Spoiler free review


  • Much thanks brother! Glad to hear your thoughts! How did the pacing of the film compare to other Bond films?

    (Also, Happy Birthday!) \:D/
  • Karatemanchan,

    Thanks for the reply (any chance you could pop a comment on the link?) I found it paced really well, it seemed to hit the right balance. At 143 minutes you never feel it, there's never a point where you think how much has gone already, the only downside is when it ends you don't want it too. Casino Royale was great and it pains me to it but at 144 minutes you do feel like it is 20 minutes too long. In short perfectly pitched pace wise.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!! 29 and feeling....ok
  • doubleonothingdoubleonothing Los Angeles
    Posts: 864
    Please post your Skyfall reviews in the Skyfall review thread.

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