Complete and Detailed Bond Movie Ranking



  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    Agreed with @Benny , @007ClassicBondFan ... it's clear that you put a lot of effort into each series.

    Once again, love your thoughts on Dalton and LTK..., and Pam. She's an understated, yet really enjoyable partner for Dalton...

    And, of course, being a fan of Skyfall, I was happy to see that this film, even with the faults that irked you in the past, has seen it bounce up your chart.

    As I've said before, this makes for wonderful reading while I sip on my first coffee.

    Great work!
  • Thank you @Benny and @peter! These have certainly become a much longer process to write so I’m glad to see you guys are enjoying them!
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