Quantum of Solace. Let's make it better!

edited March 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 4,813
I'm of the smaller pool that likes Quantum of Solace very much- it just isn't as good as Casino Royale, and in that regard, it disappointed as a follow-up.
But I was searching youtube and came across this:

It's the 'rejected' theme song for Quantum. I REALLY like this song and it would have actually helped the film as a whole- I remember thinking to myself 'thank god' then the opening credits were over when I saw it in the theatre. Not a good way to start a film IMO

Other than that, I've heard others mention: slow down the damn fights- add at least 15 minutes to the film....

What are your thoughts?


  • Posts: 11,216
    I've seen this tune aswell and it would have certainly helped build excitement for the rest of the film.

    My suggestions:

    1. Cut the car chase as it adds nothing plotwise and begin with the underground interrogation. Many people unfairly criticise films like AVTAK and TWINE but at least they set up their story better than this.

    2. Give more screen time to Dominic Green.

    3. Give his scheme a bit more clout. The environmental undertone may be a relevant issue but frankly is boring in Bond-land. (e.g. maybe have him poison the water)

    4. Cut/slow down the other action sequences

    5. Give more screen time to Fields.

    6. Don't kill Mathis

  • Less emphasis on action. The opening car and foot chases were fine-- but the boat chase and free-fall sequence were unnecessary. More emphasis on character and dialogue and atmosphere. There are a couple other things I'd change but that's always been my main gripe with the film.
  • Posts: 1,497
    I thought Matthew Amalric's Dominic Greene was a pretty weak villain. We got the force-fed psycho back story and his dialogue was so gag inducing. He was annoying in a Gustav Graves sort of way. Get a better villain, somebody older, especially if we are dealing with big business and oil.

    Also I was disappointed they didn't dig deeper into the Quantum organization. The opening scene with Mr. White left me wanting more on that story. We still really have no idea what Quantum is about. By From Russia With Love, and Dr. No even, we already had a clear idea what Spectre was about. I would have had some more back-room Quantum scenes to make QOS more interesting.

    Also it's not very Bondian, for Camille and Bond to be isolated in a desert together, and no sparks fly what so ever. He doesn't even get the girl in the end.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 11,216
    Quoting JBFan626: Get a better villain, somebody older, especially if we are dealing with big
    business and oil.

    Dominic Green had no cool character traits or physical presence. At least Gustav had a bit more of a campy, OTT quality to him. Green was just...forgettable.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Make the run-time at least 2 hours, slow down the editing during action sequences, dump Dominic Greene and get a real villain and some better henchmen, and make the plot understandable.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    BAIN123 wrote:
    I've seen this tune aswell and it would have certainly helped build excitement for the rest of the film.

    My suggestions:

    1. Cut the car chase as it adds nothing plotwise and begin with the underground interrogation. Many people unfairly criticise films like AVTAK and TWINE but at least they set up their story better than this.

    2. Give more screen time to Dominic Green.

    3. Give his scheme a bit more clout. The environmental undertone may be a relevant issue but frankly is boring in Bond-land. (e.g. maybe have him poison the water)

    4. Cut/slow down the other action sequences

    5. Give more screen time to Fields.

    6. Don't kill Mathis

    I agree with the ones I left alone, don't agree with the slashed out ones, and I'm uncertain about the underlined one.

    Mathis shouldn't have died, and Greene deserved more screen time.

    The action sequences also went a little too long in some scenes (chasing Mitchel in particular) and too short in others (when the CIA moves in on Bond after his meeting with Felix).

    Fields was used well, and her death was also done well.

    The car chase was a necessary beginning, with a great line at its conclusion. GF's PTS is the one that should have been cut.

    Now, about Greene's plan, I actually think it works well. Put a dictator in power (General Mendrano), cause a drought, then extort money out of the dictator they put in power by providing him water & sewer. What else did it need?
  • SharkShark Banned
    Posts: 348
    I'm of the smaller pool that likes Quantum of Solace very much- it just isn't as good as Casino Royale, and in that regard, it disappointed as a follow-up.
    But I was searching youtube and came across this:


  • Posts: 11,216
    Shark wrote:
    I'm of the smaller pool that likes Quantum of Solace very much- it just isn't as good as Casino Royale, and in that regard, it disappointed as a follow-up.
    But I was searching youtube and came across this:


    At least it has a tune, something AWTD lacks.
  • You don't like that song Shark? I think it's way better than what we ended up with! Hey have you seen that other thread floating around here that's all about 'alternate themes'? There's some real gems in there!
  • Posts: 1,856
    BAIN123 wrote:
    <blockquote><a href="/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/7034#Comment_7034">Quoting JBFan626</a>: Get a better villain, somebody older, especially if we are dealing with big
    business and oil. <BR><BR></blockquote>

    Dominic Green had no cool character traits or physical presence. At least Gustav had a bit more of a campy, OTT quality to him. Green was just...forgettable.

    Who the heck is Green?!


    1. Replace AWTD with WNLY from the game
    2. Beef up the diolouge
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    edited January 2012 Posts: 7,854
    After listening to that "rejected theme", I can understand why it was rejected. AWTD fit the tone and plot better.

    The song would have made good CR credits music, though.
  • Posts: 1,548
    While I think QOS is very slightly underrated I agree with all the above criticisms, mainly the weakness of the main villain and henchmen.
  • Posts: 11,216
    Another thing, get a decent gunbarrel. I don't care if its at the start or at the end but slow it the hell down.

    Compare this (my favourite gunbarrel):

    to this (easily my least favourite):

  • Posts: 11,425
    BAIN123 wrote:
    I've seen this tune aswell and it would have certainly helped build excitement for the rest of the film.

    My suggestions:

    1. Cut the car chase as it adds nothing plotwise and begin with the underground interrogation. Many people unfairly criticise films like AVTAK and TWINE but at least they set up their story better than this.

    2. Give more screen time to Dominic Green.

    3. Give his scheme a bit more clout. The environmental undertone may be a relevant issue but frankly is boring in Bond-land. (e.g. maybe have him poison the water)

    4. Cut/slow down the other action sequences

    5. Give more screen time to Fields.

    6. Don't kill Mathis

    1. I rather liked the car chase. The almost silent shot flying across the lake builds nicely into the chase. Obviously, I don't approve of the excessive automatic weapons useage.

    2. Dom Green was a potentially interesting character (good casting) but simply not mad enough. The recent Craig-era tendency towards realism can be as unsatisfying as the Brozza-era fantasy nonsense.

    3.Totally agree that Green's 'steal all the water' plan is pretty bland. It reminds me of Dr. Evil's '$1m' demand. He could have at least poisoned the water and threatened to kill everyone.

    4. I seem to remember the action being not too bad. Final hotel show-down is not great though. Too much CGI for one thing.

    5. Noooooo - Agent Fields was awful. I was actually happy to see her dead, which is surely not the idea.

    6. Mathis was okay -acting a touch of eurotrash 'class' that is an essential ingredient of a quality Bond movie - but how many recurring characters does Bond need? I think he'd served his purpose.

    Overall, QoS was moderately entertaining and mercifully short after the sometimes slumber-inducing CR. I think the plot and script faults are at least partly down to the writers' strike.
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 11,216
    Getafix wrote:
    BAIN123 wrote:
    I've seen this tune aswell and it would have certainly helped build excitement for the rest of the film.

    1. I rather liked the car chase. The almost silent shot flying across the lake builds nicely into the chase. Obviously, I don't approve of the excessive automatic weapons useage.

    I just think that two lengthy chase scenes in under 15 minutes is pushing things a bit.
  • Posts: 11,425
    You're right. It would nice to have a properly paced Bond movie with the right mix of action and drama. I suppose CR achieved that to some extent although I think the Miami airport scene is totally surplus to requirements.
  • Posts: 11,216
    Getafix wrote:
    You're right. It would nice to have a properly paced Bond movie with the right mix of action and drama. I suppose CR achieved that to some extent although I think the Miami airport scene is totally surplus to requirements.

    I liked the Miami airport scene. Dare I say I preferred it to the construction chase at the start. It was a well shot and exciting sequence and you really felt Bond was desperate to stop the would-be bomber. The icing on the cake was the bomber inadvertantly blowing himself to hell and Craig's evil grin.
  • Posts: 17,878
    1. Since i saw QOS the first time, I always felt the film would be better with Mr. White having a bigger role in the film - and the story. After he escapes, the film loose some tension.

    2. The whole water plot was a bit weak. A little re-writing and we could have a better - more evil plot, still keeping up with current international issues.

    3. As for Dominic Greene, he hasn't got the physical presence that you expect from a Bond villain. Just give us something to remember him by - a clever line if not anything else.

    4. I rather liked the action, but the hotel scene wasn't what I hoped it would be. I don't know, maybe I didn't like the location that much.

    5. Fields was a bit forgettable. More screen time would maybe solved that problem. Her death was clever enough, though. As for Mathis, I think he could have been given more screen time too, at least killing him of at the end of the film.

    Other than that, I don't know, better theme song, a longer movie and better dialogue maybe?
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Although I do have a love/hate relationship with the theme of QoS but I think it's more fitting to the film then the one posted above.
    I like the PTS car chase at the begnning of the film but it wasn't really needed. The PTS should of been when Bond arrives with White up to the point when Bond is hanging upside down, by the rope that's wrapped around his ankle, and he shoots the bad guy.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    edited January 2012 Posts: 6,538
    BAIN123 wrote:
    I've seen this tune aswell and it would have certainly helped build excitement for the rest of the film.

    My suggestions:

    1. Cut the car chase as it adds nothing plotwise and begin with the underground interrogation. Many people unfairly criticise films like AVTAK and TWINE but at least they set up their story better than this.

    2. Give more screen time to Dominic Green.

    3. Give his scheme a bit more clout. The environmental undertone may be a relevant issue but frankly is boring in Bond-land. (e.g. maybe have him poison the water)

    4. Cut/slow down the other action sequences

    5. Give more screen time to Fields.

    6. Don't kill Mathis

    These are great suggestions.

    1. Agreed. I think the car chase is irrelevant--who is chasing Bond exactly? Quantum underlings? Where did they come from? Inside White's chateau? Then where were they when Bond trespassed onto the property at the end of CR? Or did White alert them? How? Bond already had him pinned down in CR.

    Open with the interrogation and foot chase/fall, leading into the titles.

    2. Agreed. The early scenes with Greene and Camille are intriguing and creepy in a Thunderball way but don't go far enough. Did he fall for her while she is merely using him? Is she conflicted about having slept with him to get to Medrano?

    3. Agreed. Energy schemes rarely work in Bond films (TMWTTG, TWINE)--it doesn't feel escapist enough.

    4. Agreed. Everyone always decries the opening car chase, but I think the boat and plane sequences are just as much of a mess.

    5. Agreed. It would have been more dramatic to see Fields in a bit of jeopardy by the villains--a la Della in LTK--before Bond discovers her body.

    6. Very much agreed. After many missteps over the years (the rotating cast of Leiters, Jack Wade), they finally found the right actor and role for a believable recurring ally. Mathis should have been a much longer-term ally for Bond. This is the biggest mistake in the entire film for me.
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