School shooting in Indiana,USA - time to crackdown on guns ?

edited March 2011 in General Discussion Posts: 19,339
Listening to the news and it just came up. No links yet.

Apparently, a school of about 600 in Indiana (missed the name) and a kid possibly recently expelled? No word on injuries/casualties.

If this keeps happening in the USA then surely,someone,somewhere,must realise that access to guns is just going to keep this happening.
This wont be the only one this year,probably be about 2 more.

A child with a knife has to get close to you to attack you,it's hard to overpower someone with a gun just blasting away.
The loss of life would be considerably less.

Poor kids.


  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    We're not in 1800 anymore, guns shouldn't be available to anyone other than cops and security services, and rifles to registered rifle owners for hunting.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Is there no plan to do this Luds ?
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Americans will likely have a different opinion, but if you really think about it, having a gun in the house doesn't only help you protect youtself/family in case of need, it also drastically increases the chances of someone else using it, stealing it, firing it by accident, or of it being used in a situation which didn't require it.

    When gun possession is legal and widespread, no wonder buying a gun on the streets is so easy for teens.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Also i suppose,if it's the same as here in GB,if you kill someone in self-defence,even if they are robbing your house you usually go to prison anyway.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Over here in Germany we have about the strictest laws on the planet concerning all kinds of weapons, yet we had several gun kids in schools wreaking heavoc. And there are lots of illegally armed people. Other countries with less strict rules being around the corner might be a reason for that, but I don´t think it´s a major one. People who want to arm themselves find ways.
    Education on the other hand is a very important point here. When I look around I don´t see real values being transmitted to kids, which naturally can lead to people not being aware of the importance of other people´s lives.
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    edited March 2011 Posts: 3,262
    Quoting boldfinger:
    Over here in Germany we have about the strictest laws on the
    planet concerning all kinds of weapons, yet we had several gun kids in schools
    wreaking heavoc. And there are lots of illegally armed people. Other countries
    with less strict rules being around the corner might be a reason for that, but I
    don´t think it´s a major one. People who want to arm themselves find ways.

    Education on the other hand is a very important point here. When I look
    around I don´t see real values being transmitted to kids, which naturally can
    lead to people not being aware of the importance of other people´s lives.
    Exactly, boldfinger. Stricter gun laws wouldn't stop criminals from obtaining them and would only hurt innocent, law-abiding citizens by hampering their efforts to protect themselves from harm.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    Not Bond News, peeps - moved to General Discussion...
  • Posts: 92
    People don't need guns -I agree with Luds on this. Sure criminals will find a way to get them but I think its better to limit the public so you don't get bogans or troubled teens making a stupid decision and killing innocents.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Quoting AgentFae: People don't need guns -I agree with Luds on this. Sure criminals will find a way to get them but I think its better to limit the public so you don't get bogans or troubled teens making a stupid decision and killing innocents.
    I agree that it´s good not to have bogans or troubled teens making a stupid decision and killing innocents, and surely restricted access to guns would help here. But I still think that education is ten times more important.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I am against Gun Control. It will only keep Guns out of the hands of Law Abiding Citizens who won't be able to protect themselves, their families and their property from criminals who will always be able to obtain firearms illegally. I have a firearm collection and my children can't get into it. It's in several giant safes and only I and my wife know the combination and it also only recognizes our fingerprints. How are citizens supposed to defend themselves against criminals armed with firearms if we were stripped of our right to own firearms? A man with a knife against a man with a firearm will mostly likely always lose!
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    So, why is it that citizens of countries with gun control are not being killed by criminals with guns? How are we protecting ourselves? By your logic, we are so vulnerable that we should be being murdered daily because we cannot protect ourselves.

    Also, how fast are you able to get through your security to get to the guns in the safe when someone has just broken in and is standing above you with a gun pointed at your face?

    Why are there not dozens of articles about how someone protected his home and family BECAUSE he had a gun handy? Because it doesn't happen as much as you like to think it happens in order for you to feel safe because you have a gun.

  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting j7wild: How are citizens supposed to defend themselves against criminals armed with firearms
    I'd expect a smart person wouldn't engage criminals with firearms into a gunfight in the family home and risk everyone's life. You have something called home insurance?
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 5,767
    Quoting j7wild: How are citizens supposed to defend themselves against criminals armed with firearms if we were stripped of our right to own firearms? A man with a knife against a man with a firearm will mostly likely always lose!
    People should learn true martial arts, it´s very educative. I´ve been training for almost 20 years now at a real martial arts school, and it´s amazing how aggressive people don´t stay there for long.
    Anyhow, without such training it´s not too difficult to hurt oneself or loved ones as easily as an intruder, no matter what weapon you carry. And if you know the right stuff you won´t need a gun to defend your family against a gun, at least not inside a house.
    Quoting Luds: I'd expect a smart person wouldn't engage criminals with firearms into a gunfight in the family home and risk everyone's life. You have something called home insurance?
    The problem is, you never know how weird the person invading your home is. Sure you can try and offer him your money and a safe escape, but who says every burglar is merely out for that? I´m not suggesting to attack any invader, quite the opposite, in most cases the intruder might panic and run off if he hears noise from somewhere inside the home, or sees some light go on. But you might as well go out to take a leak at night, and there he is.

    One thing in favor of guns is the psychological effect on most people. Most people, especially if they are under stress because they are in a place where they shouldn´t be, are more immediately afraid by looking inside the muzzle of a gun (if it´s big enough) than by the sight of a knife or a stick (again, a baseball bat will be more impressive than a wrench), regardless of the possibilities each weapon would offer. Although you could again argue that a gun is not always immediately visible if the place is not lighted well. A huge Bowie knife á la Crocodile Dundee might be easier visible to the intruder. It depends on the situation.
  • Posts: 7,653
    Why do people need automatic weapons to protect themselves, what is next I need a grenade launcher because the criminals might have artilery too?

    I do think that the weaponlobby in the US goes a bit overboard with claiming that having all weapons is a right. Some weapons have little to do with common sense anymore. If you feel insecure in your own house why isn't a handgun enough? I think the selling of weapons should be limited to small arms, and start forbidding assault-rifles. You don't need those for hunting, and if you do you should be arrested for being an idiot that endangeres people in the woods and prohibited hunting untill you can actually prove you can shoot. Making it a skill once more. :-))
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 5,767
    Quoting SaintMark: Why do people need automatic weapons to protect themselves, what is next I need a grenade launcher because the criminals might have artilery too?

    I do think that the weaponlobby in the US goes a bit overboard with claiming that having all weapons is a right. Some weapons have little to do with common sense anymore. If you feel insecure in your own house why isn't a handgun enough? I think the selling of weapons should be limited to small arms, and start forbidding assault-rifles. You don't need those for hunting, and if you do you should be arrested for being an idiot that endangeres people in the woods and prohibited hunting untill you can actually prove you can shoot. Making it a skill once more.
    But you see, all this has more to do with education than with sanctioning. If you can´t make people understand those ideas all sanctions will do is cage the problem in, risking it to escalate sooner or later in different ways.
  • Posts: 7,653
    Armed as they are an escalation is going to be unavoidable.

    It is no longer about education, that argument has long been passed. It has become more egotistical: people claim they have the right to bear arms. And that has shown itself in an excess of armssales.

    And that seems to bite itself and of course the arms companies kinda like it a lot.

    We see less of gun related crime in parts of the world where armssales are banned, yes there are situations but they are not a general thing happening.

    When having swords were common loads of folks got hurt by them. These days there are few swords and less accidents with them. But the occasional moron.

    It is not alone about education but also about the ability to obtain weaponary. IMHO
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I don't know how to quote, Retrokitty said:

    Why are there not dozens of articles about how someone protected his home and family BECAUSE he had a gun handy? Because it doesn't happen as much as you like to think it happens in order for you to feel safe because you have a gun.

    here's a law abiding citizen who is lucky to be alive and he could had defended himself better if he had a gun:

    and in the last week, 2 separate incidents of homeowners who were able to defend themselves and their properties because they had access to a firearm:

    I've been carrying a concealed handgun since 1984 and I have never shot anyone, never took my handgun out and brandished it against someone in anger, never shot myself in the foot, or had an accident with it, unlike this MORON:

    In Texas, we have a concealed weapon permit law and a law that allows law abiding citizens to keep a handgun in a vehicle they have 100% control of; but still, people need to be responsible.

    You should always carry a handgun in an approved holster instead of in your coat pocket like the idiot above
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Nice propaganda wild ;)
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    edited March 2011 Posts: 3,262
    Quoting Luds:
    Nice propaganda wild ;)
    It may be propaganda but does that necessarily make the information provided by j7wild incorrect?
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Certainly PKK. But can you expect differently from pro-gun websites? We could go on and on, I could find multiple stories of people being shot accidentally in their houses due to improperly stored weapons, or just broken free. Kids, wives, neighbors, animals, etc. Just as you can find stories of people who's life was "saved" due to their guns. It all comes down to opinion. If one's beliefs is that owning a gun is a right, well clearly they are pro guns and will disregard any possible negative outcome of owning a gun claiming that it's safer to do so.
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    edited March 2011 Posts: 3,262
    Quoting Luds: If one's beliefs is that owning a gun is a right, well clearly they are pro guns
    and will disregard any possible negative outcome of owning a gun claiming that
    it's safer to do so.
    And if one's beliefs is that owning a gun is not a right, clearly they are anti-gun rights and will disregard any possible positive outcome of a private citizen owning a gun claiming that it's safer to trust the government rather than the individual citizen.

    I know of no totalitarian dictator who supported the idea of gun rights for private individual everyday citizens in his nation but since I'm more concerned with finding the objective truth rather than winning an argument, I will be happy to learn otherwise if someone can point me to an objective example of that happening in history.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Quoting PrinceKamalKhan: And if one's beliefs is that owning a gun is not a right, clearly they are anti-gun rights and will disregard any possible positive outcome of a private citizen owning a gun claiming that it's safer to trust the government rather than the individual citizen.
    I don't agree with this statement PKK. I personally believe that owning a gun shouldn't be a right, but believe that the ownership of a gun should be possible in certain situations. I'd certainly be opened to reasonable programs where all guns would be registered, and where gun safety training be made mandatory. The issue we're dealing with here is that easy of access to guns without proper training and registration. This could be somewhat dealt with if proper fines and sentences were dealt to illegal owners and vendors. Guns, like cigarettes are available at any corner store, or down any dark ally. Kids have them, and deal them. They're found in schools, and have been used. If that doesn't prompt for a serious revamping of the system by politicians, I don't know what would. Evidently the easy solution would be to make gun ownership illegal, but we know this is far to big a step.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Quoting retrokitty: Also, how fast are you able to get through your security to get to the guns in the safe when someone has just broken in and is standing above you with a gun pointed at your face?
    Spot on.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    edited March 2011 Posts: 380
    Let's look at those links, j7wild...

    But first this... bahahaahahahahahahhaahah... for chrissakes.. did you READ those articles?


    This guy didn't have a gun and managed to save himself:

    "He has a gun pointed at me, telling me to open the door and give him my money and my phone," Escobar said.
    Escobar said he fought with the man and grabbed his gun.

    (No mention that he used the gun - just that he disarmed the robber.)

    This guy shot the robber who was LEAVING his house:

    He grabbed his pistol and went to see who was in his house and said he called out twice and startled the burglar.
    "While he was running I told him don't run, I'll shoot you," Webb said. "He started to go out that window and when he did I shot him."
    Webb said the man was hit in the leg or the backside and fell back into the house.
    That's when he said he dialed the sheriff's office.

    (Clearly if someone is leaving your house they don't pose a danger to you.)

    And once again, the gun came AFTER the robbers FLED:

    Detectives said the men got into a brief struggle with the homeowner and then fled in a tan SUV.
    The homeowner grabbed a gun, fired shots at the getaway vehicle and broke out one of its windows, police said.


    PS: that gunowners piece was interesting...

    Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606).6 And readers of Newsweek learned that "only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The 'error rate' for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than five times as high.

    Which leads to this:

    57% of felons polled agreed that "criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police.

    Yea, no kidding.

    Not sure it should be a good thing that citizens are killing people. Not all criminals should be given the death penalty and certainly none of them should be without a trial.

  • Posts: 1,722
    Would people boycott Obama if he outlawed guns ?
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting Tracy: Would people boycott Obama if he outlawed guns ?
    Republicans already do, so maybe there'd be 2 or 3 other people who would ;)
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I am a Republican....
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Yes, we all figured that out by the blind hatred of Obama ;)
  • Posts: 1,092
    Gun control is stupid. Kids shoot other kids b/c their parents don't pay attention to them.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 1,092
    Where the hell is the delete button? And why are the bugs taking over this site? This is annoying.
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