Skyfall Questions (Spoilers)



  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,303
    mrnate8 wrote:
    Did anyone spot Michael G. Wilson's cameo in SF yet? How many has he done total starting with which one?

    I think OP was his first, or around there? Anyone?

    He played one of Goldfingers men in GF
    And has appeared in or been heard in every Bond film since TSWLM.
    His scenes in Skyfall were mostly deleted, though as @chamutakram says, he can be seen behind Tanner when he opens the door, as M is viewing the caskets at the Chapel of rest.

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Before Silva escapes, at least 3 guards are seen watching over him, fully armed with machine guns. One of the guards asks Silva if he's planning to go anywhere and Silva sarcastically smirks (obviously a foreshadow to his escape). I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that his door opens when he hacks the system and he is free to walk out of the cell. However, how in the world does he manage to take out the guards? Did I miss something? When Bond runs into the cell room, the guards (whom were armed and Silva wasn't) are seen lying on the ground likely dead. How did he manage to overpower them? Just a question out of interest, I don't have a massive problem with it or anything.

    I on the other hand do have a problem with this.

    The guy is standing a good 10/15 feet from the cell and at that level of security is presumably pretty close to SAS levels of hardness.

    Although its not impossible for Silva to get the jump on him over this distance before he draws his weapon it's more fuel to the fire that Silvas whole 'he planned everything in the minutest detail' relies on outrageous slices of fortune.

    If that guy is on his toes he simply draws his gun and its game over for Silva.

    Either show the body right next to the door implying Silva has tempted him over or show a small scene of Silva snapping his neck or whatever which would also show us what a badass he is.

    I would reference the scene in Die Hard 2 when the General strangles his guard on the plabne as an example of how to do this properly. We don't exactly see how he does it but it doesn't stretch credibility as we've already seen him ask the guy for a light before to get him in close and presume he's done the same again.
    Benny wrote:
    mrnate8 wrote:
    Did anyone spot Michael G. Wilson's cameo in SF yet? How many has he done total starting with which one?

    I think OP was his first, or around there? Anyone?

    He played one of Goldfingers men in GF
    And has appeared in or been heard in every Bond film since TSWLM.
    His scenes in Skyfall were mostly deleted, though as @chamutakram says, he can be seen behind Tanner when he opens the door, as M is viewing the caskets at the Chapel of rest.

    MGWs first cameo was as Oddjob in a long shot as he drives the truck with th compacted Mr Solo in the back.
  • Posts: 266
    I have just been to see it again this morning and there are a few things which you have to fill in the blanks a bit and come up with your own conclusions, but i dont mind that i quite like it when not everything is presented on a plate and you have to use your imangination a bit but Some people may call that lazy writing and be annoyed by it. A couple of examples which have been mentioned are why didn't M pull the agents out as soon as the hard drive got taken and there is a brief scene where Mallory mentions it has been 3 months since they lost the list and asks M if she has thought about pulling the agents out and she doesn't really give a definiate answer but says something like we have thought of everything practical, after that scene you have the attack on MI6 and then Bond comes back and when Tanner is breifing him whilst he is doing some of his tests he says we have no idea who took the list and what they plan to do with it, so my thinking is M didn't pull the agents out straight away because she thought the missions the agents were on are so important that she was willing to wait to see who was going to access the list and see what they were going to do with it and if she pulled the agents out Silva would know that and maybe not do what he was going to do with the list, but once the first 5 names are posted M trys to get them out because she knows they are now in danger. Another thing i see people asking is who the man is who Patrice Assainates and i think he was something to do with M in her hong kong days because after his death it shows M looking on her lap top and there is a picture of the 2 of them together but that is really all you find out. I hope i have explained what i thought about them things ok as i am not very good at putting it in words but i really enjoyed the film and that was the 6th time i've seen it.
  • Posts: 6,079
    A possible answer to why Sévérine and her bodyguards didn't kill the art collector themselves and used Patrice to murder him:

    Plausible deniability. It was better to hire a contract killer and have him snipe the collector rather than doing the job themselves. That way, if the chinese police was involved, they could claim that they didn't know who did the shot. If the murder had taken place in the room, it wouldn't have taken long for the police to put 2 and 2 together and be on their trail. Here, instead of being suspects, they were witnesses, at the wrong place at the wrong time, with the evidence to back them up.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 3,334
    Wasn't the painting stolen, @Gerard? How would Sévérine and her bodyguards explain the murdered Chinaman in the same room as that of a stolen masterpiece? And let's not forget the murdered security guard and the splattered body of Patrice at the foot of the opposing building? In reality they would have been arrested on the spot and not released until Bond was drawing a pension. The Chinese tend to frown upon their fellow countrymen being assassinated, especially when there's more than a hint of foul play with outsiders involved.

    And I agree with @TheWizardOfIce about the ease in which Silva escaped when there were heavily armed guards around him. Silva must have learned a trick or two from David Copperfield to pull that one off.
  • I was excited about a potential new Moneypenny, until I heard the line "declined active duty" from Eve...

    Who is Eve Moneypenny supposed to be? Jane's daughter? niece? Because the Moneypenny I adored was sassy a secretary, who probably loved Bond, but ultimately refused to join a long list of girls notched on his bedpost. Eve is not that character, and while all other changes were awesome (love new M and Q with a passion) I just cannot compute this new Moneypenny.

    Plus, if she was an operative in the field surely she would have been a better shot than she was. Not counting the shooting Bond bit, which is a tough shot, she fires repeatedly at "baddies" in the lead up to that...don't think she actually hit anyone! Bond failed his test on return at, was it 40%? How the hell did she ever pass?!

    Maybe I'm just bitter that Samantha had to retire. But seriously, this Moneypenny has no sass. Don't even get me started on her possible night with Bond.

    Couple of things-

    1. Harris' Moneypenny did refuse Bond's advances, and rightly so. That should never happen.

    2. When I heard they had retired Samantha Bond's version of Moneypenny, I was only disappointed that confetti and balloons weren't raining down from the ceiling. That isn't a knock on Bond herself. She has excellent chemistry with Brosnan, but her dialogue was poorly written smut out of a bad porn film, and the virtual masturbation speaks for itself. In every conversation, there's a tangible feeling of this Moneypenny trying to out flirt and one up Bond. This is a bit part and one of Barb's feminist ideas gone horribly wrong. The flirtations and Moneypenny's dialogue in SF were much classier and much more character appropriate in the manner our dear late Lois would have appreciated and respected.

    Well done to EON for realizing and rectifying their mistakes of 1995-2002! =D>
  • Posts: 6,079
    Wasn't the painting stolen, @Gerard?

    Not that I know of, unless it was mentioned and I missed it. AFAIK, it was a perfectly legitimate deal. And anyway, even so, all they could be charged with would be fencing. Hardly a crime punishable by death. My point still stands.
  • One thing that I forgot to post that very much annoyed me and the people I was watching the film with was why in the world did Kincade use a flash light when escaping to the chapel on the Skyfall grounds? Surely they could see where they were going with the huge blazing fire lighting up the area? I remember a shot of Silva standing next to the burning house and in the distance, the chapel is clearly visible from the light. No need for the flash light! M was certainly going to die from her wounds anyway at that stage but he didn't know that, it's just a stupid move!
  • One thing that I forgot to post that very much annoyed me and the people I was watching the film with was why in the world did Kincade use a flash light when escaping to the chapel on the Skyfall grounds? Surely they could see where they were going with the huge blazing fire lighting up the area? I remember a shot of Silva standing next to the burning house and in the distance, the chapel is clearly visible from the light. No need for the flash light! M was certainly going to die from her wounds anyway at that stage but he didn't know that, it's just a stupid move!

    That would be a good point except that someone, I think it was Silva, tripped without a flashlight and the same fire burning. It illustrates that the moors here were obviously uneven terrain full of ruts and holes, and Kinkaid was using the flashlight on the ground to spot them so that they didn't trip and fall. It's perfectly sensible, you're just looking at it the wrong way :)

  • edited December 2012 Posts: 162
    One thing that I forgot to post that very much annoyed me and the people I was watching the film with was why in the world did Kincade use a flash light when escaping to the chapel on the Skyfall grounds? Surely they could see where they were going with the huge blazing fire lighting up the area? I remember a shot of Silva standing next to the burning house and in the distance, the chapel is clearly visible from the light. No need for the flash light! M was certainly going to die from her wounds anyway at that stage but he didn't know that, it's just a stupid move!

    That would be a good point except that someone, I think it was Silva, tripped without a flashlight and the same fire burning. It illustrates that the moors here were obviously uneven terrain full of ruts and holes, and Kinkaid was using the flashlight on the ground to spot them so that they didn't trip and fall. It's perfectly sensible, you're just looking at it the wrong way :)

    I hate to keep picking at this but my response to your point would be: Why then couldn't they just hide in one of the holes or uneven bits of terrain? Surely they could even crawl or walk slowly as they'd be able to see at least a few yards in front of themselves, even if it was dark. Using a flash light and escaping to the most obvious place in the area is just a strange move. I suppose they were counting on Bond handling everything anyway.
  • I think the last line is right. Bond told Kinkaid to get M to safety and out of the line of fire while he stayed behind to distract and try to handle as many of them as he could. They were trying to get there as fast as they could without falling like Silva did and that's why he used the flashlight on the ground when they couldn't see the ground in front of them. It's as simple as that and the rest of your suggestions were obviously not a good idea in the minds of the scriptwriters. Just enjoy the scene for what it is.
  • I think the last line is right. Bond told Kinkaid to get M to safety and out of the line of fire while he stayed behind to distract and try to handle as many of them as he could. They were trying to get there as fast as they could without falling like Silva did and that's why he used the flashlight on the ground when they couldn't see the ground in front of them. It's as simple as that and the rest of your suggestions were obviously not a good idea in the minds of the scriptwriters. Just enjoy the scene for what it is.

    Believe me I enjoyed the scene to the full amount. I thought that the climax made the film so much better and it was already a great film. I'm just having fun picking at stuff for the sake of discussion :)
  • Posts: 15
    One thing that I forgot to post that very much annoyed me and the people I was watching the film with was why in the world did Kincade use a flash light when escaping to the chapel on the Skyfall grounds? Surely they could see where they were going with the huge blazing fire lighting up the area? I remember a shot of Silva standing next to the burning house and in the distance, the chapel is clearly visible from the light. No need for the flash light! M was certainly going to die from her wounds anyway at that stage but he didn't know that, it's just a stupid move!

    That would be a good point except that someone, I think it was Silva, tripped without a flashlight and the same fire burning. It illustrates that the moors here were obviously uneven terrain full of ruts and holes, and Kinkaid was using the flashlight on the ground to spot them so that they didn't trip and fall. It's perfectly sensible, you're just looking at it the wrong way :)

    I also got the idea that Bond navigated the terrain so well because he had been raised on that land. Somewhat of a home-field advantage for SIS.

  • VC, that's an excellent point compared to Kinkaid being older and not so sure footed anymore. Bond had the old mojo working at this point for sure and it was glorious to see, especially how he strangled the Silva henchman underwater and used the flare to find his exit. The only thing I found questionable was how he was not shivering his ass off afterwards, at least for a moment. I guess he was so full of adrenaline and so focused he just shook it off, otherwise the whole Skyfall finale was in my opinion excellent.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Benny wrote:
    mrnate8 wrote:
    Did anyone spot Michael G. Wilson's cameo in SF yet? How many has he done total starting with which one?

    I think OP was his first, or around there? Anyone?

    He played one of Goldfingers men in GF
    And has appeared in or been heard in every Bond film since TSWLM.
    His scenes in Skyfall were mostly deleted, though as @chamutakram says, he can be seen behind Tanner when he opens the door, as M is viewing the caskets at the Chapel of rest.
    Do you have an image of MGW in GF? I'd love to see that!
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,538
    Couple of things-

    1. Harris' Moneypenny did refuse Bond's advances, and rightly so. That should never happen.

    2. When I heard they had retired Samantha Bond's version of Moneypenny, I was only disappointed that confetti and balloons weren't raining down from the ceiling. That isn't a knock on Bond herself. She has excellent chemistry with Brosnan, but her dialogue was poorly written smut out of a bad porn film, and the virtual masturbation speaks for itself. In every conversation, there's a tangible feeling of this Moneypenny trying to out flirt and one up Bond. This is a bit part and one of Barb's feminist ideas gone horribly wrong. The flirtations and Moneypenny's dialogue in SF were much classier and much more character appropriate in the manner our dear late Lois would have appreciated and respected.

    Well done to EON for realizing and rectifying their mistakes of 1995-2002! =D>

    I think it's ambiguous as to whether Bond and Eve slept together.

    Samantha Bond's Moneypenny does indeed one-up Bond on several occasions (I'm fond of "You'll just have to decide how much pumping is needed"), but how can you attribute that to BB instead of anyone else (MGW, the screenwriters, etc.)?

  • Posts: 202
    Bond slept with Eve, but never bothered getting her name until the end of the film?

    Hm. That's either very Bondian or not plausible. I'm honestly not sure.

    I never got the idea that they slept together, personally.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    MrBrown wrote:
    Bond slept with Eve, but never bothered getting her name until the end of the film?

    Hm. That's either very Bondian or not plausible. I'm honestly not sure.

    I never got the idea that they slept together, personally.

    The former. I believe I read a few days ago that they originally had a line that made it much more obvious that Bond and MP did not sleep together, but it was scrapped. Shame that the scene made such controversy, but Mendes and Bond are big enough fans to not cock something up such as that.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I hope Bond and Eve didn't copulate. That's like having Sherlock and Irene Adler get together. It ruins everything that the character's are about.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    bondsum wrote:
    Wasn't the painting stolen, @Gerard? How would Sévérine and her bodyguards explain the murdered Chinaman in the same room as that of a stolen masterpiece? And let's not forget the murdered security guard and the splattered body of Patrice at the foot of the opposing building? In reality they would have been arrested on the spot and not released until Bond was drawing a pension. The Chinese tend to frown upon their fellow countrymen being assassinated, especially when there's more than a hint of foul play with outsiders involved.

    And I agree with @TheWizardOfIce about the ease in which Silva escaped when there were heavily armed guards around him. Silva must have learned a trick or two from David Copperfield to pull that one off.

    Agree with the above.

    Re. The painting, I keep seeing comments about this guy being connected to 'M'. Now, either there is some very general racial stereotyping, because someone saw an oriental looking chap in a photo or, these assertations are correct which makes it even worse.

    If he was indeed linked to 'M' this really should have been made completely clear, which leads me to believe he wasn't because I really can't believe that Mendes would be so sloppy about it.

    My main issue with it is the fact that Silva's is voraciously pursuing 'M' but has the time to sanction a random hit on a seemingly random bloke unconnected to the plot while forking out 4m euro for the privilege.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 11,425
    I think the main problem is that at heart the story is not very strong. Typically for Purvis and Wade there is a lot of meandering all over the place, fag-end plot lines and character arcs that aren't explained or developed properly. I really am completely bemused how it's got the reviews it has. The plot is flabby and incoherent and although Logan has given it a thin gloss of decent dialogue this cannot hide the fact that (as usual with recent EON scripts), it just hasn't had the quality inputs and ruthless redraftings that it needed.

    I also detect some odd editing in SF that has possibly cut vital scenes that would have made the narrative flow less dislocated. However, given it's length and the considerable amount of time given over to generic and not very exciting action and explosions, I think Mendes could have afforded a bit more exposition at key moments. A film with a clever, twisting plot that makes you think is all very well, but a film that requires you to make up entire chunks of narrative in order to provide any narrative sense whatsoever is a different matter entirely.

    The story telling in SF is pretty attrocious and closer to the frenetic Hollywood action-driven vehicles of recent years than classic Bond. There seems to be a sense that as long as you throw in enough explosions and keep things moving along fast enough no one will notice the plot too much.

    I have heard a lot about how this film supposedly incorporates a lot of Flemingesque elements, but if we're brutally honest the plot is essentially a mash up of GE and TWINE, and with source material like that, it was never going to bode well on the quality front.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    When Bond and Severine go to the island and Severine returns battered, what has happened to her? Did she get beaten/raped or what? Nothing is really alluded to, but since she is a sex slave that could very well be? Silva didn't seem angry that James was onto him and what he was doing and he was in full control because of his gun totting men, so why punish Severine?
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    This is really the one that stands out for you? It's pretty much exactly as you say, it's to be assumed she was beaten, possibly raped but it doesn't really matter to the story what happened. Re. Bond, it was always Silva's intention that Bond would make his way to the island IMO. She uses the line 'more than you know' when Bond questions 'Does he always get what he wants?' To me this says she was always going to deliver Bond to him. She even says 'Sorry'. He's been well informed beforehand and probably knew Bond was on to Patrice. I mean if he can hack MI6 for Bond's records I'm sure he can see that he is on a flight to Shanghai. Then again, there are quite a few things that certainly don't add up or are never clarified.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    RC7 wrote:
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    This is really the one that stands out for you? It's pretty much exactly as you say, it's to be assumed she was beaten, possibly raped but it doesn't really matter to the story what happened. Re. Bond, it was always Silva's intention that Bond would make his way to the island IMO. She uses the line 'more than you know' when Bond questions 'Does he always get what he wants?' To me this says she was always going to deliver Bond to him. She even says 'Sorry'. He's been well informed beforehand and probably knew Bond was on to Patrice. I mean if he can hack MI6 for Bond's records I'm sure he can see that he is on a flight to Shanghai. Then again, there are quite a few things that certainly don't add up or are never clarified.
    If it is a part of the story then it bloody well does matter what happened. If so, that is one of the most horrendous things since Della in LTK.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    RC7 wrote:
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    This is really the one that stands out for you? It's pretty much exactly as you say, it's to be assumed she was beaten, possibly raped but it doesn't really matter to the story what happened. Re. Bond, it was always Silva's intention that Bond would make his way to the island IMO. She uses the line 'more than you know' when Bond questions 'Does he always get what he wants?' To me this says she was always going to deliver Bond to him. She even says 'Sorry'. He's been well informed beforehand and probably knew Bond was on to Patrice. I mean if he can hack MI6 for Bond's records I'm sure he can see that he is on a flight to Shanghai. Then again, there are quite a few things that certainly don't add up or are never clarified.
    If it is a part of the story then it bloody well does matter what happened. If so, that is one of the most horrendous things since Della in LTK.

    It's not part of the story. It happens off screen, you can see she's been beaten. Why does it matter if she was raped? I think there are far more pressing issues that weren't resolved or made no sense, such as the never-ending 'who's the guy Patrice shot?' or 'how did Silva walk out of MI6 past armed guards?'.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    RC7 wrote:
    RC7 wrote:
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    This is really the one that stands out for you? It's pretty much exactly as you say, it's to be assumed she was beaten, possibly raped but it doesn't really matter to the story what happened. Re. Bond, it was always Silva's intention that Bond would make his way to the island IMO. She uses the line 'more than you know' when Bond questions 'Does he always get what he wants?' To me this says she was always going to deliver Bond to him. She even says 'Sorry'. He's been well informed beforehand and probably knew Bond was on to Patrice. I mean if he can hack MI6 for Bond's records I'm sure he can see that he is on a flight to Shanghai. Then again, there are quite a few things that certainly don't add up or are never clarified.
    If it is a part of the story then it bloody well does matter what happened. If so, that is one of the most horrendous things since Della in LTK.

    It's not part of the story. It happens off screen, you can see she's been beaten. Why does it matter if she was raped? I think there are far more pressing issues that weren't resolved or made no sense, such as the never-ending 'who's the guy Patrice shot?' or 'how did Silva walk out of MI6 past armed guards?'.

    It happened in the story, we see her beaten, so how isn't that a part of the film? If it happened in the film and we see evidence of her victimization, how isn't it a part of the film? Good god am I wasting my post here...
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    RC7 wrote:
    RC7 wrote:
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    This is really the one that stands out for you? It's pretty much exactly as you say, it's to be assumed she was beaten, possibly raped but it doesn't really matter to the story what happened. Re. Bond, it was always Silva's intention that Bond would make his way to the island IMO. She uses the line 'more than you know' when Bond questions 'Does he always get what he wants?' To me this says she was always going to deliver Bond to him. She even says 'Sorry'. He's been well informed beforehand and probably knew Bond was on to Patrice. I mean if he can hack MI6 for Bond's records I'm sure he can see that he is on a flight to Shanghai. Then again, there are quite a few things that certainly don't add up or are never clarified.
    If it is a part of the story then it bloody well does matter what happened. If so, that is one of the most horrendous things since Della in LTK.

    It's not part of the story. It happens off screen, you can see she's been beaten. Why does it matter if she was raped? I think there are far more pressing issues that weren't resolved or made no sense, such as the never-ending 'who's the guy Patrice shot?' or 'how did Silva walk out of MI6 past armed guards?'.

    It happened in the story, we see her beaten, so how isn't that a part of the film? If it happened in the film and we see evidence of her victimization, how isn't it a part of the film? Good god am I wasting my post here...

    So if Bond disappears out of the room for a moment and reappears moments laters wiping his hands, do we need a shot of him taking a dump or can we just assume this by applying some logic? I don't understand why we need to know what happened in the intervening time with Severine it's clear she was beaten, probably for sleeping with Bond and the fact her boss is a psychopath.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @RC7, the man is just wondering. What is "obvious" to some isn't that way to others. Lighten up.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    RC7 wrote:
    RC7 wrote:
    RC7 wrote:
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    This is really the one that stands out for you? It's pretty much exactly as you say, it's to be assumed she was beaten, possibly raped but it doesn't really matter to the story what happened. Re. Bond, it was always Silva's intention that Bond would make his way to the island IMO. She uses the line 'more than you know' when Bond questions 'Does he always get what he wants?' To me this says she was always going to deliver Bond to him. She even says 'Sorry'. He's been well informed beforehand and probably knew Bond was on to Patrice. I mean if he can hack MI6 for Bond's records I'm sure he can see that he is on a flight to Shanghai. Then again, there are quite a few things that certainly don't add up or are never clarified.
    If it is a part of the story then it bloody well does matter what happened. If so, that is one of the most horrendous things since Della in LTK.

    It's not part of the story. It happens off screen, you can see she's been beaten. Why does it matter if she was raped? I think there are far more pressing issues that weren't resolved or made no sense, such as the never-ending 'who's the guy Patrice shot?' or 'how did Silva walk out of MI6 past armed guards?'.

    It happened in the story, we see her beaten, so how isn't that a part of the film? If it happened in the film and we see evidence of her victimization, how isn't it a part of the film? Good god am I wasting my post here...

    So if Bond disappears out of the room for a moment and reappears moments laters wiping his hands, do we need a shot of him taking a dump or can we just assume this by applying some logic? I don't understand why we need to know what happened in the intervening time with Severine it's clear she was beaten, probably for sleeping with Bond and the fact her boss is a psychopath.
    We're comparing going to the restroom to possible rape? Really? I think it is important to know, as it would make me hate Silva more and feeds to his villainy.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    RC7 wrote:
    RC7 wrote:
    RC7 wrote:
    Sorry if this has been asked, but I have one question that seems to stand taller than any others I may bring up about it in the future.

    This is really the one that stands out for you? It's pretty much exactly as you say, it's to be assumed she was beaten, possibly raped but it doesn't really matter to the story what happened. Re. Bond, it was always Silva's intention that Bond would make his way to the island IMO. She uses the line 'more than you know' when Bond questions 'Does he always get what he wants?' To me this says she was always going to deliver Bond to him. She even says 'Sorry'. He's been well informed beforehand and probably knew Bond was on to Patrice. I mean if he can hack MI6 for Bond's records I'm sure he can see that he is on a flight to Shanghai. Then again, there are quite a few things that certainly don't add up or are never clarified.
    If it is a part of the story then it bloody well does matter what happened. If so, that is one of the most horrendous things since Della in LTK.

    It's not part of the story. It happens off screen, you can see she's been beaten. Why does it matter if she was raped? I think there are far more pressing issues that weren't resolved or made no sense, such as the never-ending 'who's the guy Patrice shot?' or 'how did Silva walk out of MI6 past armed guards?'.

    It happened in the story, we see her beaten, so how isn't that a part of the film? If it happened in the film and we see evidence of her victimization, how isn't it a part of the film? Good god am I wasting my post here...

    So if Bond disappears out of the room for a moment and reappears moments laters wiping his hands, do we need a shot of him taking a dump or can we just assume this by applying some logic? I don't understand why we need to know what happened in the intervening time with Severine it's clear she was beaten, probably for sleeping with Bond and the fact her boss is a psychopath.
    We're comparing going to the restroom to possible rape? Really? I think it is important to know, as it would make me hate Silva more and feeds to his villainy.

    Blame P+W or Mendes. SF has plenty of unresolved issues but I didn't write or direct it.
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