Nick Nack on the oche

TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
edited September 2012 in News Posts: 9,117
Did anyone just catch World of Sport on ITV4?

It's basically a run through of 70s sports footage also including the classic Indoor League with Fred Trueman.

And who should pop up playing darts against the one and only Brian Clough but Herve Villechaize himself!! Utterly mental. The board is about 3 foot above his head and the poor guy has to throw upwards at 45 degrees.
Check out ITV player if you think I'm making it up.

Has to go down as number two in the all time list of most preposterous example of a Bond henchman cashing in on his fame clips.


  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I can't view it from where I live, but that sounds ridiculous and hilarious! We should make a list of "examples of a Bond henchman cashing in on his fame" and see what comes to mind.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,483
    "Has to go down as number two in the all time list of most preposterous example of a Bond henchman cashing in on his fame clips."


    What's the first one, Wiz?
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited September 2014 Posts: 9,117
    That would be here old son:

    RIP Richard but what were you thinking?

    Although kudos to the guy who came up with it. Even Partridge wouldnt dream of pitching Jaws and Mini Me riding mobility scooters and playing cards with the Swedish bikini team!! Absolutely insane.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Someone has posted the original clip on youtube!!

    I'm really not sure which is the more bizarre of the two! Its almost too surreally Partridge-esque to be real:

    'Arm wrestling with Chas n Dave'
    'Nick Nack playing darts with Cloughie'
    'Youth hostelling with Chris Eubank'
    'Jaws and Mini Me singing in a Swedish barn (properly policed - should not be allowed to turn into a rave)'
    'Monkey Tennis'

  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited August 2019 Posts: 18,483
    Thanks for posting those YouTube clips, @TheWizardOfIce - very enjoyable!
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