Things you're ashamed to admit as a Bond fan

edited August 2012 in Bond Movies Posts: 16
I'm not sure that there has been a consolidated thread on this topic before, but I thought it might be interesting and cathartic for us to share and discuss the things we're ashamed to admit as Bond fans. What I mean is: we're all told things like "Sean Connery is the best Bond - bar none" and "OHMSS is an underrated gem" and "the Moore movies are an embarrassment" - but what if you don't necessarily agree? What if your opinions don't line up with the popular ones?

Let me say first that I don't think we should question each other's true "fandom". If we're posting on this site, I think it's fair to say we are all devoted and educated Bond fans.

Now, with that said (and with the understanding that I own all 22 official films and watch them frequently), here are a list of some of the things I'm ashamed to admit as a Bond fan:

1. I really don't like OHMSS. I think it's highly overrated. The plot is silly and Blofield's motivation is weak and semi-unintelligible. I don't think Lazenby was a good Bond. I'm glad he only did one film. I think I like Dianna Rigg and I like to see Bond grow emotionally attached to a woman, but it's hard to buy his true and deep feelings when he shares a bed of straw with her in the barn literally the night after sharing a bed with two other women. Tracy's dad is a sexist oaf. And worst of all is the sound mix. Dialogue is too soft, action is too damn loud. And I hate Lazenby dubbed as Sir Hillary Bray. Allergies? Really? "You will learn to love chickens. Love their flesh, love their voice." Seriously? "The hay fever, or the inability to eat meat, or the sickness caused by the oysters."

2. I re-watch Moore and Brosnan's movies more than any others. I know that - on the whole - they are much sillier, but I think it's just that escapist quality that makes them more fun to watch over and over. I will admit that "From Russia With Love" or "Casino Royale" or "Goldfinger" are vastly better movies, but they aren't as enjoyable. If I'm going to sit down after a hard day, I'd rather watch Moore or Brosnan than Connery or Craig.

3. On that same note, I don't really like Connery. I know, I know. Let the flaming begin. But his movies are dated. There's no getting around it. They're slow and often too long. And I hate the way he treats women. Slapping Tania around and spanking Dink is bad enough, but blackmailing the nurse in "Thunderball" for sex is sick and over the line.

4. Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond and "Casino Royale" is my favorite movie. Yes - I know. Those seem like the choices of a new fan or an uninformed one, but I'm neither. I think Craig has the interesting ability to show a Bond who simultaneously takes pleasure in and despises the finer things in life that he uses to mask his emotional pain and guilt. That's who Bond is to me.

5. Barring the obvious problems of a weak plot and a shaky camera, I think "Quantum of Solace" is pretty great. As an American, though, I can't say I appreciate the anti-US sentiments.

6. I love Timothy Dalton as Bond, but I like "The Living Daylights" better than "Licence to Kill", which is weird since TLD seems almost more like one of Roger's films. Maybe it's just that LTK is too dark to re-watch often.

7. On a similar note, Pam Bouvier is my favorite Bond girl, and the short cut is sexy as hell. (Although better down than gelled, I'll admit.)

8. I love "Live and Let Die" and I love "A View to A Kill". There - I said it. And yes, Grace Jones freaks me out, but that's part of the fun!

9. In Bond gaming - I never really took to "Nightfire", and certainly not to "Agent Under Fire". I know those are popular here on the gaming forums. I think Bond gaming peaked with "Everything or Nothing". "Bloodstone" had potential, but was too short and the story was far too nebulous. The new GE007 sucked. We all now it.

10. I think the Broccoli family has done a fabulous job maintaining the franchise. What some see as inconsistency, I see as adaptability and a willingness to tailor their storylines to the actors' strengths. The fluctuation in "quality" is really too subjective to measure, and with a franchise made up of 22 films, some are obviously going to be better than others.

11. I've only read one Fleming book - "Casino Royale" - and I thought the movie was better. Fleming's dialogue was painful. Maybe I'd enjoy some of the other books better if I gave them a try.

12. Fleming seems like a jerk in interviews and so does John Barry. Maybe I'm wrong.

13. Okay - I know I've been all about tolerance here, but one thing I can't stand is when people (like Lee Tamahori, for instance) posit the theory that James Bond is a codename and that all the actors that have played him are actually individual MI6 agents. Ugg... I mean, Tracy is referenced in the Moore era, the Dalton era, and (albeit indirectly) in the Brosnan era. Now that said - I think it is reasonable to speculate if a new timeline has begun with Craig and will continue from here or dovetail with the existing one. I'm hoping for the latter, somehow.

So share (if you dare) and feel free to comment on my views too.




  • I agree with you on the codename thing, just stupid. And Pam is my favourite Bond girl too. Disagree about Connery, his films were made in the 60s so they're bound to feel a bit dated, the stuff with women was normal at the time and apart from GF and DN I don't think any of his films feel slow. Anyway, now for my post.

    I think CR and Daniel Craig are overrated. I think Craig is good, but not as amazing as some make out, when people are comparing him to Connery, etc, I just don't see it. I am looking forward to him playing classic Bond in SF though, my opinion might change then.

    CR has a great first half, but some of the dialouge with Bond and Vesper (the whole armour thing especially), is just ugh, and the finale with the sinking house I think is too OTT for the film and uses too much CGI.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 1,492
    wdm wrote:
    5. Barring the obvious problems of a weak plot and a shaky camera, I think "Quantum of Solace" is pretty great.

    I have been arguing this since its release.
    wdm wrote:
    12. Fleming seems like a jerk in interviews and so does John Barry. Maybe I'm wrong.

    How? Can you give an example?

  • edited August 2012 Posts: 299
    I applaud you for the honesty of your post @wdm. I agree with some of your points, but not with others.

    For staters, I disagree with your view about OHMSS. In my opinion it's the best 007 movie from top to bottom. It's extremely well made. However, I have also read the Fleming novel which I happen to love, and I believe that only heightens my appreciation, since it is quite loyal to it. Perhaps if you get a chance to read it at some point, your opinion may change. But the film is very special to me, and I feel that it is arguably the only one of the series which transcends the genre, which is something quite rare.

    I also disagree with you about Sean Connery. Though I am willing to side with those who prefer Dalton or Craig, Sir Sean can really do no wrong in my eyes as Bond. He was the template, and a damn fine one at that. The same thing for his films. They are of a different pace because they are of a different time. But I have no problem with that. For what they are, some of them work beautifully. My only real critique of Connery is his obvious lack of interest in his last two films, particularly YOLT. That, unfortunately, takes me out of the movie.

    On the other hand I agree with you about the watchability aspect of the Moore and Brosnan films. Though I hold most of Connery's in higher regard, I do agree that the others (Moore much more so than Brosnan) can be more fun.

    I also agree with your love of Dalton, but I differ on the latter point. Yes, LTK is much heavier and darker, but I've got no problem with that. It plays to his strengths so I have a more fulfilling time watching it over TLD.

    Further elaborating on that point, Pam Bouvier is not necessarily my favorite Bond girl, but she's definitely in the top 3. I always though she was great. And agree with you about the short hair looking better when it's loose and not gelled.

    Casino Royale is not my favorite film as indicated above, but it's pretty close. So I agree in your appreciation. I also feel quite similarly to you about Daniel Craig. I have equal appreciation for Connery and Dalton, but Craig is the real deal in my eyes.

    I do love Live And Let Die (despite its flaws), but not so much A View To A Kill. I have a fondness for the latter because of childhood memories, and I love the song and the score. But I really can't get beyond that at this point.

    I agree with your assessment of the Brocollis. I think you described it well.

    Again, kudos for your post.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    I think Dalton is good but painfully overrated and find that he attracts an army of pretentious Bond fans.

    Connery and Craig are the best Bond actors but like the OP I find myself rewatching the Moore films more for the same reasons.

    TMWTGG is vastly underrated and overly criticised

    Gert Frobe is the best thing about the movie, GF

    Brosnan's best performance was in TND even though it's not his best Bond film overall.

    As much as I love Craig and would love him to do multiple Bond flicks, I'm almost convinced Bond 24 will be his last.

    EoN not casting Monica Bellucci in a Bond film is the biggest missed opportunity in the series

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    We already have 37 pages of this:

    Careful though, as things can often get very heated.
  • Posts: 1,548
    I honestly think Dan Craig is at least on a par with Connery as Bond because he's a better actor. The fact he was the first Bond definitely helped create the "best Bond ever" tag.
  • doubleoego wrote:
    I think Dalton is good but painfully overrated and find that he attracts an army of pretentious Bond fans.

    And who was that aimed at?
    LeChiffre wrote:
    I honestly think Dan Craig is at least on a par with Connery as Bond because he's a better actor. The fact he was the first Bond definitely helped create the "best Bond ever" tag.

    I don't agree with Craig being on par with Connery but I definetly think him being first helps create the best Bond ever tag. Somebody did a great write up about this on another thread.
  • wdmwdm
    Posts: 16
    wdm wrote:
    12. Fleming seems like a jerk in interviews and so does John Barry. Maybe I'm wrong.

    How? Can you give an example?


    Yeah, although - admittedly - not a great one.

    On Barry, I remember from one of the DVD extras (probably the one on Bond music, but I forget which movie that came with) he said something about not caring to watch Bond movies after he stopped working on them and that he didn't care to listen to the music either. I don't know - it just seemed egotistical to me. But on the other hand, I know he recommended Arnold, so there's that. I'm sure he was a fine person.

    The Fleming thing is just a personality difference. I guess I get rubbed the wrong way by the idea that he wrote CR as his goodbye to a (presumably raucous) bachelorhood. I don't think I'd like hearing that if I was his future wife. But, I'm not a good example...I got married as fast as I could to the only girl I really ever dated at age 21. And yes, we're still married.

    doubleoego wrote:

    TMWTGG is vastly underrated and overly criticised

    I totally agree. I used to be a detractor, but - oddly enough - it was my wife who changed my opinion on it. It's fun and funny and Maud Adams was smoking something fierce. I could do without the slide-whistle, but we all know that.

    On a related issue: Sheriff Pepper. I can intellectually assent to the fact that he should never have been allowed within 100 miles of a Bond film...I'm from the American South, so I should be offended that such a negative caricature was played by an actor from NY...but still, I can't help but shake my head and laugh. Actually - probably shouldn't admit this - but reminds me a lot of my late grandfather (who was a perfectly decent if - opinionated - individual).

    "What are you...Some kind of Doomsday machine, booey?"
    Samuel001 wrote:
    We already have 37 pages of this:

    Careful though, as things can often get very heated.

    I see. I have noticed that one before, but it honestly slipped my mind. This topic seems nuanced enough to merit a different thread, but if the moderators want to move it over to the the controversial-opinions one, I won't complain.

    Finally, several of you mentioned that Sean Connery and his movies are great because they set the template. I completely agree with you. We wouldn't have Bond as he is and has been if it weren't for SC and at least his first four films. And I acknowledge that it was a different time and the sexual mores were different, but still...damn.

    "Wake up or I'll leave you behind" SLAP. "Wake up or I'll leave you behind" SLAP.

    That coupled with SC's own statements about women needing a good beating every-now-and-then have just colored my negative perceptions of him.

    Thanks for all the responses! I hope we can keep this discussion going!


  • edited August 2012 Posts: 4,813
    doubleoego wrote:
    I think Dalton is good but painfully overrated and find that he attracts an army of pretentious Bond fans.
    Oh good I'm glad I saved this from before:


    doubleoego wrote:
    EoN not casting Monica Bellucci in a Bond film is the biggest missed opportunity in the series
    Totally agree- that woman had Bond written all over her! To a lesser degree, Liz Hurley- another girl I would have loved to see in the 90's
    wdm wrote:
    And I acknowledge that it was a different time and the sexual mores were different, but still...damn.
    "Wake up or I'll leave you behind" SLAP. "Wake up or I'll leave you behind" SLAP.
    That coupled with SC's own statements about women needing a good beating every-now-and-then have just colored my negative perceptions of him.

    'James you're hurting me!'


    Yeesh, what was he going to do??
  • wdmwdm
    Posts: 16
    To Master Dahark: :)) This is now my new desktop.

    Liz Hurley definitely should have had a go, but I guess she was "tainted" by Austin Powers. (Man, that sounds dirty!)

    On a related note - does Craig have something against blondes or what? I'm still holding out for an appearance from Yvonne Strahovski. She'd make a great addition as the first Australian Bond girl.
  • Posts: 4,813
    My girlfriend recently got me into How I Met Your Mother, and let me tell you-- if they try a Canadian locale in a future movie then they have to get Cobie Smulders in there. My god I am in love with her!

    It was only then that I finally put it together 'hey, that's the same girl I said was hot in The Avengers!' :))
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Ashamed of as a Bond fan ... well, nothing really I can come up with. Except that I really don't like the taste of a vodka martini. ;)
  • Ashamed of as a Bond fan ... well, nothing really I can come up with. Except that I really don't like the taste of a vodka martini. ;)

    I have to admit, I hated it as well when I first tried it. But kept trying it (most likely in denial), until eventually I developed a taste for it. Now I really enjoy it without any problem. It's a little pathetic the lengths we go to sometimes to live out a fantasy.

  • doubleoego wrote:
    I think Dalton is good but painfully overrated and find that he attracts an army of pretentious Bond fans.
    Oh good I'm glad I saved this from before:



    :)) I'm saving that picture.
  • Posts: 11,216
    I've got a blu ray box set of 6 Bond films. Dr No, FRWL, TB, FYEO and DAD.

    While I have slipped all of them into the player at one point or another DAD is by far the one I've played the most - I hasten to add just to watch certain scenes rather than the whole film.
  • Posts: 4,813
    wdm wrote:
    To Master Dahark: :)) This is now my new desktop.
    :)) I'm saving that picture.
    :) It's from the Bond Questions thread- he's giving the finger to Brosnan

  • edited August 2012 Posts: 3,494
    My responses in bold-
    wdm wrote:
    I'm not sure that there has been a consolidated thread on this topic before, but I thought it might be interesting and cathartic for us to share and discuss the things we're ashamed to admit as Bond fans. What I mean is: we're all told things like "Sean Connery is the best Bond - bar none" and "OHMSS is an underrated gem" and "the Moore movies are an embarrassment" - but what if you don't necessarily agree? What if your opinions don't line up with the popular ones?

    Let me say first that I don't think we should question each other's true "fandom". If we're posting on this site, I think it's fair to say we are all devoted and educated Bond fans.

    Now, with that said (and with the understanding that I own all 22 official films and watch them frequently), here are a list of some of the things I'm ashamed to admit as a Bond fan:

    1. I really don't like OHMSS. I think it's highly overrated. The plot is silly and Blofield's motivation is weak and semi-unintelligible. I don't think Lazenby was a good Bond. I'm glad he only did one film. I think I like Diana Rigg and I like to see Bond grow emotionally attached to a woman, but it's hard to buy his true and deep feelings when he shares a bed of straw with her in the barn literally the night after sharing a bed with two other women. Tracy's dad is a sexist oaf. And worst of all is the sound mix. Dialogue is too soft, action is too damn loud. And I hate Lazenby dubbed as Sir Hillary Bray. Allergies? Really? "You will learn to love chickens. Love their flesh, love their voice." Seriously? "The hay fever, or the inability to eat meat, or the sickness caused by the oysters."

    The only thing I'd completely agree with is that Lazenby was not a good Bond. Action hero, fine, but not experienced enough to take the movie to the heights it needed to be, thusly people rejected the film and demanded Connery's return. Otherwise, the film is fine as it is for my taste.

    2. I re-watch Moore and Brosnan's movies more than any others. I know that - on the whole - they are much sillier, but I think it's just that escapist quality that makes them more fun to watch over and over. I will admit that "From Russia With Love" or "Casino Royale" or "Goldfinger" are vastly better movies, but they aren't as enjoyable. If I'm going to sit down after a hard day, I'd rather watch Moore or Brosnan than Connery or Craig.

    While almost everyone loves Sir Roger, his and Brosnan's portrayals are not my idealized Bond. Too goofy with sound and sight gags I enjoy better in a Helm/Powers film when they truly belong, and too lightweight in tone for the most part, they don't represent the grit and realism of what a real life spy does and are not true to Fleming or Connery or Bond in general.

    3. On that same note, I don't really like Connery. I know, I know. Let the flaming begin. But his movies are dated. There's no getting around it. They're slow and often too long. And I hate the way he treats women. Slapping Tania around and spanking Dink is bad enough, but blackmailing the nurse in "Thunderball" for sex is sick and over the line.

    You're welcome to your thought and I won't flame you out. Connery was the one and only Bond when I first saw Thunderball in 1968 so obviously he is the king of Bonds for me, and my all time favorite in anything else. Everyone has their ideas on what you may rightly interpret as the sexism of the day, but the rest of what you say makes me think you must be on the younger side, because that's a common thought with many who are. If it's not slam bang action every 15 minutes or so, some of the teens or twenty somethings here get bored.

    4. Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond and "Casino Royale" is my favorite movie. Yes - I know. Those seem like the choices of a new fan or an uninformed one, but I'm neither. I think Craig has the interesting ability to show a Bond who simultaneously takes pleasure in and despises the finer things in life that he uses to mask his emotional pain and guilt. That's who Bond is to me.

    I appreciate your thoughts here. Many informed fans agree that CR is a classic in any Bond era and that Craig is doing a fine job.

    5. Barring the obvious problems of a weak plot and a shaky camera, I think "Quantum of Solace" is pretty great. As an American, though, I can't say I appreciate the anti-US sentiments.

    I will say that it is much better than those who hate it say it is, but too many problems for me to call it great either. The writer's strike mostly did it in, but the producers should share the blame for allowing people who worked on Bourne films to shoot it like a Bourne film. As an American, I don't have a problem with the tone. Our government has been screwed up for too many years and turned into the warmongers we accused the Soviets of being for all those years.

    6. I love Timothy Dalton as Bond, but I like "The Living Daylights" better than "Licence to Kill", which is weird since TLD seems almost more like one of Roger's films. Maybe it's just that LTK is too dark to re-watch often.

    I love Dalton and both his films. Always a joy to watch.

    7. On a similar note, Pam Bouvier is my favorite Bond girl, and the short cut is sexy as hell. (Although better down than gelled, I'll admit.)

    That's the worst haircut short of Grace Jones' in the series. Much better before. She looks like a poodle after it's been clipped. I don't date women with hair like that, butch, mannish, and unattractive period. You can have them. Yecccccccccch.

    8. I love "Live and Let Die" and I love "A View to A Kill". There - I said it. And yes, Grace Jones freaks me out, but that's part of the fun!

    The first yes, the latter not so much. Walken and his crew are awesome, good Barry score, it has some things going for it. But Sir Roger was way too old and the series had become stale and too cliched. OP should have been it for Moore, Dalton or Brosnan would have been way better.

    9. In Bond gaming - I never really took to "Nightfire", and certainly not to "Agent Under Fire". I know those are popular here on the gaming forums. I think Bond gaming peaked with "Everything or Nothing". "Bloodstone" had potential, but was too short and the story was far too nebulous. The new GE007 sucked. We all now it.

    10. I think the Broccoli family has done a fabulous job maintaining the franchise. What some see as inconsistency, I see as adaptability and a willingness to tailor their storylines to the actors' strengths. The fluctuation in "quality" is really too subjective to measure, and with a franchise made up of 22 films, some are obviously going to be better than others.

    11. I've only read one Fleming book - "Casino Royale" - and I thought the movie was better. Fleming's dialogue was painful. Maybe I'd enjoy some of the other books better if I gave them a try.

    No movies without the books, I suggest you read on for a greater understanding of the nature of the character. Will mostly confirm my thoughts regarding your second point.

    12. Fleming seems like a jerk in interviews and so does John Barry. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Fleming was a bit of a upper class snob, that much is true. I couldn't say he wasn't a jerk, maybe he was. Barry, I know people who knew him personally. That's the last thing they'd say about him, by all accounts a good guy.

    13. Okay - I know I've been all about tolerance here, but one thing I can't stand is when people (like Lee Tamahori, for instance) posit the theory that James Bond is a codename and that all the actors that have played him are actually individual MI6 agents. Ugg... I mean, Tracy is referenced in the Moore era, the Dalton era, and (albeit indirectly) in the Brosnan era. Now that said - I think it is reasonable to speculate if a new timeline has begun with Craig and will continue from here or dovetail with the existing one. I'm hoping for the latter, somehow.

    Tamahori is an idiot. DAD is proof he didn't understand Bond, that statement proves it. The worst film in the series.

    So share (if you dare) and feel free to comment on my views too.


    To otherwise answer, MR and DAD make me ashamed.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    *Sean made DAF.
    *Roger played Bond like a comedy show.

  • *Roger played Bond like a comedy show.

    @Getafix made this point on another thread: he didn't play it like a comedy show. Sometimes stupid things around him would happen like sound/sight gags, but Roger played it fairly straight, just laughing at it all. Sure he had the one liners, but so do most Bonds. He still had his really dark moments too.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    *Roger played Bond like a comedy show.

    @Getafix made this point on another thread: he didn't play it like a comedy show. Sometimes stupid things around him would happen like sound/sight gags, but Roger played it fairly straight, just laughing at it all. Sure he had the one liners, but so do most Bonds. He still had his really dark moments too.

    There is straight comedy throughout the films. And when Bond is a joke, it's a comedy show, nonetheless a travesty.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited August 2012 Posts: 9,117
    wdm wrote:
    The Fleming thing is just a personality difference. The Fleming thing is just a personality difference. I guess I get rubbed the wrong way by the idea that he wrote CR as his goodbye to a (presumably raucous) bachelorhood. I don't think I'd like hearing that if I was his future wife. But, I'm not a good example...I got married as fast as I could to the only girl I really ever dated at age 21. And yes, we're still married.

    Thats a bit flimsy isnt it? I dont personally care for Seans hypocrisy in banging on about Scottish nationalism then him having no problem accepting a knighthood or Rogs bleating about foie gras but I appreciate and enjoy their contribution to the series.

    wdm wrote:
    On a related issue: Sheriff Pepper. I can intellectually assent to the fact that he should never have been allowed within 100 miles of a Bond film...I'm from the American South, so I should be offended that such a negative caricature was played by an actor from NY...but still, I can't help but shake my head and laugh. Actually - probably shouldn't admit this - but reminds me a lot of my late grandfather (who was a perfectly decent if - opinionated - individual).

    "What are you...Some kind of Doomsday machine, booey?"

    In all fairness and despite being ashamed of myself I have to agree with you here. Clifton James just hits it out of the park so far its impossible not to enjoy JW.
    wdm wrote:
    "Wake up or I'll leave you behind" SLAP. "Wake up or I'll leave you behind" SLAP.

    That coupled with SC's own statements about women needing a good beating every-now-and-then have just colored my negative perceptions of him.

    Your quotes are entirely incorrect. Bond hits Tania once just after Kerim has been killed and he is angry at this silly little girl who doesnt understand what shes mixed up in. Although I dont agree with hitting women obviously, she needed a metaphorical slap in the face to wake up and smell the coffee that Klebb had stitched her up and they were in real trouble.

    Dont really see how Seans own attitudes to hitting women have any relevance. You are comparing a fictional character with a real person - they are not the same even if they share the same face. You seem to be saying that hitting Tania coupled with his Playboy interview where he said you can slap a woman all add up to you disliking Sean/Bond.
    On this dubious logic presumably you would punch Donald Pleasance if you saw him in the street for trying to bring about world war 3? Are you one of those people who wrote to the government to release Deidre Barlow when she got sent down?
  • Thats a bit flimsy isnt it? I dont personally care for Seans hypocrisy in banging on about Scottish nationalism then him having no problem accepting a knighthood

    Same. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with Scottland being independant, but I don't think the best mascot for it is a guy with a knighthood who lives in the Bahamas and doesn't even pay UK taxes.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Thats a bit flimsy isnt it? I dont personally care for Seans hypocrisy in banging on about Scottish nationalism then him having no problem accepting a knighthood

    Same. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with Scottland being independant, but I don't think the best mascot for it is a guy with a knighthood who lives in the Bahamas and doesn't even pay UK taxes.

    Haha. Presumably hes doesnt like paying taxes to fund the English despite most of it being siphoned off over the border to pay for his compatriots dole and NHS.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited August 2012 Posts: 14,884
    I'm not ashamed to say I love DAD. Sure, it sits somewhere near the bottom of my list- but I find it more watchable than a couple of other entries. If I had to be ashamed of anything, it's owning all of Fleming's novels and only having read two of them. [-X
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    I'm ashamed to say that I honestly thought GoldenEye was the first ever James Bond movie when I was younger. :p
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    QBranch wrote:
    I'm not ashamed to say I love DAD. Sure, it sits somewhere near the bottom of my list- but I find it more watchable than a couple of other entries. If I had to be ashamed of anything, it's owning all of Fleming's novels and only having read two of them. [-X
    Ah, but which two??

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited August 2012 Posts: 14,884
    FRWL and TB :D
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    QBranch wrote:
    FRWL and TB :D

    Not CR?! You should be ashamed. Of any two, that should be one included! ;)
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    I've read Casino Royale, Live and Let Die, and Thunderball and Silverfin.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited August 2012 Posts: 14,884
    QBranch wrote:
    FRWL and TB :D
    Not CR?! You should be ashamed. Of any two, that should be one included! ;)
    Actually, I started to read it a while ago, but for some reason never finished it. I also read a bit of Devil May Care. I used to read a lot, but these days I find it hard to get in the mood. I'm too busy sitting in front of the computer working on projects.
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