Arnold's Movies how they stack up



  • I've wanted to kill Joel Shumacher ever since I saw Batman Forever. Phone Booth is the only movie he's made that I've actually liked.

    At the time that it came out Batman Forever was my favourite of the "new" Batman films. I liked Burton's films but didn't love them and - to the disgust of my theatre and artsy friends - I didn't find him a very good director. I think that he's great at hiring set designers, composers, costumers, etc, but in terms of structuring a narrative he's not very good. So when Batman Forever came out I found it much more consistent and after wards me and my friends said "Wow, we actually...*enjoyed* that! This one was fun to watch!". Again, my artsy friends were disgusted with me as to them films - especially comic book based films - HAVE to be "dark and disturbing".

    (I found Batman Forever to be fun but I thought that Schumacher pushed it too far with Batman and Robin which was just silly)

    Back to Arnold - when I was a teenager during his heyday in the 80s he was a god. He didn't have the charm or style of Bond but his characters - and the man in real life - was always completely in control and would always triumph at everything that he did. While some fictional characters were ones that you could aspire to be like Arnold was so far above you that all you could do was admire him. I'd be curious to see some of his older films now that I'm an adult and not a skinny, pot-bellied 14 year old who lived vicariously through his films.

    I doubt I'd ever be able to pick a favourite Arnold film but two that surprised me were Twins (who'd have known that he'd be so good at comedy and so good at playing such a...I guess you'd say sweet-natured character) and Eraser. Eraser came as his career was starting to go down and a friend and I saw it at the cheap second run cinema. Great old-fashioned Arnie film and the only strike against it was the lack of romance (apparently the studio was happy to have Vanessa Williams to appeal to the black demographic but was nervous about her character and Arnold's getting together. Sigh...)

  • Posts: 11,425
    Agree with you on Tim Burton. He is an awful director. Can't tell a story to save his life.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I'm not going to defend Tim Burton, or the people who think all comic book based films need to be dark and disturbing, but Batman needs to be dark. The comics started out that way, and that's how it was best done. Tim Burton did that as best he could back then, and Chris Nolan has done it better since.

    Now, I don't like Tim Burton. He relies far too much on the crappy claymation-ish animation style of Nightmare Before Christmas (a movie I didn't like), and I swear him and the Pirates movies are the only two reasons Johnny Depp still has a job. Tim Burton hasn't made that many good movies, by my account. Beetlejuice, good. Baman & Batman Returns, good. The rest... especially Michael Jackson and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland... just all suck.
  • Posts: 11,216
    Getafix wrote:
    Agree with you on Tim Burton. He is an awful director. Can't tell a story to save his life.

    Don't you even like the first Batman film? What about Ed Wood - very good IMO?

    He also directed Mars Attacks which features an old friend of yours losing his head :))
  • Posts: 11,425
    I am being harsh. I like Batman and Edward Scissorhands. But overall his films are the triumph of style over substance and his recent films (I.e. Last fifteen years) are not great.
  • BAIN123 wrote:
    Getafix wrote:
    Agree with you on Tim Burton. He is an awful director. Can't tell a story to save his life.

    Don't you even like the first Batman film? What about Ed Wood - very good IMO?

    He also directed Mars Attacks which features an old friend of yours losing his head :))

    I thought his first Batman film was okay, and I did like it. I thought that Batman Returns was terrible, though. At the time that they were first released the style was so different from what was "normal" that a lot of people responded to that. But as someone else said his movies are very much "style over substance". I did like Ed Wood.

    I remember walking out of Planet of the Apes and hearing the guy in front of me complaining to his friend that because that film didn't have Burton's normal style he was able to finally see that Burton wasn't a good director (presumably because he wasn't distracted by the usual set design, costumes, etc). Which reminds me of a VERY funny story...

    (yes, this is WAY off topic)

    When we were coming out of the second American Pie movie there were two guys in front of us talking about Shannon Elizabeth. The one guy said "You know, cuz she didn't take her clothes off in this one I realized, man, you know what, she isn't good-looking!".

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I'm not going to defend Tim Burton, or the people who think all comic book based films need to be dark and disturbing, but Batman needs to be dark. The comics started out that way, and that's how it was best done. Tim Burton did that as best he could back then, and Chris Nolan has done it better since.

    Now, I don't like Tim Burton. He relies far too much on the crappy claymation-ish animation style of Nightmare Before Christmas (a movie I didn't like), and I swear him and the Pirates movies are the only two reasons Johnny Depp still has a job. Tim Burton hasn't made that many good movies, by my account. Beetlejuice, good. Baman & Batman Returns, good. The rest... especially Michael Jackson and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland... just all suck.

    No, the comics didn't start that way, not at all. It took a long time for Batman to get his legs out of some campy content and into the mature character he has formed into since that transformation.
  • Please, Please, I emplore people, not to turn this into another Batman free for all. There's already about 26 threads that accomodate it, and maybe every once in a while some like to have a Batman free thread

    Ok fair enough, Schwarzenegger appeared in all advised role in one of the movies, but once people get talking about it, it's going to be a long day.. This thread is for Arnold Schwarzenegger and his movies. I apologize if a bit touchy, but has been a bit too much recently, keep Batman in the appropriate areas if possible

    And after that, I can't think of anything else to say about Schwarzenegger, been through his film releases in good enough detail. Should never have returned, or even done a Terminator III. I have to say that, just as with Harrison Ford in the last Indiana Jones movie, Schwarzenegger was simply inappropriate for the part by then and the series was degenerating into farce
  • Posts: 12,553
    Favourite would be Predator followed by Terminator 1 and 2. He should never have done Batman and Robin! X_X
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Kindergarten Cop was on (again) last night on ITV2. I'm probably going to get shot down for saying this but I've always quite enjoyed it. Arnie and P.A.M have some nice gentle scenes together (perhaps Arnold can act a bit?), Elfman's soundtrack is sweet and the suprisingly violent showdown is tense


    I just wish ITV would stop cutting it to shreads.

    I agree, I always enjoyed that film. I have to watch it on DVD though because they butcher almost every good line in the film when it's shown on television.

    Just to say though, it was Randy Edelman who scored the film - not Elfman.
  • BAIN123 wrote:
    Possibly the lowest point in Arnie's film career however has to be conducting a choir in blue slippers to "I'm Mr White Christmas".

    Oh no. I saw that film last night. >:P

    My favourite Arnie flicks.

    1. Terminator 2
    2. Terminator
    3. Total Recall
    4. Predator
    5. True Lies
  • BAIN123 wrote:
    Possibly the lowest point in Arnie's film career however has to be conducting a choir in blue slippers to "I'm Mr White Christmas".
    Man- all the nipples and butt-shots and Bat-Credit Cards aside.... W T F was up with that scene?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Y'know, the Batman's credit card is just about the only thing I liked about that movie.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 4,813
    lol remember the expiration date said 'Forever'? X_X

    'Never leave the cave without it'.... I can't help but feel sorry for Clooney. He probably thought playing Batman would be so badass and a dream come true (I would).
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 11,216
    I hate the stupid "ker ching" sound effect.

    You should hear Nostalgia Critic's reaction to the Bat credit card :))
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    1. Predator
    2. Total Recall
    3. Terminator/T2
    4. Running Man
    5. True Lies
    6. Commando

    Special Mention - Last Action Hero - premise was great, could have been an awesome film if they'd not put so much pressure on the whole creative team.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    True Lies was just on. :)
  • Posts: 469
    commando at number 1
    eraser at 2
    running man at 3
    predator at 4
    raw deal / red heat tie at 5
  • Posts: 2,341
    Getafix wrote:
    Agree with you on Tim Burton. He is an awful director. Can't tell a story to save his life.

    Tim Burton is overrated and should be on the trash pile with Ron Howard.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    OHMSS69 wrote:
    Getafix wrote:
    Agree with you on Tim Burton. He is an awful director. Can't tell a story to save his life.

    Tim Burton is overrated and should be on the trash pile with Ron Howard.

    At least Ron Howard can make entertaining films. He can't make gold out of sh*t, but at least he isn't making more and more sh*t, like Burton.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    OHMSS69 wrote:
    Getafix wrote:
    Agree with you on Tim Burton. He is an awful director. Can't tell a story to save his life.

    Tim Burton is overrated and should be on the trash pile with Ron Howard.

    At least Ron Howard can make entertaining films. He can't make gold out of sh*t, but at least he isn't making more and more sh*t, like Burton.

    Ron's last few films haven't been a Vince Vaughn/Kevin James film that I don't even need to see to gauge how horrid it is, and a shoddy adaption of a Dan Brown novel. Save some innovation for the rest of us Ron!

    I enjoy Tim more, for his constant creativity seen throughout his career, even though he ruined Batman. But he wasn't alone in that murder.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I go to Arnold when I want to be entertained not when I want an Oscar worthy proformance. My top five favorites by him...

    1) Conan the Barbarian (can't believe so many of you hate this film! The remake sucked. Even Conan the Destroyer was better than it.)

    2) True Lies

    3) End of Days

    4) Eraser

    5) Total Recall

    6) The 6th Day

    7) Collateral Damage

    Okay so I added two more. What can I say, I'm a fan.
  • No mention of Last Action Hero. I've never seen it actually, remember the time of release but it just wasn't something I would of wanted to see. It's a very poor Schwarzenegger release by all accounts, one of his worst ever. Even more reason not to see it. I like the Austrian doing what he does best, kicking asses on screen, not playing a nonsense such as in Twins or Kindergarten Cop. Not our first Movie star to go into politics, but I will always focus on what he gave us by way of a decent film rather than pursuits outside of the box office. Has achieved in almost a lifetime, what many people can only dream about
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 3,334
    1) Terminator
    2) Predator
    3) Conan the Barbarian
    4) Total Recall
    5) Red Heat
    6) True Lies
    7) Raw Deal
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    No mention of Last Action Hero. I've never seen it actually, remember the time of release but it just wasn't something I would of wanted to see. It's a very poor Schwarzenegger release by all accounts, one of his worst ever. Even more reason not to see it. I like the Austrian doing what he does best, kicking asses on screen, not playing a nonsense such as in Twins or Kindergarten Cop. Not our first Movie star to go into politics, but I will always focus on what he gave us by way of a decent film rather than pursuits outside of the box office. Has achieved in almost a lifetime, what many people can only dream about

    Kindergarten Cop was rather good though. Nowhere near a great movie, but a good time. Arnie doing some softer scenes as well as kicking ass is pretty welcome - his awkwardness during such less adrenalin pumped scenes is always very entertaining.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,884
    his awkwardness during such less adrenalin pumped scenes is always very entertaining.

  • Posts: 2,341
    I will list my top five Arnold films:
    1. Predator
    2. Terminator
    3. Total Recall
    4. The Sixth Day (I was surprised this was quite good)
    5. Commando

    Running Man was such bullshytt. the book by Stephen King (writting as Bachman) was so so much better. i wish they had gone for a straight adaptation instead of that slamming on TV and gameshows. It has its moments but for the most part it was so tongue in cheek. Maria Conchita Alonso was good BTW.
  • Posts: 11,216
    I quite liked Collateral Damage when I saw it.
  • BAIN123 wrote:
    I quite liked Collateral Damage when I saw it.
    I need to see that again-- I saw it right when it came out and all I remember was him biting a guys ear off and spitting it out :))
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited September 2012 Posts: 28,694
    BAIN123 wrote:
    I quite liked Collateral Damage when I saw it.
    I need to see that again-- I saw it right when it came out and all I remember was him biting a guys ear off and spitting it out :))
    Are you sure it was Collateral Damage that you saw??

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