Name one strength and one weakness you share with Bond

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited August 2012 in Trivia & Games Posts: 24,515

I like to think that I can easily spot unusual things happening around me. First thing I always do, without thinking about it even, is giving my eyes a fast tour of the place I just entered. I tend to notice things that seem to escape my companions. I like to think that I share this habit with Bond.


I seem to recall that the Fleming Bond likes strong coffee. From that I deduce something of an appreciation for caffeine. While I myself don't like the taste of coffee, I do enjoy a daily uptake of caffeine via so-called energy drinks. Red Bull, Monster, you name it. It's practically the only vice I have left. I've never smoked or used drugs (unless caffeine is considered a drug of course). I used to consume a lot of sugar through beverages and my meals tended to be rather salty and high on calories. However all of that has been gone for over a year and half now. I lost 15 kg (33 lbs) in the process and I feel wonderful now. I enjoy healthier food though I do still allow myself a sinful meal but only extremely rarely. Fat and sugar have been reduced to an absolute minimum (never to zero as I don't believe in a healthy no-fat scenario). Only the caffeine remains. Through sugar free substitutes, I enjoy a little caffeine boost every day. I say 'little' and I do in fact mean that. I'm not accustomed to more than one 25 cl (8,5 fl oz) per day. In that sense, I reckon it's a weakness but still a fairly acceptable one. And as James Bond isn't a brutal caffeine addict either, here's again one thing I like to think we have in common.


  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    Interesting thread idea, Dimster...


    Maybe I should think on this a little more, but what immediately springs to mind (if we're talking Sir Rog's Bond at least) is the ability to come up with inane innuendos and - often crass - puns. Hmmm, on second thoughts, maybe that should be in the 'weakness' column. ;)


    Good call on a propensity for strong coffee/ caffeine, Dimi. Caffeine is most certainly a drug and I'm probably pretty addicted to it. About five years ago, I had to make a concerted effort to cut down my daily intake to just two mugs/ cups a day (or very rarely three). Don't ask me how strong those two helpings a day are, though... :p
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    And here's me thinking I would be the only caffeine stoner, Georgie! ;-)

  • Posts: 1,052
    Strength - coping with all the ridiculous things going on around me, such as insane co-workers and double taking pigeons!

    Weakness - too easily distracted by the ladies!
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Strength- Military training. And I find it easy to joke about things around me, I don't have trouble coming up with a funny one liner for different situations.

    Weaknesses- Easily distracted by women, and I drink alot, probably too much. Used to smoke too but I gave up so that's one weakness I shared with Bond gone :)
  • Posts: 1,082
    Strength - Good at raising eyebrows.

    Weaknesses - I'm easily distracted by women and addicted to caffeine, even though I have cut down the intake, like St_George did.
  • My strength and weakness are the same - my stunning good looks.
  • Posts: 1,817
    Strength- Many times I share the hability of making remarks in many differents fields of knowledge, impressing my audience.
    Weakness- I supponse drinking and smoking (but less than 60 cigarettes a day).
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,883
    Strength: I have a knack for getting out of tricky situations.


    Weakness: I like my gadgets- I have a spy camera wristwatch.

  • Posts: 1,548
    I,m good with one liners and sleep with too many gorgeous women!
  • Posts: 284
    strengh cool in crisis
    weakness bit of a piss head
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 4,622
    Glad I'm not alone in coffee addiction. ;) I have cut down to one good cup a day...but in the right work environment, such as too much time working at a desk.....3 or 4 cups is not unusual. It's like fuel to keep you going. You need the little sip breaks and if you make it right, or buy from the right place, it tastes so damn good. Fortunately, I get out and about a lot for work, as well as being chained to a desk at times, so the variety in the routine moderates the intake somewhat, but those coffee shops are everywhere, and when you got to meet-up with someone, the coffee shop is always beckoning. It truly is a drug.
    I have no Bond strengths. I can't fight like Bond, drive like Bond, play cards like Bond ( although he is damn lucky, flipping all those 9's in baccarat) Can't even drink like Bond. I'd fall down before he did. Can't wear a suit like Bond etc Bond is Bond. He's the man. We bask in his awesomness. Although I do have a much better appreciation for the Beatles than Bond does, and I could probably skate and play hockey better than he does, but you never know. If he ever had to "lace em up" we'd probably discover that he also had elite hockey skills, just as we learned out of the blue in DAD, that Bond was a world class surfer.
  • Strengths- being street smart and a sense of dry, one line humor
    Weakness- the ladies
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    @timmer, my compliments on a highly enjoyable post, sir. :-) About the coffee, I understand the feeling. The urge for a regular caffeine uptake can sometimes be, quite simply, impossible to resist. I coached a student two years ago with a science project in which she examined caffeine based on the most reliable sources of information available. The things I learned were rather assuring I must admit. Unless one puts the caffeine uptake to extremes, there's a fairly high consumption rate that still fall well within what is acceptable. Also, addiction can be fought in less than a week, although the average person goes cold in less than three days! Unlike tobacco and alcohol addicts, caffeine addicts need to hold on for a mere two or three days and with unrest, headaches, mood swings and insomnia as the most common side effects, it's fairly simple to lose the habit. I know what I'm talking about. Every year, when the Summer holidays allow me to take long sleeps and find peace and quiet, I force myself to cut the daily uptake of caffeine to almost nothing for at least a month. It works fine.

    Hard to imagine you wouldn't have any of Bond's strengths, sir! ;-) Don't be modest now.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2012 Posts: 12,501
    (Do keep in mind I am a gal, so no weaknesses for the ladies, and hence the mention
    of a gown ...) :)
    quick with a quip
    comfortable in jeans out in the country or in a gown at a palace
    I can multi-task like crazy while still focusing on the main mission objective
    I am calm in a crisis - the worse it gets, the calmer and more focused I become (yet
    fall to pieces afterwards, a trait not shared with Bond ...)
    want to save the world - or at least the underdog/abused/victims

    too hard on myself at times
    tendency to want to do it all myself (and/or go rogue)
    some addiction to caffeine (mine is in tea);
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I have thought for hours about this, all to no avail. I have little to nothing in common with my one of my favorite characters. I relate more to Sherlock or Batman, as I am a more introspective person than an openly outgoing individual.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I have thought for hours about this, all to no avail. I have little to nothing in common with my one of my favorite characters. I relate more to Sherlock or Batman, as I am a more introspective person than an openly outgoing individual.

    What no caffeine? No weakness for the ladies?
    How about the appreciation for perfectly scrambled eggs (granted that's in the books, not the films I don't think ...) or playing cards? No? ... I bet there is something. :)

    I, too, relate to Sherlock but alas am not as observant as he or Bond.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    Strength: I always got some imagination to get out of some kind of situations.

    Weakness: Addicted to Caffeine, too.
  • Posts: 4,622
    DarthDimi wrote:
    @timmer, my compliments on a highly enjoyable post, sir. :-) About the coffee, I understand the feeling. The urge for a regular caffeine uptake can sometimes be, quite simply, impossible to resist. I coached a student two years ago with a science project in which she examined caffeine based on the most reliable sources of information available. The things I learned were rather assuring I must admit. Unless one puts the caffeine uptake to extremes, there's a fairly high consumption rate that still fall well within what is acceptable. Also, addiction can be fought in less than a week, although the average person goes cold in less than three days! Unlike tobacco and alcohol addicts, caffeine addicts need to hold on for a mere two or three days and with unrest, headaches, mood swings and insomnia as the most common side effects, it's fairly simple to lose the habit. I know what I'm talking about. Every year, when the Summer holidays allow me to take long sleeps and find peace and quiet, I force myself to cut the daily uptake of caffeine to almost nothing for at least a month. It works fine.

    Hard to imagine you wouldn't have any of Bond's strengths, sir! ;-) Don't be modest now.

    Thanks for the caffeine tips Dimi :)>- Good to know withdrawal won't be too painful if I feel compelled to tackle it someday, though God knows why I'd bother. I enjoy the dependancy, but one could get stuck in a coffee-less environment (stranded in the desert or arctic wasteland, or lost in the woods) so knowing that the withdrawal wouldn't be too traumatic is encouraging. I generally though don't touch the stuff after 5pm-ish, but I can sure drink it during the day.

    Still can't think of any of Bond's strengths that I might have. I have a lot of his interests,but not the same success. I love playing golf but I only enjoy competent duffer status. Love playing cards too, but I don't have his luck or nerve. He draws to a straight flush at Royale (who does that?) with a $100 million plus on the line, and rolls 7's at the Vegas craps tables, like it's all in the wrists or something. Like a monkey handles coconuts. Love to flirt too but not even on best day, could I have Manuela undressing within 30 seconds of meeting her. Not even 30 minutes. 30 days maybe.....dreams on :P Put a watch on that scene . @AgentLeiter and I did, way back when, and I think Rog was pulling her string in less than 30 seconds. Amazing.
    I can make scrambled eggs, but I'm sure they'd resemble a pallid quivering yellow mess compared to Mr. Perfect's gourmet preparation.
    No, I remain humbly inadequate in all things Bondian.
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    edited August 2012 Posts: 2,637
    Strength: Extremely handsome

    Ladies love me

    Weakness: Extremely handsome

    Ladies are my kryptonite
  • Posts: 5,634
    I can't even think of an amswer for the first, second may be tobacco usage, but Bond doesn't smoke anymore, and then, likes an odd beverage (not this night). This was more difficult to answer than I first anticipated
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629

    I'm a good shooter
    I'm charming
    I'm good at coming up with quips.


    I can't raise my eyebrow.
    I don't wear a tux
    I have a goofy Timothy Dalton smile
  • Strengths:
    I'm very good at one-liners.
    I know how to dress well.
    My intelligence is above average.,
    I have class, baby.

    I'm oftentimes insensitive.
    I'm uncomfortable working with other people, more of a lone wolf.
    I have the lethal combination of chauvinism and sense of nationalism which often equates into an overflowing amount of ego.
  • Posts: 612
    I've often got a quip to say.
    I'm good at noticing details, sight-wise.
    An appreciation for quality.
    I'm a damn good driver, I like to think.

    I question people's authority.
    I don't have a drinking problem, but I do enjoy my coffee or espresso black and bitter.
    I'm not the best team worker.
  • Hmm, interesting question. Of course, there are so many versions of Bond that I think that everyone here would have at least a couple of things in common with one of them (for good or for bad..!).

    When I was a kid Connery's Bond was the guy that I wanted to be when I grew up. I sometimes wonder how much of the man I am is influenced by that (as well as other actors' Bonds and the Fleming Bond) and how much is just normal growing up. I can say for certain that the Bond films are what got me into skiing and scuba diving. And of course, there were other characters and films that influenced me but nothing inspired me as much as Connery.

    I have a very dry, understated sense of humour and I push myself hard and won't give up when doing anything physical. But probably the most "Bondian" strength is staying calm and unflappable in very stressful situations - the more stressful (like someone pointing a gun at me) the calmer I become.

    (I also have a high tolerance for alcohol. I drank 4 Vespers - 4-1/2 ounces each! - plus champagne and some shots at my girlfriend's b-day party and was fine the next day. But that seems to be genetics as opposed to something that I've worked at)

    Ah, the bird with a wing down. I wouldn't say that women in general are a weakness but when a women appears to be in trouble, or emotionally wounded or being taken advantage of in some way that I get blinded by the need to take care of them. That's a weakness because in the past some...not nice women have used it to take advantage of me. Not in a way that hurt me in any other way than emotionally, luckily. But that protective, chivalrous instinct is something that makes me blind to some things that may be obvious to other people (it's good to have friends who can see the situation with fresh eyes).
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