Are you the Do-It-Yourself-Like-Bond-Would type when it comes to personal injury?

chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
edited November 2012 in General Discussion Posts: 17,989
I broke my nose twice (too long story to go into here) and once my friend set it for me, the second time I did it myself- both times with the expected nasty *crunch* sound, I've removed stitches myself, set a broken knuckle twice successfully, etc.... It's not a tough-guy thing, more a matter of me not being willing to pay for what I can do myself. Has Bond inspired you to do the same?


  • I want to see a picture of this nose of yours. ;)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2012 Posts: 17,989
    I want to see a picture of this nose of yours. ;)

    Not much to see- it healed perfectly both times.
    Indy costume 2010
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 5,745
    Well, I've toughened up alot in the past years when it comes to pain. Not two or three years ago (I would've been 14-15 ish) I was weak when it came to a pain threshold.

    I think a mix of Bond, new (rougher) friends, and over all maturity has toughened me up.
    I broke my ankle a week ago and managed to crawl through my yard, down my drive way, through my garage, and into the house without shedding a tear. I didn't 'leak from the eyes' until I went to bed that night and gave it a good twist in the covers @-)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I didn't 'leak from the eyes' until I went to bed that night and gave it a good twist in the covers @-)

    Ouch! Did that set it okay?
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 4,813
    Better than I thought! I was imagining something like this:


  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Impressive boys, good to know there a brave men around.
    I have done all sorts of crazy things, I always think I prefer to do things by myself so I have removed wood splinters (big and small), stings (from bugs, plants, sea urchins), steel shards (don't ask), drained infections, treated open wounds, burns, you name it. What I do to myself I have no problem doing to others, except I do it faster. Just give me a pair of fine forceps, a fine scissors, a needle and alcohol. I have a high pain threshold, I got used to it very young. Had a couple of laser surgeries inside my nose without anesthetic (they alter vascular elasticity so it was not recommended) when I was 11, my only comment was that it smelled like roasted beef. Throughout the years I had a few surgeries to my eyelids (think orange clockwork eye forceps), anesthetics don't work particularly well there, my eye doctor said I was his best patient, he used to put me with his first time patients on the waiting room for surgery to calm them down, I can only imagine how much they hated me during the procedure. A few years ago it was summer, I was working in the lab using sandals, managed to stick my foot underneath a bench and one of my toenails came off. I calmly asked for a band-aid as my colleagues looked in panic, put it on (myself) so that it didn't bleed so much and I could finish what I was doing. Only after I took care of it, myself. I must add it was a medical school but everyone just stood there looking at me while I took care of myself, I became a legend.

    I think it's a family thing, my grandfather shot himself in the foot (yes, I know, ridiculous, he was a very good shooter back in the day but accidents do happen), almost bled to death in a surgery room but took everything without a complaint, recently he hurt himself with a piece of wood that went from one side to the other of the arm, at the hospital the doctor debrided the wound and stitched him without complaints (impressive for an 85 year old), my mother had her leg and hand stitched without anesthetic (can you see a pattern there?) when she was very young (never send a kid to the cellar to pick a bottle of wine alone, OK?). When it was time to take the stitches off the leg opened again, she just looked at it and asked if the could stitch it back. They couldn't, the wound had to slowly heal leaving her with an odd, wide 10 cm scar on her leg. My father had a few fingers smashed when he was a kid, my grandmother took care of him, no need for hospital. Then a doctor pierced his nose septum (we both have nose problems) by accident with an medical instrument, no worries. Pierced his fingers several times while sewing, took them out himself carefully not to ruin the fabric, had a mole removed in cold blood, ... Do I need to go on?
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    We are talented self-surgeons.... I've never pulled my own tooth though....
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    chrisisall wrote:
    We are talented self-surgeons.... I've never pulled my own tooth though....

    I did, forgot about that one.
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