first name is mentioned in Every James Bond film. :D
Uh... M? Q? Could your name be Moneypenny?
I James bold for a reason my good man. :-O
I think he's joking around with you.
Indeed, just playing along. :p
I picked Big Boss as my profile photo because he is my favorite video game character ever created. His story is brilliantly written and its been an honor to watch his character develop over the past few games.
It's Largo's yacht...I take it you are being sarcastic. I can't tell since it's just text I have to go by...
Near Camp Crystal Lake with @MajorDSmythe, chasing scantily clothed girls with machetes and hockey masks. SO, I have a perfectly clean alibi.