mod edit: Another question from someone who doesn't understand the meaning of 'spoilers'.



  • The Painting was supposed to be very expensive as to bring the target there, and one doesn't know, if it was an intentional and expendable victim in order to bring Patrice to the place..
  • People should not assume the guy was an innocent. Bond is a man on a mission, his brief is not to save every single person just to make everyone happy no one gets killed!
    ..entirely Right..the mission is the focus-and...the rest..!..

  • ..But her real name was "Alice" by Amadeo Modigliani, now in Copenhagen, but painted in Paris somewhere between 1915 to 1918.. it was actually hanging on my mothers wall staring down at me when I was too small to understand it...!
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,380
    The scene remains unsatisfactory, as if some essential dialogue was left on the cutting room floor. Patrice is an assassin paid by Silva, first to retrieve the hard drive, then to shoot the potential buyer. Is Silva also an art thief? Makes little sense to me for a former agent. I wish this could be cleared up in a commentary on the DVD/BlueRay in some time.
  • zebrafish wrote:
    The scene remains unsatisfactory, as if some essential dialogue was left on the cutting room floor. Patrice is an assassin paid by Silva, first to retrieve the hard drive, then to shoot the potential buyer. Is Silva also an art thief? Makes little sense to me for a former agent. I wish this could be cleared up in a commentary on the DVD/BlueRay in some time.

    Agree, it does pose a question of why but just like Bond, I was more involved in the main focus of the mission, so to speak. Unimportant peripheral characters are not interesting and are dispensable in thought.
  • doubleonothingdoubleonothing Los Angeles
    Posts: 864
    To my mind, it's fairly obvious why he let Severine get shot: Silva still had a shot in his gun.

    I think Bond only feels able to take the guards down once Silva is effectively unarmed. Had he done so beforehand, Silva may have conceivably Shot Bond.

    Also, I suspect that Bond made use of the event as a distraction, enabling him to take multiple opponents by surprise.

    She may have also been rubbish in bed.

  • She may have also been rubbish in bed.

    I loled so hard at this! :D
  • Well since my question was closed because there was a thread maybe this one should be too?
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