US Election - November 6

edited November 2012 in General Discussion Posts: 224
I know this isn't to do with either Bond or even other movies, but it's important and it's tomorrow. And we don't have a discussion page for this.

Obama vs Romney

Predictions? Thoughts? Discussion?


  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    I hope Obama wins, but I'm not American so...
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 2,782
    We have a neo-con mormon who believes raped women have no say on whether they keep the child of the rapist.

    And a nerdy intellectual who came in looking for change but came up against real world politic and had his hands tied behind his back by the Zionists who run Israel.

    The most powerful nation in the world, which dictates everything to do with our lives has 60 % of its voters that don't own passports and have never seen the sea. It truly is shocking that a nation who once developed the new and the radical has become a backward inbred society that has made multi-millonaries of a high paid prostitute (Kim K) and ignores the founding fathers' dream of a place where a man is born free and has the right to free speech. See the patriot act and Fox news.

    Whatever happens it's going to be a bad 4 years for all of us in the rest of the world.

  • We have a neo-con mormon who believes raped women have no say on whether they keep the child of the rapist.

    And a nerdy intellectual who came in looking for change but came up against real world politic and had his hands tied behind his back by the Zionists who run Israel.

    The most powerful nation in the world, which dictates everything to do with our lives has 60 % of its voters that don't own passports and have never seen the sea. It truly is shocking that a nation who once developed the new and the radical has become a backward inbred society that has made multi-millonaries of a high paid prostitute (Kim K) and ignores the founding fathers' dream of a place where a man is born free and has the right to free speech. See the patriot act and Fox news.

    Whatever happens it's going to be a bad 4 years for all of us in the rest of the world.

    I'm not looking forward to Romney's foreign policy if he gets elected.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    We have a neo-con mormon who believes raped women have no say on whether they keep the child of the rapist.

    And a nerdy intellectual who came in looking for change but came up against real world politic and had his hands tied behind his back by the Zionists who run Israel.

    The most powerful nation in the world, which dictates everything to do with our lives has 60 % of its voters that don't own passports and have never seen the sea. It truly is shocking that a nation who once developed the new and the radical has become a backward inbred society that has made multi-millonaries of a high paid prostitute (Kim K) and ignores the founding fathers' dream of a place where a man is born free and has the right to free speech. See the patriot act and Fox news.

    Whatever happens it's going to be a bad 4 years for all of us in the rest of the world.

    That is, unfortunately, the truth :(
    Posts: 260
    Casting that fake vote in the sham election is
    a show of support for the psychopaths who
    are waging war on innocent lives. The POTUS
    is the front man for the government crime
    syndicate. He does the bidding of the
    psychopaths he works for. If you look at the
    objective facts, it's clear that neither
    'presidential puppet' is against the mass
    murder of innocent people in other nations.
    Neither tool will stop funneling our tax dollars
    to Israel.

    Neither psychopath is going to end the war,
    end the Fed, stop the economy from
    collapsing, create more jobs, restore the
    middle class, fix healthcare, stop the
    psychiatric drugging of the population, or the
    illegal arrests and indefinite detentions of
    dissenters, activists, and other innocent
    people, or close GITMO, or house the
    homeless, or solve the GMO issue in the
    interests of the well-being of the population,
    stop feeding us fluoride, end the fracking,
    stop the police brutality, shred the Kill list,
    ground the drones, cease the ethnic
    cleansing, stop the TSA abuses, expose and
    put an end to the serious pedophilia and
    human trafficking problems, end the
    genocide .

    .. and that's not an all-inclusive list."
    Posts: 260
    I would vote for any man, woman, child,
    animal or inanimate object before I would
    vote for Obama or Romney. To be subjected to
    such a pathetic "election" in the US is
    ridiculous. It appears our Illuminati bankster
    friends are purposely riling us up with these
    absolutely utterly pathetic choices. To what
    end? Do they want a rebellion and then to go
    hide in their bunkers under Denver airport
    while DHS and the blue hats come in? They
    better watch for what they wish for, if that
    rebellion grows too big it could encompass
    the military on the side of the people. The US
    government is making no friends, only
    enemies around the world and inside our own

    It is tempting but futile to dissect the
    theatrics of the debates, which are based
    entirely on false premises to begin with. Not
    one exhaustively argued "talking point"
    addresses realities.

    The carefully pre-selected issues assume a
    host of falsehoods, from the legitimacy of the
    wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the
    destabilizations of Iran and Syria, to the need
    for fiscal austerity.

    These are rhetorical dog-and-pony shows
    without real differences, beyond timing, style,
    and method, by which they will execute
    similar agendas.

    Both sides largely agree on foreign policy.
    Both sides proudly trumpet how best to inflict
    crippling economic warfare on "nuclear Iran",
    and topple Syria. The only argument is
    whether the sequential multinational
    ("diplomacy") led by the Obama
    administration continues apace, or, if
    Romney/Ryan and the right will get what they
    really want: an all-out
    war with Iran.

    Both sides agree on the same falsehoods
    regarding the national debt (without
    mentioning that the world war that they
    enthusiastically wage is the main
    expenditure) and the US financial crisis
    (ignoring the fact that the financial "crisis"
    and "bailout" was a
    manipulation that centralized the power for
    Wall Street constituents, the big banks, who
    support both sides equally, at the expense of
    US taxpayers).

    In terms of social programs (that
    will be cut in any case in order to pay for more
    war), the Romney/Ryan contingent calls for an
    immediate destruction of the entire social
    structure of the US - a swift draconian end to
    social programs such as Medicare and Social
    Security - while the Obama administration
    takes a more gradual approach.

    Essentially, the candidates have already
    admitted that they do not serve the interests
    of most of humanity.
    The media "analysis" of the election has been
    stomach-turning - nothing more than insanity
    heaped atop insanity. The chattering of
    talking heads over infantile nonsense, such as
    "who looks presidential", who got more
    "gotchas" and "zingers". A dumbed-down
    spectacle for a dumbed-down, manipulated
  • We have a neo-con mormon who believes raped women have no say on whether they keep the child of the rapist.

    And a nerdy intellectual who came in looking for change but came up against real world politic and had his hands tied behind his back by the Zionists who run Israel.

    The most powerful nation in the world, which dictates everything to do with our lives has 60 % of its voters that don't own passports and have never seen the sea. It truly is shocking that a nation who once developed the new and the radical has become a backward inbred society that has made multi-millonaries of a high paid prostitute (Kim K) and ignores the founding fathers' dream of a place where a man is born free and has the right to free speech. See the patriot act and Fox news.

    Whatever happens it's going to be a bad 4 years for all of us in the rest of the world.

    That pretty much sums it up.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 1,143
    Its pretty much a lose, lose situation then? Have to say that whilst I take interest in America on the world stage, I have no idea about each candidates domestic policies or popularity with the American people.
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    edited November 2012 Posts: 2,637
    Gary Johnson.

  • Posts: 1,407
    I live in Chicago, so Obama is having his rally here tomorrow. Basically I can't vote for a man (Romney) who thinks that certain people (poor, gay) have less rights than everybody else. Also, Obama is working on bringing down college tuition, which for me is very VERY important right now
  • Posts: 369

  • Posts: 12,568
    I fear for the USA looking in from the outside if Romney should win? Personally i hope that Obama gets another shot at getting the job done for you?
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited November 2012 Posts: 1,347
    Definitely hoping for Obama too. Good luck with your election Americans!
  • Posts: 61
    Hoping to see Obama re-elected. What concerns me about America is how polarized their national polictics are and how radical the American Right is getting. There seems to be less political debate in the USA and just random ranting.

    In a perfect world my vote would be of course for Jed Bartlet - the best President the USA never had!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2012 Posts: 17,997
    To me it's easy, If Romney wins we DEFINITELY go to war with Iran ASAP.
    I vote for Obama...
  • I've already submitted my early-voting ballot and voted for Obama. The only thing I've been anticipating more than the release of Skyfall is the outcome of this election. I'm so glad that both will be here in the same week, but if Romney should win, I don't think even 3 viewings of Skyfall this weekend could lift my spirits. Obama must win! Thankfully, even though it's quite close, he does have a slight lead, so I think he'll win it.
  • @sirseanisbond which way is the election going in your state?

  • Tobester95 wrote:
    @sirseanisbond which way is the election going in your state?

    I'm from Massachusetts, and it's very much a "Blue State", so our electoral votes will be going to Obama and the Democrats, even though Mitt Romney was our Governor a few years ago. He really just used our state as a stepping stone to try and become President. The states to keep an eye on are Florida and Ohio. Their are many polls out there with many different predictions about what will happen but the consensus seems to be that Obama will win. Here's a look at the Huffington Post's predicted electoral map. For all our sake, I hope they're right.
  • Artemis81Artemis81 In Christmas Land
    Posts: 543
    ^Hey, I'm from Massachusetts, too. :)

    I'm voting tomorrow, but I still on the fence on who to vote for. I'm not really into politics, but I'll be trying to do some research tonight to get a better idea.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Who else is lending their support for Vermin Supreme?
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 5,745
    Seeing as I'm definitely the minority here, I'll provide a different view.

    I'm a 'modern conservative' in that I'm conservative in my political, international, and economical views, but I support gay rights and other 'controversial' views (like atheism).

    I do not support Romney simply because he's a republican. In fact, I wish he wasn't running for the Republican ticket, I'd much rather Ron Paul, or even Romney's running mate Paul Ryan were running for president.

    But I do not support Obama for many reasons:
    1. His healthcare bill is good for the people at the bottom levels of American society. The lower-middle class Americans and the poor people out of work for disability or on welfare. However, it is bad for the rest of Americans in the upper-middle class and upper class.
    Rather than have the government essentially control the healthcare for all Americans, why not spend the time, effort, and money on helping only those who need it. Most middle class people DO NOT need government aided healthcare. Only those who are unfortunate enough to be out of work need assistance. I don't understand why I lose my healthcare individuality because of other people's misfortune.

    Again, I'd rather the government focus on helping those who need it, and leaving the rest of us alone. Obama's healthcare plan is my biggest reason for not supporting him.

    2. He's spending way too much money, and not necessarily where we need it. If your going to push us Trillions of dollars in debt, which in some scenarios may be necessary, apply it in necessary areas. Creating government programs and expanding on others will NOT help America get back out of debt. Your paying people to not work, essentially. Our government should be cutting spending everywhere we can, and focusing our money in areas of growth.

    Obama's healthcare plan will be very beneficial for around half of Americans, but it's far too costly for the government to maintain when they cant even support the government programs, like Medicaid, Welfare, and Social Security, it currently has. Plus, it will also hinder many small businesses, who will be forced to limit all their employees to part-time or go bankrupt paying for their healthcare!

    Those are the two main reasons I don't support Obama. He's spending too much, and creating programs that hinder over half of America to help the other half. We can't even support the government programs we currently have, don't add to them until we're back on our feet!

    This is the first year I'm voting, and in fact I have already voted. I don't think Obama is some evil demon worshiper Muslim terrorist, and I'm tired of Republican's being viewed as such. I just don't support his healthcare plan and his economic plans.

    Romney is an lackluster pick for the Republican ticket, but he is promising intelligent spending cuts and government reform, which is desperately needed right now.

    He will not go to war with Iran. In fact he will likely encourage Israel to defend itself if it decides to take military action. He wants to move on from the Middle East and focus on domestic issues, but I think that is universal in today's politics (Obama supports the same).

    I voted for Romney because I don't support Obama. But I've always believed in picking the right candidate, not party. If the day comes when a Democrat or Independent looks better, you can bet I'll vote for him/her.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    I came to the conclusion I can't understand American politics. It's sad but true. I also don't understand how the USA doesn't have a public health care service for example. I aways lived in countries where health care is a right and I cannot imagine a civilized country where it isn't, I think this says a lot. That is why I always resist the idea of moving to the US although I had the chance to do it, like I said to someone one day, despite all it's problems I'm still in love with Europe, for better and for worse.
  • Romney will win. No President is going to win re-election with 8% unemployment, 1.3% GDP "growth" and $16 trillion in debt. The past 4 years have been miserable for most Americans. Obama will lose and that will be good news for the US and the World.

  • Posts: 5,745
    HFrog1999 wrote:
    Romney will win. No President is going to win re-election with 8% unemployment, 1.3% GDP "growth" and $16 trillion in debt. The past 4 years have been miserable for most Americans. Obama will lose and that will be good news for the US and the World.

    It's quite stunning when you see the statistics so simply laid out. I would agree, but I fear most Americans aren't aware of their own situations.
  • HFrog1999 wrote:
    Romney will win. No President is going to win re-election with 8% unemployment, 1.3% GDP "growth" and $16 trillion in debt. The past 4 years have been miserable for most Americans. Obama will lose and that will be good news for the US and the World.

    I beg to differ...
    Obama will win, and that will be good for the American people, and the world!
  • HFrog1999 wrote:
    Romney will win. No President is going to win re-election with 8% unemployment, 1.3% GDP "growth" and $16 trillion in debt. The past 4 years have been miserable for most Americans. Obama will lose and that will be good news for the US and the World.

    A war against Iran is by no means good news for the world.
  • Posts: 5,745
    Tobester95 wrote:
    HFrog1999 wrote:
    Romney will win. No President is going to win re-election with 8% unemployment, 1.3% GDP "growth" and $16 trillion in debt. The past 4 years have been miserable for most Americans. Obama will lose and that will be good news for the US and the World.

    A war against Iran is by no means good news for the world.

    But a nuclear armed Iran is?

    America will not go to war in the middle east again, voluntarily. It would be political suicide of whoever makes that decision. We'd have to be attacked at home again, and hopefully that doesn't happen.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 1,548
    Whoever wins just dont go starting any more wars please except Syria but I don't think they have any oil there so I,m sure they wont!
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    I always get the idea that American's are slightly naive, I hope I'm not offending anyone with this because it's not my intention.
  • JWESTBROOK wrote:
    Tobester95 wrote:
    HFrog1999 wrote:
    Romney will win. No President is going to win re-election with 8% unemployment, 1.3% GDP "growth" and $16 trillion in debt. The past 4 years have been miserable for most Americans. Obama will lose and that will be good news for the US and the World.

    A war against Iran is by no means good news for the world.

    But a nuclear armed Iran is?

    America will not go to war in the middle east again, voluntarily. It would be political suicide of whoever makes that decision. We'd have to be attacked at home again, and hopefully that doesn't happen.

    I agree. Iran will not get a nuke though under Obama because he likes to operate through clandestine operations. The CIA will not let Iran get a nuke, and if they are getting close, the CIA and Israel will work on a covert-opp to stop them.
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